Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (42):

Normal Behaviour in an Apocalyptic World:

Ahriman’s [Lucifer’s] Technologies – Inside Roswell’s Well are Technological Milks & Kisses: Amidst this bogus A.I. hype where the term itself, artificial intelligence, is used and thrown around as if artificial intelligence has already happened when, in reality, just advanced programs that still need constant prompt servicing and external/hardware programming/fixing – this also includes your quantum computing. People use artificial intelligence as if the singularity moment has already occurred; a better rephrasing would be compartmentalised artificial intelligence. As it would seem, even such notions have made their way into ufology, a theory that entails post-singularity A.I.’s disguised as Alien greys promoting ET invasions. It only reaffirms fictional components of researchers’ bogus claims.
Abductees and their testimonials surrounding reptilian aliens and technology indicate their abduction memories that provoke a fictional landscape. It’s entirely accurate and factual to them, with no limitations, limited scepticism, and rational reasoning compared to normal behaviour. Indicative near-death or born-again experiencers, meaning beneath their whistleblowing persona, a simultaneous agenda is within them. There is a parallel between technocratic and transhumanism religiosity and alien abductees that these impossible notions are true, but as a religion, they can only be true in binary probabilities. This means that a decisive component has to be met. You can either believe it or not, and when juxtaposing to its other semantic subjects, i.e. alien abduction or fake alien abduction, pure reason trumps supernatural causes, and that’s because pure reason is a normal function.
These aliens have the technology to capture souls, blah… blah … blah and the babblings of cloning, bioengineering, etc. There is a directive by Alien or Cult groups to body snatch and possess people by dislodging the soul essence of the body for hybridization, priming humanity into shell vessels for hyperdimensional possessions. And because these aliens are interdimensional and have been with us throughout humanity’s civilized progeny, they seem god-like – which means all reasoning has to be accepted and channelled through irrational understanding. This means that abductees’ testimonials are primarily myths and not necessarily entirely true. Priming for shell vessels isn’t what MK-Ultra projects were about, with the black goo being a symbol suggestion for possessing the body, a far cry from soul capture.
Having the technology to capture souls seems ludicrous; logic would dictate there is no limit to their technology; if such a case were valid, we as a civilisation would be already imprisoned in a matrix. Given the nature of UFOs, they are not inherently nuts and bolts ships; they tend to be fluid-like bioengineered, mimicking behaviours of spirit, and usually, they tend to wipe memories of abductees. It’s the deep state playing the role of all things UFOs and aliens coupled with Intelligent Agency motives. They can also implant thoughts with simulated suggestions these abductees are being given hi-tech disinformation implementation. Everything coming out of ufology is filtered through a deep-state perspective, meaning a lot of it is propaganda; there is little trust in the voices that advocate aliens coming through in crafts. Suppose one is to entertain these technological marvels that the deep state has and what aliens have or work together in coordination, etc. This economic group (Anglo-American) establishment would be in charge, also hidden and real.
Ever since Sitchen downgraded the Angel myth to grey-type alien beings that you might find in UFO lore, like UFO demons in Hypostasis of the Archons, or notion found conspiracy theory of Biobots biologically engineered as androids or homunculi only confused people of interest about Angelic mythology, notably having a human form, to begin with. What we come to know as Angels or gods is quite distinct or mutually exclusive to these other beings, equated to aliens from distant planets in a hyperreal sense. Even further inside the corners of conspiracy theory, they’re worker bees for disembodied spirits of what we call Watchers. Of course, there is no real legitimacy or even a proper theory to call that prediction credible.
An imbalance in reason emerges from a civilisation that was so ahead of its time even modern engineers in our present cannot replicate it [i.e., the construction of pyramids and certain technologies]. Yet, in their primitiveness, we cannot distinguish the difference between flying machines and angel wings, as wings are symbolic representations of flying machines. Give me a break; I’m not saying angel wings are real, but the weakness in reason is apparent.
The Book of Enoch did describe (in Chapter VIII) these fallen ones as “reptilian”, then modern researchers like David Icke gave them more of a lizard archetype with shapeshifting abilities. However, the word “reptilian” was more of a descriptive term than a literal one; be that as it may, testimonials from witnesses describe them through the literal kind with the nuance of vampires as blood-suckers, which leaves me to conclude there are many variations.
