Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (03):


Evangelical Conquerors of Spirit and History:


There is an attempt from the Evangelical fundamentalist to evangelise people into the occult or cults, but not through understanding and meaning, but instead a warped version of (quasi-esoteric-Christian) control. When they discuss the Christian Church not advancing but in retreat from a world that threatens her – by a front of evil that takes many garbs, predominately by philosophers, psychologists, and psychiatrists that they are all in a conspiracy or part of that evil to push back the Christian Church. One questions what kind of Church they’re talking about because it certainly is not the Catholic Church, considering Protestants broke away from the Church centuries ago. When it happened, they were deemed satanic. Ironically, in our current times, Evangelism (which had its beginnings as Protestant renegades) has the delusion that they were all manifested out of God’s realm (a delusional exclusive viewpoint), and anything outside that viewpoint is satanic, including the Catholic Church.

An offset of this mentality (or delusion) is found in racist Christians who love Hitler, who hate Jews, who love Jesus – one wonders if they’re aware of their hypocrisy because Jesus was a Jew. There is hypocrisy within the Church, especially towards a disdain for divination, but certain priests who expel demon possession is an act of divination in itself. The only fact separating them from Neo-Pagans or the Wiccan groups is that they have a badge or license to practice it with the permission of the Church. 

Fundamentalists’ mission now is to resist the force that threatens their (so-called Christian Church and) worldview with scriptures and their interpretations of that scripture to enforce the Word of God in its fullness and the spirit of life to be conquerors for Christ. (“Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the lord of hosts” – Zechariah 4:6) I don’t know about you, but it never said to be conquerors for Christ in that verse, and that’s because they introduced an interpretation to that verse. They hope to answer anything that can warp their viewpoint (as Evangelical conquerors) by bending the interpretation of scripture for their will (or ideology), even if they contradict themselves.            

This mindset is similar to the Nazi regime of a master class, where propaganda was to change the hearts and minds of the people. From an outsider looking in, these types of people seem Alien, with their worldview slightly displaced from societal norms; it’s interesting to know then that it’s the same way they view people who are not within their Christian-right-fundamentalist-covenant group. They see outsiders (ordinary people with an affinity for occult understanding and, to a lesser extent, the truth) as human beings with flesh and blood, not supernatural caricatures. And they see the value in people but pity them simultaneously. That’s because they realise those people were not captured by the devil and, therefore, surrender their citizenship as human beings with spirit. However, instead, they identify with those people and see their value and worth to God and that all the resistance towards the fundamentalist warped worldview as Evangelical conquerors is due to their ignorance – (is it ignorance towards knowledge and truth? If it’s true, one must consider that the Christian right began as a radical racial movement and now acts as a judge of Western spirituality or as a spiritual-militant conqueror while inherently being a political movement).

The battle can’t be one by might or power, but through one’s spirit, it hints that the game of spiritual warfare will be one in either dimension. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities (Eph. 6:12). It takes the Word of God, His beloved Son, and the incredible power of His Holy Spirit to defeat them. It must be a wonderful feeling to have such an unshakable faith. However, for outsiders looking in, that can adapt itself with the maxim of Shakespeare’s quote: “Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books; but love from love, toward school with heavy looks.” Lessons from the fundamentalist spiritual-police mindset that is in circulation align with evangelism. The meaning of this quote is entirely different from a love tragedy (Romeo and Juliet) context when seen in the context of truth (or for the seeker that seeks truth). ‘Love goes towards love’ can have meaning in the context of the law of attraction. But, on the other hand, it’s the antithesis that ‘hate begets hate.’ ‘As schoolboys from their books are about the naivety or ignorance towards knowledge as written in books or the seeking of knowledge untamed by youthfulness and discernment – because from birth to death you’re seeking knowledge; a natural process. And the verse ‘but love from love toward school with heavy looks.’ Explores having the answer before the question or being enlightened by the love and grace of God – at the same time, not having any gnosis, at which point one heads towards the school of mystery or gnosis, from the point of being already enlightened, is ‘the way.’ It also acts as a filter for better discernment. ‘With heavy looks’ is about doing the process but having your results look cool or creative; there is a hint of a type of vanity, but it is more precisely about the betterment and reflection of self and that deep down, it’s all just a game.      

In a world where truth is fluid and such certainties are in a constant state of transience, coupled with history, it starts to merge itself with myth, and history becomes genre-driven allegories. Where there is evidence to support that Jesus Christ existed and evidence to support that he didn’t – this is a dialectical polarity that one must face, considering that Christianity is the one unifying religion. There is no evidence to support that it’s in retreat. It just gets appropriated to another form of Christianity, but it’s Christianity. 

