Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (06):
Conspiracy Theory and Reason:
Regarding conspiracy-(theory), it doesn’t allow human achievements to be their own. Throughout modern history, anything related to events and achievements doesn’t grow organically but is orchestrated; this is a complex notion to grasp. Given human qualities, they associate themselves with society, no more than our capacity to imagine, invent, create, etc. So, every time a conspiracy theory is acknowledged, it turns out to be true. It only reinforces a unifying world plan, and this unification is not ideological. And this impedes any notion of hope and idealism, or even creativity.
When our human qualities are summed up in this way or explained in this reduced manner, it weakens our thoughts and imagination. Therefore, our intuition is nothing but superstition. [This tends to think itself into isolation and delusion from this self-referential world. This weakness is a characteristic that caught Plato and Descartes’s attention. Of our six qualities, reason has the most significant difficulty working with others. What seems to be missing is the mechanism to reach out quickly to find what other qualities offer. Plato and Descartes misinterpreted this weakness as strength – a splendid isolation of superiority. They, therefore, set about interpreting delusions as reality. – John Ralston Saul]
So, we must not confuse weakness in reason as strength. Conspiracies at the forefront of people’s radar may very well be true. Still, within it, Like a filter, we must determine how to separate other qualities within the conspiracy (orchestrated or not). To determine what truth is and what is not because human qualities have shaped history and society regardless of being run by an Elite Order, for any commoner, the highest elitist will see is their bosses and managers at work. Otherwise, it becomes an isolated delusion. People are unaware of a higher conspirator power and, therefore, go about their days unaware of the background. The matrix (as a metaphorical concept of control) is an illusion, but people still have to live in it, awaken or not. People are still driven by their fears and happier in their weakness (akin to the Cypher effect); it offers them/us the illusion of certainty.
A theory is a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. A hypothesis, but there has to be thought before all of that. And within thought, there is the fallacy of the unattributed end made clear by French philosopher Descartes; “I think therefore I am” a Parisian quip; if one were to finish the sentence, it becomes meaningless. What if the reason was thought: [“I think therefore I am” because I think in the context of others who have thought before me, now think all around me, and will go thinking after me? We may be the only creatures capable of thought, but that can be said of all our qualities. However, it only takes on significance because “we are” part of something beyond us. Call it society. Our ability to extend our considerations beyond ourselves makes them think. Otherwise, what we are engaged in is just something more sophisticated than a normal animal activity – a quantitative difference, not a qualitative one. I would call this self-interest, not thought. Put another way: what is the implication of believing there is an underlying rational truth, a rational godhead? Well, since we have never come up with such a truth, despite having tried over the centuries, we are left with the ultimate meaning of ideology. That is, we insist upon treating speculation as a statement of absolute. – John Ralston Saul]
We do have some resemblance of what Godhead might be, but nothing to describe it as rational that’s impossible; that’s like trying to define the unknowable or putting a name on the unnamable Dao. Our disconnection from the Godhead stems from a spiritual loop, experiencing the shadows of our collective innermost until we can remember the centre again. And so parallels the story of Babylon and the Garden of Eden. Where humankind lost its connection to the Godhead, this loss of connection is perhaps the reactionary reason for the human attempt, with all its qualities, to reach God. The first is the Tower of Babel, followed by modern-day rockets. [But thwarted by the firmament, which is why rockets don’t go straight up, but in an arch].
In the film X-Men Apocalypse, there is a scene where Apocalypse takes over Xavier’s mind. Upon taking over Cerebro, he releases nukes through psychic power. This is a re-invention of the allegory of the fall of the Babel tower, trying to reach God’s realm but not succeeding. Apocalypse says: [after disarming the world of nuclear weapons by launching them] “You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike god!” The image of rockets unable to reach outer space is a truth hidden in narrative storytelling. But, of course, it was Havoc that destroyed it.