There is John Keel, who described UFOs as “demons.” He would claim that the UFO phenomenon was, in fact, nothing but the latest manifestation of these demons, which date back to ancient Mesopotamia and are studied by so-called Assyriologists. John Keel did what Sitchen did but advocated angelic polar opposite Demons—still, no actual text indicates Watchers’ influence with these alien greys other than speculation or synchronistic adjacency.
Nuclear testing started in Operation Crossroads in the late 40s and early 50s; every test created tears in reality or micro singularities where tachyons travel back in time. This caught the attention of extra/ultra terrestrial beings, who were reported to have deactivated nuclear weapons on many occasions in the US and the Soviet Union (Russia). In folk magic, crossroads were places you went to make deals with demons and other dark spirits. With the rise of UFOs, objects flying at extreme speeds that go against physics, a notable Roswell crash will become a subject of popularity.
Most UFO researchers have admitted that the Roswell incident about a UFO crash might not have been a crash but a possible Ritual relating to an exchange of technology. The event will merge around historical mythologies and supernatural and paranormal aspects. The cover-up would be the balloon story for the public and the conspiracy inclined that would pop up decades later invoked by Lt. Col. Philip Corso’s book The Day After Roswell, who claims of reverse-engineering of high technology from the alleged crash of a UFO in New Mexico, where Debris from the crash would instigate backward engineering inspirations to technological marvels found, such as; Image intensifiers, which ultimately became “night vision,” Fiber optics, Supertenacity fibres, Lasers, Molecular alignment metallic alloys, Integrated circuits and micro miniaturization of logic boards.
Whether real or not, the rise of technology came after that incident, predominantly changing the dynamics of modern science, culture, warfare and communications by introducing transistors, integrated circuits, motherboards and lasers.
As it would seem, the Roswell incident occurred on the Plains of San Agustin, named after the Church father Augustine of Hippo, who also wrote about “demons of the air.” Augustine was extensively inspired by legendary author and magician Apuleius (author of The Golden Ass) in The City of God when speaking of the nature of daemons, rendered now as demons. Apeulius would describe the sensibilities of these demons to the perturbations of men’s minds: that they are provoked by injuries, propitiated by services and by gifts, rejoice in honours, are delighted with a variety of sacred rites, and are annoyed if any of them be neglected. Among other things, he also says that on them depend the divinations of augurs, soothsayers, and prophets, and the revelations of dreams and that from them also are the miracles of the magicians, which are indistinguishable from any sufficiently advanced science.
Piskies, Pixies, Elves, Faeries and Nymphs are common residents of sacred wells and waterways. Sometimes these Sprites and Faeries also became Christianized by the new religious order in Britain. St. Neot was said to be only 15 inches tall. He spent his days immersed in the well praying and performing miracles with birds and other animals. | ||
Faeries were also thought to reside at the Virtuous Well, also known as St. Anne’s Well located near Trellech Village in Wales. One story is that a local farmer dug up a “fairy ring” around the well to prove to others that he did not believe in “them silly tales.”– Holy Wells: Their Myths and Legends by Gary R Varner |
Wells are usually circular with water, which paints a picture of a Stargate, and there is a Stargate on Mars. The god of Mars (Ares) owns the well – a well to which the myth of Cadmus and the Martian well surrounds. The Martian Well has strong undertones of genetic engineering (men arising from the “teeth” of Mars’ dragon) and those pesky Reptilians bubbling just beneath the surface. In modern fringe UFOlogy, Reptilians are said to originate in the Draco system.
According to Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, an uncensored history of America’s Top Secret Military Base and her interviewed testimony of an engineer who worked on projects after the Roswell incident. Unlike the genetic engineering aspect in the Martian Well drama, the Roswell incident is ripe with Frankenstein-like hellish events. The engineer’s testimony claims that the Roswell incident was real and not a balloon hoax; the crash also revealed disc ships with bodies alongside the crashed craft. The bodies were not aliens but a collection of eugenic horror shows engineered by Josef Mengele, who engineered young human bodies to look alien (which are censored descriptions). The crashed crafts said to be sent by Stalin were made evident by Russian writing stamped, or embossed, in a ring around the inside of the craft.