God spelt backwards is Dog; this is why we have the word ‘Dogma’, and the root word for God coming out of Europe is Goth in German, which gives us Gothic Cathedrals/architecture. In Scandinavia, the word for God is ‘Gut’; when you say you have a gut feeling, it is like saying God is telling you something. The word God is derived from Egypt’s ancient religion of a powerful divine being, Osiris. Osiris said that the gods came from the star system Sirius that came to Earth – and would instil a divine arrangement on Earth, notably in Egypt. And this is where we get the word ‘Sir’. It comes from Sirius/Osiris; Sirius is known as the ‘Dog Star.’  

There is a divine presence in the Universe that many have called God, and what the Gnostics call True-God or a divine Matrix. Suppose one is inclined to describe it as that. Unfortunately, this divine presence often gets misrepresented through ignorance and maybe other reasons like profit and power, but it’s more so with lacking knowledge.

Fundamentalist disdain is not necessarily towards researchers of the occult but actual practitioners of the occult as a magical craft; in history, the occult means hidden. It was the understanding that hidden knowledge was for the few that merged into many esoteric (cult) groups. In modern times, general knowledge is no longer hidden; however, it is safe to assume more hidden knowledge is still to be revealed (and you’re not part of the in-crowd), and general knowledge, once deemed occult, has become exoteric. Fundamentalists like to group magic with the occult. This includes both practices of black and white magic; this inclusive quality conflicts with ‘nature’ that is inherently magic itself.

The magic practice involves magicians having knowledge of one’s future and then holding it over them. To impose fear and gain is morally unjust, but equally unfair is to claim that eternity is only available through and in the faith of the one perfect Human Being. Anyone who has felt the light, gone through an awakening, and becomes enlightened knows this to be false (although becoming enlightened is a process of gnosis that never ends until upon death). And this is the unconditional love of God (agape), as described in scripture, and it’s very much divine. 

He considered that Jesus as a person is a symbolic story. He is a crucial symbol within the metaphor when he says, ” I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6). What is the truth of all truth if it isn’t the light or the sun in a literal sense? In the dark, nothing is seen, but in the day (light), everything is seen. The Egyptian priest would go out early in the morning to sit and face the rising sun (the Risen Saviour or Horus). Horus would walk across the sky in twelve equal steps; Horus can be seen as Hours, becoming twelve hours; when it reaches noon, he becomes the highest god. The sun is in god’s temple at noon, and he is teaching men the light (Light in Latin is Lucius, Lucius in English is Luke. Luke was presented in Star Wars as Luke Skywalker, the light archetype of his father’s dark side/darkness, Darth Vader, the prince of darkness). When the light breaks through the dawn and the temple of noon, he is (en)light(ening) the human race. When the sun leaves, he leaves the world in the hands of the prince of darkness; in Egypt, the prince of darkness was called Set because it got dark at sunset. Christian Religion is a story between the Light and Darkness between Horus and Set.      

To be a Church or not to be a Church, that is the question: Fundamentalists realise occult practices within other Churches but exclude their Church because their Church is apart from any hierarchy or infiltration. There is no such thing as being apart from those hierarchies; we are all born with an assigned birth certificate, essentially giving your ownership of yourself to the sea, maritime law, and a corporation. They’re just imposing an idea and that idea of a perfect institution that can match the ideal human when that idea is just a unicorn. They make it clear that the true Church is in the body of Jesus (Col. 1:15-20; Eph. 6:12) and is the head of all principalities and powers. In other words, the true Church is in the heart of oneself [a seemingly protestant view]. The Church acknowledges that it can be both, but its doubtful Protestants would ever think that way. It’s, therefore, hard to associate institutions that define themselves as the true Church outside of Catholicism when that true Church doesn’t exist because it’s in the body of Jesus. So, it becomes a symbolic Church while simultaneously being an actual Church within the material realm. You see how they can slide back and forth between the two if their arguments become unanswerable.

They realise that those churches deemed infiltrated (except their churches because they’re incorruptible) are all going through apostasy, a state of corruption that rejects historical truths yet preserves outward appearances. It’s within context to assume, then, that a church can accept historical truths but helps play a role in shaping ideas (fundamentalism). The same ideas of those who infiltrated the Churches by advocating conspiratorial truths of those Churches while claiming they stand apart from them are similar to those truth media idols like Alex Jones.       

They realise most of the revolt doesn’t come from philosophers and science (which they deem satanic) but from behind the pulpit and theological seminaries. A seemingly true notion that any hardest sceptic can agree upon is that those who defend the faith through preaching the gospel are agents of a higher order, commissioned to proclaim it. [There is a division between the conservative theologians who seek to defend the faith and the liberal theologians who de-mythologise most of the substance of the Christian gospel and then re-mythologise it all over again, retaining only its moral and ethical values]. Ironically, the New Testament was re-written at the behest of the Catholic Church, and prior Bibles before that were extractions from Gnostic text and other sources that excluded cannon from other significant sources, all in the comfort of the Babylonian libraries.  

