Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (33):
They Came from Above:
Lucifer is not Satan [Posted initially on 25th September 2022]: According to Christian myth, Lucifer was the most senior and beautiful Angel in God’s heavenly court. He wanted to be more powerful than God, so he rebelled along with some other corrupted angels. After the ensuing heavenly war, Lucifer and other angels were banished from heaven and descended to hell. Lucifer, the fallen angel, became the Devil, and his fellow fallen angels became demons.
Interesting as the myth is, this story is not in the Bible, and at least not how it’s described. The actual origin of Lucifer is filled with misinformation and conflation. The only mention of Lucifer is In Isaiah 14:12 “How you are fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, Son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!” – This piece of scripture was really aimed at the arrogant king of Babylon, King Nimrod. Whose kingdom had just been destroyed, and Isaiah transcribes Nimrod’s position. “How you are fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, son of the morning’ – equates to “King of Babylon, oh Look how the mighty have fallen.” And likening Lucifer to the King of Babylon seemed fitting at the time.
However, the text in its original language has yet to make that comparison. In Biblical Hebrew, Lucifer was never mentioned. The phrase: ”hell ben Sahar” meant “shining one, son of the morning” and referred to a star [planet] Venus, the morning star. This means the King of Babylon, described as ”o shining one, son of morning,” is the King’s epic fall from grace to the movement of the morning star. As Venus disappears, it goes to the underworld akin to Inanna, whose name is also Venus. When the Bible was translated from Latin by early Christians, they translated the Hebrew word for morning star to their word, morning-star ”Lucifer”. Therefore, Lucifer is Latin for morning star [also translated as light bringer]. In Greco myth, Lucifer is personified as a god, son of Aurora [the dawn].
The Book of Enoch accidentally turned Lucifer evil. In a chapter from the book called the ‘Book of Watchers,’ angelic beings called watchers were despatched to earth to watch over humanity. However, the sum of them, like Samyaza started to defect from God’s command and lust for women. So they procreated, and the women gave birth to Nephilim [giants] – they also taught forbidden arts [technology]. And this angered God, so He brought forth the flood [He warns Noah first], then He ordered his Angels to punish the fallen ones; it’s a war in heaven on earth.
These Apocrypha writings never made it to the Bible, although they influenced most contemporary religious ideas. When they came across that verse, ‘shining one, son of the morning,’ it clearly referenced the star Venus as intended. However, they saw it as a hidden reference to Samyaza, the fallen one. When early Christians read the text in Latin, they understood Lucifer not as a light bringer but as a name: ‘Lucifer,’ the fallen angel.
Lucifer is a powerful and provocative name and has become ubiquitous, making murmurs in present minds and conscious of people. Though this name has always been there, people paid little attention to it; back then, it seemed like an archetypal fantasy that hints at a mythological truth. This name that represents banishment from paradise now represents an intermediary between Biblical, Gnostic, Magical and High Pagan worlds. A bridge between these factions and that of heaven, one wonders if god does anything by accident.
Lucifer is not Satan nor satanic; “Luciferians” in the New World Order is based on rumour and innuendo stemming from the imaginations of paranoid religious groups. Also, having an opposing belief system is about self-sacrifice (or enlightened self-interest), and the other is about radical selfishness or self-glorification. All these are not helped by TV shows and YouTube perpetuating stories (narrative/documentary) that lack theological basis.
Satan derives from the word Saturn, and EL, spelled E L, was mentioned as the father of all Gods in Egyptian Mythology.” The confusion of etymology definitions is in ‘knowledge and enlightenment, which seem similar but vastly different. “Shaitan is the Arabic word for Satan, which means knowledge or enlightenment; enlightenment means bringer of light. So, Lucifer and Satan are two titles with the same meaning. However, the meaning is more symbolic than fact-based; the bringer of light means the facility of thinking brings intuition and imagination.