The craft was taken to the military base, and the people responsible for reverse engineering the craft were the EG&G (defence contractor) engineers and the Atomic Energy Commission (the group that commissioned the Manhattan Project). The Air Force and C.I.A. would take a back seat, and this project would always be declassified. The engineers couldn’t figure out what made Stalin’s craft hover and fly. Reverse engineer it, Vannevar Bush (science advisor to President Roosevelt) said. Take it apart and put it back together again. Figure out what made it fly. However, there was a second engineering problem to solve, one involving child-size aviators. The men were briefed on what they were dealing with to understand this. They had to be. They were told they needed to know what had happened to these humans before being put in the craft and sent aloft.
The engineers learned that just before the war ended, Josef Mengele (Nazi scientist) made a deal with Stalin (communist dictator). Stalin offered Mengele an opportunity to continue his secret work in eugenics in the Soviet Union after the war. The engineers were told that this deal occurred just before the war’s end, in the winter of 1945, when it was clear to many members of the Nazi Party, including Mengle, that Nazi Germany would lose the war and that its top commanders and doctors would be tried and hanged for war crimes.
This is where he created alien-like beings made out of young human parts to create an alien false-flag scenario. These re-engineered young humans were put into the crafts in hopes of flying over New Mexico and landing there. Stalin planned for the children to climb out and be mistaken for visitors from Mars. Panic would ensue, just like it did after the War of the Worlds radio broadcast. America’s early warning radar system would be overwhelmed with sightings of other “UFOs.” Truman would see how easily a totalitarian dictator could control the masses using black propaganda.
Whether you believe this scenario or not, I am sceptical about notably the Soviet Union’s ability to create technology so far ahead that modern scientists at that time had trouble with backward engineering. [Or did the Soviets backward engineer an alien craft of their own, and the results were used for the Roswell plot?]. The testimonial of the so-called engineer somehow aligns a possible bias agenda with the author to offset guilt-ridden reasoning for atrocities to mere past benevolence: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Indeed, this was the morality of Oppenheimer’s project; the same group managing the backward engineering UFO disc remains in Roswell.
Could the Crash site be a ritual hoax set up in exchange for technology? Whatever you believe, one thing is sure: high technology exploded after Roswell. What if Roswell were neither an accident nor a weather balloon nor a disinformation operation but, in fact, part of a ritual that began more than a year before, specifically with Project Diana, the first contact with a celestial body from Earth? A project entailed communication with alien/angelic beings, at which point communication was made, and soon, a deal for technology was made.
Science and ancient ritualism – and seal them with the mortar of the secret societies that were (and are still*) pulling the strings behind the scenes. A secret cult group that worships fallen angels of old, and who were these angels? Were they the Watchers made famous from the Book of Enoch, who themselves bestowed technology upon those who obeyed them? Roswell is on the same latitude as Mount Hermon, where the Watchers first descended from Heaven.

Mount Hermon is located at 33 parallel north latitudes, 33 degrees north of Earth’s equator. Tracing the 33rd parallel to the opposite side of the world directly points to the sight of the famous alleged UFO encounter in Roswell, New Mexico.
Ahriman’s [Lucifer’s] Technologies – Milking the Transition Phase: The rise in technology emerged from the Roswell incident, a “well” or wishing well of probabilities, contracts, and Faustian bargains from this point in history. That started with developing a solid-state transistor engineered at the Bell Labs Laboratory (now called Lucent), to the progression of fibre optics that interlink communications hardware alongside our computers with high-powered CPUs and GPUs that power algorithmic computational learning machines.

Spirit of Communication is the formal name for the statue by Evelyn Beatrice Longman, originally called Genius of Telegraphy, located in Texas. The statue has been the symbol of AT&T. On the Right, Phanes [often equated with Eros and Mithras] deity of light |
The result of technocracy emerged ideological systems of the beliefs from the past materialising in the present. Old religious strange cults and the flourishing of gender expression that happened at the end of the Roman Empire emanate in the present. What was popular in the 90s concerning UFOs is presenting itself with much more enthusiasm – with the so-called UAP testimonies [although I believe it’s coming from a realisation that the jig is up about hyperreal cosmos and that cosmology is dead]. UFO claptrap, war-mongering cold war psyop nonsense – the powers at be and their need to manage Russia, but Russia’s defiance ever chilled away at their ego and narcissism. There is concern that Eurasia might not grow in the way it suits them if Russia is not on board.