Aside from all the dialectic notions between the Churches, one explanation for the idea of the Church comes from the Scottish term ‘Kirk.’ In Star Trek, the captain is named Kirk, the starship captain of a ship named Enterprise, the Church Enterprise. That is why so many Churches are divided into denominations (except the fundamentalist Churches – because you know they morphed into this dimension from heaven). ‘Kirk’ refers to the Roman word ‘Ceres’, the name of a Roman goddess, mother Ceres. A name traced back to a more ancient goddess from the Greek mythologies named ‘Circe’, often described as a [goddess of magic or sometimes a nymph, witch, enchantress or sorceress in Greek mythology. By most accounts, she was the daughter of the sun god Helios and Perse, an Oceanid nymph -Wikipedia]. So, we have Mother Circe in Greece, Mother Ceres in Rome, and Mother Kirk in Scottish, which then became Mother Church in English. 

Mother Circe (in Greek mythology) was able to hypnotize people and bring them into her home; she would turn them into pigs and animals and then feed on them. This allegory has a symbolic similarity with the Mother Church enterprise or appropriation of other cultures’ spiritual beliefs – the early Church once referred to itself as “soldiers of Christ,” the word soldiers broken down is sold-to-die, sold to die in the name of Christ. This enterprise began around 1600 years ago with Emperor Constantine in the city of Nicaea (France); Constantine brought all the magic-practising priests of the Roman Empire to form the councils of Nicaea, the first councils in the early history of the Christian Church. For the reason of finding a way out of the decline of the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire appears much like modern-day America, and just like Rome, America is also in decline. 

Fundamentalists realise that the Church is divided and, therefore, see an opportunity for evangelical Christianity to present something it needs: to be a beacon of an undivided Christ and an unchanged gospel. They will not adhere to any notions of a ”new” evangelistic approach nor intermingle with other denominations like the Mormons because they feel those cults intend to bring destruction to orthodox Christianity. For all the fundamentalist Christian conspiracy groups who advocate their truth and their Church, this statement hints that the Church they wish to exist is in their fantasy realm because it’s non-existent. This reinforces the notion that fundamentalism is an idea, not a group per se, which makes it an ideology far more dangerous, but ideologies can be transient; they come and go.

What Sun-worship really is: There has never been the notion of sun worship in ancient times; however, the Sun has been used as a symbol of man’s concept of deity, and the Sun represents the idea about God that man holds within them. The Sun was a gift from the creator, and the people 6000 years ago appreciated that in a time when darkness seemed cold and dangerous to live in. The Sun itself is a giver of life that resides in the skies. The skies are also known as the heavens, so God’s son is in heaven. In ancient religion, the Sun was referred to as a risen saviour because, in the morning, the Sun would rise, and the Egyptians felt that their Sun was their saviour. From a biological viewpoint, the Sun is essential in keeping humans alive; hence, it has risen as a saviour. The Sun gives energy that plants and animals use to sustain life, and the Egyptians knew this. The Sun had different names at different times throughout the Egyptian Empire. When the Sun came up in the morning, the Sun was referred to as the newborn son, also known as Horus, which became Horus the Risen Saviour. And this is where the notion ‘the Sun comes upon the Horizon (Horus-Risen)’ originated. So, God loved the world and gave his only begotten Sun (Son) because there is only one Sun. When the Sun came up, everything was peaceful, but when it came down, chaos ensued as it was cold and the animals were in full swing, so this is where the notion of God’s Sun becoming the prince of peace (or ruler of all princi(e)-pality) comes from.         

Principality as a Christian angelology comes from the fifth-highest order of the nine-fold celestial hierarchy. In the Occult world, ideas are expressed through nine men, also known as the Council of Nine. The name title is expressed specifically for three (as in three times three is nine), so it can match the triune (three, or triangle) god because religion and god have equated to three, it’s the opposing of the gods – this is why we have three Abrahamic faiths: Christianity, Judaism and Islam three major religion also known as people of the book – there is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva also Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