Jewish Encyclopaedia: | ||
The Lucifer myth was transferred to Satan in the pre-Christian century, as may be learned from Vita Adae et Evae (12) and Slavonic Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4), where Satan-Sataniel (Samael?) is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived “to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high,” Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss. | ||
Catholic Encyclopaedia: | ||
The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for “the light of the morning” (Job 11:17), “the signs of the zodiac” (Job 38:32), and “the aurora” (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:28), by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the “Exultet” of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life. |
Blavatsky came from some heretical Gnostic sects; she identified “Lucifer” (and also Satan) not as an entity but as symbolic of intelligence and the human mind (Secret Doctrine, Vol 2, pg. 513). Some aspects of Theosophy groups established a metaphorical basis and dismissed the notion of any personal or anthropomorphic God-head (Angels) or devil; this is reductive and slightly naive. Fossil records of giants exist. It indicates the scenario of an angelic war that happened. So, it was mentioned in the literature that Lucifer [really Samyaza] is an archangel.
The Lucifer to Satan myth was not helped by the Luciferians propaganda types who promoted amateur-style YouTube documentaries that are not necessarily associated with mainstream Christians – (or Christianity as a whole) but an Evangelical Protestantism and a rising anti-Catholic, apocalyptic variety. The hand-me-down archetypes of fire and light suggest adopting a name that’s not as prestigious as before, that is, Leeds, back to the Middle East. Watchers turned into Angels through the Biblical tradition during the Babylonian Captivity. Such a name change caught the awareness of a 19th-century Scottish clergyman. He wrote ‘The Two Babylons’, which is about dismissing the belief system of Catholicism by declaring they were secretly worshipping the Babylonian King Nimrod. Moreover, this is where most of the so-called ‘Luciferian agenda’ started.
Then, with his poetic document ‘Paradise Lost, Milton turned Lucifer into a possible post-archetype of Prometheus, the beloved light-bearer/fire and angel, a satanic viewpoint. So, the true birth of the Lucifer-as-Satan mythos comes from some anti-papal propaganda written during a troubled time in Europe, particularly for England. John Milton’s work ‘Paradise Lost’ captured the imagination of readers throughout Europe. Before Milton, the early Church Fathers reinterpreted the ancient Daemons (benevolent bringers of knowledge, similar to angels) into evil “demons,” similar to the evil spirits of Babylonian folk magic. (–, 2016)
In the second century, Christianity had moved deeper into the gentile world. They found it harder to condemn the Hellenic Gods (than) Moloch or Baal, who had always been obscure, esoteric, and associated with atrocities. The answer came to them in the form of pagan converts such as Justin Martyr and Tatian…Through their writing, they preached that the sins and adulteries ascribed to the gods by the Greeks were actually committed by demons…Like pagans, Christians still sensed and saw the gods and their power, and as something, they had to assume, lay behind it…they turned these pagan daimones into malevolent ‘demons’, the troupe of Satan… |
In this thesis collection, we’ve mentioned the many names associated with the Demiurge [creator-God] in other posts. In Gnosticism, one speaks of the Demiurge (the architect of creation, a god, but not the true god) is also known as the evil mind, aka Jehovah, Angra, Mainyu, Arhriman, Ptahil, Saklas, Samael, Yaldabaoth, Rex Mundi, Allah, Brahma, Satan and so forth. Early Christianity complemented a line of tradition back to pre-Christian times. Buddha, Zoroaster, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, Krishna, Rama, Laozi, Enoch, Hermes, Jesus Christ and Mani are all messengers of Light; fundamentalism comes into play when one insists that their icon is the one true Light.
Some interpretations of the Apocryphon of John depict the creator God as inferior and, at times, evil. So, many ideas start to build up around a personified evil figure, sometimes called Satan, which gets attached to the creator God. So, you get a very satanic creator god in the Apocryphon of John. Just remember that ‘association’ is a variation similar to what poets use as a conjunction of the word ‘like’ – you can keep the name separate if it misaligns with the greater purpose of your understanding. And the thing to remember is you’re not worshipping the forces of darkness, and you’re not trying to descend to darkness – your purpose is to ascend to the world of light.