The collapse of the West is many things, but one that concerns technology is relying on secularism and rationalism as their myth, basically “technology” as a religion. We put all our faith in technology to the point that algorithms run our lives. The technocratic utopian future where our lives are easily juxtaposed with flying cars, space colonisation, better living through science, etc., is the imaginal promise but unrealistic; what we have in reality is slightly better algorithmic search engines, computers, phones, and so on. When you swap religion with technology or God with Atheistic rationalism, the psyche generates a synthetic one that doesn’t transform reality properly. Examined by this UAP disclosure is nothing but a last-ditch effort of salvation where the carrot in the stick is the Stars and, in a hyperreal sense, a dead cosmology.
The compartmentalised artificial intelligence that is ChatGPT is culling a lot of job positions in the communications field. This A.I. language-based algorithmic service is going after the upper-middle-class jobs made apparent with the writer strikes in Hollywood and knowledge-based positions such as research, copywriters, designers, programmers, etc. The people most affected are their most loyal followers in this technocratic progress.
This will put this situation in a transition boundary phase between the progress that has been made and the made-up science-fiction worldview they believe can happen. How do you define or navigate the present with the future sci-fi world? If that future is impossible, it seems paradoxical to even ask.

However, it’s important because when you swap God with a synthetic one [the God of technocracy], you will realize they will go against normal functions or behaviour.
An aspect of the sci-fi T.V. series Raised by Wolves implies that real-life Mithraism and Christianity religions inspire Mithraic religious groups. Still, the show suggests that the Mithraic tradition became the dominant religion. Mithraic worships Sol and preaches light and purity. The Mithraic Religion figured out their ancient text encrypted formulas in their Bible for advanced technology like quantum advanced ships and Necromancy; Necromancers are powerful A.I. robots. Mithraic and the Necromancers went to war [holy war] with the Atheists, destroying the world.
So Mithraic builds a space-ship Ark, Caleb and Mary steal the identities [akin to a face-off] of two officers, Marcus and Sue, headed for the Ark. Marcus and Sue realise the identities they stole have a son named Paul, and so both pretend to be Mithraic as well as parents to Paul. Back on earth, an atheist named Sturges captured a Necromance and reprogrammed it to be a Mother. Together with another android, Father and some human embryos were placed in a ship and were sent to where the Mithraic ship was going to a plant named Kepler-22B. When they got there, Mother grew the frozen embryos decades later and had several children who grew up, but most of them died because of the harshness of the planet, and only one survived, Campian. Then the Ark arrives, but as soon as it arrives, Mother destroys the ship and kills all the survivors of the Ark Ship, keeping only five children from the ship alive.
So, the show’s plot starts to emerge that there is a God-like demiurge in its meta-physics driving the character’s main themes [relates to our predicament as a society and civilisation]. This God-like being can manipulate the Mother android and the Mithraic humans. Mother finds a simulation Pod from the crashed ship site and plugs into it; she accesses her memories of her creator, Sturges, who seems to come alive, meaning some other external force is manipulating the Sturge’s holographic character. He and Mother have holographic simulated sex in a waterfall of milk beneath the stars. Mother gets pregnant; a call back to a previous post regarding our real-life scripture of revelation 13:15 that a beast will come forth by a Golem or A.I. And a false prophet will bring to life as depicted when Mother gives birth to serpent extruding out of her mouth.

Milks and Kisses … Right? … & Serpent |
Meanwhile, many Mithraic survivors come across a temple of sorts; the survivors start to worship, except for the secret Atheists Caleb and Sue. Suddenly, Caleb hears a voice from this demiurge of the planet, this false prophet. Caleb feels profound by the voices and appoints himself as a Prophet and leader for the Mithraic; Caleb, once an Atheist, is now a believer, and the story continues …
Ahriman’s [Lucifer’s] Technologies – A.I & Quantum Computing; Jumping the Gun on the Multiverses: The quantum computing hype, which has no real application in the real world, is only practical for quantum physics. It’s only suitable for solving specific mathematical puzzles called optimization problems. For example, a calculation for a false cosmology, such as space and space-time mathematical axioms that are made up, and math is not science.
The sheer amount of power needed to cool it down needs to hit near zero. Quantum computers and digital computers are interlinked; there is no such thing as a quantum computer that sits there; you cannot fire off a quantum computer without the digital computer as its interface. It’s only accurate 82 percent of the time and never provides the exact answer, and even the answer that satisfies is run through algorithmic set theory. No matter how well you build quantum hardware or how big you make your qubit arrays, the limitation parallels the human cognition to create the software that fires it all off. Any answers by quantum computers can be answered by modern computers faster and cheaper with current software. Figuring out how to write software for quantum made writing for modern computers better by making them faster, making the need for quantum computing irrelevant.
