Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (13):


Flat Earth; Enclosed Creationism; Conspiracy (Theory), Intuition and Imagination – Part Seven

Act Two: Sophia’s Incarnations and Counterparts [Originally posted on 01 December 2019]: The Sophia of the Epinoia of the thought being an Aeon conceived a thought from herself and the conception of the invisible spirit foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the spirit (the Father and The Mother). In other words, no Aeon can do anything without the consent of the spirit. So Sophia decides to have a likeness without the consent of her Father, without her consort and his consideration, and without her maleness not approved. Yet, she brought forth – because of the invisible power within her. Her thoughts did not remain idle, and something came out of her that was imperfect. The birth of the creator God, and when she saw the consequence of her desire, it changed into a Lion face Serpent – and its eyes were like lightning with fires. She cast it away from her – outside that place that no one of the immortal ones might see it, for she had created it in ignorance – [Sophia makes a mistake and created something imperfect; she hides it away]. She surrounded it with a luminous cloud, and she placed the throne in the middle of the cloud so that no one might see it except the Holy Spirit, who is called the mother of eleven, and she called this Yaldabaoth (this is the God of the Hebrew Bible). Yaldabaoth creates the material world. The fall has nothing to do with Adam and Eve and everything to do with one of the emanation’s falls. Sophia’s mistake is an error in one of the emanations as the source of evil, the ultimate fall.

Sophia, being the Aeon goddess, has been known by many other names throughout cultural myth, one, in particular, the goddess Eurynome, who was once called the goddess of all things. Her first job was to separate the water from the sky; when she accomplished this, she danced across the lands and sea. She paces above the waters in other goddess myths because she is ashamed. Previously, I speculated that when Sophia realised she had created a mistake in the form of Yaldabaoth, she hid Him away among the luminous cloud. And that this luminous cloud is the Firmament underneath or above the waters – or within the Pleroma or outside the Pleroma, depending on your perspective. It’s structured alongside what seems to be an open or closed Flat Plane. Sophia places a throne in the middle of the cloud for Him. Yaldabaoth then starts to create our material world on the model of the spiritual world, even though He has never known it. Because He came from the spiritual realm through the mistake of Sophia emanating from him, He still preserves His spiritual elements, thus creating the material realm. So you can summarise that Yaldabaoth uses his intuition and imagination to conjure a world that He has never seen, which the potential of a heavenly Pleroma is. 

On a cosmic level, Dragons, a.k.a Lion Face Serpent, are symbolic archetypes so potent it’s almost engrained into human consciousness) as symbolic imprints because they have ties to the world’s creation. What’s fascinating is that dragons, a.k.a drakon, draconata and the Latin Draco, hinder necessary water flow into our world. [In Hindu myths, Seas-Ananta is the thousand-headed dragon older than creation – in between vast cycles of creation called Pralaya (in the West, Flood or Deluge), Vishnu (the Hindu gods, Slays Vrtra, another form of the cosmic dragon withholding the Waters of Life. – Encyclopedia of Earth Myths]These eastern myths suggest that the earth’s cycles have had more than one flood compared to these long cycles. In Norse myths, dragons are called Midgard Serpent and lay in a reservoir of cosmic energy (much like the withheld “waters” the Vrtra released), known as kundalini. It is said that above the North Pole exists Draco, the constellation in which He asymmetrically coils Himself. Athena is said to have hurled Draco from Earth to Heaven, where He continued his life as a constellation. This seems to be an inverse play on the Sophia myth, Athena being her association; she cast away the dragon from the earth. It’s slightly different in the details about the plane’s position and the world, instead of the Pleroma, to fit a more heroic model and outline the importance of humanity’s part in the cosmic play.

An underlying constant of action comes from the Pagan streams of research, and that constant is that Sophia is always travelling to the underworld in some form. The underworld can be psychological and literal – the ‘as above and so below’ law; in the psychological sense, it’s the collective unconscious. In this state, it can be dark and bleak but also reveal insight. In a literal sense, what can be found in the body and its functions can match the external world and its natural processes.

Sophia is the first thought of God; in this case, God is The Trinity – The one Parent. She embodies wisdom, but in ancient times, it was represented as a consolidation of different processes of the mind, logic, experience, intuition, premonitions, prophecies, etc. – all working together to understand the world better. Wisdom deities are mainly female, and Wisdom and Logos were interchangeable then. We can highlight one such example in the case of the twin incarnations of Simon Magus and Helen of Tire; the story goes: When Sophia, the fallen wisdom of the Alien-God, was separated from the other Aeons – the Archons stole her and brought her down to Earth, and they cast her into material form, and she reincarnates through the time as a way for the Archons to hide her from the Alien-God (the Trinity). She was once Helen of Troy, and the last incarnation was Helen of Tire – Helen would meet Simon Magus, the incarnation of the alien God who came down to Earth. It’s suggestive that these twin incarnations are spiritually seeking each other, and when they do find each other, they travel throughout the lands to spread the good news. 

  The Siren seeks her consort 

The film Heaven or Vegas synopsis is based on a hustler and a naïve call girl running away together. The film imbues the twin incarnate archetype. The soundtrack called ‘Strangest Angel’ plays like a siren call throughout the film – the disenchanting song to the siren ‘space age love song’ makes an appearance [watch the trailer here] … the film’s title borrows from Cocteau Twins’ Heaven or Las Vegas. The song lyrics have a connection: 

 Heaven or Las Vegas

Singing of a famous street
I want to love, I’ve all the wrong glory
But is it Heaven or Las Vegas?
But you’re much more brighter than the sun is to me

He’s a hustler
It’s a role he’ll never make suit
Hang on to this
Stay and stay and fail and fail

The discussion about incarnations of spirit needs to be entertained among Fundamentalist Christians. It’s in their nature not to believe in (re)incarnation but resurrection instead. Of course, both interpretations have faith in the study, but this dialectic notion has a habit of sparking fundamentalist ideals to the motto of; “our ideas are right, and everyone else’s is wrong,” which can be disrespectful to the integrity of others [more on that later].

There are many dialectic polarities about the Whore of Babylon; Fundamentalists and their reference to the Whore of Babylon are seen as very dark. In history, however, they swapped over the king’s idea of winning the favour of the Goddess of love and war to rule city-states to world domination. Prostitution was a sacred ritual back then. Ishtar, the Akkadian version of Inanna, symbolising Androgyny, fertility, desire, and so on, can also be likened to Aphrodite. Still, it’s Ishtar who bore that worship. These practices reached their height in Babylon, which would later be transcribed in Christian mythology as the Whore of Babylon. More precise recognition of the Whore of Babylon as a darkened entity, which many Christians prescribe too, would probably be the Goddess’s counterpart, the scarlet women or Babalon. A dark goddess draped in red while drunk on the blood of saints rides a beast with several heads. The Whore of Babylon is a fractal title throughout many incarnations of the Goddess, which doesn’t mean it’s the Goddess itself.  

The distinction can be further elaborated in the myth of Lilith, who is considered a precursor to Eve. According to the Zohar, written around the 13th century, when God created Adam, He also created Lilith from the earth as his companion. However, as Adam’s first wife, Lilith was created as his equal. Adam expected Lilith to be subservient, but she refused to accept this role. In a moment of defiance, she pronounced the divine name of God in Hebrew, which empowered her, allowing her to fly away into the heavens. In response, God sent three angels to bring Lilith back, delivering a message that if she did not return, she must allow one hundred of her children to die each day. Despite this threat, she chose to remain free. Consequently, God created Eve from the ground and Adam’s rib. As punishment for her defiance, Lilith was cast out and cursed. This curse would affect many of Eve’s descendants, bringing afflictions to pregnant women and their newborns.

Historical texts are inconsistent in determining whether Adam’s first wife was a darkened entity because scholars don’t know. After the fact, they only made Lilith a demonic archetype – as it matched some demon mentioned in Isaiah. So, they created a text to connect the two. After that, she would be known as a Succubus, shadow-terror, and seducer of the night. And will always blame her for atavistic terrors such as infant deaths in the womb or the cradle. If you think about it, she became something like a scapegoat as all life’s tragedies, predominately women’s fears became hers and not God’s will.  

