Month: December 2024
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Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (34):
Kabbalah Mysteries:
Traditional-Fundamentalists and their Nescient View on Kabbalah Mysteries [Posted initially on 01st October 2022]: The Tree of Life comes from the Jewish mysticism (or spirituality) of Kabbalah. The Hebrew Bible is called Tanakh, and the first five books are called the Torah; just like the Bible, it has hidden teachings, interpretations, and revelations. The esoteric side of the Torah is passed down through the centuries orally; the tradition teaches meaning behind the written words (the inner Torah), contemplating aspects of God and the nature of man, as well as the truth about creation and other key questions of life.
Traditional fundamentalists believe the heart of Kabbalah teachings is centred on the quest to gain supernatural power: the belief that it’s possible for people to access the power of God and to use it to transform themselves and the world around them. This is a generalisation to encompass their central fundamentalist core belief that any hidden or mystery teachings are based on occultism, that the word occult itself is redefined to fit their fundamentalist perception, and that the occult is the doctrine of demons. The Ten Sefirot corresponds to the known characteristics of God or the Godhead, and God radiates to the world through emanations. The idea that the Ten Sefirot is used as a tool to transform themselves and the world around them – is slightly an inaccurate summary; the Ten Sefirot is just a symbol of a [cosmic map for the soul]. And this attempt to classify the Ten Sefirot with the prejudicial label of magic. The magic aspect is solely in the practical part of Kabbalah. Magic and religion go hand in hand with empire-building and rituals that come with monarchs and head-of-state leaders.
What fundamentalists are referring to, and what they purposely leave out in their analysis (because fear garners more clicks), has more meaningful insight and can quash all their uncertainties, which is found in the Qlippoth [the Tree of Death]. The Qlippoth is an underworld of demons that exists below the Tree of Life and is ruled by Samael, the Kabbalistic equivalent of Satan from the Bible [given the last post, it might be the same character]. Occultists claim we have a soul copy of ourselves, often called the guardian angel, but there is also a guardian demon. Which takes residence in the tree of knowledge of good and evil; both spirits are called tutelary. Occult practice is about contact with your angels. It’s often described as the highest achievement in magic and is a necessary step to gaining mastery of magic itself. It is designed by a series of rituals that help the spirits climb the tree of life, and then you can contact the true you. After achieving unity, an increase in psyche abilities becomes apparent; this is true illumination. It can also be found in Yoga, which means unity, a similar principle of contact with the divine form. The process enables an increase in psyche and intellectual abilities called psyche development, also known as alchemy; initiations is another term used for spiritual development.
It’s always good to take traditional Christians’ warnings at heart when it comes to magic because those who dabble in magic rarely come out of it unscathed. However, there is a distinction between those that actively pursue it and those that don’t. Those who don’t but happen to make contact without the active part – a natural quality brought about through the grace of the spirits – reach for it safely through the active side of the imagination and intuition. The active part has two main components: natural quality related to animism like shamanism, which was more like doctors [use plants and Homeopathy] with a deep engagement with the physical world rather than the spiritual; the spiritual is secondary. Witchcraft, like shamanism, also filled that sociological function. The second is about using magick through secret masonic organisations that gave each other initiation degrees as they moved up the ranks. Practical magic has never been about that or wisdom traditions. The grimoire traditions, a modern middle-class English version of witchcraft, came about through a natural need or compulsion to engage with the spirit world.
The paranoia that came out of the United States regarding magic is a singular phenomenon, as well as modern paranoid Christian conspiracy groups who shout the wrong meaning of symbols to become symbolic rage while calling out repentance. It’s singular to the United States; it doesn’t match how Christianity in Easter or Western Churches works. You can’t do that in Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, or Catholic traditions. The rituals of the Church were built by people who understood the typology of the Old Testament. And have read the Church Fathers. The pieces that are in it are specifically there for magical ritual reasons. So, the singular phenomenon has caused much more damage to the synchronistic cultural whole.
The Kabbalah is a set of ancient Hebrew texts that describe a framework of the universe, which also contains two Trees: the tree of life and the Qlippoth [the tree of knowledge of good and evil]. According to Kabbalistic laws, the universe is comprised of many dimensions. Each is called the Sefirot, where the energy that flows from the highest heaven slowly solidifies as it reaches each node until it arrives in the material world as matter. The road map for this descending energy is called the tree of life; beginning at Keter, the highest and purist and primal form of energy dimension is given shape and polarity as it descends to the physical world called Malkuth. Malkuth is at the very bottom of the Tree of Life; it’s the material universe where humanity resides. However, according to Kabbalah, the whole human experience is not limited to the material world but includes the higher or heavenly realms.
Fundamentalist Evangelicals often generalized the occult as a whole, and included in that Kabbalah as a way to prop up their type of Christian religion; in doing so, they passively advocated monotheism. But, on the other hand, if their intent is about principles to orient actions and perceptions towards a unifying ethic, a monotheistic ethical paradigm, on the idea that without it, society will fall into despair – then it’s okay.
However, that ethical pursuit is not by them; it’s like they’ve taken over the driver’s seat of that ethical pursuit. It’s an unconscious isolated form of ethics when the driver’s seat is the State, and by all accounts, it’s the State that has [at least on the surface unified the many thousands of Christian denominations]. So worshippers of the Evangelical religion think that the State is behind them and worship the State, but it’s the State that is using them. They’re the ones who believe they have the power to control understanding. Believers support and do the work for them. Also, monotheism is really about Sun worship and praying fealty to a notion that was once Rome.
There is a distancing factor; the monotheistic apparatus […] whatever that may be, but Christianity seems to be what is implied. As an apparatus to moderate the extremism of pure ethics by upholding that quality, let’s say Christianity, and then break it down to Evangelicalism. And when you hold the apparatus of Evangelicalism as a quality before other qualities, it only accentuates differences between the many different Christian sects. The fundamental semantical differences come up. There is no significant ethical difference between Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Greek and Roman applied philosophy. And that’s because, at its core, the ethical imperative is goodness, conscience, reverence and knowledge. All, in varying degrees, have the same concepts as those religions; maybe it’s the inherited dysfunctions attributed to a particular title of that religion, and it doesn’t mean good is not in them. It’s just the kinds of baggage affiliated with that religion that’s difficult to accept.
To think a monotheistic religion is separate from any form of magic is a misconception. That unconscious isolated ethic allowed them to consolidate support from the Evangelical and Protestant populations. They supported all those neo-conservative post-9/11 reasons for war and the whole new Jerusalem thing. Their support was brought about by sorcery and magic, but the notion of the pure and exclusive Christian religion and other reasons blinds them. Having their support just gave way to a broader number of cult supporters. So, monotheism, secularism, atheism, and materialism are all religions.
All secular groups worship the hyperreal space brought about by lies and manipulation, and traditional Christian [Evangelicalism and Protestant] religions also worship it alongside their God. This is important because the last parts of this thesis explain why. Strangely, the monotheistic argument is strangely gnostic as well. The Mandean sect that arose out of Iraq always described itself as monotheistic. And it makes sense, considering there is a hierarchy of deities before reaching a unified Trinity, also called the One Parent or Alien God or True God. Monotheism cut off Kabbalah’s nodes of spirit and turned them into planets, bringing it down to materialism, open to atheistic and scientism’s [and satellized] suppositions. It must be reconciled if you uphold monotheism as a beacon for a unified ethic.
The misrepresentation of Kabbalah always, at times, fits their hypocritical and demoralized view of mystery teachings. They’ve noticed a similarity between psychic mediums (notably Cayce and Roberts) being in common with New Age teachings, which they deem false prophets. It’s a mistake to put labels on those who are seemingly spiritual researchers. It’s not about gaining supernatural power but knowledge and truth about the magical power of nature.
However, this is not to say that elites and their secretive cabals aren’t using these methods to gain knowledge, power, and control. This discussion primarily focuses on the active side of initiations and magic. Still, it should be distinguished from the practices of shamans and psychedelic researchers who are also engaged in similar activities. The confusion often arises from the fundamentalist tendency to categorize all groups under the umbrella of occult magic without discerning the differences among them. The Flat Earth movement can illustrate a relevant example of this flawed reasoning.
The traditional fundamentalist Christians believe that Kabbalah, along with the New Age movement, denies a personal God because they view God as a force that permeates all things, making God an impersonal force. This skewed reasoning is in its misunderstanding. For example, the goddess Nut, who represents the Starry Dome, had to be held up, indicating forces working to keep this reality of our cosmos functioning. These forces are called Neters, which we call “natural.” We also call them the gods, the gods that we worship. However, worshipping gods is more indicative of worshipping through the gods and thus worshipping one God; that one God is the Trinity. Within this Trichotomy, there is still one God, a God of person and a God of form, a spiritual form.
When viewed this way, you are conscious of it, and so becomes a conscious ethic, and in a time where scientism’s world of material and planets are dying [or dead]. Then it’s a healthy monotheistic movement when your consciousness of old gods is awakening but is symbolically transfixed in its position on a coaxial spiritual climb to the One-Parent. And not to mistake a God that is formless with white light, God’s effulgence – but behind the brightness is a person with form and qualities, endless love, and so forth. So, the personality of God is not denied.
Kabbalah has more to do with Jewish mysticism that coincides with the scientific method intended to discover God’s nature and purpose and has less to do with religious or philosophical overtones. The intellectual side of the Torah is referred to as the “wisdom of the Torah” or the “hidden science” [Alchemy] in general. Hence, it’s known as Judaic Kabbalah or the secret Torah. There have been many opposing viewpoints when it comes to Kabbalah, and so mirrors commonality with the Pharisees and Sadducees of early Christian times.
The elites and their knowledge of Kabbalah are just among the many heads of a Hydra control system. They use Kabbala to manipulate matter one molecule at a time by applying subliminal messaging, which the old Cabal of the past taught through religious and intellectual institutions. Kabbalah kicked into high gear during the Renaissance at around 1000 a.d. when the push of intellectualism turned into a push of dominance and control. This was led by the wise men (Weissman), who eventually became known as the Hebrews. These groups were the Egyptians of centuries past, also known as the Israelites. These Israelites formed a portion of humanity that group would be used and manipulated by their leader rulers – the Hebrew nation was used to shed blood and destruction, all in the name of God. As the centuries passed, Kabbalism was passed onto the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit society; the Knights Templar also claimed this knowledge at around 1000 A.D.
Kabbalah is an ancient teaching of wisdom that goes back to the time of Abraham in the eighteenth century BC, thirty-eight hundred years ago. Fundamentalists are sceptical about being traced back to Abraham due to a lack of historical or archaeological evidence, but this scrutiny can also be argued against Jesus. Abraham discovered godliness as an awareness of existence outside his reality. However, according to fundamentalists, he discovered godliness not through God that is transcendent and unknowable, as Kabbalists define it, but through a God that is transcendent only in the sense that He can exist in all dimensions. So, according to fundamentalists, He is omniscient but not wholly transcendent, only through dimensions. If God was entirely transcendent, which is what Kabbala defines as it would mean accepting the notion of intuition and thereby accepting aspects of Kabbala, and they have a problem accepting that.
A fundamentalist skewed interpretation of the Kabbalist’s view of God being transcendent means God cannot know man and still be God. Or in the sense that He cannot be close to man and still be God, nor can humans know about Him. Even in this knowing, it’s subject to man’s perception and may not even be real. In other words, Man is not subject to enlightenment; only Jesus is. And for any other person who awakens, it’s merely subjective; this is a pervasive fundamentalist approach. Fundamentalists have also put a limitation on God without realizing it ‘he cannot be close to man and still be God; this Christian notion denies (or contradicts) His omniscience. The God of the Torah and the Bible identifies God as immanent (close to man). He was a loving Father, His cherished children of all ages. Therefore, the fundamentalist understanding of Kabballah’s view of transcendence is in conflict.
Fundamentalists believe that the God depicted in the Bible is not the historical God of Judaism, nor does it align with the nature of God as revealed in the Torah. However, a reinterpretation of the biblical God can be traced back to the time of Alexander the Great. This suggests that the fundamentalist view of God is distinct from the Jewish understanding, influenced by the blend of mystical philosophies during Alexander’s era. Furthermore, it implies that the interpretation of God in the Bible predates the Jewish concept when, in fact, the opposite is true. Fundamentalists assert that spiritual experiences, akin to Abraham’s, are exclusive to their singular messiah, portraying him as godlike. They overlook that many aspects associated with the messiah and prophets would later become significant in the context of celestial bodies and the wisdom associated with them, tying those stars to their archetypes.
Being influenced by the Greeks at the time is said to have played a role during the relocation of the Jews to Alexandria. Therefore, changing their view of God from something close to man to something removed from man. And this is a clever way to denounce the intuitive act without saying it. When it’s the fundamentalist that implies their close to God while at the same time denying intuition (Binah), you cannot be close to God without this component; being influenced is not factual but the inspiration for the imagination. Also, the intuitive act is inherent to magic as a whole; therefore, to human nature, fundamentalists are incapable of distinguishing or even understanding the notion of intuition; this philosophical and Tree of Life concept is something fundamentalists would like to do away with.
So, when God was removed from man and became something of a Creative Force that is unknowable and unreachable, man needed to formulate a method of knowing Him. Fundamentalists wish to assume that this notion was directly influenced by Plato’s philosophy and his doctrine of recollection, based on Socrates’ question: How can man ever learn what he does not know? So, for humans to reach the knowledge they need to learn, the mind needs to access divine knowledge already present within each human being – and this can be many things. Fundamentalists, however, like to focus on past lives, known as reincarnation, as a way to delegitimize it because they were taught resurrection instead. However, Egypt’s notion of resurrection (where the Christian concept of resurrection came from) had more to do with consciousness evolution; as one gets closer to divinity, it coincides with rapid biological change.
Fundamentalists believe scripture contradicts Kabbalah (even though the word never appears in the Bible; presumably, it answers to the core of Kabbalah) because it offers a solution to humanity’s problems through reunion with God. They impose on other Christians the obligation to reject anything contrary to scripture because it is dangerous to the soul, and to them, Kabbalah qualifies. They also clarify to people that they should not take all of the biblical records as metaphors. This notion’s fallacy is due to its polarity in taking scripture literally.
