Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (00):

Rationality Breeds Atheism (03)

Part Three: A Post-New-Atheism World and the Dangers of the New-Fundamentalist Christian [Originally posted on 19th December 2017]: The extreme religious right that stems from the Evangelical Southern Baptist Christian groups has the literal viewpoint of what Satan is and that he is responsible for everything wrong in the world. In Gnosticism, one speaks of the Demiurge (the architect of creation, a god, but not the True God), also known as the evil mind, aka Jehovah. Some have concluded that Satan can also represent the Demiurge. I can go along with both of these representations. However, not so much as to impose ‘Lucifer’ as ‘Satan’ because there is a clear distinction.
The person of Jesus alone revealed the truth of God; from their perspective, ancient cosmology brought forth its full context. The distinction between the creator and creation was made clear, and the futility of those first fallen angels was plain to see. Therefore, Satan had to reinvent the narrative and repackage himself and his message to convince the people of his worship as a supreme being. Satan for fundamentalists is ‘Lucifer’. Even though no historical text can prove this, there is a separation (but it’s for another subject).
This narrative or this new perspective he would implement is not relatively new in history. The passing down of hidden knowledge would result in using our pride and arrogance to propel it further. The passing down of occult knowledge (although fundamentalist likes to use the word gnosis as well – In a clever way to re-imagine Gnosticism as something nefarious that aligns with the occult. Which is a non-gnosis or anti-gnosis interpretation from a fundamentalist hiding as an anti-gnostic-fundamentalist-Christian; true gnosis requires something else entirely). This forbidden knowledge was re-branded as science, and much of the groundwork was already in place from the philosophers of Greece. Eventually, it would become sanctified and harmonious with the teaching of the Bible; this harmony would go on towards renascence.
Their influence started to carry weight amongst theologians and scholars throughout most of the predominant European Christian Countries. Primarily, works from Hermes Trismegistus were translated from Latin and circulated among the intellectuals. Kabala and Alchemy also got attention; the three doctrines formed the basis of the materialistic concept of what we know as ‘science.’ So, science’s origin story comes from pioneers greatly influenced by occult manuscripts as the core tenant of mysticism from the likes of Newton, Copernicus, Bruno, etc. However, in saying this, it’s still a reductionist view. It attempts to simplify those pioneers as mere re-packagers of ancient knowledge. What is missing is that they also brought something new, something of their own, to the material concept that doesn’t inherently tie in with their absolute cosmological viewpoint.
Quantum physics, as we know it today, began with atomism, and atomism has a similar aspect of breaking things down to particle theory. Atomism soon became Quantum theory; this gave way to nuclear physics centred on central Europe. So, there must be a question about where the predominant physicists came from then. Niels Bore, Zillard, Albert Einstein, Oppenheimer Bros, and Edward Teller come from Central Eastern Europe. In this geographical area, the oral tradition of Kabala was most robust in Europe. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that there was an apparent attempt to make quantum physics fit with Kabala.
Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku states: “I’m a theoretical Physicist, and I like to say I walk in the footsteps of giants like Albert Einstein and Niels Bore. I’m not a philosopher; however, I’m rather dazzled by the fact that many of the basic mysteries we find in string theory and the theory of everything seemed to be mirrored in the Zohar and the Kabbala.” This awareness is not singular to Kaku but among the rest of the scientific Physicists community. They’re concerned about the New Age ceasing upon these discoveries as the confirmation of occult knowledge during the Renaissance – which would suggest that they were right about such a notion written in Kabala and other ancient forms of Hermeticism.
Two aspects of the scientific community have two agendas that combine, like a fork in the road joining to one main road. One aspect of science is the propaganda aspect that employs non-scientists (or actors) as scientists (or Scientism agents) to set up many iconographic front-men as a direct answer (but this wasn’t always the case decades ago) to the ever-growing Flat Earth movement questions. They also align themselves with an Atheistic ideology to instil in the masses a hyperreal notion of space being absolute when it’s an illusion. What is absolute are particles that most physicists would agree upon, although most also believe in the hyperreal-space notion. The other aspect of this plan is the uncertainty part that correlates with the observer aspect (I say uncertainty because particles can’t be measured, but waves left by particles can). This led to a simulated theory aspect; there is still a discovery process. For the most part, a simulation, holographic or infinite parallel dimensions paradigm is almost certain at this point; too much evidence is piling up to say otherwise. Is there a plan for this part, common logic would suggest they would hide this, but they are letting everybody know – which suggests something else is at work. So, one aspect of science propagates with an atheistic viewpoint, and the other advocates a simulacrum, which leads to a creator (or an intelligent designer); how can both exist under the same banner as science? I guess one is a business model with a nihilism concept, and the other is a business model with varying degrees of truth.