Inanna is often associated with the Aeon Goddess Sophia and is known as the Sumerian goddess of heaven, war, sex, love, and death. Her archetypes vary widely, ranging from the shy virgin to the sensual mistress. She is also depicted as a fierce warrior who rode a chariot pulled by lions, her sacred animals. The Sumerians experienced rapid technological advancement, transitioning from huts to ziggurats in a relatively short period. Inanna was believed to have played a significant role in this progress, as the advancements were said to be gifts from the Sky Gods or Goddesses. The Sumerians grew to cherish the concept of civilisations, and the notion of a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth profoundly impacted their culture.

Inanna, conversely, compliments Lucifer’s / Promethean tale of taking light or the fire of enlightenment from the gods to give to the humans. In Inanna’s case, it’s the Holy Torch. She made a deal with Enki(du) to rule Eridu – Inanna brought forth the idea of priest and priestess, the sacred marriage, metal workings, fire, the art of the Hero, etc. Eridu is known as the city of kingship and the birthplace of organized religion. The city predated the Egyptian Empire, and the life spans of humans were longer due to the mixing of humans with king-gods and demi-gods. Enki was believed to have come from the deep ocean – a temple called E-Abzu was built for him, also known as the house of cosmic waters. 

The Goddess and all its incarnations have all travelled to the underworld in one aspect. Persephone also travels to the underworld and gets crucified. So we have the Solar-redeemer archetype starting to emerge, and a more finalized version of this emergence comes in the form of Christ. However, there is still a fundamental difference because the redeemer concerns the Christ/Adam Anthropos, making these modes separate but similar enough to convey an understanding. Sophia has many incarnations and potentialities, and it is fascinating when it’s also presented with the third act of the creation story, a supreme being embedded in the body of a human woman with the divine Spark. She did bring forth the art of the hero. Think of Leeloo of the Fifth Element. 

Given this insight, Sophia’s incarnations are counterparts to the Demiurge’s goddesses and King God’s (Apollo) oracles, Sibyls and Sirens. Witches and artist-prophets are messengers of the divine. The key is to discern the goddess’s wisdom call from her darkened counterpart, whatever form that takes. The Goddess of Wisdom is also Minerva (a.k.a. Athena). Chino from the Deftones sings a song to Minerva:


I get all, numb
When she sings it’s over
Such a strange numb
And it brings my knees to the earth

So God bless you all
For the song you saved us, oh
For the hearts you break, every time you moan

I get all, numb
We’re the same numb
And it brings our knees to the earth

Chino is well known for doing a cover of Fraser’s ‘Wax and Wane, and Elizabeth Fraser is a well-known artist-prophet who has a Siren mysteries about her. Her romantic attachment to her shepherd boy consort, Jeff Buckley, is fascinating. As if she’s an incarnate spirit of Sophia seeking her soul twin, there is also a probable chance she’s channelling some other goddess – as if she’s a siren wielder of spells as an emissary for the goddess that devours souls. Chino’s Prayers/Triangles song and imagery encapsulate paranoia as he looks back, symbolically running from the siren call. And this is a far cry from his song in which he is worshipping Minerva.     

  Run Chino Run 

I’ve speculated that Sophia had a hand in the material world’s creation alongside her unintended offspring, Yaldabaoth – she did separate the waters. She went down from Chokhmah to Binah (from the Zodiac / Firmament to Saturn), where she Chanted at the Crystal Sea.

Hindu creation is based on periodic cycles of creation – the universal (cosmic) plane we live in is one of many innumerable universes. Our Universe starts in a vast ocean, and the Serpent floats at its surface. Vishnu is asleep in its coils – a lotus sprouts in his naval. On top of Lotus is the four-headed god Brahma – Vishni encourages Brahma to create a world from the material he has provided. After eons of meditation, Brahma hears a sound from the ocean’s depths, a humming that increases in volume, the sacred “Om” – Brahma would then create the cosmic/watery heaven, sky heaven, and the earthly plane.  

I summarized that this humming/chanting is the Word or the sound directed in all directions and that Yaldabaoth, with the help of his Archons, has repurposed King Gods and their oracles, has repurposed it to create a simulacrum of His design. It would be up to the artist-prophets to discern between traps and straightforward design emanating from the original sound. Or maybe I’m just seeking better notions of the good.  

The spiralling caduceus stairway to Sirius leads to a sea of Sirius, perhaps a place for mutants, mystics, and artist-prophets. Deftones’s imaginal song Sextape showcases a psychedelic bioluminescent sea, with sea spirits floating in psychedelic water of wonders. 

As an idea, the underworld depends on which plane is being observed – the highest is the Heavenly Pleroma. From this perspective, the material world is the underworld in a sense, but its truer form is the Middle Plane. In Norse mythology, our material world is Midgard; in pop culture, it’s Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings). What makes the middle plane strangely unique is that all otherworldly existence from either direction is making attempts through varied forms, such as prophecies to alien abductions, to convey their intent as a way to pierce through the middle plane. On the reasoning borrowed from the Christian-fundamentalist-conspiracy-theorists perspective [both traditional and new] of a spiritual war, the possible outcome of this spiritual war depends on humanity’s spiritual belief.

Suppose we break down spiritual war through general semantics. In that case, it first leads into the natural law of dualism, which has a natural spiritual base, which is fine because it’s part of the natural quality in which we live. Semantically, however, it will eventually lead to a spiritual-war / cultural-war scenario – predominately by a fundamentalist who has demoralized mainstream Christians to follow political interests for decades. So, as a result, it created a division in society between those who have ‘faith’ and those who don’t – still, statistical surveys have consistently indicated that most Christians are biblically illiterate and only have an inclusive understanding. Therefore, it becomes about tribal divisions – to be an Evangelical Christian in America, you need to vote Republican, loathe secularists and liberals, and refrain from (openly) gay sex.  

Faith encompasses various meanings but can ultimately be categorised into the spiritual and the dogmatic. Dogmatic individuals often hold conservative views, typically aligning with Evangelical beliefs. In contrast, those who identify as spiritual tend to have a more liberal perspective. However, religion as a whole transcends these classifications. Its foundation is the ethical imperative, which advocates for the sovereignty of the individual and the state—a concept rooted in Judeo-Christian values that establish standards for proper behaviour. This perspective views religion not merely as an institutional framework but as a dynamic entity engaged in a continual exchange of ideas between the spiritual and the dogmatic. When one aspect overshadows the other, it can lead to destructive outcomes.

If the spiritual aspect dominates, religion loses its structure; if the dogmatic aspect prevails, statism ensues out of the institution. This assumes that religion is flexible enough to engage in a dialectical process. If that is the case, would religions change due to these discussions? We are led to believe they would, especially since we are told that the Church and State are separate. Given that this blog site explores conspiracy theories, it is reasonable to assume that the Church and State are distinct entities.

Act Two: The Goddess and the Lion’s Gate: There is a parallel between the historical city of Babylon and Hollywood-Babylon (Los Angeles), both cities representing the centre of culture; it’s also fitting to introduce Las Vegas in the group as the city has a spiritual significance. Babylon was a city famous for mystery teaching and religion, the name of which means the gates of the gods – and Hollywood is renowned for being the centre of popular culture. Babylon also added to their reputation as a mystical city by introducing the rights and rituals of worshipping Inanna and King through the sacred marriage ritual. Then, the patron god, Marduk, would come and gain the power of the gods to become the chief god of Babylon. He would also represent the organization of the material world and be viewed as the representation of the Tree of Life.

The entrance to Babylon was called the Ishtar Gate or Lion’s Gate. Hollywood studios have used the Lion’s Gate motif as their logo brand; it’s striking that the Lion King films synched with the astrological Lion’s gateway alignment.

August of this year was the Lions Gate month, an astrological marker specifically from July 26th to August 12th. Every year, on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lion’s Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. An alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius marks this gateway. As Sirius rises in the sky, Orion’s Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth. It’s called the Lions Gate or Lions Gateway because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart centre and represents the individualized expression of the Divine.