The fundamentalist refusal aspect is based on the reason Christ died to repair the hearts of man and mend humanity’s broken relationship with God. What the Roman Catholic Church had done and what fundamentalists like to promote is the notion of putting a doorkeeper with a clipboard at Heaven’s entrance and institutionalising guilt. It’s hard for some Christians to believe that no one stands between you and God. Furthermore, the door-man is akin to the light-bringer Lucifer, mentioned in the New Testament in Revelation 16: “I Jesus am the bright and Morning Star”; therefore, one can conclude its inevitable outcome. The Demonization of Lucifer is by its demoralisation of religion; moreover, Lucifer has more to do with Light associations with atoms and particle-atoms inherent to thought (light energy, sounds and vibrations), another way of saying ‘light is thought.’
The notion of past life, aka reincarnation, is part of the intuitive act, and intuition is something fundamentalists cannot grasp because it speaks to the heart of the unknown and imagination and confirms man as a co-creator. Alexandria was about this at that time: a melting pot of religions and philosophies. Whether Jewish scholars were influenced during that time is probable but not entirely confirmed. Fundamentalists want to imply that Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, the writings of Hermes Trismegistus, and the Gnosticism movement sullied God’s true nature as revealed in the Torah.
This is not a valid distinction; Gnosticism as a movement implied a consolidative group when most of them were more pre-Christian movements, and at that time, they would never describe themselves as gnostic. There were many streams of ideas. For example, the Enochian groups, along with all the angels, were influenced by Babylon. Greeks had the Promethean archetype and idea of humanity being the centre of the universe, the fallen world, Plato’s allegory, Socrates, Pythagoras, Zoroaster’s teachings, etc. All were unified through Paul and the gospel of John and peaked in the first century with Simon Magus and, in the second century, with the Sethians. You could argue Gnosticism came about through a sense of disillusionment that arose with the fall of Jerusalem and the Jewish diaspora into Egypt after the fall of the Temple. Christianity broke off from Judaism, and then Judaism reinvented itself, which often paralleled Christian ideas, namely apocalyptic ideas.
In that regard, matching modern fundamentalists and traditional Christian reactionary groups could explain a sympathetic alignment with Jewish Zionism. The Torah parallels the idea of a personal god; he is cosmic and personal. The Gnostics didn’t differentiate from that idea but gave it more substance. They invoked the cosmology we recognise as gnostic while keeping alive the ritual and magical understanding of the stars.
The Hermetica was translated into Latin in Florence during the start of the Renaissance. Alexandria held the Hermetic collection of documents dating back to Egypt’s late period. It combines Egyptian, Eastern and Greek philosophies from around 50 to 300 AD. Some believed it was wisdom records that survived the Biblical flood event. The documents outlined stars/sky to body/ground dualism and details about the microcosm of the body and macrocosm of the universe having fractal similarities. All were examined at a time depth of 30,000 years ago. This means that the tablets uncovered in 1350 BC influenced Biblical texts. Pico uncovered a parallel channel of primordial wisdom in Jewish theosophy or Kabbalah that explored Hermetic tradition. It would inspire postmedieval Europe, one focused on Hebraica and the other on Hermetica, the conjoined topic of Hebrew Hermetism. Did these works sully the true nature of God revealed in the Torah? Or did it inspire it? Considering the influence dates back to 30,000 years, It has to do with fundamentalists’ avocation not to take all biblical records as metaphors but, by its implication, take some aspects of it too literally, and so the 30,000-year time discrepancy has to fit into 6000 years.
It could be a means of arguing away the intuitive act by acknowledging it exists and then later sidelining it or ignoring it entirely because the intuitive act can also be spiritual and gnostic. First-century Gnostic Valentinus progressed the Gnostic tradition, notably that of Hermes Trismegistus. Valentinus and his followers distinguished three classes of man: Hylics – Psychics – Pneumatics, or materialists – true believers – spiritual people. It was said that Adam received a spiritual germ sowed by Sophia stealthily into his soul so that the bone, his logic and his heavenly soul were not empty but full of spiritual marrow. Thus, Adam could beget three different types of man materialists: the irrational (to which Cain belonged), true rational and righteous believers, and the spiritual and intuitive people (types of men like Seth). It’s within fundamentalists’ and the church’s interest for Christians to only follows the way of the materialists and true believers.
Enlightenment is a spiritual act from the grace of God, and no notion of exclusivity, that of which such an act is only for one particular person will not change that. This unintended supernatural power or enlightenment often differs from that of groups (secret societies) with a fondness for the dark arts (Magick); it’s essential to know the difference. In those moments of the natural spiritual act(s) (brought about by practice or the grace of God) that one heads towards truth, an affirmation of man as a co-creator is realised.
The notion of the “universe” and its abstract mysteries formed the heart of Gnosticism that endured throughout the centuries. G. Scholem interpreted Jewish literature with early Kabbalah, that of the book Bahir, to fit ancient Gnosticism. For the first time in Jewish sources, God is theosophically described not merely as a heavenly king but with a Pleroma of hypostatised potencies and a cosmic tree as the totality of his powers. It’s within the fundamentalist opinion that these many conceptual ideas produced a symbolic and obscure interpretation, along with writings of Greek philosopher Philo, that would eventually form the foundation of Kabbalah.
I think it’s more about practices of comparative mythological ideas and philosophies that synchronise within a theosophical idea. The beginnings of Kabbalah came through traditionalist Jewish mysticism; if one is to view the origins of Christianity, certain parts of it will undoubtedly lead back to Egypt. At that time, their notion of resurrection differed from that of traditional Christians. Archaeology hasn’t determined or come up with the evidence to conclude that Hebrews were living as slaves in Egypt or any evidence for their exodus.
The Old Testament covered links between the Pharaoh and Bible characters – intertwined facts with myths. For example, Abraham’s character is based on Amenemhet, the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Hebrew people were a race of Asiatic workers who migrated into Egypt from neighbouring lands to find work as craftsmen and builders. As their population grew, they contributed to Egyptian technology, worshipped Egyptian gods and married into Egyptian notability – they violated Hebrew law to keep the secret from their fellow Hebrews while secretly ruling Egypt. Consolidating myths and facts in the Bible was a deliberate set-up to confuse or hide that the Egyptians and Hebrews shared the same royal bloodline. The Egyptians wanted the Hebrew people out to rule, so they hid their identity and changed their name to Egyptian by intermarrying with royalty and gaining Cabalistic knowledge.
A particular Flat-Earth group insists the Jews and (Zionists) are at the head of a hydra of control when it’s just one on many other heads. Its fallacy is in scapegoating this particular group because it would be inaccurate. No more different than fundamentalist Christians holding Satan entirely responsible for everything, and not to sound too spiritually pessimistic because to do so would also be incorrect, but having Satan to blame is shift-focusing on an icon, which leaves out human perpetrators.
The notion of Jewish people being God’s chosen people is said to be a fabrication and merely a chosen people propaganda perpetuated by the ruling class. The predecessors of ancient Babylon, Egypt, and the Israelite nation were the Kabbalistic knowledge of the Cabal mindset, which was about manipulating matter through thought forms. The disconnection of God was a means to perpetuate a deception to the people, but inherently still worshipped the God of the Jews despite the massive genocide of its name. Jewish people still practice Cabalism as part of their faith/religion; however, it’s not only among Jewish people where Kabbala/Cabalism/Qabalah (Sun-God, Light-worship) principles are applied. It’s in Christianity, Islam, and so forth, as well as Atheism.
It’s all about the State: Christian fundamentalists need to be more flexible and make room for truth or faith other than their views, even if their arguments are proven wrong. A notion of an all-knowing yet unknowable impersonal God – a God far different from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is separate from its polytheistic history [monotheism is the hoax] can ever be entertained. And to speculate that men find symbolic commentaries into the mysteries instead of adhering to God’s factual, written Word is merely a way to stifle knowledge and intuition.
The fundamentalist platform “The Bible is the Word of God” is an abstract notion from the highest order and is difficult to fathom, or maybe not. Maybe it’s just a book containing God’s Word; it’s simple. Belief in the literal infallibility of Scripture is not an absolute Christian fundamental. There is no evidence that the Bible itself ever makes any such claim. Therefore, one can conclude that it’s all about state worship and has nothing to do with God – or religion, for that matter. All religion is manufactured; the creator creates none, none represents him, and none of the holy books is an accurate account of the creator. Although, this way seems all too nihilistic and could be why there was a propensity to move towards the New Age. With the proclamation spiritual but not religious, it’s a strange remark because some New Agers also define themselves as Atheistic. How does one advocate the mechanics of spirituality and yet not believe in the G/god(s)?
Fundamentalists are either agents of the state or just wholly demoralized, and there is a high probability that you’ve met one. They often don’t understand that Religion has always been about anthropomorphizing state government. Fundamentalists hold the Bible as a book that originates with God and is adamant that the Old Testament should always be interpreted in the light of the New Testament and never the reverse. Furthermore, they don’t accept building any new theology within the New Testament by quoting Old Testament passages without a link to the New Testament.
This statement is evidence that they adhere to state power because it’s a particular fact the Roman Catholic Church is responsible for the New Testament reinterpretation. This is evident in Romans 13:1-7, which is to put it simply: you are born into a slave system, so be a good enslaved person and serve, and if you’re good, you might go to heaven, but you must also pay taxes to your government. Conspiracy crypto-crats have pointed out the falsity of the currency institution and that paying income tax is not in the constitution. In the beginning, the purpose of Christianity was to create a slave system; the pre-text for serfdom and the Lords were delegated to rule as gods (kings as Christ on Earth).
Romans 13:1-7:
13 | Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. | ||
04 | For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. | ||
05 | Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. | ||
06 | For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. | ||
07 | Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. |
It can be understood in light of the Flat Earth Movement to understand why this is the case further. Traditional-fundamentalist-occult researchers like to think they’ve known from the start. Still, they argue as Scientism and Globalists do by perpetuating heliocentrism, a theoretical notion that Freemasons brought about as a brainwashing program mechanism. Traditional fundamentalists, like everyone else, are within that program. A great example comes from the old Christian vanguard Kent Hovind. He can’t understand the new fundamentalist Christian notion of a Flat/Enclosed Earth, which is made evident by his fellow biblical peers who use biblical scripture to argue its merits. Traditional fundamentalists are probably too busy denying intuition and evolution [esoteric or scientific].
Not a God of the Galaxy, but a God of the Planes of Existences: Earlier in the post, we discussed traditional Christians [Evangelicalism] and their nescient view on Cabalism and occultism. By their implication, their monotheistic religion is pure and free from occult history, free from history altogether. It’s as if their sect came about miraculously; their arguments about the purity and tradition of a religion by its very structure are still secular, as the hyperreal notion of space also duped them.
Another contention lies in the understanding of God that relates to a hyperreal-space-notion; God of the Bible is transcendent in that He exists in all dimensions and has revealed himself as knowable. The God of the Torah and the entire Bible is immanent (close to man). He was a loving father to His cherished children throughout all the ages of mankind. The Scripture says God is not the God of dimension, but the cosmos and all of the dimensions. He is omnipresent. There is no real contention here other than minor details regarding the cosmos. Kabbalah acknowledges God is the God of dimensions, while Scripture adds, as well as the cosmos.
Another contention lies in the understanding of God that relates to a hyperreal-space-notion; God of the Bible is transcendent in that He exists in all dimensions and has revealed himself as knowable. The God of the Torah and the entire Bible is immanent (close to man). He was a loving father to His cherished children throughout all the ages of humankind. The Scripture says God is not the God of dimension but the cosmos and all dimensions. He is omnipresent. There is no real contention here other than minor details regarding the cosmos. Kabbalah acknowledges God is the God of dimensions, while Scripture adds the cosmos.
Space is a hyperreal-space cosmology brought about by the Freemasons, and the cosmos means the world, not a hyperreal space. However, not to dismiss the Ether as space, celestials (astrological planets) and stars beneath the sky exist. It’s the hyperreal cosmological aspect that seems all made up. New-fundamentalist-flat-earth Christians agree with this notion, although they seem to be doing damage control. It shows how much traditional fundamentalist Christians were duped (brainwashed). No amount of truth tested by scripture is going to change that.
The Kabbalist’s view of God being unknowable is not another skewed interpretation. The unknowable aspect concerns Ein Sof (meaning without end or infinite) in this unknown; fundamentalists have interpreted Kabbala worshipping that ‘unknown’ as God itself, hence the impersonal divine aspect. When it’s merely a notion of a divine force that inhabits everything upon creation – because of this, they think God cannot be described and has limitations and only intermingles with the universe through the channels of the Ten Sefirot. Magical aspect aside, this notion is absurd because anyone who has gone through a spiritual awakening knows it’s the opposite of a fundamentalist notion of limitations and inability to describe God.
Their argument stems from the belief that God is transcendent in that he exists in all dimensions and is omnipresent. He is an all-powerful being – the God of the galaxies. He can wield sufficient energy not only to resurrect all the corpses of the earth but to recreate a billion earths in any development He chooses, simply by command. There is confusion in this rhetoric research as to which is the True God and their God; it’s relatively a consolidation of both. Perhaps they should argue away a localized God and that their notion of God could be (given the evidence) the Demiurge (Jehovah), a creation brought about by the True God. Not to mention that a statement like “God of all the Galaxies” is beyond comprehension and seemingly the same viewpoint as Scientism (astrophysics) notions of a hyperreal space notion (like the Big Bang theory). Their fundamentalist nature requires them to be philosophically opposed. I guess not; mind you, this only comes from traditional fundamentalists.
At least scientism’s explanations, while hyperreal censors itself within a material framework, [even multiverses can be equated mathematically], but traditional fundamentalists are adamant that a God of Galaxies created it. Whether they like to admit it or not, this is Astro-gnostic or even Jack Kirby-esk. My intuition could never grasp a God of Galaxies in a hyperreal-space setting even before Flat Earth. The notion of God only reinforces this hesitancy as a personal being in a literal sense. That’s because when it comes down to it, fundamentalists believe in a bearded Man in the clouds as their God; atheists see it as loopy, but it comes from a mythical base. Of course, they won’t describe it that way because they believe they are working on an absolute framework. Since hyperreal space is not absolute, it puts a dent in their remarks of infallibility.
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (33):
They Came from Above:
Lucifer is not Satan [Posted initially on 25th September 2022]: According to Christian myth, Lucifer was the most senior and beautiful Angel in God’s heavenly court. He wanted to be more powerful than God, so he rebelled along with some other corrupted angels. After the ensuing heavenly war, Lucifer and other angels were banished from heaven and descended to hell. Lucifer, the fallen angel, became the Devil, and his fellow fallen angels became demons.