On the first day of winter, the Sun is at its highest in the northern hemisphere, and the constellation that begins in summer is Leo (the Lion); therefore, when it’s in the Constellation of Leo, summer begins. So on the first day of summer, the Sun is at its highest and also at its hottest – three months later or 90 degrees later (if you have 30 days in a month and three months later, it’s 90 days), the Sun is halfway down we call this the ‘fall’ the Sun falls until it hits December 21st. Now, the Sun is dead because it does not go farther south for three days or back to the northern hemisphere. It just sits there in the same degree (the winter solstice). The Egyptians equated this to God’s son being dead (in his Tomb) for three days. Then, on December 25th, the Sun moves one degree north and is now born again – to start its annual journey to the northern hemisphere. Ninety days later, it is springing back to life, commonly known as spring. Spring’s prominent constellation is Virgo, as in Virgin; God’s Sun was born of a Virgin – ancient Egyptians say when you die, you pass on, as in passing the equator, because we know he would return. Passing the equator is known as Passover (an Egyptian celebration); the Hebrews and Jews celebrate Passover on the first day of spring. Christians do not celebrate Passover, but on the same week as Passover, Christians have something called the resurrection of God’s Son. Both belief systems are based on the astrology of the Sun.          

All three major religions of the Abrahamic faiths, except Islam, can be traced back to India, especially the Jewish religion. Their six-pointed star (the Star of David) originated in India and was also picked up by the Buddhists. It would later become the Star of David in the 1890s. Christianity’s own triune – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or in Judaism, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all come together in a triune godhead – and their particular names are titles. Their existence as actual beings is in question. In India, the highest represented priests were called Brahmas (and the letter ‘A’ was put in front of Brahmas to produce Abraham). Islam is slightly different from the Abrahamic faith due to its history, but later, it would become part of the triune with the inception of Mohamed; before Mohamed, they worshipped the planet Saturn at the time, along with the Moon and Venus. The planet Venus is associated with the colour green, which is the primary colour that represents Islam. So, the religion of Judaism, Christianity and Islam had their beginnings in ancient pagan religions.

Fundamentalists view Paganism as the antithesis of Christianity, with its ideas opposite to one another; for example, while Pagans worship many gods, Christians worship only one God. While it’s true, Paganism is the worship of many gods (polytheism). Advocating there is only one true God, which is different from the Gnostic Version of a True God. A Christian’s true God is somewhat similar to that of the God and ruler of this world as described in Gnostic belief. Christian’s version of a true God is an attempt to correlate all belief systems to one God, essentially a sort of quasi-monotheism. The Roman polytheists worshipped the king of the gods Jupiter and his earthly representation in his son Apollo. They also mentioned the mother goddesses, Isis and Venus. Unfortunately, the Roman system of polytheism wasn’t working too well because the Jews saw it as idolatry. So, at this point, the Church revamped its old religion and made it more all-encompassing to fit Christian sensibilities. Christianity is a polytheistic religion masquerading as monotheism (or a Judaism version of Roman polytheism).

From an astro-theological perspective, you have Apollo, the sun god who is the son of Jupiter and was re-branded as Jehovah, and Jesus represented as two gods. The father of Jupiter in this pantheon is Saturn – in Greek, it’s known as Cronus (the god of time and death). We see Cronus in the chronology as always having an hourglass; he is also known as the god of harvest (as harvesting crops, as in the cycle of life and death). So, you have Saturn and Cronus as the father of Jupiter, which incidentally makes Jesus’s grandfather the god of death (the god of time). Confusion of beliefs arises when they confuse the worship of Saturn with Satan when it’s a polytheistic cult (worship of many gods). Christians are confused or deceived into believing they are worshipping the True God when they are worshipping one pantheon of the family. It was never monotheistic; that was just an illusion; the Elites worship all of them. 

Fundamentalist Christians who steer towards conspiracy groups both in the spectrum of the new-fundamentalist and the traditional-fundamentalist who are advocates for an Evangelical program – work as a separatist movement while simultaneously being a recruitment institution to evangelize their ideology. Those ideologies can be many things. One of those is to cut you from your higher reality; platonic idealism is a term for it. It’s basically about praying to their idol, our white Jesus, which history tells us otherwise, but if you don’t do so, you’re a Pagan, Witch, Satanist, Devil-worshipper and so forth. This ideology can align with cultural imperialism, which is about the power to define reality for everyone.   

The same polytheistic cults re-branded this quasi-monotheistic (Christianity) religion 500 years ago as heliocentricism. The sun represents the centre of the solar system as an accepted astronomical model, which is still very much the worship of the sun. The pope is the Sun-god incarnate – that’s what the Vicar of Christ means; he represents the Sun-god – what triples six means. Religion is not the good guy; religious authorities have always been an instrument of power. The Church and State have never been separated. So, when they passed on the Christian religion to heliocentric, the Jesuits made an old religion more acceptable for a scientific age. The pope was represented with the triple six as every Sun god is, as evidenced by the Globe as it tilts 23.4 degrees to the sun, leaving 66.6 in the right angle – that is to show if you’re a heliocentric follower, you’re essentially bowing to Caesar.

Michael Keefe.

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