The new-Atheist movement is declining much in the same way as Globalism; in the title of John Ralston Saul’s book The ‘Collapse of Globalism’ One little aspect of Ralston’s book through his synopsis States: “That ideologies come and go, God, Kings, Dictators and so forth – we went through a period of 30 to 40 years where for the first time in history economics has been promoted from 3 to 4 in the rank of importance to number one. It’s the most important thing, and everything is seen through economics – civilisations are being dragged or structured through the lens of economics. The loss of humanism and the citizen as a source of legitimacy has now taken a back seat to economics, becoming the new source for legitimacy.” Therefore, the hyperreal-space notion is declining in people’s worldviews. And that’s because economics forms legitimacy, but you won’t find NASA losing its grant money in the billions soon; if it did, it would affect the other science departments that play on simulation ideas. So, there is a morphing of mutual exclusivity between the sciences because they’re economically bound and funded.
The anti-gnostic-conspiracy-Christian-fundamentalist would speculate what is at work – they have concluded that Quantum theory is just a repackaged occult worldview. This magical worldview has been made to look refined, polished and empirical but has been guided all along – That all stems from Babylonian mysticism. Atomism is an occult teaching birthed by demons intrinsic to Pantheism (Monotheism), which was re-booted by alchemy and hermeticism and gave way to the scientific revolution. At the core of occultism (or divination), the practitioners do not believe he is being fooled by demons, regardless of what method of practice they use, Tarot Cards, Wigi Boards, Sigils, and so forth. Speculating that it would result in a physical manifestation by spiritual beings, they could also manipulate particles themselves. Therefore, the demonic realm could manipulate those results, which are suggestive, meaning that double slit experiments had been manipulated – to further technology regarding Cern and other Colliders to perpetuate the coming of the literal anti-Christ ‘Satan.’
‘You just have to shake your head and laugh’ not at the concept because I’m a conspiracy buff. But at the audacity to portray subjects that lean towards esoteric or occult knowledge. To something that can be summed up or simplified in the fundamentalist propaganda model – sprinkled with a veneer of the aethereal when they induce theological speculation. The kind of stuff they can come up with, it’s clear they love to reduce, simplify, slander, exclude their Christian history and re-interpret anything that can match their fundamentalist viewpoint. I’ve noticed that they become good at indexing occultism and esotericism, which is, ironically, a good starting point. Still, they do not give it or elaborate on what meaningful insights those teachings can bring. You have to look at those subjects deeply before making any conclusion. They suggest that science came from Kabala and Hermeticism, which is true, and those esoteric teachings started in the Babylonian Mystery Cults; however, so did Christianity. The Bible was birthed in the Babylonian Mystery Schools (or Cults). Science could be the result of the evolution of Kabala and Hermeticism because science is its machine. Much like how Christianity was formed that resulted in numerous denominations.
You have to realize, much like the ‘D/Tao’that [Christianity is a way, even Jesus’s earliest followers were known as ‘the way’ even before “Christian” was coined (Acts 9:2, 11:26). A way implies direction, here the direction of the seeker as he or she moves toward God. Everything changes when one embarks upon “the way.” Having decided to move toward God, one finds that certain forces help while others oppose. Hence, Christianity tends to view the opposition in much the same fashion; the Hebrew word Satan, from which the devil’s proper name is derived, means “opponent.” The devil is the sum of the cosmic forces opposing the journey toward God – viewed as a conscious person. Individual thoughts and desires that oppose our way are known as ‘demons’ or ‘evil spirits’’ esoterically, these are the “enemies” mentioned by the Psalmists. While Christianity is not the first of the world religions to view evil in this light (that honour probably goes to Zoroastrianism), it is the one that has emphasised it the most. The struggle with the devil can be viewed as wrestling with everything that moves us away from God. – Richard Smoley, Jay Kinney
It’s pretty straightforward that the anti-gnostic-conspiracy-Christian-fundamentalist is embarking on digital-evangelical-missionary work to show the way. Still, it’s not the true way because it employs a sort of militant intellectual point of view. Being digital, it has a habit of being amorphic and, therefore, changes it enough to convey its fundamentalist-intellectual-militancy. It’s not because Christianity is under attack or scrutiny. It’s because there is a troublesome aspect in embracing or calling oneself a Christian when you know that doing so results in all sorts of theological baggage, particularly that of Christian assumptions and morality only reinforced by decades of politicised fundamentalism.