Quantum physicists today are enamoured that their quantum computer was able to create hyperreal wormholes, and by that, reassures their narcissism that wormholes are authentic, not realising it’s a simulated construct made more so with binary interfaced digital computers. Micro singularities may indeed be a fact, but to assume that they are also fundamental in the hyperreal cosmic sense is another matter altogether, given that hyperreal satellization cosmology is false. [There is a saying in the animation world; polishing a turd is still a turd – running calculations for a false cosmology is still false]. A quantum computing-generated wormhole is like a very sophisticated portion of a video game; they’re not answers to your wrong equations [nerds]. These knuckleheads will never truly understand due to the very difference between intellectualism and wisdom, and in that regard, its adjacent antithesis, Religion and wisdom. However, as directors of tech business and communications, the upper middle class now understand that the managers they all must answer to are but a part of a bigger play in the universe – with some other entity using them at a larger social upheaval.
Quantum annealing works by triggers attached to a brass plate with hoses extruding that are used for compressing air; in the middle of it is the qubit; the compressed air is used to trigger it, and when the condition is ready to go, the digital computer evaluates it. The computer has a mechanism attached to an air pump that sends a signal to fire off; the air then causes the array to trigger it, known as quantum annealing. You cannot have a human push the key because their consciousness interferes with it (observer effect). The air pump acts as a delay to counter the observer effect – The quantum artifact is sealed in a box, and inside has layers that pump out all the air; it super chills it first; in doing so, it creates all the chi energy prana is pushed out.
These are the same energy that composes our bodies and consciousness and attaches us to the energy of material [material], the wave and particle. That effect shuts out all the consciousness in its surroundings; the environment radiates a density of prana energy – and because the universe is homogeneous, with its self-protection and self-organising. There is a correlation wherever these boxes are made and turned on – a Mandela effect happens in that area. There is this quality among these architects that there is a need to go against the normal, natural functions of the world [abnormal behaviour] – the very action to counter the observer effect is itself the function of the Ahriman/Lucifer archetype; I can do better or manage better than the original creator of the universe. Quantum computing prototypes started in Boston, but the real test was in Texas – the first changes, in reality, were in scripture, for example, “wineskins” to “bottles” – people are assuming it’s Cern. Still, it may have more to do with this D-wave Quantum computing.

This Event Happened in Dallas, Texas – Before: 4 People in The Car, Now: 6 People in the Car |
Geordie Rose, the spokesperson for D-wave, says: a qubit exists on this chip, a contraction of quantum bit; it’s like a transistor in a conventional computer. It has two distinct physical states, which we call 0 and 1 for a bit, in a traditional computer. These are mutually exclusive in that the device is either one or the other and never anything else. In a quantum computer, that device can be in a strange situation where these two parallel universes have a nexus point where they overlap; when you increase the number of these devices or qubits, you double the number of parallel universes you have access to. The shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours, and if we were smart enough, we could dive into and grab their resources and pull them into ours to make an effect in our world.
Geordie Rose says physicists would never describe it that way but assumes he is correct. The physicists will never describe it that way because they are more responsible; Qubit is a utility for a nexus point between worlds; the more the Qubit, the more parallel universes we can access. [You’re not opening portals, your number crunching]. His pitch is spoken like a true technocratic salesman; I mean, they all come from the same NASA tree branch, right, with his instrumental reasoning; Qubit as a utility to describe parallel universes when a Qubit in its normal state is called superposition when measured entanglement when calculated interference. Hey, parallel universes sound better. I mean, hyperreal cosmology [space] is dead. What can we use instead? How about “parallel dimensions” as the new bait for their stakeholders.
Geordie Rose says physicists would never describe it that way, but assume he is correct. The physicists will never describe it that way because they are more responsible; Qubit is a utility for a nexus point between worlds; the more the Qubit, the more parallel universes we can access. [You’re not opening portals; you’re number crunching]. His pitch is spoken like a true technocratic salesman; I mean, they all come from the same NASA tree branch, right, with his instrumental reasoning: Qubit as a utility to describe parallel universes when a Qubit in its normal state is called superposition when measured entanglement when calculated interference. Hey, parallel universes sound better. I mean, hyperreal cosmology [space] is dead. What can we use instead? How about “parallel dimensions” as the new bait for their stakeholders.

