Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (30):

They Came From Above:

Alien-Cults and Sirens [Posted initially on 28th August 2022]: Continuing from the last post, I mentioned outside forces that have influenced humanity, and even perhaps at the very inception of humanity. The kind of influences embraced in the plot of ‘The Truman Show, except instead of hundreds of millions watching one person’s adventures in an artificial world, untold numbers of alien beings watch a manipulated planet’s adventures unfold. Of course, throughout history, early tribes and early civilisations had transcribed these watchers in various ways to the public, from cave paintings to modern cult groups that would worship them.
In 1988, President Reagan made some well-known and repeated speeches regarding possible alien threats from outside our world. And that our differences worldwide would vanish if such a threat occurred. “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if facing an alien threat from outside this world.” On a particular occasion, Reagan imparted these extra-terrestrial invasion scenarios to Gorbachev, and the Soviet General Secretary took them by surprise as he went off script.
Five years before Reagan’s speech, the CIA explored the mechanics of remote viewing and OBEs called the ‘Gateway Experience’ program, backed by the Monroe Institute. It was attempting to discover how these psychic phenomena work. And perhaps this phenomenon is a valid claim. However, it possibly opened a gateway for something alien to come in. And Reagan’s reference to something alien was correct, at least in a realistic sense and less of a marvellous way, such as a hovering ship above the white house.
At the time, the media’s reaction to Reagan’s comments was odd, at least for the sceptical population, as his whole contention followed a science-fiction- film narrative. However, conservatism and Ufology mysteries have always been an unspoken correlation. Science fiction was merely glamorous entertainment for them. The President’s rhetoric about common bonds and the cosmic insignificance of our interspecies conflicts – seems to be the script and not one that happened spontaneously. At the same time, it works like a sleight of hand as other possible political motivations work in the background. I’m not exactly sure what that is. Possibly, what came after the power vacuum left when the USSR left Afghanistan and all the foreign policy that came after that was the decrease of nuclear weapons, but the increase of other military weapons and technology, as well as giving rise to new sets of racial politics.
I’ve previously mentioned that the political spectrum has reached an inverted state, with liberals often pushing the boundaries to the far right instead of adhering to traditional right-wing principles. True liberalism is buried beneath layers of modern politics, making it difficult to flourish. Even conservatives emphasise a clear distinction between conservatism and reactionary groups, which aim to use traditional conservatism as a facade to mask the rise of a state cult. This phenomenon encompasses the entire political spectrum and is not confined to any single category. Reagan was not a reactionary, but he laid the groundwork for these developments.

Traditional conservative values. Conservative? You think you’re a conservative? Yes, ma’am, I do. My parents were Reaganites. I interviewed Barry Goldwater for my high school paper. I’ve seen conservatives up close; you’re not a conservative. You’re a reactionary |
Reagan’s worldview on Aliens is somewhat of a commonly shared mindset among conspiracy theorists and conservative groups. I’ve equated conspiracy theory and reason doesn’t acknowledge human achievements for humans alone, recognised in the technological achievements of temples and pyramids – because such technological marvels that created them would have to be made by aliens. However, on closer inspection, some of these unachievable technological processes were indeed achieved by the rudimentary tools [and other unique methods] they said couldn’t. This observation is similar to conspiracy theorists not holding historical atrocities by humans alone but by something Satanic or Alien influencing them, a sort of meta-physical scapegoating. UFO researchers have indicated that UFO abductions are often accompanied by supernatural events such as poltergeists, suggesting a link between supernatural entities and UFO paranormal activities.