Bill Cooper probably came to realise what gnostic teachings had to offer, and as a reaction, he put Gnosticism on par with Satanism, which only fuelled many fundamentalists. It’s like, ‘How dare you call our creator-God satanic’ – just remember they’re working on one aspect of the abstract. If they entertain the other, they will realise the creator God was cast out of the upper Pleroma. And Satan is merely a fractal repeat of that archetype of the first abstract. Remember, the Demiurge has three distinct names [not associations]: Yaltabaoth, Saklas, Sammael – and incidentally, the arch Angel we come to know as Lucifer, but more precisely Samyaza or Samael.
Then Samael [now known as Lucifer] becomes Satan – it’s as if the Arch Angel Samael took over the names like a corporate takeover of I.P [intellectual property]. It’s fitting, considering he wants to be the most high. Satan was never a real distinct name for the Demiurge, anyway. The ruler of the underworld took the name of Lucifer, the morning star Venus, now Satan, Saturn Sut or Set. Satan or Saturn is the chief of the primary seven powers [the seven planetary soul garments]. Maybe there is a purpose for this confusion, or should I say purposeful confusion of sorcery.
Prometheus’s Fire and Lucifer’s Light: The Birth of the Imaginal Technocracy” explores the concepts of thought, illumination, imagination, and intuition. The confusion surrounding the portrayal of Lucifer as Satan—often propagated by fundamentalist Christian conspiracy groups—lacks historical textual evidence and adds to an already complex truth.
We’ve established that John Keel consolidated the UFO phenomenon as a modern manifestation of demons, which can also be traced back to Mesopotamia through the study of Assyriologists. Keep in mind most contemporary demonologists are Evangelical Protestants. Other researchers claim Archons and Angels, Lucifer and Prometheus, are archetypes that stem from the same source. Erich Von Daniken didn’t help in this consolidative thought with his pseudo-scientific book, ‘Chariots of the Gods’ cementing a false perception, like the scientism of today, the notion of the Copernican model of hyperreal-space and satellization.
There is a clear distinction between Archons and Angels since ancient texts have described Angels as having humanoid forms. And this should be no surprise given modern ufology has acknowledged extra-terrestrial beings similar to humans with the likes of Pleiadeans. And there is a distinction between Prometheus and Lucifer, but they’re clear parallels. Most often or not, the term daimon originally referred to a spirit, both a protector and a bringer of knowledge.
The Greeks embraced Prometheus as a supreme power and held the name of importance, which formed the backbone of mythical belief and played a part in the constitution of the Greek nation. They worshipped Poseidon as a supreme being and later adopted Zeus as their central figurehead. Zeus originated or came from the Indo-European storm god, who in turn, I assume, is derived from the Egyptian Storm God, Set. Having stolen the sacred fire from the Gods of Olympus and given it to humanity, Prometheus conflicts with Zeus. This conflict myth would trickle down and evolve, becoming a conflict between God and Lucifer.
Lucifer is not Satan and not entirely Prometheus either; Prometheus has a martyr archetype by being put in chains by Zeus. This act of stealing the sacred fire (according to theosophists) represents thought or faculty of thinking; this fire burnt and manifested through technology, giving Lucifer – Prometheus – Semjaza (the leader of the watchers) the identity of hackers. “I’ll use your weapons against you”, meaning I’ll use heaven’s technology against heaven itself as a form of protest. The Watchers (fallen angels) would show (educate) humans about technology, Lucifer playing the part of an overseeing manager:
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. | ||
And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, ‘Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven. |
Prometheus, the name itself, has become an archetype synonymous with governing the state (democratic – Greece), knowledge and technology. Prometheus is a friend to the human race, the giver of fire, the inventor of the useful arts, an omniscient seer, and a heroic sufferer. Who is overcome by the superior power of Zeus but will not bend his inflexible mind. Prometheus deprived humans of their knowledge of the future and gave them hope instead. It also gave architecture, astronomy, mathematics, the art of writing, the treatment of domestic animals, navigation, medicine, the art of prophecy working in metal, and all the other arts. With all these traits, Prometheus took a back seat as the Lucifer Archetype gave rise to the new aeon; Lucifer has all the same traits as an educator and giver of thought (thinking, imagination) and is differentiated with the light.