Inanna is associated with the Lion and Ishtar; in the Sumerian seal, she is taming the lion with her feet, perhaps a symbolic suggestion of the second act of creation.

The Lion has an astrological marker; moreover, it’s a symbolic representation of the Demiurge, the Lion’s face in the Lion Face Serpent motif. And we’ve established the Lion controls the water’s entrance. The Lion is also a gateway. The illustrative description of the concentric circle gateway in the Lion’s mind suggests that the Lion Gate is through God’s mind, but before you get there, you must go through the heart (of Christ).

The concentric symbols suggest a cosmic map to showcase where to go symbolically. And this is the ultimate question: Where? In hyperreal, space simulation and a simulacra mindset lead you nowhere because they’re an infinite cage. There needs to be a truer definition of the cosmic that can make room for the waters. There is also a need to eliminate the hyperreal space notion of the solar concept and introduce the synchronistic whole instead. That has more room for infinite amounts of potentialities.

The 93 current between the earth (the flat plane ground) and the Sun (the solar Sun that moves on concentric circulations; perhaps in a Mobius circulation)—the Sun being closer than 93 million miles—is an embodiment of the synchronistic whole much like a flower is a connection to the concentric circles, the earth, and us. So, the 93 current is a solar energy current that can channel through or into the synchronistic whole.

The critical point towards the synchronistic whole is the Tree of Life or the Sephirot passing through the abyss or the portal. Then, pass through DATT and KETER into a new universe, the hidden portal behind the Sun (also known as the Black Sun), which has no liking as a Sun in hyperreal space but is Sirius (mutated waters) instead. And this is not the final journey to oneness but a layover before you make your way back through the stairway of Sirius. This place is the emergence of a universal synchronistic whole – the universal cosmic consciousness – the force, and so on.

Act Two: Confusion of the Planes:  The spiritual apparatus of religion no longer functions due to a well-organized Priest-like political structure that has taken place, which then acts as the Prime intermediary between the material and the divine. So, in our contemporary reality, there exists a great forgetting, a type of complacent ignorance, which is like seeds for evil to grow. Through Sophia’s ignorance, imperfection came to light, described as one of the emanations that fall, resulting in the creation of something imperfect. And this outcome is seen as an error where the source of evil resides. In psychological terms, the very act of alienation or alienation that is beset upon anyone, the person always comes back monstrous or demonic. It is not the alienation associated with isolation or the outsider archetype, but something rejected or disconnected from the family. In this case, the person becomes jealous, vengeful, and hateful. This act of alienation that’s beset upon any progeny happened as the second act of Wisdom by the Aeon God Sophia. This assertion has a habit of creating a lot of philosophical potencies, like being wise – it would also mean being filled with error. This seemingly aligns with the philosophy of Taoism, which is the only question you should ask. Is Taoism a product of divine and spiritual intervention given to a prophet, and from what spiritual source did it come?

Many other cultures always perceive the God of this world as good; Christianity would later view it as all good and brought this about only through the appropriation and the silencing of the gnostic sect. They believed the God of this world to be the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth) – in Religious terminology, He is called Yahweh or Jehovah, known as the Father God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Gnostics recognized that the Demiurge wasn’t a God but an imposter, a lower-level supernatural entity likened to a demon. He seeks to be worshipped and adored, which gives reason for thought that can explain away such atrocities in His name through theodicy. In the Vedic traditions, the Father God is known as Brahman, and He is neither good nor evil because He is beyond such categories as dualism. According to Crowley, the distinction between good and evil depends on the operation; he states: “The only question that arises is that of convenience and respect of any proposed operations.” I think he’s alluding to the notion of choice and that the operation from which it stems may not be confused. It’s like saying the Ouija board is neither good nor evil because it is just a board, but the choices of the operator it yields can go either way.

Gnosticism re-evaluates this notion not on the disagreement of good and evil because it’s inherently part of the stage but because the progeny was manifested through ignorance. As a result (or to be more precise), the default setting of the manifested deity is inherently jealous, which often contributes to a lot of evil. Moreover, the existence of the manifested deity is a progeny of thought from an Aeon of Wisdom who couldn’t keep her thought idle – is an error in intuition but is still structured through wisdom – can you be wrong about intuition? If you deny your intuition, you become regretful because you didn’t follow it. Intuition can neither be right nor wrong because it works from the non-rational – so, how can we reconcile this inconceivable notion?

Flat Earth shines a light on the confusion of planes, however, not through aspects of inconceivability but observations and intuition. Independent observations concerning the Earth’s horizon indicate it stays at the same level even at 120,000 thousand feet high – not only does it remain at the same level, but it should also indicate a curve at that height, but it does not. According to the supposed scientific empirical measurements, it should indicate so, but it doesn’t. Therefore, the plane’s confusion is not in observable truths but through managers of perception that adopt the antithesis to rationality (the anti-rational). The notion of Flat Earth is inherently innocuous, to begin with, and I once described it as a background in a play. The actors (if actors represent humanity’s sociological and civilisational structures) have more importance than the shape of the stage. However, one could argue that the truth is sacred. Still, that potential should be focused on the play, not the stage, because anti-rationality is used to explain materialism and the many forms of the no-God policy idealism. The truth is steered towards anti-rationality absolutism, which is similar to fundamentalism. We have observable truths that are both rational and irrational juxtaposed against a secular cosmology. Still, we try to convince these observable truths to the guardians of the so-called rational idealists: atheism, scientism, and their followers.

The anti-rational [when rationality is misused to mislead] has a great deal of persuasion regarding managing perception. At the end of World War II, the ensuing cold war was to follow, coupled with air travel technology. North America was paranoid because enemies might fly over the Polar North region over the United States. In combating this paranoia, they built an early radar warning line stretching from the Arctic Circle’s north end. The warning line started in Alaska and encompassed the northern end of Canada. It stretched 3000 miles from Alaska to Baffin Island opposite Greenland; they called it the Distant Early Warning Line – DEW line for short. You can believe the public relations story of paranoia, but it sounds like they found that Concentric Arctic Polar Vortex – and made sure no commercial aircraft stumbles upon it. It fits the DEW line title, matching with [X-marks the spot, or] Pearly Dew Drop’s Drop. Flat Earth reveals these inconsistencies among the ant-rational groups who, by omission, believe the Stage is designed, but only through a cosmic fluke, upon after that causality and evolution – but cannot fathom a godlike designer who encompasses the synchronistic whole.  

  Pearl’s Dream & the Dew Line 

Traditional fundamentalists acknowledge a God exists, but the bases of those beliefs are structured through a manufactured Evangelical cosmic map brought about by a Protestant experiment – the hyperreal space cosmology. Their historical disassociation with the Catholic Church brought about a revolution called Protestantism. However, the core belief is still predominately Catholic. You could say that hyperreal space cosmology is Catholicism’s Ace in the Hole. So you can understand why the emergence of the new fundamentalist groups came to light – for the probable reason to cut off all ties with the Catholic Church. This is impossible because some of their other aspects are indelible, including Pagan. There is also no need to convince them that reaching God’s realm or passing through the planes through material means is impossible. All notions of space rockets are merely a modern representation of the Tower of Babel. However, there still exists a confusion of planes regarding a God that is all good vs a God that is jealous – and the acknowledgment of a higher hierarchy that a God of this world only resides at the highest dimensional order of this plane, which is intrinsic to the material – which the throne can symbolise.

The planes of existence as a macro understanding have always matched the micro understanding in a complementary way, like the human body’s notions of Chakras. This is why perception managers inherently create space simulacrum images that stem from the micro-universe. Meaning-inspired imaginal images intuitively reflect the human body because they have nothing else to draw from.

The New Agers and some Astrological groups convey these images to validate themselves because they promote Chakra teachings. However, the planes’ confusion relates to the body and, therefore, the external. The assumption is that eating meat as part of your diet has moral and spiritual implications that somehow stifle your enlightenment—even going as far as to say it’s Satanic. This is a misrepresentation of the planes; therefore, any discrimination towards them is in error.