Apocalypse represents the sun god Ra, Yahweh (Jehovah), etc. It was the sun’s rays that woke him up. Another Apocalypse quote: “You are all my children, and you’re lost because you follow blind leaders. No more false gods. I’m here now.” They showed elite governments and Corporations (globalists) a representation of a false steward worldwide. …notice the three crosses representing the three kings/sisters, an astrological marker for Orion. It does show a curved Earth, but what he says about not reaching God implies a closed system. |
A BBC documentary titled “How Art Made the World” specifies the unique human quality of creating and understanding symbolic imagery throughout human history. That started from early cave paintings – unlike “Ancient Aliens”, the show doesn’t give reason from its everyday societal imagery of hunting and gathering depictions. However, what prompted or inspired those activities? Could it be from witnessing a phenomenon we call UFOs, and from that, they became our new gods?
The beginning of Star Trek-Into Darkness depicts Planet Nibiru (a prominent link to Zecharia Sitchin’s Nibiru or planet-X, now called planet 9. I’m still trying to figure out why they changed the name and position of the supposed hidden planet). The planet’s inhabitants, the Niburans, instantly changed their belief system (their religion) once they witnessed a spacecraft rising out of the seawater. So it’s a cargo-cult and new Watchers motif. The new Watchers are what I call humanity’s affinity to be like the Watchers (spiritual-angelic-technological beings) to simulate the old Watchers of old. And this has been a prominent motif throughout the Star Trek Series.
JJ Abrams’s Star Trek-Into Darkness depicts the class M. Nibiru planet, which is a testament to the Adams calendar found in South Africa. Abram always depicts the Hexagon; it was also in ‘Star Wars Force Awakens’. Adam’s Calendar is said to be where the human species were created by […]. In ‘Rogue One’, a symbol depicts the megalith structure associated with Orion’s Belt. The Hexagon is a sacred symbol linked to our creation in the form of the human embryo egg cells. Nibiru’s landscape is reminiscent of vein-like blood cells. |
One episode from the Star Trek series that comes to mind is “Blink of an Eye” from the Voyager series, a play on the title of an old episode called “Wink of an Eye”. The Starship Voyager, stranded in a sector of the galaxy tens of thousands of light-years from Earth, enters the orbit of a strange planet, only to find itself stuck in a “tachyon field” unable to escape. The crew then discovers that the presence of Voyager in the planet’s upper atmosphere is causing continual seismic activity on the surface and that the planet is inhabited by intelligent life at an early Neolithic stage of technological and social evolution. The planet’s unique feature is a time dilation component; time passes much more rapidly there than in the rest of the galaxy, including the Voyager ship itself: a second of general time corresponds to almost a day on the planet.
The show’s narrative showcases a vignette of the planet’s inhabitant’s growth as a civilization throughout the ages, from Neolithic to a futuristic civilization. Each vignette shows an archetypal quality. Overall, it’s about history and time and what it’s like to sit outside of time and watch as history unfolds. So, they’re Watchers by accident or curiosity, a play on how humans can better play the role of Watchers. However, the inhabitant’s whole premise is the inspiration that took the form of intuition, allowing imagination to prosper without interference, aside from the first appearance of a Star, i.e., Sky-ship, which is in dichotomy to Watchers of Human myth, which possibly played a role as Watchers that influenced human’s stair step evolution in the Sumerian civilization. What the show implies is a thought experiment that, even without interference, human achievements can still be their own. The reason is actual knowledge is pre-symbolic.
Notice that the second panel depicts a planet with its magnetic/tachyon field, but the planet itself depicts a toroidal field. |
Voyager upholds their prime directive, initiates the doctor (EMH) to live among the people, and affirms this inspiration; Voyager’s presence encouraged invention, religion, science, art, and even children’s toys. It even inspired a space race among the inhabitants of various states. Who can get to the starship first with a rocket (which coincides with our space race to get to the moon first with a rocket)? However, there are shades of religion in the relationship between the inhabitants of that planet and the ship in their orbit. Blink of an Eye suggests that their interest is more spiritual. More on the notion of the New Watchers doing it better is within all the inspiration; it never inspired an inquisition or human sacrifice.