For Christian-conspiracy-theory groups, it’s an excellent notion to impose these types of meta-physical scape-goating ßon those they either (depending on their context) condemn or admire specific prominent/famous figures. And it’s convenient for fundamentalists to allocate specific selective weaknesses in man’s spiritual condition. So, they are flexible on promoting meta-physical scapegoating to a resounding condemnation of something like UFO cults. Don’t get me wrong; UFO cults are still destructive; I’m merely outlining the discrepancy. It is a sentiment that is oddly similar to Australia’s immigration policy. In comparing legal immigrants to those that come in boats illegally, the legal immigrants outnumber the illegals. As a result, the country’s citizens have a cult-like hatred toward illegal immigrants, even though they’re running away from wars and other upheavals. Their hatred is bounded by the term illegal aliens. A description has become a beacon for the outcome of false patriotism and also an issue for right-leaning voters.
The extremeness of UFO cults only reinforces a fundamentalist’s view on man’s weakness that has been [according to them] repeated in ancient times. A sentiment that bolsters part of scripture: “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (Rom. 1:23). However, all the discussion about man’s spiritual weakness implies a God that is all good. We should not forget that religion and spiritual materialism help inspire materialistic doctrines. And that the idea of God being the ‘Supreme Good’ was a later introduction alongside older Jewish mythology of Angels, Yahuwah, and Satan, where the premise of God had both good and evil tendencies. The supreme good came about or was the apparent reaction when it split off, whereas Satan became the evil one. The supreme good or the incorruptible God would later have many problems, namely through the notion of theodicy.
UFO cults like Heaven’s Gate stand as an example for (extreme) Christian groups not to be taken in by religious revelators who take advantage of human curiosity. Where the unexplained is interpreted by articulate gurus that mimic Christian terminology but lack original religious context like “blind guides” (Matt. 23:16) – that’s well and good. Still, it should also be noted such scenarios are universal. It’s not only relegated to UFO-cult groups; it’s only seen that way as it happens to be convenient in their observation alongside their occult misunderstanding – but it can also be found in Religious Cults that are Christian.
A more problematic scenario is at hand here than blind guides, which is the psychology of the individual mind, a pandemic of mental illness, which came about quickly as an upheaval of our time. The sheer amount of emotional exhaustion becomes apparent to anyone who has to cope with having a malignant/covert narcissist or borderline personality disorder person for a family member. Unlucky are those who have to deal with two or more in their family, alongside their co-dependent partners, a partnership that seems perfect for them, like two chemicals that attract each other. Decades will pass before they become aware of what’s happening.
The normalization of the abnormal, blind ignorance of normal behaviour, their deformed reasons, and signs of sociopathy and anti-social behaviour come with it. Therefore, this strange [metaphorical] chemical attraction between a narcissist and a co-dependent could help understand the peculiar attraction between cult members and their cult leader.
Fundamentalists and reactionaries [also Traditional Christians] often miss the bigger picture because in their attempt to focus on monastic warnings – it ultimately becomes about blaming the map, stage, or universe – into blaming nature. The previous post ended with mentioning a co-creating aspect [also, it can be known as the observer cosmos] intertwined alongside something alien that we are in some consciousness-building machine. We are creating our realities independent of the control systems that have been put over us. There are ways to peer into the bigger picture or tune in to something that may never be absolute but can be grasped with patterns in synchronicity and dominant archetypes.
For example, Marshall Applewhite, a UFO cult leader who believed that he was a being from another planet. Applewhite and his companion, Bonnie Lu Truesdale Nettles, founded a UFO religion and changed their names to Bo and Peep (as shepherds of God’s people). The newly christened shepherds believed that extraterrestrial beings communicated and visited with them regularly. They appeared entirely harmless until March 26, 1997, when thirty-nine members of Applewhite’s cult, Heaven’s Gate, decided to commit mass suicide to shed “their earthly ‘container’ to catch a ride on a spaceship trailing the Hale-Bopp Comet.”