Interesting as the myth is, this story is not in the Bible, and at least not how it’s described. The actual origin of Lucifer is filled with misinformation and conflation. The only mention of Lucifer is In Isaiah 14:12 “How you are fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, Son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!” – This piece of scripture was really aimed at the arrogant king of Babylon, King Nimrod. Whose kingdom had just been destroyed, and Isaiah transcribes Nimrod’s position. “How you are fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, son of the morning’ – equates to “King of Babylon, oh Look how the mighty have fallen.” And likening Lucifer to the King of Babylon seemed fitting at the time.
However, the text in its original language has yet to make that comparison. In Biblical Hebrew, Lucifer was never mentioned. The phrase: ”hell ben Sahar” meant “shining one, son of the morning” and referred to a star [planet] Venus, the morning star. This means the King of Babylon, described as ”o shining one, son of morning,” is the King’s epic fall from grace to the movement of the morning star. As Venus disappears, it goes to the underworld akin to Inanna, whose name is also Venus. When the Bible was translated from Latin by early Christians, they translated the Hebrew word for morning star to their word, morning-star ”Lucifer”. Therefore, Lucifer is Latin for morning star [also translated as light bringer]. In Greco myth, Lucifer is personified as a god, son of Aurora [the dawn].
The Book of Enoch accidentally turned Lucifer evil. In a chapter from the book called the ‘Book of Watchers,’ angelic beings called watchers were despatched to earth to watch over humanity. However, the sum of them, like Samyaza started to defect from God’s command and lust for women. So they procreated, and the women gave birth to Nephilim [giants] – they also taught forbidden arts [technology]. And this angered God, so He brought forth the flood [He warns Noah first], then He ordered his Angels to punish the fallen ones; it’s a war in heaven on earth.
These Apocrypha writings never made it to the Bible, although they influenced most contemporary religious ideas. When they came across that verse, ‘shining one, son of the morning,’ it clearly referenced the star Venus as intended. However, they saw it as a hidden reference to Samyaza, the fallen one. When early Christians read the text in Latin, they understood Lucifer not as a light bringer but as a name: ‘Lucifer,’ the fallen angel.
Lucifer is a powerful and provocative name and has become ubiquitous, making murmurs in present minds and conscious of people. Though this name has always been there, people paid little attention to it; back then, it seemed like an archetypal fantasy that hints at a mythological truth. This name that represents banishment from paradise now represents an intermediary between Biblical, Gnostic, Magical and High Pagan worlds. A bridge between these factions and that of heaven, one wonders if god does anything by accident.
Lucifer is not Satan nor satanic; “Luciferians” in the New World Order is based on rumour and innuendo stemming from the imaginations of paranoid religious groups. Also, having an opposing belief system is about self-sacrifice (or enlightened self-interest), and the other is about radical selfishness or self-glorification. All these are not helped by TV shows and YouTube perpetuating stories (narrative/documentary) that lack theological basis.
Satan derives from the word Saturn, and EL, spelled E L, was mentioned as the father of all Gods in Egyptian Mythology.” The confusion of etymology definitions is in ‘knowledge and enlightenment, which seem similar but vastly different. “Shaitan is the Arabic word for Satan, which means knowledge or enlightenment; enlightenment means bringer of light. So, Lucifer and Satan are two titles with the same meaning. However, the meaning is more symbolic than fact-based; the bringer of light means the facility of thinking brings intuition and imagination.
Jewish Encyclopaedia: | ||
The Lucifer myth was transferred to Satan in the pre-Christian century, as may be learned from Vita Adae et Evae (12) and Slavonic Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4), where Satan-Sataniel (Samael?) is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived “to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high,” Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss. | ||
Catholic Encyclopaedia: | ||
The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for “the light of the morning” (Job 11:17), “the signs of the zodiac” (Job 38:32), and “the aurora” (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:28), by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the “Exultet” of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life. |
Blavatsky came from some heretical Gnostic sects; she identified “Lucifer” (and also Satan) not as an entity but as symbolic of intelligence and the human mind (Secret Doctrine, Vol 2, pg. 513). Some aspects of Theosophy groups established a metaphorical basis and dismissed the notion of any personal or anthropomorphic God-head (Angels) or devil; this is reductive and slightly naive. Fossil records of giants exist. It indicates the scenario of an angelic war that happened. So, it was mentioned in the literature that Lucifer [really Samyaza] is an archangel.
The Lucifer to Satan myth was not helped by the Luciferians propaganda types who promoted amateur-style YouTube documentaries that are not necessarily associated with mainstream Christians – (or Christianity as a whole) but an Evangelical Protestantism and a rising anti-Catholic, apocalyptic variety. The hand-me-down archetypes of fire and light suggest adopting a name that’s not as prestigious as before, that is, Leeds, back to the Middle East. Watchers turned into Angels through the Biblical tradition during the Babylonian Captivity. Such a name change caught the awareness of a 19th-century Scottish clergyman. He wrote ‘The Two Babylons’, which is about dismissing the belief system of Catholicism by declaring they were secretly worshipping the Babylonian King Nimrod. Moreover, this is where most of the so-called ‘Luciferian agenda’ started.
Then, with his poetic document ‘Paradise Lost, Milton turned Lucifer into a possible post-archetype of Prometheus, the beloved light-bearer/fire and angel, a satanic viewpoint. So, the true birth of the Lucifer-as-Satan mythos comes from some anti-papal propaganda written during a troubled time in Europe, particularly for England. John Milton’s work ‘Paradise Lost’ captured the imagination of readers throughout Europe. Before Milton, the early Church Fathers reinterpreted the ancient Daemons (benevolent bringers of knowledge, similar to angels) into evil “demons,” similar to the evil spirits of Babylonian folk magic. (–, 2016)
In the second century, Christianity had moved deeper into the gentile world. They found it harder to condemn the Hellenic Gods (than) Moloch or Baal, who had always been obscure, esoteric, and associated with atrocities. The answer came to them in the form of pagan converts such as Justin Martyr and Tatian…Through their writing, they preached that the sins and adulteries ascribed to the gods by the Greeks were actually committed by demons…Like pagans, Christians still sensed and saw the gods and their power, and as something, they had to assume, lay behind it…they turned these pagan daimones into malevolent ‘demons’, the troupe of Satan… |
In this thesis collection, we’ve mentioned the many names associated with the Demiurge [creator-God] in other posts. In Gnosticism, one speaks of the Demiurge (the architect of creation, a god, but not the true god) is also known as the evil mind, aka Jehovah, Angra, Mainyu, Arhriman, Ptahil, Saklas, Samael, Yaldabaoth, Rex Mundi, Allah, Brahma, Satan and so forth. Early Christianity complemented a line of tradition back to pre-Christian times. Buddha, Zoroaster, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, Krishna, Rama, Laozi, Enoch, Hermes, Jesus Christ and Mani are all messengers of Light; fundamentalism comes into play when one insists that their icon is the one true Light.
Some interpretations of the Apocryphon of John depict the creator God as inferior and, at times, evil. So, many ideas start to build up around a personified evil figure, sometimes called Satan, which gets attached to the creator God. So, you get a very satanic creator god in the Apocryphon of John. Just remember that ‘association’ is a variation similar to what poets use as a conjunction of the word ‘like’ – you can keep the name separate if it misaligns with the greater purpose of your understanding. And the thing to remember is you’re not worshipping the forces of darkness, and you’re not trying to descend to darkness – your purpose is to ascend to the world of light.
Bill Cooper probably came to realise what gnostic teachings had to offer, and as a reaction, he put Gnosticism on par with Satanism, which only fuelled many fundamentalists. It’s like, ‘How dare you call our creator-God satanic’ – just remember they’re working on one aspect of the abstract. If they entertain the other, they will realise the creator God was cast out of the upper Pleroma. And Satan is merely a fractal repeat of that archetype of the first abstract. Remember, the Demiurge has three distinct names [not associations]: Yaltabaoth, Saklas, Sammael – and incidentally, the arch Angel we come to know as Lucifer, but more precisely Samyaza or Samael.
Then Samael [now known as Lucifer] becomes Satan – it’s as if the Arch Angel Samael took over the names like a corporate takeover of I.P [intellectual property]. It’s fitting, considering he wants to be the most high. Satan was never a real distinct name for the Demiurge, anyway. The ruler of the underworld took the name of Lucifer, the morning star Venus, now Satan, Saturn Sut or Set. Satan or Saturn is the chief of the primary seven powers [the seven planetary soul garments]. Maybe there is a purpose for this confusion, or should I say purposeful confusion of sorcery.
Prometheus’s Fire and Lucifer’s Light: The Birth of the Imaginal Technocracy” explores the concepts of thought, illumination, imagination, and intuition. The confusion surrounding the portrayal of Lucifer as Satan—often propagated by fundamentalist Christian conspiracy groups—lacks historical textual evidence and adds to an already complex truth.
We’ve established that John Keel consolidated the UFO phenomenon as a modern manifestation of demons, which can also be traced back to Mesopotamia through the study of Assyriologists. Keep in mind most contemporary demonologists are Evangelical Protestants. Other researchers claim Archons and Angels, Lucifer and Prometheus, are archetypes that stem from the same source. Erich Von Daniken didn’t help in this consolidative thought with his pseudo-scientific book, ‘Chariots of the Gods’ cementing a false perception, like the scientism of today, the notion of the Copernican model of hyperreal-space and satellization.
There is a clear distinction between Archons and Angels since ancient texts have described Angels as having humanoid forms. And this should be no surprise given modern ufology has acknowledged extra-terrestrial beings similar to humans with the likes of Pleiadeans. And there is a distinction between Prometheus and Lucifer, but they’re clear parallels. Most often or not, the term daimon originally referred to a spirit, both a protector and a bringer of knowledge.
The Greeks embraced Prometheus as a supreme power and held the name of importance, which formed the backbone of mythical belief and played a part in the constitution of the Greek nation. They worshipped Poseidon as a supreme being and later adopted Zeus as their central figurehead. Zeus originated or came from the Indo-European storm god, who in turn, I assume, is derived from the Egyptian Storm God, Set. Having stolen the sacred fire from the Gods of Olympus and given it to humanity, Prometheus conflicts with Zeus. This conflict myth would trickle down and evolve, becoming a conflict between God and Lucifer.
Lucifer is not Satan and not entirely Prometheus either; Prometheus has a martyr archetype by being put in chains by Zeus. This act of stealing the sacred fire (according to theosophists) represents thought or faculty of thinking; this fire burnt and manifested through technology, giving Lucifer – Prometheus – Semjaza (the leader of the watchers) the identity of hackers. “I’ll use your weapons against you”, meaning I’ll use heaven’s technology against heaven itself as a form of protest. The Watchers (fallen angels) would show (educate) humans about technology, Lucifer playing the part of an overseeing manager:
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. | ||
And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, ‘Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven. |
Prometheus, the name itself, has become an archetype synonymous with governing the state (democratic – Greece), knowledge and technology. Prometheus is a friend to the human race, the giver of fire, the inventor of the useful arts, an omniscient seer, and a heroic sufferer. Who is overcome by the superior power of Zeus but will not bend his inflexible mind. Prometheus deprived humans of their knowledge of the future and gave them hope instead. It also gave architecture, astronomy, mathematics, the art of writing, the treatment of domestic animals, navigation, medicine, the art of prophecy working in metal, and all the other arts. With all these traits, Prometheus took a back seat as the Lucifer Archetype gave rise to the new aeon; Lucifer has all the same traits as an educator and giver of thought (thinking, imagination) and is differentiated with the light.
This faculty of thinking has developed into today’s modern technology; this ability to spark fire has turned into computer chips as an example. This new age of the technological frontier of drones, surveillance, microchips, computers and information technology has all been embraced, and there is no turning back from what was once simplistic and innocent. Technological advancements, particularly the ones associated with Bell Labs, strongly link to Alien technology findings. This technological explosion started in the 40s and continues to this day.
An alien-created micro-circuitry artifact was delivered to Bell Labs. Bell Labs reverse-engineered the circuit and introduced the electronic transistor within five months of that year. Other outside technologies that have been reversed include Lasers, Microprocessors, Fiber Optics, Infrared Vision Apparatus, Remote Control Neural Devices, Electromagnetic Propulsion systems, Irradiated Food, Portable Energy Generators, and Supertenacity Fibers. Of course, people who believed in the reverse technology scenario were regulated to paranormal mythology. In 1958, Jack Kilby was credited for inventing the microchip, and in 1965, semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore predicted the number of transistors on a computer chip would double yearly (Moore’s law). Deciphering the micro-processor took 23 years but gave us increased speed and control of information. Ted Hoff revealed the micro-processer in 1970. Upon this, no one knew the behaviours of electrons.
The initial beginning of this technological revolution was soon superseded by the marriage of the military-industrial complex working alongside Private corporations. Who exploited this technology to make billions of dollars? Silicon Valley produces 68 millionaires weekly, opening the economy to new territories. Nasa Aims Research with Silicon Valley acknowledges that alien technology is public knowledge; however, the government is still secretive about reverse engineering being revealed to the public.
Was the alien-created circuitry given to us, or was it an accident? This is where the Roswell incident comes into play. The Roswell crash raises the possibility of an extraordinary moment when alien technology was retrieved, prompting questions about the authenticity of such an event. This also leads to speculation regarding a potential cover-up or false flag operation. Either way, it solidified notions of Alien greys as Angelic beings, reinforcing Daniken’s false doctrine. Since Angels were clearly in human form, to begin with, this implies that Jehovah [the Demiurge] does not want a man to be a reflection of Him, the creator, and certainly not a reflection of the True God. This reason gives a propensity for technological advancements, from hybridisation, cloning, and abductions to technology in communications, military growth, etc.
Therefore, any technological advancement is strongly linked to being Luciferian. It’s [Luciferic in the Promethean sense, in that it is a power taken from the authority and given to the rest of us, or is it, in fact, Satanic, in that it is a hierarchical force that only increases authoritarian power (, 2016)]. Aside from adopting the wrong title, a man with his faculty of thinking (the fire) gave birth to new ideas inspired by that alien circuitry. The result is using fibre optics, touch screens, CPUs, etc.
Lucifer’s Oil of Angels: There is more to the thinking faculty; our Pineal gland is also known as the eye of Lucifer (All Seeing Eye). One of the many functions of the pineal gland is to connect the silver chord that is attached between the spirit body and the physical body. Hence, the name light-bringer; within this logic, we are all Luciferian in a sense, “don’t tell fundamentalist Christian (conspiracy) groups that” repenting would mean denouncing yourself. Of course, they adopted the title’s meaning for the pineal gland’s function. However, it does fit nicely for the theosophists, for the name (Lucifer) presides over the light of truth. And that truth is revealed once awakened or enlightened.