Genesis explains how the sons of God (Beni Elohim / Fallen Angels) found the daughters of men attractive, took them as wives, and had offspring that became Nephilim (giants). During this time of the deluge, God found all men’s flesh corrupt and their thoughts continuously evil. However, God found favour in Noah; he was righteous in his generation, meaning there was nothing wrong with his genetics. The new fundamentalist Christian ideal (inspired by non-canon texts) is that Lucifer campaigned with the Angels to do great sin. This deception is believed to be repeating itself in modern times as the new fundamentalist is ensuring the aspect of our human quality that embarks on ignoring morality, ethics, and reason by adhering to immoral programs like gene manipulation, Cern-activity and so forth. To strangely link it with a verse from Mathew 24:37;
37 | As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. |
This is an attempt to link something that has happened in the past and to compare the similarity of our human qualities in the present. And this is a bold claim, considering they weren’t there to make any significant comparison. It’s a doomsday or scaremonger mentality and has all the tropes of fundamentalism in it. You can say anything about the human quality until now; it would still fit under the banner of ‘son of man’ because it’s ambiguous.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is at least five thousand years old, and the translation of ancient cuneiform tablets confirms the Mesopotamian flood myth as an antecedent of the Noah story in the Bible. The Old Testament gave us formal elements of modern mythology and archetypes. The fundamentalist outlook on the flood is to make you focus on a linear, material, short version that leads to extinction, as opposed to a more timeless and synchronistic position. And that is death, or more precisely, we must die. The material goods keep us in denial – the boat is life, and all that matters is to keep our souls living. The message received by Noah and that of Gilgamesh’s epic in a dream: “Tear down your house and build a boat, abandon possessions and look for life despise worldly goods and save your soul alive.” And this is the timelessness of life, the essence of it.
For now, I don’t have any response to programs manipulating genes to create chimera other than agreeing it exists. Nor do I have a response to the concept of Lucifer campaigning to do great sin made evident by non-canon biblical records [I have to research more on it]. However, I do have some views on reason as thought. That Lucifer campaigned among other Watchers to do great sin is solely based on the assumption that Satan is Lucifer. The fundamentalist reasoning is entirely based on a standard religious doctrine of an all-inclusive quality – because Satan is not Lucifer, and it’s just a merging of two different archetypes, and their qualities have equal value, which makes it irrational. Irrationality has a habit of specializing in truth and giving it an absolute, which implies special access or privilege to the truth. [If you accept that reason is thought, then neither the universe nor nature is rational. They do not think or argue. Nor are they irrational since they make sense. Instead, they are non-rational. A better word might be that they are animists. – John Ralston Saul]
Lucifer is less of a deity than a conceptual representation of various ideas. “Lucifer” means “light-bearer,” symbolizing rebellion, the quest for godhood, the pursuit of enlightenment, and the mastery of knowledge. This notion of rebellion is intended to be cosmic; it involves challenging or profoundly altering the cosmic order. The demonization of the sacred feminine is rooted in the story of the Serpent, Lucifer, who tempts Eve to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden. This event represents the occult knowledge related to the origins of Genesis—the beginnings of creation. Our so-called “forked tongue” or Serpent DNA creates a magnetism that keeps us in a state of servitude, forever quarantined from the light of Lucifer, the light of knowledge, which has led to his being cast down into the abyss.
What separates Watchers from other angelic beings is that the ‘fall’ is the cornerstone myth of Western tradition and kingship. The Fall in Genesis depicts giants and the megalithic landscapes they were in, but having no records as to who built them suggests that the great flood explained why that evidence no longer exists. Coupled with that is the origin myth of man, which has been embodied with the divine spark, and in addition to that is the idea of descending beings and teaching spirits (Watchers), which is central to Western magic and witchcraft as well. Spirits that fell are spirits that teach the skills of civilizations, and they also teach the secrets of magic.