This faculty of thinking has developed into today’s modern technology; this ability to spark fire has turned into computer chips as an example. This new age of the technological frontier of drones, surveillance, microchips, computers and information technology has all been embraced, and there is no turning back from what was once simplistic and innocent. Technological advancements, particularly the ones associated with Bell Labs, strongly link to Alien technology findings. This technological explosion started in the 40s and continues to this day.
An alien-created micro-circuitry artifact was delivered to Bell Labs. Bell Labs reverse-engineered the circuit and introduced the electronic transistor within five months of that year. Other outside technologies that have been reversed include Lasers, Microprocessors, Fiber Optics, Infrared Vision Apparatus, Remote Control Neural Devices, Electromagnetic Propulsion systems, Irradiated Food, Portable Energy Generators, and Supertenacity Fibers. Of course, people who believed in the reverse technology scenario were regulated to paranormal mythology. In 1958, Jack Kilby was credited for inventing the microchip, and in 1965, semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore predicted the number of transistors on a computer chip would double yearly (Moore’s law). Deciphering the micro-processor took 23 years but gave us increased speed and control of information. Ted Hoff revealed the micro-processer in 1970. Upon this, no one knew the behaviours of electrons.
The initial beginning of this technological revolution was soon superseded by the marriage of the military-industrial complex working alongside Private corporations. Who exploited this technology to make billions of dollars? Silicon Valley produces 68 millionaires weekly, opening the economy to new territories. Nasa Aims Research with Silicon Valley acknowledges that alien technology is public knowledge; however, the government is still secretive about reverse engineering being revealed to the public.
Was the alien-created circuitry given to us, or was it an accident? This is where the Roswell incident comes into play. The Roswell crash raises the possibility of an extraordinary moment when alien technology was retrieved, prompting questions about the authenticity of such an event. This also leads to speculation regarding a potential cover-up or false flag operation. Either way, it solidified notions of Alien greys as Angelic beings, reinforcing Daniken’s false doctrine. Since Angels were clearly in human form, to begin with, this implies that Jehovah [the Demiurge] does not want a man to be a reflection of Him, the creator, and certainly not a reflection of the True God. This reason gives a propensity for technological advancements, from hybridisation, cloning, and abductions to technology in communications, military growth, etc.
Therefore, any technological advancement is strongly linked to being Luciferian. It’s [Luciferic in the Promethean sense, in that it is a power taken from the authority and given to the rest of us, or is it, in fact, Satanic, in that it is a hierarchical force that only increases authoritarian power (, 2016)]. Aside from adopting the wrong title, a man with his faculty of thinking (the fire) gave birth to new ideas inspired by that alien circuitry. The result is using fibre optics, touch screens, CPUs, etc.
Lucifer’s Oil of Angels: There is more to the thinking faculty; our Pineal gland is also known as the eye of Lucifer (All Seeing Eye). One of the many functions of the pineal gland is to connect the silver chord that is attached between the spirit body and the physical body. Hence, the name light-bringer; within this logic, we are all Luciferian in a sense, “don’t tell fundamentalist Christian (conspiracy) groups that” repenting would mean denouncing yourself. Of course, they adopted the title’s meaning for the pineal gland’s function. However, it does fit nicely for the theosophists, for the name (Lucifer) presides over the light of truth. And that truth is revealed once awakened or enlightened.