Act Two: Symbols, Sacrifices, and Magic (k): In the previous post, we explored some of the symbolic similarities with the Trinity and the first act of creation alongside the uncanny Meta-mirror fractal play associated with it. We examined the concentric symbol and its many other symbolic associations, notably the TV show’s Roswell symbol of Purification, which is not solely singular to that particular show but also different TV shows and films.

These symbols are prevalent because we know archetypes work their way through varied means. One, in particular, is through images and symbols, and we know archetypes are like patterns of behaviour grounded in biology, and so it’s the behaviour itself. It works as both the instinct and the manifestation of that instinct and the representation of that pattern. For example, our superhero stories are based on mythological stories, and imagined images are formulated through those mythical stories. These images are typical patterns of behaviour, and it’s through them that make us human.

We see in the bottom panel an image from Star Wars – Rogue One as the Death Star looms over the city of Jedha about to be destroyed to showcase the Empire’s power and to exemplify their superweapon’s destructive wrath. The imagery or symbol shown as the Death Star covers the Sun has a symbolic similarity. Besides, its real purpose is to eradicate a city; this act is a seemingly collective blood sacrifice of mammoth proportions. It is a way to showcase the authoritarian aspect of society symbolically through the lens of science-fiction. These are archetypical traits that seem inherent in most civilizations.

The Avenger’s film explores the fundamental problem of finite resources within an overpopulated societal structure that spans cities worldwide. Thanos’s remedy is to kill off half the population worldwide and universally on a cosmic level. Because the premise is in a fantastical setting, we throw away the message as merely fictional or imaginative. All the fanboys and girls probably missed the very subtle message in the film’s promotion of the villain, which is about embellishing tyranny and advocating an anti-human/anti-life ideology. They saw the depiction as a fictional example of real-world problems and recognized Thanos’s motive as wrong because of his detestable approach. Thanos’s mission to get rid of half of life on earth is less despicable than the Masonic mission to rid the population of several billion. It was carved out in stone as a mission statement with sacrificial blood intent – located in the state of Georgia in Sierra Sky Ranch.

Empirically, catastrophes, wars, revolutions, and epidemics improved the quality of life back then. The conspiracy- (theory) aspect is missing in this supposed empirical fact concerning wars and revolutions, is the conspiracy-(theory) aspect, and not the kind of conspiracy-(theory) that can be argued away by right-centred intellects. Who may rearticulate conspiracy subjects in a way that doesn’t adopt the word conspiracy theory, which is impressive. Still, it’s just the rational and irrationality in the triad model, and we know it’s complete with intuition. Maybe that’s the only way to debate against the rational atheists and their antithesis fundamentalist [religion] groups. They align with the state or sympathise with the elite’s corporate and capitalistic structure because we are part of the economic structure that people need. Surprisingly, most of the middle class already realise this and consider these types of utilitarianism suitable. However, that same view is not recognised mutually by those who manage corporate and governmental hierarchies; they are hell-bent on destroying the world. Often, the middle class is combating capitalistic programs that have a criminal aspect to their agenda – that frequently peel away at the fabric of freedom, and when it comes to events – it usually involves deaths. Maybe this is part of the spiritual war / cultural war aspect.

In a post-9/11 world, we have passed the debate aspect regarding its conspiracy to the point that it’s already empirical. Suppose you’ve broken away from your demoralisation. I agree with the empirical evidence towards a conspiracy of power and oil. Then that’s due to the conspiracy-(theory) aspect. Stating that 9/11 was an inside job is as detrimental as saying the earth is flat because conspiracy-(theory) is centred on the marginal. The focus should be on the vast, demoralised mainstream. The conspiracy-(theory) aspect is missing in the intellectual debate arena. Having stepped away from your demoralisation, you can surmise that the disenfranchised and middle-class portions of the population are always beacons or a metaphor for Star Wars the Death Star’s destructive super beam. Star Wars prequels outline the “problem, reaction and solution” that mirror the power elite’s deceit to society.

The whole religious crux of the Star Wars saga is about a universal consciousness alongside a hidden field called the force, a dual concept of light and dark. Fundamentalist Christians find the Star Wars tale a portrayal of the occult – and the occult, in their incorrect definition of the word, is something nefarious instead of something hidden. This viewpoint, in their definition of the word occult, has an underlining conspiracy, and that is the conspiratorial notion that all religions, especially their Christian one, are slowly being abolished. What is being replaced is the adoption of a universal religion that is more in tune with a Luciferian doctrine. There is merit to the conspiracy, but the universal religion is not of Luciferian making [because its inference is wrong] but of an oligarchy, which is Christian. This replacement conspiracy is brought about in many ways; one such example is through a covert type of initiation through narrative media. Maybe it’s true, or perhaps it’s part of the schema of the synchronistic whole. Nevertheless, you can often tell one of the clear designs and ones that manifest naturally.

Incidentally, those who make these claims of conspiracy, whether true or not, are doing the same thing by first implicating the wrong definition of the word occult – or, more precisely, putting a different label on it yet keeping its actual meaning. This is essentially a covert manipulation and, therefore, a quality of narcissism, which is a quality of fundamentalism; it’s more confusing when fundamentalists deny their aspect of ideology and claim to be outside of it. They would deny describing themselves as Christian fundamentalist and instead proclaim they are just (Christian) intellectual researchers and yet mirror fundamentalist ideology.

The same is being done in the intellectual scenes (from esoteric history to philosophy) that seem to project their knowledge above conspiracy-theory claims, often laughing at various conspiracy-theory notions. One, in particular, the existence of a Reptilian race, is bizarre, considering there is an archetypal dominance of otherworldly beings vis-à-vis Archons. And just like fundamentalism, some aspects of liberalism (which most intellects are) tend to act as modern-day witch hunters at the same time, be a beacon for free speech while trying to change the hearts and minds of the (anti)-rational atheist groups.

Intellects cleverly depict conspiracy theories through various types of articulation, therefore being immune from embarrassment. Still, within this hidden embracement, they prop it up only to deny certain things as absolute. The denial is usually absolute only if it threatens or concerns their delusional view of a utopian State; they encourage the public to be aware of a hidden agenda stemming from the radical left concerning an insidious Marxist takeover of educational institutions. The supposed conspiracy has merit, but a more profound concern is equal to protecting freedom of speech, which is the notion of the good. If the state of democracy doesn’t know how to give, and if the good has been corrupted. Where does that leave the good? It has no real base. Suppose socialist think tanks always attach themselves like parasites to anything that promotes good intentions, like the New Age and the Greens, who wish to protect the environment. If this is the case, everything will be feudal because everything has been set up to fail. The confusion is in assuming the good is the culprit. Therefore, the solution lies in memory and imagination [more on this later].

Operation Paper Clip was based on migrating Nazi scientists to the United States to combat a Soviet threat. It also introduced awareness of how a country is run by policy managers instead of actual governance – and can easily be persuaded by other agencies through easily falsifying incriminating records to be granted permission to run a program like Operation Paper Clip. It shows you how fragile democracy can be. Decades later, we have NASA. They help promote hyperreal space cosmology, which is more about keeping public relations intact. While the actual space program or potentiality of space is being rolled out secretly, this is a double-edged sword of manipulation. The brainwashing aspect, much like other brainwashing mechanisms, is what the Soviet scientist came to cure. A soviet researcher claims most of the KGB involvement in the spy game is to heal people from demoralization.

During this time, the Soviet Union had their hand in secret projects in the paranormal, which went against their Marxist materialism ideology. They did experiments in PSI, telekinesis, remote viewing, and telepathy between subjects thousands of miles away with success. They discovered something crucial: if an electromagnetic field holds an organism together, it was possible to manipulate the entire organism through electric-magnetic harmonies and templates, in other words, sound. Considering this insight, make your conclusion regarding who is really behind the Marxist agenda in the educational system in North America and Canada. It all seems too well designed for something like this to emerge.