The powers ensure everything is played out to match a linear fundamentalist perspective. For example, 9/11 was an event; it’s also a bold statement to the world that it has begun. 9/11 seems to also coincide with revelation 9:11;
11 | And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. |
Artist-Prophets, from Jack Kirby to the creators of the Simpsons, predicated the Twin Tower event and injected it through their work way before the event occurred. Does that mean they were part of the conspiracy? Not necessarily because we must acknowledge that mortality and timelessness exist and that our dreams link us to the collective unconscious. There are many access points to the unconscious, but dreams are the most common – and there are many versions of synchronicity. Art, stories, music, sounds, myths, actions, courage, fear, and ß the physical nature of our relationship to the non-human – Kirby used animism creatively to reach within the synchronistic whole and inject his awareness through comic book panels. This is an intuitive act and is the most practical of our human qualities. Imagination and intuition allow for the existence of a synchronistic timelessness whole. And to deny it sets you up for utilitarian mysticism and hero worship. And this is what the new/traditional fundamentalist- Christians love to do.
There should be enough shared knowledge now to convince people that the 9/11 event was a planned demolition – with all infrastructures, from media to major utilities, working in unison to create what was an elaborate hoax but a hoax with dire consequences. There is no need to rely on synchronicity or the intuitive act to determine the event’s truth for this particular event. Or even to point out an angelic destroyer responsible, a sense of scapegoating for the ones responsible. Enough logical evidence (thanks to the work of Dr Wood) has been gathered as shared knowledge, so common sense is enough for the truth to be revealed.
The conspiracy theory link is the elite powers that rule have built a Stargate where the Twin Towers fell. The Twin Tower event was said to be initiated precisely as part of a plan for a super occult ritual – so they could manipulate its power grid to build a freedom tower, ‘Uber Stargate’. It’s also a time-gate, a time-travelling device that will allow them to defeat the will of the universe. To delay the spiritual evolution and liberation of the human species – they can maintain control of the matrix they created, even at the price of being prisoners of a time loop.
And this is ripe with speculation as an absolute; I can’t help but feel conspiracy theorists are failed sci-fi storytellers using what successful writers do by adopting myths and events of the human experience/qualities. The only difference is they can code it better. It’s entirely too overt.
Lucifer’s campaigning among angels for great sin aside; the notion of ‘sin’ is somewhat different according to high physics, which is strangely Kabala. The word sin comes from the word sine. The word sine in physics is abbreviated sin (y=sin x); in the diagram, the straight line represents linear time (as in life and death), and the wavy line represents the wavelength. Another wavelength closely follows the sine wave, co-sine (y=cos x), each represented as red and blue and interacting with time; one is time, and the other is space; both interact as time and space.
Red and blue incidentally represent the planet Saturn (Celestial), so why is sin evil? Because sin is the abbreviation of sin, you’re sinful (or born into natural sin) because you were born into a time, and when you’re born into time, you’re born into sin. Why does sin keep you away from the creator? Because here is ruled by time, the circle and space, the square, and the creator are timeless; there is no time where the creator exists; it’s a loop. And this is what you have to rise above it. In Romans 6:23
23 | For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord. |
In the third dimension, time exists and also its container, the Cube (represented as a Hexagon—which is a Cube in two-dimensional form). Given enough time, time destroys everything: metals rust, vegetation decay, and so on. This is why, in revelation, the Beast is Saturn, and Saturn regulates time.
The green wave is the Serpent, and the three axis: x,y,t represent the Cube: why The green wave is the Serpent, and the three axes, x,y, and t, represent the Cube: why am I going to hell when I die? In this scenario, hell is time and space, and what is written in parentheses answers it (cos + i sin); where were you before that? Many belief systems indicate where you are before the next incarnation: Samsara-Wheel / source-point / void/heaven / Dao, and so on. |
This explanation is another way to understand other human qualities as strengths. In contrast, an eschatological explanation, while seemingly interesting, is bound by manipulation. Still, we have theatre and moving pictures to inject man’s most remarkable stories, a more sophisticated telling unbound by manipulation, albeit the occasional propaganda. The Tree of Life is akin to the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The Old Testament is allegorical and a coded manuscript related to high physics, and its words coincide with the Fibonacci sequence – its stories are about reflections, light waves, atomic weights, gates, vibrations, and mathematics codes. Light waves can be the process of spirals, cavitation, and sonoluminescence (the state of light coming from sound) known as ‘Star in the Jar’. Genesis is coded science. All of this is an attempt to explain that thing in the sky that creates the reality we live in – most believe it’s g(G)od, but the Gnostics believe in a True God, and it’s not that.