This is a synchronicity and an archetype that repeats throughout time and history. A detail found in the founders of Heaven’s Gate changing their names to Bo & Peep, a name that coincides with 80s dream-pop singer Elisabeth Fraser’s [Ivo] lyrics: ‘‘peep-bo, peachblow; pandour, pompadour.’ Fraser is an artist-prophet and watchtower guardian of intuition and water. Often described as a Siren [notable mention of her cover of ‘Song to the Siren’] who wields hidden spells through phonetic syllables through song, which lures you to your death – and spells that imbue prophetic clues and coincidences as a marker for something larger at play. Fraser herself repeats an archetypal role of the Siren [like the goddess of sex, music, milk and kisses … Hathor]. Also, he invokes Isis, whose consort was Osiris, who drowned by his brother Set – placed in a magic box and dumped into the Nile River. Fraser’s once-in-a-lifetime lover and consort Jeff Buckley also died by drowning downriver in Memphis – and at the same time, she was recording the song ‘Teardrop’ with Massive Attack. It’s a strange moment, given the chorus of the song ‘Teardrop on the Fire’ sounds like she’s paying homage to Buckley at his moment of death.
Jeff Buckley’s friend Chris Cornell would also be drawn into this death spell vortex. He died in 2017. At times, while performing, Cornell would have a phone on stage where he would wait for Buckley’s spirit to call, a strange ritual he garnered himself into. Cornell’s other good friend, Chester Bennington, would get pulled into the vortex. Alongside Chi Cheng, who died in hospital after years in a coma from a car accident, his band Deftones covered Wax and Wane, one of Fraser’s songs. And rapper Lil Peep and Lil Bo Weep, by their names [shepherds of God] alone, would get sucked in the death vortex; both were upcoming artists that died early in their careers. So is this a death–vortex spell or archetypal reveal playing itself out and taking four generations of artists with it? If you finish the ‘Ivo’ Chorus lyric ‘Peep-Bo, Peach blow, Pandora, Pompadour Pale leaf, Pea sweet Persephone’.’ Persephone is a goddess of the underworld who carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead.
Furthermore, following the psychological pandemic of the mind [NPD, BPD, etc.], the Siren naturally gravitates toward woke politics and social media movements. Often, survivors of mentally ill abusers describe them as demonically possessed; for women, they’re usually called jezebels. That’s because they’re all missing a sense of self, examined in the defamation case made public between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.
Amber heard, and Johnny Depp’s case, especially Depp’s psychologist, revealed to the broader world what borderline personality disorder is. However, it has been around the YouTube sphere for a while. A decade ago, terminology like ‘gaslighting’ was unfamiliar but is common now.
Heard, 36, displayed a “reactive” and “overly dramatic presentation” and used words like “magical” and “wonderful” to describe events. Heard, she said, flitted between “princess and victim”. As sophisticated, “cute and girlish” as such people may present, Curry said, they “may, in reality, be very destructive”, “dramatic, erratic and unpredictable” and possessed of an “underlying drive to not be abandoned but also to be centre of attention”. Curry said borderline personality disorder represented an unstable personality, alert to rejection, with little access to self-regulation and marked by “a lot of anger, cruelty toward people less powerful, concerned with image, attention seeking and prone to externalising blame, a lot of suppressed anger that may explode outwards”. Anyone attempting an intimate relationship with such a personality, Curry said, would likely go from “idolised to dumpster”. It was typical of borderline personalities, she added, to be “assaultive as partners. They’ll make threats using the legal system; threaten to file for a restraining order, claim abuse.” |
Having raised a niece with BPD, I know these attributes:
- Emotional dysregulation.
- Idealisation and devaluation [of people – which slides between the two according to what they can get out of you].
- Abandonment issues.
- Being prone to sociopathic traits.
Friends and family are only utilities regarding memory and reason; narratives can change to lessen shame. Also, compulsive lying is added to their history. They are adamant in their false memory that they convinced themselves that it’s accurate and that the legal system will bend to their will. Along with the woke movement and social media as influencers, they’ve got the court of public opinion, and the truth often gets buried under a lot of muck or made to look one way as a ‘victim’ but misses the broader truth/context. Still, the truth always comes to the surface eventually.