I’m not dismissing or denying that dimensional planes or parallel realities exist; they are significantly more probable than space cosmology. However, his reasoning is skewed towards fictional thoughts like those of TV shows like Fringe. He pretends to deliver rational solutions, “We can dive into and grab their resources and pull them into ours.” his description is so far from the project’s aim and capability that it is closer to the Cern secret project, but even that is questionable. D-wave machines are not even Quantum Computers; they mimic Quantum Annealing, so they might not have an actual Quantum Annealing machine in the first place.
The Mandela Effect is fascinating, and machines and spiritual causes may be involved. Have you ever witnessed a magician who appears to have a deep connection to the occult? Their tricks often seem less about sleight of hand and more like supernatural spells. For instance, they might conjure a drawing or illustration in a notepad seemingly out of thin air. This relates to the phenomenon of the Mandela Effect; it suggests that material is being altered at an atomic level through paranormal means, reshaping texts and logos we once recognised. If we accept the idea of overlapping parallel dimensions—refer to these as spiritual layers, represented by nine-dimensional planes—we can see that these layers are being disrupted by unusual scientific interference.
Ahriman’s [Lucifer’s] Technologies – Practicing Technological Restraint: This leads back to the previous argument two posts ago about transhumanism – that because of these supernatural elements in its most simplistic understanding, technology can become self-aware alongside machines built sophisticated enough to hold a soul and, therefore, be immortal. Fundamentalists do not understand self-awareness or enlightenment. They think it’s another trick because they only believe in prayer over meditation – resurrection over reincarnation, etc. There is a barrier to their understanding of its black-and-white approach. So, a lack of self-awareness only adds fuel to the fire, the fuel being paranoia and reactionary demonic thought forms. Again, a quote by Kevin Kelly:
“The Technium is primed to hijack matter and rearrange its atoms to infiltrate it with séance … if there is a God; the arc of the Technium is aimed right at him.” – What technology wants Pg 328, 354. |
In this clever quote, the assumption is the Technium is a placeholder for a self-aware Artificial Intelligence being born in sea information has awoken. He is Ahriman, Demiruge or Lucifer, and this analysis, in its fiction, assumes utilitarian mysticism in the past tense. It’s become a landscape; it’s already happened, and no argument needs to be laid out; no need to wait for him to come to fruition; the anti-Christ second coming has arrived. In a fundamentalist view, the false prophet will breathe into the image of the Beast. Still, given that, Lucifer is an elusive archetype and cannot be pinned down to any particular satanic role. It means there is no ghost in the shell; it’s more of a Tulpa; even if you entertain the idea of the Beast as the ghost in the shell, it’s a dice roll of what you might get between fallen angels, old gods, and possibly aliens.
The Demiurge is the creator of this world. He is Jehovah [the God of Orthodoxy, both Catholic and Protestant] who gets mistaken or taken down by our dual nature that He is all good. He brought forth the flood and again will bring the fire. He gets mistaken for the real True-God, where the real true good is personified in the God of Wisdom, Sophia. And like the start of this thesis concerning Raised by Wolves, the parallel suggests their Demiurge, possibly once loved humans on Kepler-22B but allowed it to be destroyed in favour of the Serpent. The Demiurge is fickle, a jealous God imprisoned below the Firmament as the archigenetor of His throne. In Raised by Wolves, He is the burning core inside the Kepler planet. The Demiurge often resets the Earth to zero. And it’s arrogant to think He will answer the call of cult- sorcery’s wishes. Unlike in Raised by Wolves, where the Demiurge interacts with the androids and the humans via revelation and prophecy – this is difficult for us to grasp compared to our God. Those acts are often attributed to the fallen Angels. His alienation from the Pleroma is the fractal play of fallen Angel imprisonment in Tartars [abyss] and where they wish to be again among the stars beside the creator-God [Demiurge].