There is an attempt to label the map covertly, and any attempt to commune with it is even worse. If we view the map as a force of the universal collective consciousness, and if you view this map or stage further back in its entirety. You would see a marriage of the material and the ethereal. Humanity’s capacity to determine its weakness against nature has essentially evolved from it, and to deny it is a defeatist perspective. There is an intellectual de-evolution at play here. There is a puritanical right-wing Christian perspective underneath an overt commonality veneer, and in this commonality, attempts to agree with the status quo but is really against it – because if you are spiritually awake, it can break the spell – the spell of demoralization that institutions engineer. These institutions vary from the Church to the Media and the government.

Fundamentalist disdain is not necessarily towards researchers of the occult but actual practitioners of the occult as a magical craft. So, it’s more about communion with the universal collective consciousness through divination rather than so much in gaining knowledge through historical, philosophical texts, and that’s because they’re also researching it. They cannot condemn themselves if they’re doing a similar act. However, denying magic is essentially denying intuition and history – because ritual and natural acts are of the same order or two sides of the same coin. We’ve already established how magic is closely inherent to intuition – this can be exemplified by many examples, such as:


The kind of communion that is (naturally) intuitive or applied-animism in some sense – an example of this is thus musicians often use improvisation and usually get into a zone/trance in which the musician is not playing the music, but the music is playing the musician. [This similar notion is mentioned in Aleister Crowley’s Psycho-Spiritual Aspect of Yoga Demystified – in which he describes ‘Yoga is Union’]   
  *The unacknowledged relationships with deities that fundamentalists are aware of but refuse to recognise are reminiscent of having a bouncer stationed at the gates. This dynamic serves as the foundation of magic, stemming from an unspoken communion with the universal collective consciousness or the absolute—an entity that is ultimately unnamable. This relationship is rooted in the concept of ‘sin,’ suggesting that Christ can redeem you. In this framework, any individual’s past deeds are forgiven, but only if they follow Him. 

Crowley’s – Psycho-Spiritual Aspect of Yoga describes methods of mantra yoga, a branch of Pranayama. This communion (the relationship between you and universal collective consciousness) is natural, but fundamentalists won’t let you acknowledge it because of specific verses in the Bible, Deuteronomy 18:10-14 [NKJV]

  10There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer
   11Or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.
  12For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.
  13You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.
  14For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you.

These verses act as a warning or guideline brought about by the Church to slow down the practice of magic, which seemed to run rampant during that time. Exorcisms practised by priests seem to be the norm, the standard that a doctor treats their patients with a cold today. It was prevalent because people didn’t know what they were doing.

You must realise that people back then didn’t think the way we do now, apart from a particular Bible Belt area. Back then, people thought that church and state were reflections of heavenly power and that if you go against the church, you go against God. When the Orthodox and Protestant Church schism away from the Catholic Church, they were regarded as Satanists. The church and state were once viewed as reflections of heaven; their divine right as King was God ordained them, and they were the Vicar of Christ. And that they are the representation of the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth, and if you question that, you are a Satanist.

Christians, who are suffering from Lucifer’s-effect always, if not the majority, support the church. Even though it’s what Christ came here to abolish. The church is in the heart of Christ as opposed to a church as the Vicar of Christ. Deuteronomy 18:10–14 is usually the go-to verse for fundamentalist Christians to control the thinking faculty and downplay human history and its associations with ancient mystery cults. They took most of the stuff written in the Bible from the libraries of Babylon; included in that library were the Tarots. Evangelism academics ignore this entirely; otherwise, they would have no reason to dismiss vital information if not for their reductionist agenda.

Early Christians were Gnostic and practised magic; it was when Catholicism adopted Christianity that they did away with it – and when Protestantism broke away from Catholicism and veered off and divided into many fundamentalist denominations. It gave new meaning to occultism, thereby giving Biblical verses the label of absolutism. This, in turn, gives it an exclusive quality, making notions like Yoga, meditation, and spirituality something to be feared. Again, due to probable reasons, one being to stifle intuition, thereby denying other practices that are open to it.

New/traditional fundamentalists proclaim that they are just warning people that such practices as yoga can bring forth undesirable spirits. These warnings are just proclamations similar to the Monastic teachings. What you find in some Church Fathers’ spiritual teachings proclaim that humans have psychic abilities that are proper to nature. Still, because of the fall, you must be careful when using it because it’s also a way for evil spiritual influences to enter the individual and, therefore, the cosmos at large.

And this is also a defence quality of intuition and has nothing to do with empathetic responsibility. Still, more with a combination of moralism and sociological responsibilities – this is more in policy and governance. There is also the assumption that spiritual masters don’t know what they’re doing, which is absurd. These spiritual practices take lifetimes to master; they acquire knowledge to move or bypass such dark forces through those journeys. This quality of moralism and sociological responsibilities doesn’t progress civilization and its spiritual nature. Intuition naturally associates itself with mortality and timelessness; therefore, their denial of intuition is a possible attempt to keep modernity in the Middle Ages. Intuition’s defence quality is naturally flexible. It acts as a preventive device when faced with moral absolutism, which has an underlining option because it is restrained by a sense of uncertainty and a need to choose.

So before considering any absolute notions, one must consider magic as having many modes. One is intuition, an intuition that has two sets of intuitional acts. One is natural, and the second is practical, but both are philosophically natural. These acts are likened to the music and musicians regarding improvisation. To further explain magic as a natural act, Crowley described how this process is akin to rhythmic form and is an excellent cure for irregularity. He describes: “Once it’s established, no interference will prevent it; its natural tendency is to slow down like a pendulum until it stops – and the sequence of that impression, which constitutes our intellectual apprehension of the universe, is replaced by that form of consciousness. Or unconsciousness if you prefer it not that either would give the slightest idea of what you meant, which is without the condition of any kind presence in perfection the consummation of yoga” [Aliester Crowley’s Psycho-Spiritual Aspect of Yoga Demystified]. Think about Crowley’s conception of yoga, which is informative – take the good from the bad, as it were. There are variations of these natural acts, like tribal drum beats accompanied by a tribal dance in which one becomes entranced in a kind of natural entheogen. This can vary into binaural beats focusing on different sound frequencies alongside dream experiences such as astral travel, visions, premonition, prophecy, etc. 

In a lecture about the magic comic book, writer Grant Morrison describes absolutism in Orthodoxy [religious or otherwise] or any sense of Binary extremes as an attempt to prop up individualism to separate man and his nature. Man needs to control nature as opposed to having a give-and-take relationship with nature through types of animism. He says there is nothing in this reality that is not nature; nature made men, who invented things or materials that we think are separate from nature. “You either believe in nature, or you don’t, and I believe in nature.” He’s correct in recognizing the natural aspect [minus the human evolution implication] – given the natural element relates to my argument about magic. Still, he’s wrong in his view of individualism as a cause to separate man from nature.

There is an incorrect inference to his approach; it’s not through his idealistic approach of monism [unintentional or otherwise] to approach individualism as conspiratorial because individualism has more to do with sociological movements and less with the spirit. These sociological movements often have their discourse on absolutism; like religion, it’s stuck on a perpetual dialectic argument. It has less to do with the spirit and more with the mind. The rational and irrational mind in these two modes is the only thing valued in the West. What needs to be added and what is required in order to complete the triad is either intuition or imagination. To deny the individual, you’re only left with some offshoot of collectivism; one mind, one hive mentality is a Reptilian way of thinking. The solution may be about strengthening the individual instead.

A more straightforward way to describe our relationship with nature and, by extension, magic can influence the intricate connections across our habitual existence and time, suggesting that we are interconnected with this whole. This influence originates from the realm of spirit but must be articulated through reason. Something spiritual is gradually infusing into the material world. This infusion is not random; instead, it aligns with the intuitive, natural, and ceremonial aspects associated with magic.