The new-Atheist groups from Dawkins and Harris are starting to lose their hold on their not-so-demoralised followers now that something new has challenged them (the Flat Earth movement). It’s a given that Christians will always challenge them; it’s inevitable perpetual conflict, but that something new is not entirely new, but a rediscovery of absolute truth; absolute in the sense that what goes up must come down, or the ground in which we stand is transfixed or still. Was this new-Atheist movement a sort of resistance to the counter-reformation against irrationality seeping into the managerial class (the betas to the elite)? They came about because of them; it was cleverly collaborated and executed, using tactics like (puritan) shaming.
Dawkins himself admitted in an interview with Ben Stein that nobody knows how the universe started and that we can only postulate that sort of event that might have been for the origin of life. It would have to be a self-replicating molecule when prompted with a question about the possibility of intelligent design. He stated, “In some early time somewhere in the universe, a civilisation evolved probably in some Darwinian means to a very high level of technology, and designed the form of life they seeded onto this planet. That is an intriguing possibility, and I suppose you can find evidence in the details of biochemistry/molecular biology that you might find a signature of some designer – and that designer could be a higher intelligence. That higher intelligence itself had to come about by an explicable process, and it couldn’t just jump into existence spontaneously, that’s the point.” Stein summarises that Dawkins is not against intelligent design, just certain types of designers like God.
There is a subtle reverberation with Dawkins’s statement between people and not a positive one that they unknowingly listen to a type of science fiction (or a myth) disguised as probable theories. I recall William Shatner stating that science fiction and science are the same. For a gnostic, this can ring true. And this is what Dawkins has done more subtly. There is a hint of Ancient Astronaut Theology of a literal Alien God, and not the one described in Gnosticism, for the True God, is often described as an Alien God, but something more literal, more Archon-like. [The Gnostic creation myths portrayed the creator of this world as an imperfect lesser god, known as the Demiurge or Yaltabaoth, who was the accidental result of an attempt by Sophia (Wisdom) – a feminine facet of the true God – to experience the act of creation of her own. According to some versions of the myth, Yaltabaoth, in turn, created still lesser planetary rulers called Archons, and the world itself, including Man. – Richard Smoley, Jay Kinney]
The only difference is that Gnostics believe in a True God, and Dawkins does not; he cleverly adopted ancient alien theology for his own God Delusion propaganda. It’s because it can match a hyperreal-space notion. Furthermore, he adopted Erich Von Daniken’s concept of ‘Cargo Cults’ for his book ‘The God Delusion of how advanced technology exposure can affect tribal cultures and hints that Christianity began the same way as the cargo cults. He states, “The entire history of some of these cults, from initiation to expiry, is wrapped up within living memory. Unlike the cult of Jesus, whose origins are not reliably attested, we can see the whole course of events before our eyes (and even here, as we shall see, some details are now lost). It is fascinating to guess that the cult of Christianity almost certainly began in the same way and spread at the same high speed.”
He would describe how those cultures would have felt; he says, “It seems that in every case, the islanders were bowled over by the wondrous possessions of the white immigrants to their islands, including administrators, soldiers and missionaries. They were perhaps the victims of (Arthur C.) Clarke’s Third Law, which I quoted in Chapter 2: ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'” What exactly is he trying to infer? – That Jesus was an Alien and that followers of Jesus became cults because he seemed magically/technologically superior. Or was he trying to infer by those two quotes that the god-man Jesus “began the same way” as the cargo cults, softened by liking it to a famous ancient astronaut narrative by Arthur C. Clarke? And this is akin to a kind of heresy; the fundamentalist Christians will surely think so, but also mainstream Christians.
Atheism could be the effect of a dominant church history spanning two millennia; what if that history wasn’t so rigid or didn’t happen? You will find that spiritual experience is the driving force that propelled many of the earliest believers. And among the followers of this new religion, there were many approaches. One of those approaches came from the Gnostics, and the same sense of alienation among modern followers of the spirit came with it. This is where the distinction arises – to dispel or question the notion of a cargo-cult theology that is inherently material with a pinch of sci-fi. This is because both the cargo-Cult and a Panspermia theory require a container that is space, which does not exist but only exists as a hyperreal-space notion. A theory of dimensional barriers beyond the firmament is a theory that has more merit than a space notion. A localised universe doesn’t necessarily negate the existence of what we know to be Aliens or Archons that were manifested by the Demiurge – who could have had a hand in our evolution as Human Beings.