Astrotheology describes this process and suggests that our bodies serve as biochemical analogies for the stars and the universe. First, however, one must recognise the awareness of Christ within rather than solely looking for Christ outside oneself. This internal Christ is present in every human being. There are 33 bones in the spinal column, and when we reach the last one and cross the medulla oblongata at the bottom of the head, there are 12 cranial nerves. Here is where the Vagus nerve is situated. The Vagus nerve is the nerve that goes through your body and is vagrant. It wonders about feeding the heart and organs. It turns the fluid back to the cerebellum (Ares), the Lamb of God, when the cerebral spinal oil (which is produced in our body by the cerebral spinal system, the first system in the body out of the twelve in the fully developed body) produces this oil substance.
His oil comes from the claustrum, and that brain fluid, also known as Christos, comes from the cerebrum. It descends the spinal cord and reaches the sacral plexus next to the sacrum, which is connected; this sacrum is five fused bones that pump the oil back up, and when the oil returns, we have illumination. You have entered the higher mind, a Christ Consciousness. You can view the sacred oil as Jesus, the seed that travels back to the pineal gland, and when the oil touches the pineal gland, the activation occurs. Lucifer’s light is activated. Maybe Lucifer is the container that holds the light, and Prometheus is the fire, the faculty of thinking and imagination. The Manasaputra is awakened to the higher human ego; you realise you are the intermediary between God-kingdom and Human-kingdom. You become aware of the Christos Father in heaven (the Manasaputra is a Christos, baptised with the spiritual light of the spiritual monad) as his parents’ monad and intermediary to divine spheres of being.
This needs to be more abstract for the majority of people. The symbolic confusion occurs when people pair the All-Seeing Eye, which is the symbolic image of Horus’s eye, with the eye of providence or link it to mean something Satanic, which is not. If you look at the image of the ‘eye of Horus,’ that image is the same as the image of the pineal gland (one would have to look through medical illustrations) to uncover this. The intention (magick) meaning of the eye of providence is another matter entirely; it has ties to the Elite class (that is satanic), which has political, monolithic, and capitalistic (criminal-corporatism) backing. And possibly playing a part in a plan that has been around for 6000 years; an Old World Order, as opposed to a New World Order, modern manifestations of this agenda, are set through by breaking laws and Natural laws that set policy changes.
Historical atrocities have been linked to this Elite class; they adopted the good, the light, as a façade to hide their true intention. This intent is laid out in the conception of the greater good seeking to annihilate another. All in the name of God, Queen, Country or Proletariat, and so forth, all in the name of the encompassing good without the shadow is where the suspicion lies. The shifting of blame to a symbol exemplified in the name of Lucifer (or even Satan) is just a logo, a symbol possibly to mean (Carl Jung’s) shadow.
Whether you believe in theosophy’s ‘levels of degrees of initiation’ or not, such levels exist. There is a clear distinction between people who have gone through an awakening (a cosmic Consciousness experience) and those who have not. Often fast-tracked by the activation of Lucifer’s Oil of Angels. The story of Christ and Christ-Consciousness is symbolised as reaching the supernal light that Lucifer is a bearer of and is inherently linked to. Suppose one wishes to step into another level or (fourth) degree of initiation. Christ, however, is differentiated because he is the supreme Soter that reboots the source or (makes a kingdom for man).
Having half the Adamic gene, he is a demigod, a mortal demigod chained to a cross and then immortalized in death and resurrection rather than ascension. Much like Prometheus, an immortal god chained to a rock, already an immortal, is punished to spend eternity in time among the meeks. [Theosophy, similar to Gnosticism bonded together through philosophy, has yet to be established; the same can be said of Lucifer, a player yet to take the field. And the entire rampart “Luciferianism” out there is presently misunderstood, false flag constructs created to counteract a force whose emergence is inevitable, no matter which name it comes to be known. ( 2016)]
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (32):
They Came From Above:
Cult Followers of the Nine and the Meta-Emissary [Posted initially on 11th September 2022]: One of the main soundbites Christian-Flat-Earthers were using when the subject had increased Google’s search index charts – was ex-president Obama’s speech on climate change. When he famously said, “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society”, – Flat Earthers went to town dismissing Flat Earth Society as a creditable website in the first place. It bewildered them why he would make a statement at the early peak of the Flat Earth zeitgeist. He discredited the validity of those who do not believe in climate change to Flat Earth believers. Such rebellious notions like flat earth throw a spanner to climate change programs and the concepts of overpopulation and scarcity.
Five years before he made that speech, he essentially ended most NASA programs by ceasing astronauts’ participation in the moon programs on the 42nd anniversary of Gus Grissom’s [Apollo One astronaut] death.
Prayers/Triangles … [Gus Grissom in middle] |
42 is interesting because it’s a critical number to the universe. There are also 42 generations of Jesus Christ; Gus Grissom was taught to be sacrificed [murdered] for his criticism of NASA. He was martyred [crucified] to the space altar and seen as a symbol of a lost dream, and Obama became a bearer of that symbol. The word bearer is synonymous with a prophet.
It’s as if Obama used the rising Flat Earth to demonise them, but knowing all too well, he agrees with them wholeheartedly because he’s in the know and part of the [Masonic] club. He is a Freemason, a group responsible for the whole space hoax. Yet, he managed to cut back the space program budget while upholding it simultaneously. By stating, “I grew up on Star Trek,” Obama said. “I believe in the final frontier.”
It’s a curious statement because you’d think he would promote NASA instead, choosing a science-fiction show for his remarks. This probably has something to do with Star Trek Deep Space Nine, more with the character of Captain Benjamin Sisko, who is the fictional golem of Barack Obama. It’s as if that show showcases the first black captain for a Star Trek Federation, an allegorical presidency role – that meta-coincides 15 years later with America’s first black president.
One of many of Deep Space Nine’s central themes is about extra-dimensional aliens who live in a wormhole worshipped by the Bajorans as the Prophets and, therefore, is also sometimes referred to as the Celestial Temple. These interdimensional, no-corporeal aliens control the only stable wormhole in the galaxy. They also can possess humanoid beings and use them as vessels. Sisko becomes an Emissary after looking into a device called Orbs, a device given to Bajorans by the Prophets; seeing he had a strong pagh/chi, he was deemed worthy of the title. For the most part, Sisko mandates and administers an expanded galaxy as the region becomes the gateway to all manner of visitors, both friendly and extremely hostile.
Deep Space Nine’s theme of non-corporal entities is ideas based on a cult group called the ‘The Nine’. The Nine started as an organisation called Lab-9 that claimed to investigate paranormal phenomena. Through channelling, they claimed to make contact with entities called the ‘council of Nine or ‘the nine’ The Nine claimed to be the creators of humankind and had informed the channellers that they would be returning to Earth. The Nine (Council of Nine) is a group of channelled beings that are extra-terrestrials that the ancient Egyptians worshipped as gods.
Andrija Puharich, who worked for the military and CIA, discovered an Israeli psychic named Dr D G Vinod, working for Israeli intelligence. Puharich fell into an occultist group in Glen Cove, Maine, an organisation called The Round Table, in 1952. They had mentioned that it was probable that they were in contact with alien intelligence on behalf of the Military Industrial Complex.
Gene Roddenberry was associated with the Nine through Sir John Whitmore, a former British race car driver. Lab-9 commissioned Roddenberry to write a script or screenplay for the imminent return of the Nine. Roddenberry flew to their estate and interviewed several psychics, which helped start his script. However, Roddenberry’s final result focused more on the fictionalised alter ego and marital and financial worries than The Nine. Lab-9 could have been more impressed with the script, which Jon Povill rewrote.
It’s worth noting that Whitmore introduced Roddenberry to several key figures in the British Broad Casting Corp and other British TV executives, all to write about the Council of Nine, a Star Trek knockoff called Space: 1999 that premiered on British television.
The Nine claims to be responsible for the ancient Egyptians’ Ennead or Pantheon Gods. Revealed in the 1977 book “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth,” mentions of the Nine receded after that book was published until a new Star Trek TV series called Deep Space Nine appeared. However, Star Trek Next Generation’s leading characters mimicked the Egyptian pantheon due to the more freedom Roddenberry had for this particular show. Just a mention: In Star Trek Deep Space Nine, there was a character named ‘Vinod.’
It’s also worth noting that Sisko’s meta-bearer, Obama, and his election win in 2009 [two-thousand-Nine] came down to a senator in Illinois. The Senator had a scandal involving his wife, Jeri Ryan of Star Trek Voyager fame, Seven of Nine. Their scandal turned the tide in votes for Obama to win the election.
Throughout his presidency, a conspiracy theory surfaced that he and his family were clones of Egyptian mummies, with Obama being a clone of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Photoshop of their faces against sculptures indicates uncanny resemblance, although it can never be conclusive outside DNA testing for a more empirical notion.
The Symbolic Ritual Death and Rebirth of Obama the Lion King: Debates regarding the construction of the Sphinx have surfaced. And it may have been built outside of Akhenaten’s time. One thing is sure, though: the Sphinx was to symbolise a marker of time. The Sphinx looks to the east when the sun rises at the equinox – it’s also a marker for the beginning of time, Zep Tepi. So when the Lion King on Earth [Sphinx] looks at the cosmic Lion [Leo constellation] in the sky, at 11,500 B.C., the Lion on Earth is looking at the Lion in Heaven.
The ‘first-time’ and the coming of the Phoenix transposed in stone in the Sphinx, along with the creation cycle of time. Upon the ice age melting, it came with its life that gestated out of Africa and flowed down to the Nile of Egypt, where a remarkable civilisation filled with mystery built Temples and Pyramids on a landscape aligned with the star constellations of Orion and Leo, held in their memory of the ‘first time and created a compass direction in the Sphinx.
Who exactly represented the Phoenix of our time? A Phoenix dies in its fire only to emerge anew. On the surface, it all points to Obama, given the symbolic parallel within the new emergence archetype. Obama and his presidency were the start of a new cycle of time. A strange parallel occurs when Obama’s fictional prophet Sisko of DS9 travels inside a wormhole gateway. He proceeds to talk to the entities called prophets about linear time as they were baffled at such a concept as entities that existed outside of time. Sisko emerges out of the Wormhole vortex a new person.
Obama, the meta-bearer of the fictional character Sisko, the emissary, remerges as the lion king from a new archetype focused on kings’ death and ritual murder and the spiritual and esoteric hope for the king’s rebirth. The Festival Tail is a ritual that returns to an ancient Egyptian ceremony. It separates the continuous reign of a Pharaoh despite the ritual murder of the Pharaoh.
[] An analysis of a particular ritual was presented at a press conference dinner where Obama and Trump were present. At the time, Trump was making news rounds and interviews declaring the legitimacy of Obama’s American citizenship and that his presidency was built on a scam if he didn’t have an American birth certificate. During that press conference dinner, Obama jokes about Trump’s rhetoric outlining his birth certificate. He showed his birth certificate to the audience and declared he would show his official birth video. Obama showed a video of Disney’s Lions King coronation ceremony of Simba. He continued to Joke about Trump, comparing the decision-making on The Apprentice to decisions a president would make and also imparting that if he were president, the white house would turn itself into a hotel and casino on his run.
At the time, it seemed like friendly banter, but Trump was deeply angered and humiliated, which probably fuelled him to run for the presidency. At that time, it was an unheard-of notion, but Trump did become president. The theme here is; that the butt of the joke becomes the joker that became King.
Returning to the press conference dinner, Obama had symbolically made himself known as the New King through the coronation of the Lion King. He further acknowledges this notion by admiring the film King’s Speech. The President’s speech implies that he is the new King by promoting its unofficial sequel.
The next day, Obama announced on TV that Osama bin Laden was dead. And on several occasions, the news reported the death of Osama Bin Laden but mistakenly said it was Obama Bid Laden instead. In Arabic, Osama means Lion; with it, Obama says he is the Lion King, and the next day, he killed the Lion King.
It stems from the man who would become king. It’s as if he has taken the spirit of Leo, the Lion in heaven. He kills himself [the meta-Obama-Bin-Laden-King] and Osama and is reborn as the Sun Lion King on Earth. In a sense, it also follows the Phoenix motif of born-again renewal – as it were, they launched the Mars Phoenix rocket on his 46th birthday. A Phoenix statue, a subject of ritual, ascended at the end of his victory speech.
The killing of the King event takes place on Easter week, the same week as the royal wedding of Will and Kate, a marriage with a large audience dedicated to royal bloodlines and once and future King. On the same weekend, thousands of Catholics descend on the Vatican for the beatification of John Paul the Second. They dig the dead Pope’s body out of the ground, grant him the title of the saint, keep a vile of his holy blood as a souvenir, and then seal his body under an altar. The three major cities representing the world’s financial, military and religious control have the same significant events, with millions watching.
These rituals discussed can be explained in the Book volumes of The Golden Bough – A Study in Magic and Religion, whose author is Sir James George Frazer, and the book Pearl of Great Price and T.S. Eliot’s Wasteland. The news had announced Bin Laden dead nine times, and in 2019 [two-thousand and nine-teen], the new Lion King comes out in July nine-teen. The constant was nine, and of course, Trump was the president in 2019. The same Lion motif was repeated for him, but not in the synchronistic, grandiose way as Obama.
UFOs; Council of Nine; Stargate: Andrija Puharich (1918 – 1995) – a friend of Aldous Huxley, ran psychic experiments on behalf of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program that established contact with a group of discarnate entities who called themselves the Council of Nine. Puharich’s primary medium for contacting the Council of Nine was Mossad agent and spoon-bender Uri Geller. They confirmed they were behind the surge in UFO activity, starting from Arnold’s sighting in 1947.
Puharich admitted that his early experiments at his Round Table Foundation were inspired by reading Alice Bailey’s theosophical works. The surge of sightings signalled what Alice Bailey called the “Externalization of the Hierarchy,” when the Spiritual Hierarchy or Shambhala—in other words, the Fallen Angels—will make themselves known, heralding the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.