Magic and its intuitive nature regarding magical practices or divination need a conduit or a symbolic medium. This usually takes the form of Circles and Triangles. The Triangle is a Trinity symbol that can corrupt, losing its original meaning when corrupted. The Triangle’s corruption is Magic that’s been taken and set in its place dark energies, which is then inverted and is not inherently for the established order. It’s more akin to consciousness (or the Force in Star Wars), and often, the Order (or the First Order) takes it to unimaginable and dark situations. For example, Nancy from The Craft takes it to a dark place. Crowley defined this type of Magic – as magick. Neil Kramer explains clearly the foundation of Magic through the analogy of the dream:

 Corruption often takes form in being able to take something, or someone out of context of what is real, to do this to a person requires instilling a sort of amnesia into the human mind. This makes the person forget their linage and their infinite spirit. In every age people, civilizations, ideologies, cities changes, and in those times people are switched into a setting that requires them to live within their time, a default setting of mind and spirit. So people have their own unique individual and group realty tunnels, some of these groups require belief vis-à-vis Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Scientism, Naturalists or Determinist whatever it maybe. The control system creates false absolutes for our reality, which gives rise to their conscious thought form that is derived from the sentient design; like a signal that broadcasts within the stage. This signal through time gains amplitude becomes strong as it’s helped by billions of augmented nodes (human collective), this is what gives matter solidity. This is evident in Vedic and Hindu philosophy and also quantum physics. (Neil Kramer- occult of personality interview 2010)   
 However, not all the human collective share the same platform, in the dream that we show up in, is actually a construct that can be both be both physical and literal. However, it’s fundamentally more of a meta-physical construct of ideas, notions and sound. What makes our realty different, (while still much like a dream) is its consistency; this consistency is held in place by consciousness. In the pre-Neolithic age the mystics tried to convey this to us; that we are in a dream, in an illusion, a matrix, and this is not inherently a bad thing we need an infrastructure or a stage for our consciences vessel to move around in. This is your default setting, and in order to change that, according to the mystics you must acknowledge that this is a dream, this is Maya or the matrix. When this achieved the dream the matrix changes relatively to where you are in your consciousness level, and so you start to affect it; subtly then as you progress through time; literally. In the occult, this is called magic – the process to bring change according to will, you are both dreamer and the dreamt simultaneously. Knowing this not just on intellectual level, but gnosis as experience can change current society fundamentally flawed mindset. (Neil Kramer- occult of personality interview 2010) 

The stage and our collective psyches are manifestations of thought and inherently magic. Hidden knowledge of how to manipulate the stage to support current ages was the way of the initiated mystics/priests. While at the time, they did it on isolated occasions, now it’s grander through secret societies that over-power governing states with their developing technologies (ties to UFO contact) and interlocked corporate hierarchies and economic (federal banks) power.

The mind and the higher conscious self or aspects of intuition can coincide through the analogous of myth. For example, Satan is often associated with your subconscious mind (the shadow). At the same time, God is the higher-conscious self (this is not a dismissal of any form of anthropomorphic tangibility for the godhead because, for Christians, it’s an absolute. However, there is no mention of the name of Lucifer as Satan in Biblical verses; Satan was attached to Lucifer after the fact. Lucifer is mentioned in Isa. 14:12-14 NKJV – and even in this verse, it could be the name for the morning star; then placed into having a sort of symbolic association with the fallen one). Metaphorical association to God and godhead aside, it’s almost certain that it’s all shadow and light play, and often, there are a lot of light beings, entities, and angels that are not all good and benevolent.

According to ancient mystery cults, ‘the magic triangle’ correlates to electricity, magnetic energy and the forces that bind them together. In Christianity, the ‘Magic Triangle’ stems from the tradition of King Solomon. In an essay titled ‘The Magic Triangle,’ the occultist and teacher of occult studies Franz Bardon states:

 “A magician would never be able to get a certain power or a certain being into a circle without the help of the magic triangle, for the circle is, as we now know, the symbol of the infinite and not the symbol of manifestation. No magician should ever forget this fact.” 
 “The magician must make sure that the being or power he has called into the triangle is under his full control, and that he himself, while standing in the centre of the circle, is thus representing a superior power, a universal, a divine idea.” 

While Bardon’s first statement seems ominous, it merely outlines the processes of such a craft (however, staying clear of any practice ensures an unencumbered life).

The Cathars knew the use of such magic; they were the last Gnostic group Mary Magdalene taught; they knew the truth. The Spanish Inquisition came to simulate the Gnostic set to Catholicism, and if they refused, witch-burning ensued, and most of them walked into the fire (as they knew the Holy Spirit was with them). The Cathars were healing the sick through magic, and their sacred symbol was the five-pointed star symbol, the symbol for the Father (and also for protection). Who else uses the five-pointed star? While it’s not an equilateral triangle, the Wiccans are the dichotomy of practice I’m referring to. Bardon’s last quote refers to two set processes: one is about controlling the supernatural action, and two is about taking charge of your destiny, being consciously aware of divine ideas and habitual thoughts. I suspect the two overlap somehow, knowingly and unknowingly. Intuition and imagination are magic at an unconscious level and are, therefore, an act of divination inherent in most of us.

 True magic is neither black nor white. It’s both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life keeps a balance on its own. – Craft 

It’s a natural quality of humans to associate with many deities if they’re similar or have the same traits as one specific deity; perhaps it’s easier to manage that way. Maybe that’s why materialism and monotheism became so prevalent, which could also be one of the fundamental problems of the degradation of our world and its sociological structures. From its basis, it applies the wrong notion of the synchronistic whole by consolidating beliefs, which leaves out specific individual and cultural reasoning. The theoretical assumption is that all matter originated in a small ball of matter that exploded into chaos. And randomness and then through chemical processes that gave life – is a framework of monotheism, a subject raised earlier.

However, if you think of the universe as part of a transcendent reason and that it’s not solely about chaos through randomness and accidents through chemical processes, you will find a structure and a language to it. Just like the Monastic warning, you enter the structure at your peril. The structure is the analogical process, and just like the force it binds us, it connects us – much in the way information works, which can be gathered or manipulated. And this is how we think; we move towards known knowledge content by drawing analogies from things we know and don’t know. The Bhagavad Gita writes about a field and the knower of the field. This can relate to the quantum implication of the observer cosmos and our uncertainty principle. The implication is that it puts man as the observer at the centre of the universe. So, any manipulation technique of the observer’s mind will have a cosmological effect.

The observer cosmos is a natural quality of magic. Wiccans act out those natural qualities as practical qualities with rituals, spells, sigils, and intentions. Wiccans worship the Great One-(Parent) and the goddess to an extent. According to fundamentalists, the goddess is the Whore of Babylon because the Bible details the Whore of Babylon. However, it doesn’t distinguish itself from other goddess deities because that’s a natural quality of man that inherently follows a monotheistic framework, which at times is filled with speculations that leave it open to endless interpretation. And I’ve already outlined the distinction.

One of the fundamentalist groups is Protestants (Seventh-day-Adventist), who claim the Whore of Babylon is worshipped by the Catholic Church. Catholics, in a response, describe the Whore of Babylon as the city of Jerusalem, citing the Jewish power which has risen in recent times. Jehovah’s Witness declares that all other forms of Christendom are part of the apostate religion of Babylon the Great. And this is fitting, considering their ideology is based on denying the Trinity (the one-Parent). However, if you look at the classical doctrines of the fall of man, they’re always expressed in cosmological terms because they’re fractal and mirror what has happened among the gods in the Pleroma. This ignorance approach is shared among the many fundamentalist denominations. However, those involved in natural magic like Wicca / Neo-Pagans can acknowledge biblical traditions but choose not to because biblical traditions themselves are systematic – and unlike a fundamentalist version of ignorance, the Neo-Pagans aren’t Narcissistic.

The ancients always viewed the world as an organism, which changed around the 17th century to a more mechanistic view – and then permeated throughout the 19th century, not only through the scientific area but also the arts. What’s interesting towards the ancient view is that man itself was a microcosm of the macrocosm; in other words, man was at the exact centre of the cosmos – not in a solipsistic way, but rather man was at the centre of the cosmos because the man was the bridge between the material and spiritual (heavens).

Wiccans, artist-prophets, oracles, seers, an incarnate spirit of Sophia, and so forth are the bridge or mediums for the material and the spiritual world beyond secret societies and hierarchies because it’s more tribal – the real elite, as it were. So, there is a sense of responsibility to embody the synchronistic whole consciously. But, on the other hand, it’s also a random phenomenon, and those who can surrender themselves to the impersonal and the archetypal can allow it to move through them/us. By this surrender, you/we become chosen; we become the elect.