Astrotheology describes this process and suggests that our bodies serve as biochemical analogies for the stars and the universe. First, however, one must recognise the awareness of Christ within rather than solely looking for Christ outside oneself. This internal Christ is present in every human being. There are 33 bones in the spinal column, and when we reach the last one and cross the medulla oblongata at the bottom of the head, there are 12 cranial nerves. Here is where the Vagus nerve is situated. The Vagus nerve is the nerve that goes through your body and is vagrant. It wonders about feeding the heart and organs. It turns the fluid back to the cerebellum (Ares), the Lamb of God, when the cerebral spinal oil (which is produced in our body by the cerebral spinal system, the first system in the body out of the twelve in the fully developed body) produces this oil substance.
His oil comes from the claustrum, and that brain fluid, also known as Christos, comes from the cerebrum. It descends the spinal cord and reaches the sacral plexus next to the sacrum, which is connected; this sacrum is five fused bones that pump the oil back up, and when the oil returns, we have illumination. You have entered the higher mind, a Christ Consciousness. You can view the sacred oil as Jesus, the seed that travels back to the pineal gland, and when the oil touches the pineal gland, the activation occurs. Lucifer’s light is activated. Maybe Lucifer is the container that holds the light, and Prometheus is the fire, the faculty of thinking and imagination. The Manasaputra is awakened to the higher human ego; you realise you are the intermediary between God-kingdom and Human-kingdom. You become aware of the Christos Father in heaven (the Manasaputra is a Christos, baptised with the spiritual light of the spiritual monad) as his parents’ monad and intermediary to divine spheres of being.
This needs to be more abstract for the majority of people. The symbolic confusion occurs when people pair the All-Seeing Eye, which is the symbolic image of Horus’s eye, with the eye of providence or link it to mean something Satanic, which is not. If you look at the image of the ‘eye of Horus,’ that image is the same as the image of the pineal gland (one would have to look through medical illustrations) to uncover this. The intention (magick) meaning of the eye of providence is another matter entirely; it has ties to the Elite class (that is satanic), which has political, monolithic, and capitalistic (criminal-corporatism) backing. And possibly playing a part in a plan that has been around for 6000 years; an Old World Order, as opposed to a New World Order, modern manifestations of this agenda, are set through by breaking laws and Natural laws that set policy changes.
Historical atrocities have been linked to this Elite class; they adopted the good, the light, as a façade to hide their true intention. This intent is laid out in the conception of the greater good seeking to annihilate another. All in the name of God, Queen, Country or Proletariat, and so forth, all in the name of the encompassing good without the shadow is where the suspicion lies. The shifting of blame to a symbol exemplified in the name of Lucifer (or even Satan) is just a logo, a symbol possibly to mean (Carl Jung’s) shadow.
Whether you believe in theosophy’s ‘levels of degrees of initiation’ or not, such levels exist. There is a clear distinction between people who have gone through an awakening (a cosmic Consciousness experience) and those who have not. Often fast-tracked by the activation of Lucifer’s Oil of Angels. The story of Christ and Christ-Consciousness is symbolised as reaching the supernal light that Lucifer is a bearer of and is inherently linked to. Suppose one wishes to step into another level or (fourth) degree of initiation. Christ, however, is differentiated because he is the supreme Soter that reboots the source or (makes a kingdom for man).
Having half the Adamic gene, he is a demigod, a mortal demigod chained to a cross and then immortalized in death and resurrection rather than ascension. Much like Prometheus, an immortal god chained to a rock, already an immortal, is punished to spend eternity in time among the meeks. [Theosophy, similar to Gnosticism bonded together through philosophy, has yet to be established; the same can be said of Lucifer, a player yet to take the field. And the entire rampart “Luciferianism” out there is presently misunderstood, false flag constructs created to counteract a force whose emergence is inevitable, no matter which name it comes to be known. ( 2016)]