You can equate these first impressions of UFO religions as first ‘contacts’ with discarnate entities and with the backing of the CIA in the form of programs such as MK-Ultra and Project Stargate. Occult practices mirror Freemasonry rituals through séances and channelling to the CIA-derived form of séances, similar to an old phenomenon as mediumship. They were all communicating with disincarnate spirits, once known as demons, now extra-terrestrials. In the past, they were gods; now, they are spirits of the dead or ascended masters.
Puharich’s Round Table Foundation was founded a year after the Roswell crash. However, after the Roswell incident, notions of first-contact ascended masters took a back seat for alien terrestrials and flying saucers, where conspiracies, conspiracy theories, and para-politics would engulf the zeitgeist. So it’s fascinating that the first contemporary record mentioned that first contact was through aspects of remote viewing.
So, we have Obama, ultimately seeing Gus Grissom as a symbol or a saint as he was martyred to the space altar [their church], a triangle-shaped capsule that he was praying to. Dr Diana Walsh Pasulka [ interview] describes Saints traditionally coming from local heroes instead of Catholic traditions. They were just holy people who arose from their local area, and people would venerate them; they would become saints. Within time [perhaps centuries], the Catholic traditions had adopted that reverence of worship. The first historical accounts of saints in Christian traditions were Martyrs who died for their faiths, and the Pope didn’t canonise them. Then, the process of sainthood changed later on and became more centralised. It became more modernised and incorporated more of the spirit, like miracles.
Furthermore, Obama’s grandfather strikes a resemblance with Gus, and he also was an astronaut. And so his flat earth remark was about upholding his hero figure. And his meta-bearer [emissary] presides over a space station that resembles a flat earth dome. The centre of the DS9 space station’s topography has sets of concentric circles, which have a symbolic association with the four seas of Atlantis. The inspiration of the Nine conjured the DS9 show.
Obama is a Freemason, and it’s uncertain what sect, but all evidence points to the type of Masonry. Albert Pike, a well-known Freemason, discusses a Masonic legend that links the number nine to a stellar tradition connected with Sirius. [The “Nine Elect” are the apprentice Masons who sought to avenge the death of their Master, Hiram Abiff. The Nine Elect are symbolised by the sequential rising of nine bright stars, including those of Orion’s belt, which precedes the rising of Sirius. The Elect of Nine is the ninth degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry]. –
Conspiracy theory floated around a belief that the 13 illuminated families were part of the Merovingian bloodline, a clan of humans with a very different variation of genetics. Almost fifty per cent of the phenotype exhibits or is reminiscent of an ancient alien race. They hybridized the DNA of the Neanderthal type, leading to the creation of modern Homosapien humans. And their bloodline is said to be traced back to the pharaonic lines, ancient Sumer, and Babylon. And Obama is part of this bloodline.
In the diagram above, on the left, we have Draco taking over the Polaris star as a symbolic suggestion; the Draco axis and cosmic serpent [forming the Cube of space]. [Suggesting reptilians rule the world, and recently, we have the death of the queen of England. She died on the 9th month on the 9th day of her 6th year.] Draco, short for Dragon, is a Dragon that lives in the abyss. The Draco constellation wraps around the Polaris star as it rotates in its processional cycle. As the star moves on the flat plane of the Earth, it’s divided into four sections of the four ages with its assigned Zodiac star constellation within that precession cycle. I also associated the four seas of Atlantis as an anecdotal coincidence.
The extraterrestrial nine refer to themselves as the Ennead [the nine discarnate entities worshipped by the ancient Egyptians as gods]. The other nine associations come from the Greek mythology of gods [heroes], which formed a council of nine, reminiscent of nine Justice League members. Together, this council created Pandora and sent her as a gift to Epimetheus, who was told never to open it. Unable to contain her curiosity, she opened the box, releasing all of the misfortunes of humankind.
Incidentally, nine church fathers created the Council of Nicaea. Nine in Gematria means ‘true’, and six means ‘falsehood.’ The World Trade Centre fountain [with its sphere sculpture centre] has the symmetry of nine [Masonic] keystones that match the nine chevrons of the Stargate, a fictional sci-fi show by MGM the Lion studio.
The number nine also recalls the Enneads, the nine sections of the six books of Plotinus, considered the founder of Neoplatonism. The unified, hierarchical structuring of these elements and the theory of ten divine emanations or spheres were distinctive in Plotinus’ system, corresponding with the ten Sephiroth of Jewish mysticism and the Pythagorean Decad. For Pythagoras, the number nine, the ennead, was considered “the greatest of the numbers within the Decad” for “everything circles around within it.” According to Iamblichus, a key figure in the Mithraic bloodline and ancestor to Charlemagne, the ennead was known as the number that “brings completion.” –
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (31):
They Came From Above:
Watcher’s Dark Heralds [Posted initially on 02nd September 2022]: Continuing from the previous post regarding alien abductions and supernatural phenomena (like demon possessions), having similarities prompted by Vallee’s views has merit. Considering it also has biblical links. It has links, but it’s the kind that is comparatively coincidental but slightly misaligned. For instance, a particular person has a sleepless night interrupted by sleep paralysis and dream mind hacks by evil spirits – and through the morning and during that night, he so happens to see more than a dozen UFOs in the night sky. The links are there; the aesthetics and details keep it from being definitively accurate. And so I view the phenomenon as separate.
The prevention of these possessions is through prayer, which is not 100 per cent adequate, given that these unclean spirits keep coming back. They say that the power of prayer compels them to go to the Abyss. The Abyss is where Angels that have sinned go before judgment, according to Genesis six and Jude 1:6. It is like a spiritual jail. Angels that sinned were committed to the lowest hell and, tied up with chains and imprisoned for judgment. Although these spirits were more like ectoplasm ghosts than Angels, the Angels sound awfully like Titans of Greek myth bound by chains in the underworld.
The Abyss ruler is known as Typhonis; this ruler is probably closer to what Christians describe as the Devil [the real Devil] than Satan or Lucifer, which is far from what Christians understand. The Abyss corresponds with Dat in the Sefirot Tree of Life. Crowley is famous for communicating into this dimension and attempting to open gateways; he spoke with a being [he] called ‘Long’, a being that resembled alien grays/greys.
A cult group arose from Crowley’s teachings, specifically the Book of the Law; they called themselves Ordo Templi Orientis. Also known as the Order of the Eastern Templars, they relate to the Knight’s Templars. They’re obsessed with opening gateways via transmissions and communications from outer space. Crowley acknowledges the title: ‘beast-666’ – most Christian conspiracy groups who notice hidden, symbolic suggestions in entertainment and media like 666, the phallic imagery or the beast – are based on Crowley and not some deity that they misunderstand. You could argue he positioned himself as a herald of Typhonis, and then his debased version 666 has a new meaning.
His book, The Book of the Law, was essentially heavenly influenced by his experience in Egypt, the kind of experience we call today an alien encounter or abduction. At the time, he joined or even started a UFO cult. After the incident, he channelled a spirit to which he would be inspired to write his book, the Book of the Law, through automatic writing. So he had an extra-dimensional event associated with the stars, to which he authored a string of books that dramatically changed the culture along the way. He would self-reflect later in life and become more sophisticated in understanding that experience. From thinking he was the prophet of the new Aeon to a more teacher guru persona by accepting that extra-dimensional beings are accurate and that it’s linked to the stars but are here to teach humankind or evaluate humanity in some way. And this is essential for our progress [or evolution] as a species.
Dat in the Sefirot has no associations with deities or planets; therefore, the cult group’s fascination with transmissions into outer space is communications attempts into the hole of the earth. This means there is a hole in the earth, which makes sense, given the government’s space programme’s inability to pass beyond our stratosphere and their persistence to act out that they merely function like a type of ritual and hoax. I suspect that the state cult, which grifts government grants by the billions, has ties to the cult group that fixates itself on Crowley and Freemasonry. I mean, history’s evidence speaks for itself: Jack Parsons, rocket engineer and his sex cult on the side. I further suspect that their hyperreal notions of black holes and singularities are the hole in the earth and our hole in the planet is the oyster. The singularity is the pearl inside – another way of piercing through the pearly-dew-drop’s-drop.
Their Babylonian attempts to reach God through technology mimic Demiurge’s alienation from Heaven and His attempts to rectify that through a cosmic loophole involving a human component. Gnostics’ notion of the divine Spark is perhaps that key component missing from the creator God. And all the pagan worship of gods, from angels to the modern worship of aliens, was part of that cosmic plan. All the stories you read about alien abductions [including manufactured alien abduction and MK-Ultra] and alien hybridisation are those attempts for that cosmic loophole. Their tampering and probing of the human body are the literal searches for that Spark.
Fundamentalists equate the phenomenon of aliens and UFOs with the influence of Satan, and one of the many names associated with the Demiurge is Satan. The confusion in the titles by Christians is apparent, considering Satan is also Lucifer. Their version of Satan is the opposite of their God, the same in Gnostic terms. In Galatians 3:19, Paul says Angels ordained the law in the hand of the mediator. The Gnostics believed that the writing of the Old Testament was not given directly by God but by an intermediary on God’s behalf. As a reaction to this, the Gnostics questioned whether a God that is all good might indeed be malevolent.
Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. Gnostics understood a central theme in this verse: the existence of Archons, invisible rulers of the heavenly realm that stand between god and us.
In the esoteric worldview commonly accepted in ancient times, certain celestial principalities and powers acted as intermediaries between the one god above and the material world below. The Gnostics and Orthodox Christians disagreed about whether these powers existed and were fundamentally good or evil. Afterwards, such dual concepts became tunnelled through absolutism, where it was just evil, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth . . .” (Ex. 20:4–6). 51
Knowing such dual concepts was debated; it’s less about absolutism and more about warnings of the evil aspect of that dual concept. However, since we know there are forces of light working for good, that dual concept is favourable in fundamentalism’s concept of spiritual war.
Their version of Satan is the wrong title for their conceptual ruler of the underworld; perhaps they should go back to calling it Hades. In contrast, with the apparent symbolic conflict of interest, aside from that, it explains UFO cult groups as experiencers who have a motive to reach a higher dimensional plane—given to them by a prophecy by alien/angelic beings through the will of God, at least to what they believe as God.
Crowley’s goal was to bypass every aspect of the Sefirot [his cosmic loophole] and only go from Earth to Dat and then to Ain Sof, though his attempt to do so drove him crazy. UFO cult Groups, governmental [UFO] state cult groups, and secret societies are psychics in Valentinian’s Trinitarian sense. They often mistake the Demiurge for the True God.
Psychics: middle orientation between the body and spirit, ready for Gnosis, but hesitant | ||
Pneumatics: transcended their bonds to the world and are free. |
The distinction between the soul and the spirit may seem academic or obscure. It was not so for the Gnostics. The soul is the whole of the mental and emotional complexity that makes up our inner life; the closest equivalent we have for this concept is the psyche [su-k]. The spirit, by contrast, was pure consciousness, the self the true eye, what other religions have called atman.
Our soul and spirit are what Aliens and Demons endeavour to find. According to Gnostic texts, The Archons didn’t crack the human genome due to an unbreakable design by the Aeons. However, this notion must be clarified, given the long-term alien hybridisation programme between the government and alien greys. You can see some odd alien features in some people, notably certain sections of celebrities. Uncertain can that notion be, but the Archons did crack the manipulation of the mind. Archons are a hive system, most being drones, mostly known as greys and Neo-Nate. Being part of a hive means there are overlords; one overlord is named Dracona (reptilian form).
He can lead us to what we seek… what the doctor calls the soul. It is time for our experiment to move into a final phase. We no longer need the other subjects. The time for study is over. |
Through the works of Irenaeus, he mentions that the Archons managed to get into the minds of the human species (the Hebrews) and plant a virus, an alien mindset. And they chose the Hebrews to be their representative and to wage war upon the rest of the human species. This was done by implanting a neural hack into this particular tribe. This act gave rise to a cult, a sect splitting the Jewish people. This fraction with mind intrusions was called the Saddukeens [possibly wrong spelling]; they arose in the 18th hundred B.C. This cult spread a masonic religion; then it spread to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; all three Abrahamic religions derived from the same source. That source is an implementation of an implant virus by Archons and its overlords.
It is our capacity for individuality, our souls… that makes us different from them. They think they’ll find the human soul… if they understand how our memories work. They have collective memories. They share one group mind. |
Swedenborg, Spirit Scribe & Messenger: So why are there no other preventions or security systems for a phenomenon such as alien/demon possessions? Especially towards people who live ordinary lives but are bothered by them. There are ways, one of which is through magic. Since Christians think it’s a tool for the occult, which can be, but their viewpoint is often generalised, I won’t pull on that thread. There is an explanation, and it’s through Swedenborg’s teachings. Despite that, fundamentalists align Swedenborg as one of the early UFO cult leaders because he founded Swedenborgianism in 1758. Emanuel Swedenborg founded the religion Swedenborgianism, based on astral travel and contact with extraterrestrial beings. He claimed he garnered spiritual insight from beings from another bardo [other planes of existence or planets] through astral projection.
Since there is clear evidence for remote viewing and psi telepathy, there is no reason to indicate astral travel is not legit, even with the New Age grifters coming along and conning everyone. Swedenborg was a scientist and philosopher before becoming a proficient spiritual writer. He was John Dee of his time minus the magician aspect. Swedenborg is one of the chosen prophetic emissaries. He describes why there are no security systems for spiritual possessions. It has to do with the equilibrium. These notions are everywhere in life and nature, including the spirit world. Opposing forces are acting on each other, which creates this middle ground. In the natural world, it’s known as force/energy; in the spiritual world, it’s known as life/volition. There are many interpretations of freedom, but in this case, it’s the in-between of heaven and hell.
In his book “Heaven and Hell”, he states: “The balance between heaven and hell is between what is good from heaven and evil from hell, which means that it is a spiritual balance that, in essence, is freedom. The freedom I am dealing with here is the ability to intend either good or evil and to think either truth or falsity, the ability to choose one instead of the other. The Lord grants everyone this freedom but does not take it back. So, we can be reformed and saved; without freedom, there can be no reformation or salvation. Reformation is not there unless we have some freedom because we were born into evils of all kinds. This needs to be removed unless we see them within ourselves, admit that they are there, then refuse them and ultimately turn away from them. Only then are they taken away; this cannot happen unless we are exposed to both good and evil since it is from the good that we see evils, though we cannot see what is good from evil…” (Swedenborg, E, Heaven and hell)
So these entities can manipulate and stir up your memories and life experiences; the book “Secrets of Heaven” states: “Evil spirits stir up our falsities and evil, as mentioned, from our memory, they stir up everything we have ever considered or committed since childhood. Evil spirits can do this with such consummate skill and malice that words cannot describe it.” (Swedenborg, E, Secrets of heaven) These entities can’t produce these negative emotions themselves, so they create a negative emotional state, feed off it, and make you more vulnerable in the dream state.