Act Two: The stage is not to blame: The last two Avengers films showcased a topographical image copy of Manly P. Hall’s book cover, ‘The Secret Teachings of All’. Manly P. Hall was a known Freemason, and being a Mason was a prerequisite for studying esoteric subjects then. It tends to be the norm throughout history. What is new? More precisely, the symbol of purification is added to the film’s symbol, which outlines concepts of soul sacrifice, death and rebirth, destruction, and magic. The symbol also acts as a guide or a direction – and it also invokes a friendlier (or a PG/Disney version) concept of the Pagan sacrifice ritual: a soul for a stone, which is akin to the alchemical fermentation process, but it’s also the magical notion of blood for intent – also known as ceremonial magic that involves spilling blood, known as Paganism. It is a European term, but it is a universal ritual among other early cultures – these dark and evil acts of ritualized sacrifices during that time were genuine; in early Europe, they sacrificed to Odin.

To understand Pagan Sacrificial rituals, we must first understand those groups that would generalize them and then blend their ideology into them. After that, differentiate conspiratorial notions that could be assumptions with evidence while filtering it through history. For example, mainstream Christians should be ambivalent about Biblical Literalism now that Flat Earth Christians rely on the literal aspect of the Bible. However, putting all your beliefs in one group’s perspective in antiquity still tends to be projected into one’s worldview, which is essentially corrupt, making those people have a quality of fundamentalism, which in turn becomes a quality of narcissism.

The majority of Conspiratorial thinking comes from the American South, and the American South is intertwined with Evangelicalism regarding their worldview. Evangelical Christianity polarizes, and they see things in black and white. This point of view skews people’s thought processes of significant events because it’s always focused on that frame of reference. For example, when it comes to sacrifices such as the modern Moloch worship that depicts sacrifices of children – whether you believe in it or not, it has the propensity to be true because sacrifices to Pagan deities are mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, Israel sets itself apart from its neighbours – as it doesn’t do that because, as it’s written in the Bible, Abraham sacrificing Isaac to God was halted by God advocating Abraham that he doesn’t have to, as He will provide a substitute. So, from here on, sacrificing people as a concept no longer exists, and they have differentiated themselves from the Phoenician gods. And when this became apparent, all Jewish history from that point on is now slander against their neighbours to set themselves apart. The Romans did the same thing to Carthaginians.

There is a quote from the film Matrix-reloaded: “We can never see past the choices we don’t understand” Of course, it is in the context of Neo having sight, meaning he can look into the world without time. However, certain aspects of his self-intuition are blocked by something he cannot understand: the possibility of Trinity’s death. I’m mentioning this because there are real-world evils, particularly on the subjects of Mind Control involving Children – and certain conspiracy subjects adjacent to it. But, again, it’s something I cannot understand. So I’m hesitant to even research, except maybe for subjects that aren’t too heavy on understanding because they’re filtered down through pop culture like MK-Ultra. However, praise those that do. And so perhaps such goings have certainties, at least on sync level to a particular aspect of history. Even then, it’s heavily mythologized, so conveying it as evidence isn’t practical because it’s the realm of myth.

 Sometimes, the archetype on screen doesn’t match what is confirmed on a Meta level. A shadow hides behind every good and madness behind every bad. 

On a synch level, it stems from religious history, a think tank experiment by the Church Fathers to proclaim anything that is not Christian is Satanic, and any other gods [good or bad] are demons or satanic entities. The Church Fathers also interpreted the ancient Daemons (benevolent bringers of knowledge, similar to angels) into evil “demons,” identical to the evil spirits of Babylonian folk magic.

And this would trickle down to current modernity, which branched out to certain fundamentalist groups, particularly Calvinism. A group that proclaims they are the elect pre-destined by God, and in the realm of manifestation, people realise that by becoming Christians [whatever that means], they would become elect. And if they elect, they go to heaven, and if not, they go to hell. There was a response to Calvinism’s pre-destination philosophy by a movement called Arminianism, which argues that it’s not about pre-destination but more about choice.

This seemingly explains the many fallacies that Christian fundamentalism has, namely Calvinism’s inherent narcissistic quality, which can often provoke a response – any reaction among anyone outside their circle is usually always disagreeable. It’s in these reactions that they know they’ve got you. However, it doesn’t indicate that they’re wrong in their conspiracy theory; it merely outlines qualities that point towards self-interest and the need to consolidate all deities (demonic or angelic) into one figurehead. It’s important not to deny all conspiracy theories outright because many have come true.

English literature significantly impacted the faculties of mind, especially the Lucifer and Satan mythos. Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost would be the first step towards changing people’s minds. It leaned into fundamentalism from something traditional and seemingly safe to something solipsistic. In Paradise Lost:

 Moloch has been used figuratively in English literature from John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667) to Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” (1955), to refer to a person or thing demanding or requiring a very costly sacrifice. – Wikipedia   

Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost influenced the Lucifer-as-Satan mythos at that time and, in turn, only validated the imaginations of readers in Europe. Moreover, during that time, anti-papal propaganda was set in place by various means, notably documents written about the troubled time in Europe. Milton’s work romantically captured a piece of that time, and this literature, through extension, would inspire the same paranoia in the American South – the kind of paranoia that would inspire conspiracy theory in ways that are fantastically imagined.

This conspiracy theory is not theoretical, considering it’s an agreed shared knowledge among conspiracy-theory researchers – those of a conspiracy theory in which the elite have created their reality. Outside ordinary consensus reality, there are many layers of power or hierarchies within their reality. They’re attempting to make their reality while keeping us locked into the reality they created. And this is how they achieve total control over our thoughts and perception. Again, this is an agreed-upon shared knowledge or common sense. New/traditional fundamentalists stand out because they implore within the conspiracy a Luciferin doctrine and a denial of the Christian faith, which is a mistranslation of who Lucifer is.

Lucifer is the bringer of light, and if the elites are using Lucifer as their archetype, then their understanding is not necessarily our understanding or vice versa. As a Satan archetype, Lucifer would be an archetype that doesn’t facilitate self-empowerment; it doesn’t allow individuation. Also, according to Rudolf Steiner, Lucifer is more of a force that presides over the human imagination. Lucifer is a necessary empowering agent for humanity; once humanity’s eyes were blinded to the divine, as in the fall, Lucifer blinded man according to the myth. It was done to provide man with free will as part of the divine plan – Lucifer was merely the agent of that blinding and that of liberation. Steiner describes the only way for man to have free will or the illusion of free will. He was to be blinded to his place in the divine scheme of things because if a man could see or witness the workings of the divine, the gods, and forces of the cosmos and creation, he would only see himself as part of that intrinsic design. In which man would realise he had no free will within that divine scheme – man would only act under the forces. Through the blindness of Lucifer’s intervention, man could function as a free individual being. Hence, he was cast out of the garden. As compensation for the blindness, Lucifer gave the power of the imagination (potentiality of the light) – hence the power to imagine the forces of the divine, the gods, and the invisible spirit.

The revelation of method encourages the illusion that we are uncovering things [conspiracies] through our ingenuity. To some extent, this is true, but these discoveries are often planted for us as clues to discover. The independent researcher has no method of engagement with the authority of power. The only way is through the power of imagination, meditation, dreams, sorcery, and altered states of consciousness. However, for fundamentalist-Christian-conspiracy-theorists, the imagination is often intertwined with false memory, and when it comes to history, there is no formal method of identifying it. These false memories are symmetrical, akin to Northrop Frye’s demolition: “Symmetry, in any narrative, always means that historical content is being subordinated to mythical demands of design and form.” This differs from mythology, which is fictionally based and tends to be more accurate because it’s naturally asymmetrical.