Amber Herd plays a water bending Siren in Aquaman and playing a Jezebel in real life. |
People with BPD protect their actual abuser; those who made them that way bury it away under their psyche. They are that way because of trauma by an abuser that may have NPD. Strangely, they can reveal their abuser but never prosecute them because it’s the validation they seek, but they will throw anyone else under the bus, even if that person has guided them and been there for them all their life. It then becomes a cult of three between a borderline, co-dependent and a narcissist, a trinity of madness.
Depp shares a different kind of illness that internalises himself through addiction to psychotic Drugs and alcohol, which spurs a lot of spontaneous anger and weird behaviours. Believe me when I say you don’t need to be intoxicated to lose anger with a BPD person because they are provoking you to lose it. Being reasonable doesn’t work because they don’t have empathy like ordinary people and only grasp it through shared knowledge. They watch ordinary people with empathy and take notes, then act it out for themselves, but sometimes they miss it. And this is realised when they misplace notions of disrespect. This means they show utter disrespect without realising they’re doing it – or have no right to do so in a more authentic, broader context.
She will destroy you; it is the nature of a Siren; they use charms, and beauty can hypnotise you, while her voice can bewitch you to your ultimate death. Amber Heard used her beauty and Charm with Depp, and he would describe his time with her as something too good to be true. She tried to destroy you, a trait in this metaphysical drama modernised as a saga between the [the Siren] Fraser and her Consort [Shepherd boy] Jeff Buckley all began where they met. On the set of an episode of the Monkees, a TV show called ‘The Frodis Caper’, a UFO-inspired episode about the real-life UFO hot spot: The Falkirk Triangle and Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, a place where Liz Fraser is also from.
New Age Disclosures and Discontents: A modern view on Aliens has recognised that their existence is a hoax, crafted as a conspiracy established by a group of elite men using advanced military technology to abduct victims. Therefore, aliens are a fictional conspiracy brought about by an external agency rather than actual extra/ultra-terrestrial beings. However, I feel both are mutually exclusive, given historical mentions of Archons in texts and the apparent progress in technology from an otherwise stagnate technological point. This uptake in technology would allow military technology as a tool for their planned abductions – to leaps in communications technology, all seemingly having links to supposed UFO crash sites. A crash site implies nuts and bolts scenarios, and further research on UFOs indicates UFOs are not spaceships [nuts and bolts assumptions], so it must be something else.
We must recognise the difference between UFOs in the 50s and the 90s when they reached their peak and today when they are entirely different. Is it possible UFO crash sites are manufactured aircraft crash sites experimenting on anti-gravity aircraft? And possible actual UFO technologies that had been acquired are impossible to define or challenging to engineer backwards, given the nature and manifestations of UFOs. UFO researchers now appeal to both systems of thought – that there are UFO aircraft with materials akin to this dimension and UFO crafts with abilities to manifest phenomena.
Jacques Vallee revealed the similarity that the UFO phenomenon shares with traditional accounts of supernatural beings (fairies, angels, demons, goblins). Then, in Operation Trojan Horse (1970), John Keel drove a horse and carriage through the whole extraterrestrial framework by revealing the extent of contactee cases and the absurdity of the behaviour of the supposed aliens.
While Vallee and Keel brought about new aspects of the UFO phenomenon, those aspects are still relegated to the Illuminati’s laid-out plan of cosmology [hyperreal-space]. The whole world structure depends on the notion of space [a dead cosmological and hyperreal notion], a hyperreal space. And not to be mistaken by Michio Kaku’s multi/hyper-dimensional, hyper-spatial concept denoted in his book ‘hyperspace’. Kaku, at best, layered in more hyperrealism [or star-trekisim], i.e. spatial dimensions to an already full notion pseudo-sorcery of black holes, planets, satellite-orbits, dark matter, light years, gas giants, supernovas, quasars, pulsars, nebulas etc. Space is the pseudo-science of the imaginal; it’s something hyperreal. Moreover, its inspiration comes from the micro-universe alongside myth-creation archetypes and their stories, which make it difficult to parse. Nevertheless, notions of dimensions and light have intriguing merits and credibility depending on the definition, sources, and ideology you’re trying to promote.