So there are many archetypes to these entities, and yet, what they try to do is act similarly. The book “Spiritual Experience” states: “…all in hell, how many soever they may be when viewed in the ordinary light of heaven, appear like each other, and speak alike so that you would believe them to be one and same person when yet they are innumerable..” (Swedenborg, E, Spiritual Experience).
The rationalist types would reduce these experiences to medical symptoms rather than supernatural. They explain that the sleep process produces an anaesthetic, so your body is in a state of stasis, which cannot differentiate a real moment from a vivid dream moment. So when you awake faster than your body stops pumping out anaesthetic, this is what paralysis is. While coming out of the dream state and gasping for air, people see entities and shadow people. Science says this is what’s happening, and it’s nothing more than that. And the notion of the paranormal is just reminiscence of an [Jungian) archetype, but the cause of that is through a medical process, and so those episodes of the supernatural are unlikely.
Researchers in Psychedelics would disagree with such a claim, and those who had come out of real medical anaesthetics know it’s just blackness when you go in and extreme lethargic tiredness when you come out. DMT researchers who commune with other dimensional beings are also fully aware of their bodies. Also, mention these types of possession [I call them spiritual mind hacks], which Swedenborg attributes as a process for them to acquire negative energy so they can feed on it. The person doesn’t have to be asleep for it to happen. It can also occur when you’re about to fall asleep and about to wake up but still cohesive enough to know what’s happening. It means you can be awake, and these unclean entities [energy vampires] will still attempt to possess and feed.
There is a constant barrage of these evil spirits, which is very true. Millions of people are in these predicaments, and having an understanding and faith in yourself and God is the first step in dealing with them.
Chosen Abductee or Artist Prophet: I’ve talked about comic book writer Grant Morrison in a few posts due to his intriguing alien abduction experience. The author’s life can be as interesting as his stories. Grant Morrison is responsible for All-Star Superman and countless other titles, but All-Star best describes his fictional and non-fictional events. His experience imitates his writings, and his writing imitates his life; he is a self–proclaimed Magician. Morrisons are knowledgeable about esotericism, witchcraft, and Zen meditation. He believed aliens abducted him in Kathmandu, which he describes as mystical, and also a possibility that he may have temporal lobe epilepsy.
He describes a situation where he took lentil size marijuana; he states: “I was lying down, and silver-like blobs started to appear and move … Then it surrounded me and seemed to be interacting with me, it asked, where you want to go, I replied, “Alpha Syntori,” and suddenly I had no body and was in space.” He describes seeing things in the glowing neon tubes, and then he moved into other dimensions where he felt everything but was also enclosed; it appeared blue, with flashing silver Gridlines.
Morrison and his interstellar trans-suc-cubism / trans-succubus-m |
These experiences are not singular to Morrison; the likes of Phillip K Dick, Robert Antoni Wells, Terrence Mckenna, and Jack Kirby have gone through unique experiences like this. Perhaps for Morrison, it was a combination of intersecting acausal events from the possibility of a temporal epilepsy episode – triggered by a week on cannabis and a change in his mental state derived from reading Terence Mckenna’s books. With an external something [UFOs] coming into existence intentionally or unintentionally to implement specific thoughts, emotions and hallucinations – all events culminating to one point in his time.
The Archons can mind control, erase memory, manipulate space and time, environmental (weather) manipulation and implant specific thoughts and emotions. While appearing physical when manifested in this dimension, they are, in many ways, non-physical life forms. In that they pop in and out of 3D reality, transcending time and space, they can insert thoughts, memories, and emotions and change appearances such as past loved ones, religious deities and other terrestrials like Plebeians. All of This depends entirely on the belief system of the abductee. Discerning the implementation of false emotion could persuade the individuals (abductees) that they are harmless beings; by proxy of implementation, benevolence is misleading.
His experience matches other alien archetype abduction scenarios. Also, near-death experiences usually envision Christ appearing, which Morrison later had. For Christians, experiences such as this inspire them to become born-again Christians. Spiritual enlightenment, holistic visions, a profound heavenly projected dream, etc., are details in Morrison’s stories that are similar to esoteric consciousness teachings, mystery religion texts, and metaphysics, which I gathered he explored and adopted in his books.
In All-Star [Morrison] Superman, Lex Luther finds a way to harness Superman’s power, but in doing so, he adopts an out-of-control power. Superman’s encounter with the Sun causes his power to fluctuate rapidly, leading to his death. Lex, having fought Superman, realises Superman’s power and has an awakening or enlightened moment. He can comprehend the universe at a micro and macro level to see molecules literally.
I can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum… and those must be atoms, little clouds of possibility. Einstein couldn’t connect the gravitational force to the other three…but if he could have seen this…. It’s so obvious. Uncle Lex? The fundamental forces are yoked by consciousness. Everything’s connected. |
He has a feeling of synchronistic oneness with the universe. What Morrison has done is that after his awakening process, he implemented passive intuition in his stories, and that through Lex Luther’s ark is the allegory of applied animism. Lex represents us, a human who wakes up, and his identification and ideology change to be one with God. He becomes the artist’s profit, while Superman is the messiah hero who flies into the dying sun and becomes the new Sun-God.
Abductions that result in a positive outcome are often perceived as a spiritual mission, suggesting an implied contract with the beings involved. These experiences may awaken an intrinsic gift that was always within you, bringing it to the surface. This can be seen as spiritual growth, challenging you not to waste that gift. It resembles a hero’s journey, inspiring others through your unique abilities. An unspoken mission exists to spread messages of goodness, truth, and light through your artistic expressions. While this may dangerously align with the hero archetype, it remains relatively safe within entertainment art, with inspiration as a muse to create a meaningful impact.
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (30):
They Came From Above:
Alien-Cults and Sirens [Posted initially on 28th August 2022]: Continuing from the last post, I mentioned outside forces that have influenced humanity, and even perhaps at the very inception of humanity. The kind of influences embraced in the plot of ‘The Truman Show, except instead of hundreds of millions watching one person’s adventures in an artificial world, untold numbers of alien beings watch a manipulated planet’s adventures unfold. Of course, throughout history, early tribes and early civilisations had transcribed these watchers in various ways to the public, from cave paintings to modern cult groups that would worship them.
In 1988, President Reagan made some well-known and repeated speeches regarding possible alien threats from outside our world. And that our differences worldwide would vanish if such a threat occurred. “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if facing an alien threat from outside this world.” On a particular occasion, Reagan imparted these extra-terrestrial invasion scenarios to Gorbachev, and the Soviet General Secretary took them by surprise as he went off script.
Five years before Reagan’s speech, the CIA explored the mechanics of remote viewing and OBEs called the ‘Gateway Experience’ program, backed by the Monroe Institute. It was attempting to discover how these psychic phenomena work. And perhaps this phenomenon is a valid claim. However, it possibly opened a gateway for something alien to come in. And Reagan’s reference to something alien was correct, at least in a realistic sense and less of a marvellous way, such as a hovering ship above the white house.
At the time, the media’s reaction to Reagan’s comments was odd, at least for the sceptical population, as his whole contention followed a science-fiction- film narrative. However, conservatism and Ufology mysteries have always been an unspoken correlation. Science fiction was merely glamorous entertainment for them. The President’s rhetoric about common bonds and the cosmic insignificance of our interspecies conflicts – seems to be the script and not one that happened spontaneously. At the same time, it works like a sleight of hand as other possible political motivations work in the background. I’m not exactly sure what that is. Possibly, what came after the power vacuum left when the USSR left Afghanistan and all the foreign policy that came after that was the decrease of nuclear weapons, but the increase of other military weapons and technology, as well as giving rise to new sets of racial politics.
I’ve previously mentioned that the political spectrum has reached an inverted state, with liberals often pushing the boundaries to the far right instead of adhering to traditional right-wing principles. True liberalism is buried beneath layers of modern politics, making it difficult to flourish. Even conservatives emphasise a clear distinction between conservatism and reactionary groups, which aim to use traditional conservatism as a facade to mask the rise of a state cult. This phenomenon encompasses the entire political spectrum and is not confined to any single category. Reagan was not a reactionary, but he laid the groundwork for these developments.
Traditional conservative values. Conservative? You think you’re a conservative? Yes, ma’am, I do. My parents were Reaganites. I interviewed Barry Goldwater for my high school paper. I’ve seen conservatives up close; you’re not a conservative. You’re a reactionary |
Reagan’s worldview on Aliens is somewhat of a commonly shared mindset among conspiracy theorists and conservative groups. I’ve equated conspiracy theory and reason doesn’t acknowledge human achievements for humans alone, recognised in the technological achievements of temples and pyramids – because such technological marvels that created them would have to be made by aliens. However, on closer inspection, some of these unachievable technological processes were indeed achieved by the rudimentary tools [and other unique methods] they said couldn’t. This observation is similar to conspiracy theorists not holding historical atrocities by humans alone but by something Satanic or Alien influencing them, a sort of meta-physical scapegoating. UFO researchers have indicated that UFO abductions are often accompanied by supernatural events such as poltergeists, suggesting a link between supernatural entities and UFO paranormal activities.
For Christian-conspiracy-theory groups, it’s an excellent notion to impose these types of meta-physical scape-goating ßon those they either (depending on their context) condemn or admire specific prominent/famous figures. And it’s convenient for fundamentalists to allocate specific selective weaknesses in man’s spiritual condition. So, they are flexible on promoting meta-physical scapegoating to a resounding condemnation of something like UFO cults. Don’t get me wrong; UFO cults are still destructive; I’m merely outlining the discrepancy. It is a sentiment that is oddly similar to Australia’s immigration policy. In comparing legal immigrants to those that come in boats illegally, the legal immigrants outnumber the illegals. As a result, the country’s citizens have a cult-like hatred toward illegal immigrants, even though they’re running away from wars and other upheavals. Their hatred is bounded by the term illegal aliens. A description has become a beacon for the outcome of false patriotism and also an issue for right-leaning voters.
The extremeness of UFO cults only reinforces a fundamentalist’s view on man’s weakness that has been [according to them] repeated in ancient times. A sentiment that bolsters part of scripture: “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (Rom. 1:23). However, all the discussion about man’s spiritual weakness implies a God that is all good. We should not forget that religion and spiritual materialism help inspire materialistic doctrines. And that the idea of God being the ‘Supreme Good’ was a later introduction alongside older Jewish mythology of Angels, Yahuwah, and Satan, where the premise of God had both good and evil tendencies. The supreme good came about or was the apparent reaction when it split off, whereas Satan became the evil one. The supreme good or the incorruptible God would later have many problems, namely through the notion of theodicy.
UFO cults like Heaven’s Gate stand as an example for (extreme) Christian groups not to be taken in by religious revelators who take advantage of human curiosity. Where the unexplained is interpreted by articulate gurus that mimic Christian terminology but lack original religious context like “blind guides” (Matt. 23:16) – that’s well and good. Still, it should also be noted such scenarios are universal. It’s not only relegated to UFO-cult groups; it’s only seen that way as it happens to be convenient in their observation alongside their occult misunderstanding – but it can also be found in Religious Cults that are Christian.
A more problematic scenario is at hand here than blind guides, which is the psychology of the individual mind, a pandemic of mental illness, which came about quickly as an upheaval of our time. The sheer amount of emotional exhaustion becomes apparent to anyone who has to cope with having a malignant/covert narcissist or borderline personality disorder person for a family member. Unlucky are those who have to deal with two or more in their family, alongside their co-dependent partners, a partnership that seems perfect for them, like two chemicals that attract each other. Decades will pass before they become aware of what’s happening.
The normalization of the abnormal, blind ignorance of normal behaviour, their deformed reasons, and signs of sociopathy and anti-social behaviour come with it. Therefore, this strange [metaphorical] chemical attraction between a narcissist and a co-dependent could help understand the peculiar attraction between cult members and their cult leader.
Fundamentalists and reactionaries [also Traditional Christians] often miss the bigger picture because in their attempt to focus on monastic warnings – it ultimately becomes about blaming the map, stage, or universe – into blaming nature. The previous post ended with mentioning a co-creating aspect [also, it can be known as the observer cosmos] intertwined alongside something alien that we are in some consciousness-building machine. We are creating our realities independent of the control systems that have been put over us. There are ways to peer into the bigger picture or tune in to something that may never be absolute but can be grasped with patterns in synchronicity and dominant archetypes.
For example, Marshall Applewhite, a UFO cult leader who believed that he was a being from another planet. Applewhite and his companion, Bonnie Lu Truesdale Nettles, founded a UFO religion and changed their names to Bo and Peep (as shepherds of God’s people). The newly christened shepherds believed that extraterrestrial beings communicated and visited with them regularly. They appeared entirely harmless until March 26, 1997, when thirty-nine members of Applewhite’s cult, Heaven’s Gate, decided to commit mass suicide to shed “their earthly ‘container’ to catch a ride on a spaceship trailing the Hale-Bopp Comet.”
This is a synchronicity and an archetype that repeats throughout time and history. A detail found in the founders of Heaven’s Gate changing their names to Bo & Peep, a name that coincides with 80s dream-pop singer Elisabeth Fraser’s [Ivo] lyrics: ‘‘peep-bo, peachblow; pandour, pompadour.’ Fraser is an artist-prophet and watchtower guardian of intuition and water. Often described as a Siren [notable mention of her cover of ‘Song to the Siren’] who wields hidden spells through phonetic syllables through song, which lures you to your death – and spells that imbue prophetic clues and coincidences as a marker for something larger at play. Fraser herself repeats an archetypal role of the Siren [like the goddess of sex, music, milk and kisses … Hathor]. Also, he invokes Isis, whose consort was Osiris, who drowned by his brother Set – placed in a magic box and dumped into the Nile River. Fraser’s once-in-a-lifetime lover and consort Jeff Buckley also died by drowning downriver in Memphis – and at the same time, she was recording the song ‘Teardrop’ with Massive Attack. It’s a strange moment, given the chorus of the song ‘Teardrop on the Fire’ sounds like she’s paying homage to Buckley at his moment of death.