The debate about whether there is a divine being between a man and the creator continues. The scripture states, “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our lord.” Throughout history, Christ has always been associated with the Sun; in an astro-theological sense, Christ is the Sun. Perhaps Christ is a doorway/password upon death. And those that have reached Christ-consciousness have gained their password. And this makes the Sun a sort of soul-eater, Saturn the depositor, and a time regulator. The soul-eater is somewhat reminiscent of Pac-Man as it aesthetically matches the progression of time like an analog clock.
The supposed Voyager spacecraft showed a hexagonal vortex feature in Saturn’s North Pole. It seems an artificial depiction of whether the Hexagonal Vortex is real or rendered (I leave that to you). It could have been put there as a hex on you or as a symbolic hint that what you perceive is real is nothing but simulation. The hexagon symbol in Saturn’s North Pole is a cymatic response and an electromagnetic fourth-dimensional intelligence. It can be seen in the representation of the Atom, snowflake, and honeybee hives, and it can be found in monatomic silver when magnetized. The hexagonal vortex can be re-created through cymatic frequencies. Saturn’s Moon’s supposed heat signature depicts a Pac-Man, another symbolic hint for the Sun as a Soul-Eater, i.e., Pac-Man, although I don’t know why they chose Saturn’s moons. Saturn’s Moon Mima is similar to Star War’s Death Star; I don’t know which came first, the film or the render. Another name for a Star is the Sun; Death-Sun – the Sun is said to have no fusion; it’s only in the flares you get fusion (alongside x-rays and microwaves). The Sun is a transformer and converter; it takes in/out energy from another dimension (counter-space). The Sun is also known as the Black Sun because, within the cosmic plain in which the Sun resides, it’s not visible.
Alex Proyas’s Dark City is a film about a race of aliens called the Strangers who have mastered time and the physical world but are dying because they don’t have souls. They need the vital essence of spirit and created a simulacrum world to imprison and study the human soul so they can become one with it.
The strangers are worm-like creatures afraid of water and light. They parasitically use the dead as vessels. However, they’re one-dimensional, as they only choose Male corpses. The Strangers have the power to create worlds but cannot save themselves because they lack the feminine and natural virtues of balance.
Mr. Hand resembles Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and is a crucifixion pose. After his insertion, he has John Murdoch in mind, as does mine. The image outlined in red seems to be a three-dimensional version of the Pac-Man, the yellow Clock diagram on the left. |
John Murdoch is the man who would bring the sun to the Dark City; Murdoch (Oannes Marduk) is the Sun-God and solar Redeemer – he is awake while the whole city is asleep (at the Stranger’s command). The Strangers is akin to the Archons of Gnostic mythology, prison wardens of an imaginary world dressed like the Men in Black. The Strangers regularly assemble in their lair to perform the ‘Tuning,’ the telepathic ritual that maintains their control over this world. Mr. Hand is like Agent Smith in the ‘Matrix’; he is part of a collective but strangely has his own individuality. Mr Hand volunteers to insert memories that were supposed to be for John. When Scherber tried to inject those memories when John and everyone were asleep, John telepathically stopped him. Now, those old and new memories belong to Mr Hand, who uses them to try to find John.
Towards the end of the film, John Murdoch is taken underground to the realm of the Strangers, who attempt to merge their collective memories with his. However, John steps down from his cross and rises as the Sun god. With the assistance of Scherber and an alchemical elixir, he remembers his full divinity. Fueled by this realisation and power, John defeats the Strangers and their leader, Mr. Book, through psychological means. After winning the battle of the spirit, he creates an ocean and a beach, restoring the damage caused by the fight.