The symmetrical aspect of false memory divulges into aspects of what memory isn’t – within the last two centuries, apologists’ thinkers for utilitarian power insist on getting past the worst in history we must forget. This blocked memory, first mentioned in Freud’s teachings of the unconscious, would later be enhanced by French thinkers like Ernest Renan, who shaped public perception with his arguments for the need to forget. In many ways, this is a memory manipulation; a wish for forgetting can lead to fantasy rather than classic racism. The isolation of past tragedies to set up false pure roots for passive, harmless pride can turn into xenophobia.

The misconception of what it is to be Luciferian is a way of ensuring those false memories are true when they’re not, or through ignorance as a way of staying clear from that archetype. These are the only archetypes we have, and the fact they’ve been used to distort perception by the elites as a way of enslavement is no reason to reject them. We must take them back and reintroduce their more accurate meaning to avoid that misperception. Suppose we associate the controller’s perception of Lucifer, which fundamentalists are all too happy to agree upon. In that case, people empower them by thinking of them as being illuminated or having allegiance with Lucifer. We feed their narrative every time certain occult clues are rolled out purposely – then they use our imagination to empower them. We are also allowing Lucifer to be distorted and influenced by the idea of illumination.

In modern times, manipulated memories are now propaganda that can be found in media; you can also find it in public relations concerning politics and commerce. New and traditional fundamentalist-Christian-conspiracy types have a likeness to the documentary approach. And this non-fiction form falls into this category, taking the most valuable fragments from a tidal wave of facts to match their ideology. The commonality among them is that they all use art images from the Renaissance to hold some historical legitimacy. The outcome depends on the intent, not the facts – if it’s for purpose, it’s magic or sorcery, which they’re trying to eliminate. Given sorcery is in the realm of the imaginal, a subjective realm, it’s where the psyche overlaps with our environment, a non-consensual reality that hasn’t been agreed upon because we can’t access it with our everyday conscious mind.

It’s easy to assume that during the times of our lost civilizations (the kind of civilizations ancient alien theorists discuss), a vast worldwide spiritual system existed in a place that may have originated from the centre – of the centre was Atlantis. This distribution focused on developing the spiritual aspect of human existence and its nature and less on the material. These were expressed in various ways; one example is through metaphors that express the sacrifice of the body. These metaphorical notions were never meant to be taken literally. It was just a way to convey the body, and its importance shouldn’t be the main focus because it would distract us from the spiritual quest that we and our bodies are here for. These notions were taken up by tribal cultures to kill the bodies or sacrifice the bodies literally – this would then become part of the ritual – human sacrifices became a notion of pleasing the gods.

Blood sacrifices are usually a form of Masonic magic(k) from Masonic sorceresses, yielders of that magic, and a form of worship, a left-brain intellectual form of control through worship and the instigation of that worship. Their practices of occult magic rituals are set in place to uphold a power structure. Their techniques are derived from Masonic occult methods that are sacrificial based (blood rituals). Being Masonic means building something, literally and figuratively, a power structure; their sorcerers attempt to create power using our imagination and blood. It’s the blood, faith, and cements the Trinity of the Nazis. [Look up the conspiracy theory surrounding this; it’s more than the war-time totalitarian narrative].

They understood that blood has energetic properties and contains DNA. Its vibrational structure depends on the individual spiritual essence; if an individual’s vibration during the enlightenment process is high, then the DNA in the blood matches it. Dark Energies are attracted to the blood, so during any ritualistic blood magick, demons will most likely follow. Only demons seem to respond to these dark magical rituals, not the forces of light or angels. These contracts made in the blood are also permanent up until death. Many names know the Demiurge [the God of this world]. One, in particular, is YHWH, who incidentally has a likeness for the shedding of blood. New Age Flat Earth Cults has summarized that the blood is the proponent that changes the Matrix or Holographic structure of the Stage in which we exist.

New-Age-Flat-Earth-Cults intend to reach the centre of the earth. Vortex is based on a motive to kill yourselves – to reach another dimension, one of Paradise akin to the show’s Westworld example I wrote about in part one of this thesis collection. This is a fundamentalist notion that has ties to gnostic-Satanism, which is focused, cultic, and Grimoire-based, which is an inversion of the Nag-Hammadi that you might find in Saint Irenaeus’ works. These types of teachings are based on suicide (or self-sacrifice) based on the premise of reaching the height of your strength and then killing yourself to escape the Demiurge. To get back into the Pleroma of chaos filled with darkness and nothingness, which is the True God, not the false Demiurge. So new-Age-Flat-Earth-Cults just swapped nothingness and darkness with Paradise, immortal waters, and so forth.

Act Two: A Game of Theodicy: The Gnostics were a group of theologians who thought about the true nature of reality. At that time, people had an overwhelming religious and mystic worldview of how reality worked. The Gnostics concluded rationally that maybe God (the God of the Old Testament and the New) isn’t necessarily the real God but is spawned from the Ultimate Aeon. Resulting in a Creator-God responsible for the creation of our world (the architect) – this creator-God is pulling the strings but maybe isn’t necessarily the ultimate creator.

During that time, one of the major issues they had with the current Christian belief system was theodicy. Theodicy calls upon the question of why a good God is willing to accept the existence of evil, the logic being how a true emanate God or good God with omniscience create something like childhood Cancer or let a being like Satan exist, and so forth. Fundamentalist Christians answer theodicy by proclaiming God controls the circumstances of life – He chooses to bless people, discipline them, or allow evil to affect their lives – and uses Ezek. 12-14 to explain God’s defence.

   Ezek. 12-14The word of the Lord came again to me, saying: ‘Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it.’

The notion of God not needing to justify his actions because God is the ultimate reality and what he does is right. When applied to humans, this is a horrifying thought, so they suggest using it only for the benevolent creator rather than mere common sense. However, it’s his benevolence that is in question. Can we assume that those notions are only for himself and his angels? This doesn’t make sense, and it seems like an attempt to answer a fundamental question with a circular argument, leaving out the leading proponent of the cosmic game, humans.

These notions have implications concerning how we live our lives – meaning for any fundamentalist who follows these types of reasoning and also to grasp its meaning literally and, by doing so, invite a warped view concerning common sense – and the denial of free will. For example where, any given individual who follows a fundamentalist ideology concerning the question of theodicy that it’s God’s will suddenly happen to get sick with a life-threatening disease; however, this disease is curable. The irrational fundamentalist approach is to deny that cure, thus refusing to get better, but instead rather die because God controls the circumstances of life. Sounds ridiculous, right? Firsthand, we assume it’s a question of faith, fate, and philosophy, but when you cut to the grassroots of it. It follows the same pattern as someone charismatic enough to lead a cult. The cult leader acts as a stand-in for God’s will or steward that people follow willingly, and evidence has shown that whoever plays that role has the commonality of a sociopath.

Moreover, there is an attempt to deny specific universal orders or laws that proceed after giving away your common sense and the will to think for oneself. That particular universal law is causality. It can also parallel the law of cause and effect with the concepts of duality, time, and entropy, which are all part of the creator god’s design. Fundamentalists insinuate the law of cause and effect aligns itself with the occult. Therefore, it lacks legitimacy in the eyes of God; this is bizarre reasoning, considering they’re God’s universal laws in the first place. Causality merely considers responsibility as a cause; negative traits in others also reflect on the self, similar to Jung’s concept of the shadow. Changing the mind and how one thinks the self can impact other people’s thinking.

This is entirely different among people who refuse flu vaccines. These people are now labelled as anti-vaxers; these groups have become victims of a witch-hunt from those who act as God’s will – the label can lean into any group because ideologies are not biased. They are labelled the same way as alt-right fundamentalists, but it’s not necessarily a correct paring; the narrative has just been put that way to make you think it is. However, this is not about groups but a fundamental issue concerning truth; this argument is as poignant as the argument for Chemtrails’ existence. While some might be fundamentalists and traditional Christians who make these issues relevant to the public, they are just one particular group who are vocal about it. God’s will is beyond classification and labels; it’s inclusive to everyone; it’s those who speak on his behalf to create specific agendas that raise questions. These issues that have a conspiracy are universal and concern everyone. Therefore, it stems from a far-reaching conspiracy pointing to the same culprits. The NWO groups have many potentialities, like those who advocate a heliocentric world religion.

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