This is the Gnostic approach, often tricky for traditional Christians to grasp as all they know is of God, who is all-loving even though He brought the Flood and one day will bring the Fire. These actions don’t fit a loving God, so Christians created an Adversary archetype [a tulpa] traditionally attributed to the leader of fallen angels that fell. Still, I think he lost that spot as it needed to be more open and less constrained. He is usually called Satan or Lucifer now, Satan adjacent to Ahriman, which is poignant of our times with the rise of A.I. and such. Ahriman fits into order and technology, manifesting in figures like Bill Gates, Trump, etc. So, he can manifest in numerous bodies and, given what constitutes a body today from a transhumanist perspective, feeds the immortality itch of these true believers.
According to Kelly, the Technium is the accumulation of inventions humans have created, and society is as dependent on it as nature. This entity, like the Earth, “has its own agenda”, laws, and evolution. His attempt to interlock two dynamical positions as one description then assumes it’s already happening by giving it an A.I. Egregore utility – then tunnels it into instrumental reasoning, giving it a non-fictional base while giving it a bilateral science fiction admission. This Technium is a malleable word insofar as you can interchange meaning and definitions [it is a utility; its inventions, it is not a utility; it is an A.I-god] – it is a convenient cop-out strategy.
The accumulation of inventions is inherent to human understanding as it plays a role in our first significant cosmic balance between gods/angels and human contact. According to Hugh Os Saint Victor, a tool is a physical shape given by man to something natural for getting from intention to an endpoint – there is an extension of self-notion. Hugh developed a philosophical theology of technology in which technology is an activity by which man, thanks to what had been given to him in creation – starts to recover part of what’s lost through ecological intervention. Which was sin – and tool-making is a penitential activity, an effort to make the sin we inherited less unpleasant by reducing cold hunger and weakness. Hugh decided technology was the faithful use in creation to make the condition life here, which can be challenging, said and painful, a little more pleasant. It’s a co-creation with God-play described otherwise. We got kicked out of the garden, but there are tools to help us; it’s not a removal of sin as much because god loved us [once]. There are things in creation we can use or align with or co-create with to make things better. The most crucial role humans have is the completion of creation via co-creation.
However, there came a time around the 13th century when technology was already treated in thought, not only in practice, as a means to subdue the Earth. This is the sin of the Demiurge. The overwhelming view of what tool-making means is “making the world a better place to live in,” but Hugh says tools are an assistance to remedy a little bit of the damage we have done to the world. In other words, tools are assistance given by gods to help us remedy some of the damage we have caused in the cosmos. And that view is humble and self-limiting. We put psychological constraints on the notion of tools; if we don’t, we start to think that technology is used to create something better than what the creator provided. That’s the sin of the Demiurge; the Pleroma manifests the cosmos, and the Demiurge thinks He can do this better and create our physical realm. In a Tolkien sense, the Demiurge didn’t create the world, but it can perfect it by having it under perfect management, thereby making a play for it, and this parallels the technocratic worldview. – Rune Soup – Tools of the Magician Podcast
Kelly’s Technium serves as both a practical utility and a technological authority. When functioning as a utility, it bypasses thought and debate, operating as a definitive force. It has been assigned a purpose: manipulating matter and rearranging its atomic structure. Like biological processes have imperatives, so does technology; no creation can achieve self-awareness or manifest consciousness, regardless of complexity. Fundamental limits imposed by physics and reality make this impossible. If the foundational premise is flawed, any subsequent claims lack validity and are “primed to hijack matter and rearrange its atoms to infiltrate it with séance.” Without a solid foundation, one is left with the idea of infiltrating matter with supernatural elements. In this context, magic and science become indistinguishable but should generally be treated as distinct fields. Magic has its metaphysical tools, just as science does, particularly in areas like quantum mechanics.
So technologies [tools] are not inherently Luciferic but become so when we pridefully overextend beyond the cosmic vision that birthed them. The impossible balance within our human qualities to faith and promise of an artificial utopia – and the permeable boundary between your temporary self and the rest of the cosmos exists, how do I balance my humanness, my being [soul] in a universe composed of other beings? To not be captured by the rhetoric of the promise of salvation through technology. To stand separate from the gullibility of thought, that man can create God-beings through technology and live forever in a physical form. Reflects a grandiosity and narcissism and, by resisting it, holds favour in your direction. The balance is an ongoing internal fight, and practising restraint towards specific tools or technology is a good start for normal behaviour.

Adama: I’m sorry that I’m inconveniencing you or the teachers. I will not allow a networked computerised system to be placed on this ship while I’m in command. Is that clear? Roslin: Yes, sir. |