Hyperreal space is an old paradigm that people must overcome once they remove themselves from this romantic vision. You will realise that being at the centre of things does not exclude visitor possibilities but refocuses them. And you were right in believing you were not alone in the universe [in this case, planes of existence], but also aware that our history is in response to their presence. And that the world is not getting smaller due to an infinite cosmology but rather more immaculate and indelible. And these other [alien] presences might be what the face of evolution looks like in response to a conscious mind.
While the whole world was duped into believing in this hyperreal cosmology to no fault of their own, its government and their secret agencies, NASA, technocratic organisations and elites – and religion, tradition, and New Age benefit from this simulated cosmology. Disclosure cultists like Steven Greer, for a long time, pushed for the government to disclose UFO intelligence and technology. His project was supposed to act as a safeguard for whistle-blowers violating their oath. I wouldn’t be surprised if he became a frontman for the intelligence agency trying to enumerate. He acquired a lot of following for his disclosure project; at a deeper inspection, his followers weren’t looking for alien disclosure but more so for the government to validate a cult of co-dependants. I never quite understood them; why would the government give the game away?
Another disclosure frontman for the CIA is [ice]Blink-182 Tom DeLonge, who uses disclosure in increments by imploring something big is coming down the line, so stay tuned. His ‘Stars Academy’ is a defunct company whose business plan was about UFOs, science, tech, and commercialization—a business plan that might have worked in the 1990s when UFOs were popular. But, of course, UFO paradigms have changed since then.
The downfall of Stars Academy parallel with Podesta and hacked emails having come undone to the public, which had an association with Delong’s To the Stars project given it’s a CIA-Pentagon-Lockheed funded program. Furthermore, To the Stars Academy came about ten days after the Las Vegas shooting by a gunman named Paddock to deter conspiracy theorist attention from it possibly. Paddock was a CIA gun-runner linked to the aerospace industry. He targeted a secret government plane in addition to victims; Paddock was trying to shoot at the fuel tanks of Janet Air, a private jet that flies non-stop to the hidden base, area 51. In the same year that the CIA officially acknowledged Area 51 – it also should be mentioned that a warehouse somewhere in Vegas houses UFO debris 10 miles away from the event.
Greer imparts a meditation narrative and the notion that aliens are all good. He and his organisation (CSCETI) chase UFO hot spots, and he is aware of ideas of light. He says: “the whole concept of the crossing point of light, the physics of consciousness, and interstellar communication” – and uses human-initiated contact through intent. As it happens, the notion of contact rarely goes beyond seeing moving lights in the night sky. DeLonge, unlike Greer, discusses the same concepts of consciousness within us but outside our field and that people are connected to it. However, his interpretation comes with monastic warnings, probably to adhere to Christian groups, which ironically make up most of the broader demographic of interest.
DeLonge’s pitch to the intelligence agencies regarding his Star’s Academy was based on the disclosure argument. If leaders of government aren’t going to disclose information about UFOs and government agencies that manage this phenomenon – their plan and backlog of new and old UFO material would be able to communicate these subjects to a broader people in a nuanced way. He felt agencies were struggling with an ethical problem regarding the disclosure argument, whether to bet it all or nothing to the public. So he proposes to them that he would use entertainment via feature films and non-fictional and fictional books on the subject of UFOs – as a way to create conversation over time for that subject.
He imparts unique access to truth as a selling point, although others have been doing this for decades without that specialisation [or special agency privilege]. And that’s because they have imagination, intuition, otherworldly experiences – and most importantly, the awareness that our mortality and timelessness exist and that our dreams link us to it. Artist-prophets are born out of this and, by this alone, put out marvellous works. On the other hand, special access to truth may become too overt, and the outcome may become too mediocre.