Jeff Buckley’s friend Chris Cornell would also be drawn into this death spell vortex. He died in 2017. At times, while performing, Cornell would have a phone on stage where he would wait for Buckley’s spirit to call, a strange ritual he garnered himself into. Cornell’s other good friend, Chester Bennington, would get pulled into the vortex. Alongside Chi Cheng, who died in hospital after years in a coma from a car accident, his band Deftones covered Wax and Wane, one of Fraser’s songs. And rapper Lil Peep and Lil Bo Weep, by their names [shepherds of God] alone, would get sucked in the death vortex; both were upcoming artists that died early in their careers. So is this a death–vortex spell or archetypal reveal playing itself out and taking four generations of artists with it? If you finish the ‘Ivo’ Chorus lyric ‘Peep-Bo, Peach blow, Pandora, Pompadour Pale leaf, Pea sweet Persephone’.’ Persephone is a goddess of the underworld who carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead.
Furthermore, following the psychological pandemic of the mind [NPD, BPD, etc.], the Siren naturally gravitates toward woke politics and social media movements. Often, survivors of mentally ill abusers describe them as demonically possessed; for women, they’re usually called jezebels. That’s because they’re all missing a sense of self, examined in the defamation case made public between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.
Amber heard, and Johnny Depp’s case, especially Depp’s psychologist, revealed to the broader world what borderline personality disorder is. However, it has been around the YouTube sphere for a while. A decade ago, terminology like ‘gaslighting’ was unfamiliar but is common now.
Heard, 36, displayed a “reactive” and “overly dramatic presentation” and used words like “magical” and “wonderful” to describe events. Heard, she said, flitted between “princess and victim”. As sophisticated, “cute and girlish” as such people may present, Curry said, they “may, in reality, be very destructive”, “dramatic, erratic and unpredictable” and possessed of an “underlying drive to not be abandoned but also to be centre of attention”. Curry said borderline personality disorder represented an unstable personality, alert to rejection, with little access to self-regulation and marked by “a lot of anger, cruelty toward people less powerful, concerned with image, attention seeking and prone to externalising blame, a lot of suppressed anger that may explode outwards”. Anyone attempting an intimate relationship with such a personality, Curry said, would likely go from “idolised to dumpster”. It was typical of borderline personalities, she added, to be “assaultive as partners. They’ll make threats using the legal system; threaten to file for a restraining order, claim abuse.” |
Having raised a niece with BPD, I know these attributes:
- Emotional dysregulation.
- Idealisation and devaluation [of people – which slides between the two according to what they can get out of you].
- Abandonment issues.
- Being prone to sociopathic traits.
Friends and family are only utilities regarding memory and reason; narratives can change to lessen shame. Also, compulsive lying is added to their history. They are adamant in their false memory that they convinced themselves that it’s accurate and that the legal system will bend to their will. Along with the woke movement and social media as influencers, they’ve got the court of public opinion, and the truth often gets buried under a lot of muck or made to look one way as a ‘victim’ but misses the broader truth/context. Still, the truth always comes to the surface eventually.
Amber Herd plays a water bending Siren in Aquaman and playing a Jezebel in real life. |
People with BPD protect their actual abuser; those who made them that way bury it away under their psyche. They are that way because of trauma by an abuser that may have NPD. Strangely, they can reveal their abuser but never prosecute them because it’s the validation they seek, but they will throw anyone else under the bus, even if that person has guided them and been there for them all their life. It then becomes a cult of three between a borderline, co-dependent and a narcissist, a trinity of madness.
Depp shares a different kind of illness that internalises himself through addiction to psychotic Drugs and alcohol, which spurs a lot of spontaneous anger and weird behaviours. Believe me when I say you don’t need to be intoxicated to lose anger with a BPD person because they are provoking you to lose it. Being reasonable doesn’t work because they don’t have empathy like ordinary people and only grasp it through shared knowledge. They watch ordinary people with empathy and take notes, then act it out for themselves, but sometimes they miss it. And this is realised when they misplace notions of disrespect. This means they show utter disrespect without realising they’re doing it – or have no right to do so in a more authentic, broader context.
She will destroy you; it is the nature of a Siren; they use charms, and beauty can hypnotise you, while her voice can bewitch you to your ultimate death. Amber Heard used her beauty and Charm with Depp, and he would describe his time with her as something too good to be true. She tried to destroy you, a trait in this metaphysical drama modernised as a saga between the [the Siren] Fraser and her Consort [Shepherd boy] Jeff Buckley all began where they met. On the set of an episode of the Monkees, a TV show called ‘The Frodis Caper’, a UFO-inspired episode about the real-life UFO hot spot: The Falkirk Triangle and Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, a place where Liz Fraser is also from.
New Age Disclosures and Discontents: A modern view on Aliens has recognised that their existence is a hoax, crafted as a conspiracy established by a group of elite men using advanced military technology to abduct victims. Therefore, aliens are a fictional conspiracy brought about by an external agency rather than actual extra/ultra-terrestrial beings. However, I feel both are mutually exclusive, given historical mentions of Archons in texts and the apparent progress in technology from an otherwise stagnate technological point. This uptake in technology would allow military technology as a tool for their planned abductions – to leaps in communications technology, all seemingly having links to supposed UFO crash sites. A crash site implies nuts and bolts scenarios, and further research on UFOs indicates UFOs are not spaceships [nuts and bolts assumptions], so it must be something else.
We must recognise the difference between UFOs in the 50s and the 90s when they reached their peak and today when they are entirely different. Is it possible UFO crash sites are manufactured aircraft crash sites experimenting on anti-gravity aircraft? And possible actual UFO technologies that had been acquired are impossible to define or challenging to engineer backwards, given the nature and manifestations of UFOs. UFO researchers now appeal to both systems of thought – that there are UFO aircraft with materials akin to this dimension and UFO crafts with abilities to manifest phenomena.
Jacques Vallee revealed the similarity that the UFO phenomenon shares with traditional accounts of supernatural beings (fairies, angels, demons, goblins). Then, in Operation Trojan Horse (1970), John Keel drove a horse and carriage through the whole extraterrestrial framework by revealing the extent of contactee cases and the absurdity of the behaviour of the supposed aliens.
While Vallee and Keel brought about new aspects of the UFO phenomenon, those aspects are still relegated to the Illuminati’s laid-out plan of cosmology [hyperreal-space]. The whole world structure depends on the notion of space [a dead cosmological and hyperreal notion], a hyperreal space. And not to be mistaken by Michio Kaku’s multi/hyper-dimensional, hyper-spatial concept denoted in his book ‘hyperspace’. Kaku, at best, layered in more hyperrealism [or star-trekisim], i.e. spatial dimensions to an already full notion pseudo-sorcery of black holes, planets, satellite-orbits, dark matter, light years, gas giants, supernovas, quasars, pulsars, nebulas etc. Space is the pseudo-science of the imaginal; it’s something hyperreal. Moreover, its inspiration comes from the micro-universe alongside myth-creation archetypes and their stories, which make it difficult to parse. Nevertheless, notions of dimensions and light have intriguing merits and credibility depending on the definition, sources, and ideology you’re trying to promote.
Hyperreal space is an old paradigm that people must overcome once they remove themselves from this romantic vision. You will realise that being at the centre of things does not exclude visitor possibilities but refocuses them. And you were right in believing you were not alone in the universe [in this case, planes of existence], but also aware that our history is in response to their presence. And that the world is not getting smaller due to an infinite cosmology but rather more immaculate and indelible. And these other [alien] presences might be what the face of evolution looks like in response to a conscious mind.
While the whole world was duped into believing in this hyperreal cosmology to no fault of their own, its government and their secret agencies, NASA, technocratic organisations and elites – and religion, tradition, and New Age benefit from this simulated cosmology. Disclosure cultists like Steven Greer, for a long time, pushed for the government to disclose UFO intelligence and technology. His project was supposed to act as a safeguard for whistle-blowers violating their oath. I wouldn’t be surprised if he became a frontman for the intelligence agency trying to enumerate. He acquired a lot of following for his disclosure project; at a deeper inspection, his followers weren’t looking for alien disclosure but more so for the government to validate a cult of co-dependants. I never quite understood them; why would the government give the game away?
Another disclosure frontman for the CIA is [ice]Blink-182 Tom DeLonge, who uses disclosure in increments by imploring something big is coming down the line, so stay tuned. His ‘Stars Academy’ is a defunct company whose business plan was about UFOs, science, tech, and commercialization—a business plan that might have worked in the 1990s when UFOs were popular. But, of course, UFO paradigms have changed since then.
The downfall of Stars Academy parallel with Podesta and hacked emails having come undone to the public, which had an association with Delong’s To the Stars project given it’s a CIA-Pentagon-Lockheed funded program. Furthermore, To the Stars Academy came about ten days after the Las Vegas shooting by a gunman named Paddock to deter conspiracy theorist attention from it possibly. Paddock was a CIA gun-runner linked to the aerospace industry. He targeted a secret government plane in addition to victims; Paddock was trying to shoot at the fuel tanks of Janet Air, a private jet that flies non-stop to the hidden base, area 51. In the same year that the CIA officially acknowledged Area 51 – it also should be mentioned that a warehouse somewhere in Vegas houses UFO debris 10 miles away from the event.
Greer imparts a meditation narrative and the notion that aliens are all good. He and his organisation (CSCETI) chase UFO hot spots, and he is aware of ideas of light. He says: “the whole concept of the crossing point of light, the physics of consciousness, and interstellar communication” – and uses human-initiated contact through intent. As it happens, the notion of contact rarely goes beyond seeing moving lights in the night sky. DeLonge, unlike Greer, discusses the same concepts of consciousness within us but outside our field and that people are connected to it. However, his interpretation comes with monastic warnings, probably to adhere to Christian groups, which ironically make up most of the broader demographic of interest.
DeLonge’s pitch to the intelligence agencies regarding his Star’s Academy was based on the disclosure argument. If leaders of government aren’t going to disclose information about UFOs and government agencies that manage this phenomenon – their plan and backlog of new and old UFO material would be able to communicate these subjects to a broader people in a nuanced way. He felt agencies were struggling with an ethical problem regarding the disclosure argument, whether to bet it all or nothing to the public. So he proposes to them that he would use entertainment via feature films and non-fictional and fictional books on the subject of UFOs – as a way to create conversation over time for that subject.
He imparts unique access to truth as a selling point, although others have been doing this for decades without that specialisation [or special agency privilege]. And that’s because they have imagination, intuition, otherworldly experiences – and most importantly, the awareness that our mortality and timelessness exist and that our dreams link us to it. Artist-prophets are born out of this and, by this alone, put out marvellous works. On the other hand, special access to truth may become too overt, and the outcome may become too mediocre.
Ironically, those most interested in these subjects [Christians] are the loudest in their warnings. Luke 21:25, “There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and the stars” – They feel that if UFOs are real, it is working through the influence of Satan “with all power, signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9) that sin would drive people to look to the heavens to worship anything they see, real or imagined. These religions are described as cults because most of them misinterpret the Bible to support their beliefs – and to assert that the Bible does not comment on the presence or absence of extra-terrestrials or flying saucers.
Genesis six mentions the sons of God and the daughter’s men, a statement that can be elusive in its meaning. The son’s God mated with the daughters of men, and they had children. Unfortunately, the children were genetic monstrosities (Nephilim or giants]. God gets upset and decides to destroy the planet via flood, which introduces the story of Noah. The sons of God, by its context, suggest it’s not human but something otherworldly [extra-terrestrial, angels, etc.]. It’s funny how a part of their core Christian religion imparts the very thing they wish to be untrue – because it would mean accepting occult myths [meaning hidden beliefs] like Greek myths have ties to Christian texts.
Then there is the disturbing factor of UFO cults that are more insidious, a nationwide state cult on the surface, but become stranger as they merge with the military-industrial-complex and secret agencies as a secret UFO-sate-cult group. Meaning there is a government that Christian values that is also associated with a state cult that has ties to all things UFO. I’ve mentioned the Demiurge-Satan-Lucifer mythos at length in this comprehensive thesis collection, and in the context of this essay, it imparts a head chief to their mythological scapegoating. We are all born into sin; into time, the collapses of civilisation through its natural cyclical cycles come with an unveiling or an apocalypse, and with that, old gods awake. Throughout history, signs in the heavens and stars and interventions in civilisations have always existed.
The question becomes … when were there not any signs in the heavens? If God forbids the worship of anything in heaven above, which in our age includes the spiritual aspects of UFO religions: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth . . .” (Ex. 20:4–6). 51
However, ancient civilisation’s accounts of this phenomenon pre-date the Bible. The Stars were the driving force in the construction of pyramids and temples. From the earliest textual evidence, ancient memories were transcribed in walls and seen as evidence of something coming from the sky of celestial beings. Given the trace evidence, we can determine that this phenomenon spread throughout other civilisations and cultures. We call them myths, but they’re based on actual events. Religion was born out of this; faith didn’t come out of nowhere and started to give warnings. Strangely, however, this warning has never been more relevant regarding the spiritual aspects of UFOs in modern times. Due to UFOs being more prominent in the sky, those experiences and phenomena have a habit of conjuring up UFO cult groups.
DeLonge was supposed to be the next Greer, but he wasn’t articulate enough, which showed in his interviews. It made the secret intelligence backers discontent with their new front-man. He may know about UFOs, but you have to be able to have a good memory and convey that in interviews while juxtaposing his affiliations with intelligence agencies. He would later partner up with Peter Lavenda on later interviews. He got a bit better, but people had caught on to what was happening by then.
The Watchers whispers of Revelation: Greer and DeLonge value consciousness in their ideological landscape, though Greer is ignorant to those little grey man’s trappings. Greer and his followers gather for a spiritual event; they meditate, ask it to appear, and then thank it when it disappears. An initiation ritual is going on, to which the group is oblivious. A group who seemingly thinks they’re in a safe space of adoring the phenomenon. Not realising it may not be all beneficial in the end. Greer’s documentary is called Sirius, the same Star constellation the Order of the Solar Temple devoted themselves to. There is a common thread among other UFO researchers and countless testimonials of abductees – that aliens both have good and bad intentions. Perhaps they might follow sets of universal laws in nature, of duality, good and evil.
The author of Gods of Eden developed a theory of an alien control system that spans back to antiquity. It assumes that humans have been manipulated. Human affairs have also been controlled throughout our history and into the present. With wars being an aspect of that control system, one of the hallmarks of creation myths is all about war; the war in Heaven played out in a war on Earth. Religion and politics also play a role in this control mechanism. On the rationale side, some have tried to explain the nature of conflict through political and economic theories. And who can benefit from it? Given how currency works, printing money out of thin air is meaningless other than a way to control it.