Mr. Hand and Agent Smith from The Matrix exemplify the theme of being cast out of a realm upon completing their missions. Mr Hand casts himself out to experience what it means to be human but fails to grasp it fully. Mr. Hand and John Murdoch face crucifixion at the cross, represented by the clock circle and the Pac-Man imagery. Mr Hand, an archetype similar to the Archons, exists outside of time, unlike humans confined by it. In a sense, Mr. Hand and John Murdoch represent aspects of time. Mr. Hand desires to understand humanity through memories shaped by linear time, only to discover that this approach still needs to be completed. John Murdoch enlightens him before opening a door filled with light that he has created for himself—symbolising his apotheosis and the creation of the Sun and Ocean. He reveals that being human cannot be found in the mind but in the heart.
The Pac-Man imagery is The Matrix-Reloaded (the Pie in the Matrix); it’s less of a Pac-Man and more of Pi/Pie imagery; it is Pac-Man covertly. Matrix’s many premises are we live in a simulacrum of ones and zeros. The Pie signifies Pi – and according to Pythagoras, all is a number. Languages use a numbering system, especially ancient languages, which use sacred geometry hidden inside the language, where the sounds of the words carry enormous power and can be decoded using numbers. Numbers are at the root of the language in the form of letters. So, a mathematical expression can also be written as words.
There is the London Eye and the Netflix show ‘The OA’ with its Saturn connection. The show is about a bunch of near-death survivors being kidnapped by a scientist trying to unlock the mystery of the other side by killing them through drowning and then reviving them again. Their resistance soon turned into acceptance when they realised they were given clues within each death. They scribe the messages on their skin to hide them from the scientists and act them out through interpretive dance. In particular, seen from the main character, Prairie, manages to unlock herself from her shackles to find clues and the experiment results. It’s later revealed by her capture (Dr Hunter), who has taken a fondness for her, and Prairie has Stockholm syndrome to her capture. She noticed a weird sound upon her death, a resonance. He determined that sound has the same resonance as the Saturn Ring makes.
[The OA has all the usual secret society tropes like death and rebirth, piercing the veil between dimensions, revelation within a cavern, an elite vanguard separated from society, super powers, transcendence through ordeal and a lord of the Underworld kidnapping a virtuous maiden. – Knowles C]
New-(traditional)-fundamentalists have a romanticism to end times, not towards the gradual ending, but an ending Hollywood perpetuates. Seeking such things is equal to believing in an alien invasion reminiscent of the film Independence Day, where UFO ships are coming down to destroy cities. It’s beside them that end times are slow, and Alien invasions are insidious. They want the end to be quick, the quicker, the better – this kind of romanticism is not good. A linear perspective in faith is somewhat similar to Scientism’s rigid belief in materialism. A more precise look at it is a Faustian perspective, an unbridled ego or faith in the intellect, but in their religion, in the Christian-fundamentalist’s case.
The Christian perspective on humankind’s fall portrays it as a significant mistake early in history, resulting in our diminished status within the cosmic order. Consequently, we are in a state of penance, bearing the burden of a curse that has affected us for generations, all stemming from the actions of our first parents. Although Christ has the power to redeem us, this notion often brings about feelings of guilt—one might wonder whether they truly deserve salvation. However, if you follow Christ, all your past misdeeds will be forgiven, granting you a place in eternity.
Being saved is depicted as receiving a helping hand from a merciful God willing to overlook your life’s journey. This idea resonates with many and reflects a natural inclination toward belief. There is an unspoken relationship between humans and the divine, whom many Christians intuitively recognise yet may not openly discuss. Interestingly, this understanding forms the foundation of magic.
This is why Christians consider magic heresy: it suggests that humanity can command God to act or that magicians can compel nature to behave according to their will. According to design, 90 per cent of nature is completed, leaving the remaining 10 per cent in the hands of humanity. This implies a relationship in which we are co-creators with God. The Hermetica describes humanity as God’s sibling. From the magical and occult perspective, human beings are not burdened by original sin, and guilt is no longer a prevalent concern.
Michael Keefe.
… End of part five… to be continued