Ironically, those most interested in these subjects [Christians] are the loudest in their warnings. Luke 21:25, “There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and the stars” – They feel that if UFOs are real, it is working through the influence of Satan “with all power, signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9) that sin would drive people to look to the heavens to worship anything they see, real or imagined. These religions are described as cults because most of them misinterpret the Bible to support their beliefs – and to assert that the Bible does not comment on the presence or absence of extra-terrestrials or flying saucers.
Genesis six mentions the sons of God and the daughter’s men, a statement that can be elusive in its meaning. The son’s God mated with the daughters of men, and they had children. Unfortunately, the children were genetic monstrosities (Nephilim or giants]. God gets upset and decides to destroy the planet via flood, which introduces the story of Noah. The sons of God, by its context, suggest it’s not human but something otherworldly [extra-terrestrial, angels, etc.]. It’s funny how a part of their core Christian religion imparts the very thing they wish to be untrue – because it would mean accepting occult myths [meaning hidden beliefs] like Greek myths have ties to Christian texts.
Then there is the disturbing factor of UFO cults that are more insidious, a nationwide state cult on the surface, but become stranger as they merge with the military-industrial-complex and secret agencies as a secret UFO-sate-cult group. Meaning there is a government that Christian values that is also associated with a state cult that has ties to all things UFO. I’ve mentioned the Demiurge-Satan-Lucifer mythos at length in this comprehensive thesis collection, and in the context of this essay, it imparts a head chief to their mythological scapegoating. We are all born into sin; into time, the collapses of civilisation through its natural cyclical cycles come with an unveiling or an apocalypse, and with that, old gods awake. Throughout history, signs in the heavens and stars and interventions in civilisations have always existed.
The question becomes … when were there not any signs in the heavens? If God forbids the worship of anything in heaven above, which in our age includes the spiritual aspects of UFO religions: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth . . .” (Ex. 20:4–6). 51
However, ancient civilisation’s accounts of this phenomenon pre-date the Bible. The Stars were the driving force in the construction of pyramids and temples. From the earliest textual evidence, ancient memories were transcribed in walls and seen as evidence of something coming from the sky of celestial beings. Given the trace evidence, we can determine that this phenomenon spread throughout other civilisations and cultures. We call them myths, but they’re based on actual events. Religion was born out of this; faith didn’t come out of nowhere and started to give warnings. Strangely, however, this warning has never been more relevant regarding the spiritual aspects of UFOs in modern times. Due to UFOs being more prominent in the sky, those experiences and phenomena have a habit of conjuring up UFO cult groups.
DeLonge was supposed to be the next Greer, but he wasn’t articulate enough, which showed in his interviews. It made the secret intelligence backers discontent with their new front-man. He may know about UFOs, but you have to be able to have a good memory and convey that in interviews while juxtaposing his affiliations with intelligence agencies. He would later partner up with Peter Lavenda on later interviews. He got a bit better, but people had caught on to what was happening by then.
The Watchers whispers of Revelation: Greer and DeLonge value consciousness in their ideological landscape, though Greer is ignorant to those little grey man’s trappings. Greer and his followers gather for a spiritual event; they meditate, ask it to appear, and then thank it when it disappears. An initiation ritual is going on, to which the group is oblivious. A group who seemingly thinks they’re in a safe space of adoring the phenomenon. Not realising it may not be all beneficial in the end. Greer’s documentary is called Sirius, the same Star constellation the Order of the Solar Temple devoted themselves to. There is a common thread among other UFO researchers and countless testimonials of abductees – that aliens both have good and bad intentions. Perhaps they might follow sets of universal laws in nature, of duality, good and evil.
The author of Gods of Eden developed a theory of an alien control system that spans back to antiquity. It assumes that humans have been manipulated. Human affairs have also been controlled throughout our history and into the present. With wars being an aspect of that control system, one of the hallmarks of creation myths is all about war; the war in Heaven played out in a war on Earth. Religion and politics also play a role in this control mechanism. On the rationale side, some have tried to explain the nature of conflict through political and economic theories. And who can benefit from it? Given how currency works, printing money out of thin air is meaningless other than a way to control it.

An alien presence that can traverse between the spiritual and our reality with abilities that can change your consciousness is a control mechanism. It creates unpredictable situations for the individual and gives reason for questionable behaviours regarding human ethics. You can see this being played out in this whole COVID thing and the Russia and Ukraine conflict.

Where are we going mum? Are we hiding from the whisper people? Yes, baby, they want find us where we’re going Mum, they know where we are How do you know that? They told us so You’re seeing them again? No, they just talk to us How Abbey? How are they talking to you? They whisper … into our heads |
This type of mythological scapegoating is inherent to conspiracy theory and reason; the question becomes whether this abstract is a weakness in reason or strength. It’s a slippery slope when all the blame is pointed to an alien abstract component; it leaves little responsibility for human culprits. The duality of good and evil, in this case, evil, is compartmentalised.

While this movie goes on to spin a horrifying tale of the occult, in reality, a judge refused to allow this defence, and in November 1981, Johnson was convicted of first-degree manslaughter and sentenced to 10-20 years in prison. |
These beings can create virtual realities, evoke emotions, and implant thoughts. As a result, evidence should not be taken at face value. Manifested virtual reality cannot be considered valid evidence. Therefore, any abduction should be defined as a scenario or event that targets an individual, experienced both physically, virtually, and telepathically.
John Keel called the entities responsible for the UFOs “ultra-terrestrials” and claimed they were denizens of some unknown part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some Gnostic materials, archons are also known as the are-biogenesis of the Acheari insects. An experiment was done in 1830 by Andrew Crosse; he produced tiny insects that represented mites out of thin air by generating an electric magnetic field. Archons are inorganic insects like cyborgs (bio-androids); considering the experiment mentioned above it validates the Sophia myth. Earth harms the Archons due to its living atmospheric conditions and can only manifest in this realm through vortexes for short periods. Our stage (earth) is a living entity placed (or created) in an inorganic environment where the Archons reside.
Vallee has consolidated UFO-paranormal activities with supernatural phenomena as the same; either way, the mystery of consciousness can be hijacked. First, though, some have found solace in calling out the messiah’s name. It was a common motif among abductees and demonologists, and DeLonge noticed it and pursued to make it more inclusive. Through accounts of alien abductees during their abduction or some demonic possession – they call out to Jesus or mention the name of Galactic Sauce and Buddha- then that uninvited phenomenon would stop.

Christopher Walken [Christ-o-Walk-en / Christ-to-Walk-in … at least made to look that way] Goes from Abductee to Daemon [Angel] |
There is also a link between demonology [the study of evil spirits] and sleep paralysis; it has a long historical standing. The Catholic Church has institutionalised priests like investigators with qualifications to exorcise these spirits. The authority of Jesus Christ over these demons is held in scripture: “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God!” But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him!” And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him. (Mark 1:24-26). He also gave others who followed him the power to cast out demons in his name. (Luke 10:17).
One man’s demon is one man’s Alien and becomes the same proposition regarding a religious standard of casting out unwanted spirits. It would only be a matter of time before Christians prone to abductions would call out to Jesus as well – to have the abductions stop. These radio references recognise casting out aliens through broadcasting “Jesus” events through radio stations and internet podcasts. It only garnered absolutism for a seemingly creedal scripture and imposed an exclusive power of prayer [basically, it works for Christians; not so much for non-Christians]. I believe that some aspects of the phenomenon of UFOs and supernatural events are similar, but for the most part, I think they’re separate. I can’t speak for abductions or even full-blown demonic possessions; however, for possessions of another kind, such as incubus and succubus, calling out to Jesus is not a sure thing because it’s usually done when the experience is over or almost over and probably continues after the person goes back to sleep.