An alien presence that can traverse between the spiritual and our reality with abilities that can change your consciousness is a control mechanism. It creates unpredictable situations for the individual and gives reason for questionable behaviours regarding human ethics. You can see this being played out in this whole COVID thing and the Russia and Ukraine conflict.
Where are we going mum? Are we hiding from the whisper people? Yes, baby, they want find us where we’re going Mum, they know where we are How do you know that? They told us so You’re seeing them again? No, they just talk to us How Abbey? How are they talking to you? They whisper … into our heads |
This type of mythological scapegoating is inherent to conspiracy theory and reason; the question becomes whether this abstract is a weakness in reason or strength. It’s a slippery slope when all the blame is pointed to an alien abstract component; it leaves little responsibility for human culprits. The duality of good and evil, in this case, evil, is compartmentalised.
While this movie goes on to spin a horrifying tale of the occult, in reality, a judge refused to allow this defence, and in November 1981, Johnson was convicted of first-degree manslaughter and sentenced to 10-20 years in prison. |
These beings can create virtual realities, evoke emotions, and implant thoughts. As a result, evidence should not be taken at face value. Manifested virtual reality cannot be considered valid evidence. Therefore, any abduction should be defined as a scenario or event that targets an individual, experienced both physically, virtually, and telepathically.
John Keel called the entities responsible for the UFOs “ultra-terrestrials” and claimed they were denizens of some unknown part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some Gnostic materials, archons are also known as the are-biogenesis of the Acheari insects. An experiment was done in 1830 by Andrew Crosse; he produced tiny insects that represented mites out of thin air by generating an electric magnetic field. Archons are inorganic insects like cyborgs (bio-androids); considering the experiment mentioned above it validates the Sophia myth. Earth harms the Archons due to its living atmospheric conditions and can only manifest in this realm through vortexes for short periods. Our stage (earth) is a living entity placed (or created) in an inorganic environment where the Archons reside.
Vallee has consolidated UFO-paranormal activities with supernatural phenomena as the same; either way, the mystery of consciousness can be hijacked. First, though, some have found solace in calling out the messiah’s name. It was a common motif among abductees and demonologists, and DeLonge noticed it and pursued to make it more inclusive. Through accounts of alien abductees during their abduction or some demonic possession – they call out to Jesus or mention the name of Galactic Sauce and Buddha- then that uninvited phenomenon would stop.
Christopher Walken [Christ-o-Walk-en / Christ-to-Walk-in … at least made to look that way] Goes from Abductee to Daemon [Angel] |
There is also a link between demonology [the study of evil spirits] and sleep paralysis; it has a long historical standing. The Catholic Church has institutionalised priests like investigators with qualifications to exorcise these spirits. The authority of Jesus Christ over these demons is held in scripture: “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God!” But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him!” And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him. (Mark 1:24-26). He also gave others who followed him the power to cast out demons in his name. (Luke 10:17).
One man’s demon is one man’s Alien and becomes the same proposition regarding a religious standard of casting out unwanted spirits. It would only be a matter of time before Christians prone to abductions would call out to Jesus as well – to have the abductions stop. These radio references recognise casting out aliens through broadcasting “Jesus” events through radio stations and internet podcasts. It only garnered absolutism for a seemingly creedal scripture and imposed an exclusive power of prayer [basically, it works for Christians; not so much for non-Christians]. I believe that some aspects of the phenomenon of UFOs and supernatural events are similar, but for the most part, I think they’re separate. I can’t speak for abductions or even full-blown demonic possessions; however, for possessions of another kind, such as incubus and succubus, calling out to Jesus is not a sure thing because it’s usually done when the experience is over or almost over and probably continues after the person goes back to sleep.
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (29):
The God of the Machine will come Down to Save Us:
Reason as a Hegelian Instrument [Posted initially on 29th April 2022]: I once mentioned that people shouldn’t be enamoured with the Hegelian trap of left and right [geo] politics due to our connection with our left and right brain functions. As both have parts or precisely a central role in our Shekinah or Tree of Life, politics [left and right] should also be seen that way. And partisan politics are usually red hearings anyway, as both parties are working for the same goal [whatever that may be]. While also adhering to [their bosses, for] a national security state of control.
And to think only one within both polarities is an answer is a linear and arbitrary approach. Who decides which systems of thought, ideology, philosophy, and so forth go to which polarity [left or right]? Sure, all the big wars and the philosophy and ideology that came with them played a big part in determining some aspects of that, and it’s important not to forget. However, most people have moved or evolved beyond those historical dysfunctions. This Hegelian trap, and within both sides of the collective narrow fields of thinking, can make people follow such ideas that are not updated or entirely wrong.
Reason and weakness can be identified by its quality, making it challenging to work alongside other attributes. It doesn’t have an appendage to reach out and find out what those other qualities have to offer. Early philosophers misunderstood this as strength and forever set the groundwork for interpreting delusions of reality and rationalism. Thinking not knowing [gnosis] makes us rational, not the other way around.
In philosophical terms, the weakness of reason and rationalism has brought us into this draconian mess that has become part of people’s lives. The rational/irrational contradictions of Covid hoaxes – are further enforced by our uncertainty and fears, which makes people content with this weakness. The illusion of certainty, despite the weakness in reason in political terms, is just one of many other reasons. And one being a predominant factor is ‘Neoliberalism,’ which played a role. And let’s not forget that neoliberalism has nothing to do with liberalism. For the United States, yesterday’s neoliberals are today’s neo-conservatives, which has nothing to do with conservativism.
Neoliberalism was supposed to be an ideological answer to rising social democracy and a response to fascism through the political economy. It also imparts a type of social justice where woke-sim would play a role alongside redistribution and state provision legislation. All it did was speed up a new kind of totalitarianism. And social justice became part of the new totalitarianism. Neoliberalism does not choose a side because it’s an ideological parasite. So, the outcome becomes very confusing – the Hegelian confusion becomes more confusing when juxtaposed with morphing opposites of ideas and political ideologies that are inverted.
You’d think that the core idea of Neoliberalism would hold sway among conservatives as most of them are anti-left and inherently despise socialism [this probably has more to do with being uninformed than anything else]. The core idea of Neoliberalism wasn’t the thing that got pushed; it was something else, and any attempts to make that something else part of the political right’s ideal only created a proto-fascist-reactionary-social-movement that slides between neo-conservatism and that reactionary-movement [ethno-nationalist-movement]. The kinds of reactionary movements embody hyper-patriotism, xenophobia, racism, and religious chauvinism. Then, it is remoulded through identity, nationalism, religion and moral values – those values can influence traditional Christians, traditional conservatives, QAnon followers, and conspiracy theorists.
There is a tendency to value their pride with patriotism where the guise of stark terror perpetrated by its government or a boogie-man terrorist group [often created by a government they value] demands leadership to step up as a leader-hero. And instead, they got ‘Trump,’ but even before Trump, they had ‘Bush’ with all their neoconservative agendas. Both self-appointed themselves for that role but only gave the posturing of the leader-hero as the oligarchy and technocratic institutions reminded him how common their position is to an elite managerial sect. It didn’t matter anyway, as this reactionary group for decades had within them a deformed use of rationality. And this becomes an easier choice for those unwilling to know the broader truth. This is confusing because, in one aspect, one particular group dives headfirst into conspiracy theory but is often reactionary and deeply conservative, and the other [or both] mindlessly follows material rationality.
We’ve determined in past article posts [Countries Don’t Build Culture; Music and the Fungus Among Us Does] where I mentioned that reason as an instrument or tool was a way to deal with ethics. However, seeing it that way itself was a way to help bolster technocracy. It may not be an instrument at all and is only depicted that way [as a practical reason in the guise of instrumental reason]. Science fiction hit seriously. Star Trek embodies a prime directive, and Starfleet must not interfere in the normal development of any society unless it reaches a technological milestone. It’s a fictional Utopian philosophy where Utopianism has been actualised and thus affords this rational reason. However, modern reason has been used as a pretext for each successive Utopian project, whether it originates from the left or right. This means conservatism and social democracy are distinct from these deformed utilitarian reasons, but they can still manipulate them.
My argument concerns the limitations of reason, as exemplified by the current beliefs surrounding the COVID-19 hoax. This phenomenon is now part of our shared reality, emerging not solely from the left or right but rather from rational individuals who are influenced by the behaviours of those who are unconsciously irrational. As such, this situation can be seen as a form of sorcery.
And this needs to be helped by influencers on both sides of the political polarity. The right has these reactionary followers and anti-woke influencers on social media and YouTube – who play the role of agents that represent all things transcendental. Yet, it has the same linear way of thinking, and those influencers seem to be just grifters. The sole focus for these types of demographics is on the reactionary types of the right. And the left is silenced on both sides because they become a strawman for woke. So, the woke influencers on the left do not truly represent the left. The right’s majority of traditional Christendom has a nescient view on socialism, and that is communism has no differentiation from socialism.
Reasons that get misunderstood as strength tend to be too weak to hold any bases for an ideal often found in reactionary groups [also woke’s] idealism. They are so transfixed in one side of their dual nature that they probably forgot red states also have their left. The left has its religious structures alongside a prominent secular framework. Even a conservative like Michael Oakeshott agreed that the rationalist characters [and this is aimed at those that use utilitarianism that pretends to be instrumental] have grown cruder and more vulgar. He was in agreement with the Marxist and anti-rational Frankfurt School and admired Gunter Grass, a Nobel Prize winner. Gunter’s remark on socialism and the rise of capitalism was ushered in by enlightened reason but was merely reason-based jargon for its offspring: capitalism and socialism. As socialism loses its strength, capitalism rages unimpeded towards megalomania as it plays the errors of its extinct brother. Oakeshott says, “The aim is certainty”, meaning the underlying weakness is not one of left and right any more than are bogus claims of strength.
We’ve already determined cultural Marxism has never been about culture but about class, and wokeisim is normative, not postmodern. It also has no firm application in the Marxist theory itself. Cultural-Marxism variant art-Bolshevism has a mirror quality to Evangelicals and their need to denounce secularist movements by advocating and defining their types of culture [often are very derivative and redacted aspects of the imagination]. I once mentioned that if civilisation forgets its memory and context – classic racism rears its ugly head. A strange deformity can arise from this, illustrated when there is a psychotic need to forget. Signified strangely in its opposite: wokeisim with their intrusive way of making you remember. Traditional/new/fundamentalist Christians do not forget the horrors of Stalinism as if their generations have lived it, but also as something that happened yesterday and is ongoing [or, in a conspiratorial sense, ‘went underground’]. There was no more major revelation on the horrors of Stalinism beyond the 50s. It is also best to remind them of the clear difference between democratic socialism and Stalin socialism.
Most of these [right] followers also follow intellects or precisely ordered-liberty-conservative-intellects that wish to change the idea of postmodernism. Although, it was Hicks and his misunderstanding of postmodernism that got promoted. This then invoked other ideas from other intellects, like claiming that it is part of cultural Marxism that gestated out the radical left that spawned workerism. It only furthered the gap in intellectual ignorance, which had been apparent for decades. On the argument that postmodern intellects jumped ship from being Marxist to postmodernism because of the moral shame the Soviet Union cast upon the Marxist tradition. I’m willing to bet that these claims have all the queues of being speculative [or speculation of the absolute]. Postmodernism is starting to sound like a category rather than a philosophical movement – I once described postmodernism through these contemporary times as being satellized by outsiders’ inherent need to put false labels on things.
There is this Intellectual ignorance about the intellectual heritage of the left brought to light by ordered-liberty-conservatives. And for the majority of what ordered-liberty-conservative groups condemn. These are leftist intellectual views, but the left shares many of the same anxieties they do. Also, historical leftist intellects were closer to the context and memory than contemporary philosophers now. It is a significant problem for them as they would apply their substantial political views. Views that are agreeable to most anti-left conservatives support standard liberal rights like social health care and welfare while being sceptical about social democratic reforms. They uphold values regarding tradition, religion and little brigades. An eventual fallacy pops up from little brigades – to get your house in order before you attempt to change the world. Convey an impression on an already inherent shared common knowledge passed down by good parents. You must earn [game] acceptance levels amongst the bourgeoisie scene before you change the world. It’s a sentiment that has no meaning when you realise the bourgeoisie class is part of a conspiracy class that connects throughout their other secret sects.
Some philosophers must now be bound to postmodernism’s new context while having another added detriment of being labelled neo-Marxism. When John-Paul Sartre gets focused attention as a devout Marxist, he suddenly realises his error and comes to his senses. Sartre was more of an existentialist than a postmodernist, and there were no errors to be redeemed of. He did not just come to terms with the error of Marxism or any moments of clarity regarding a misguided view on ushering in a new Utopia. Sartre had been an anti-Stalinist-Marxist at that time; he wrote a book condemning the Soviet invasion of Hungry in 1956.
Farbridge quotes: “The tendency to give a substantial visible form to an abstract idea is so deeply rooted in humanity that it must be looked upon as responding to a human necessity.” How fitting is this quote for modern-day rationalists? More so towards a satellized and space cosmos sciences – it can also be associated with deformed utilitarian reasons, like the mistakes made by ordered-liberty-conservative-intellects. Examine the quote of necessity: how much are we hit by these supposed and biased COVID statistics, and will they be forgotten by the day’s end? The misuse of rationality [utilitarian-reason guise as instrumental] as a methodology of reason and religion will result in stepping out of reality towards a future common to a Utopia.
Filling in the gaps in this modern misconception towards the right’s ignorant view on socialism [their fears and uncertainties] comes to light – when you realise the United States [New Atlantis] was the last Utopian project. It began in the eightieth and ninetieth centuries during the national movement; while every other federation country moved on, the United States was frozen in place by its constitution. Their wealth had delayed a quicker collapse – but it became a balancing act between its remaining rational monarch construct and late-mediaeval balanced estates. The results entail contradictions between those constructs like class and slavery and equality and freedom.
All of this means you are already living in a type of Utopia, although the attempts to reach it did not come from aspects of a devastating theory [Marxism] that wiped out 100 million people. Comparatively to its other totalitarian brother, bloodless spilled as it were, whatever the case. Rational ideology transfixes logic so ferocious that it becomes impossible to think out of the contradictions. From the observation gathered within this denial, it is a shield, and that shield is a cloak of parody. A reaction to reason can become isolated; from here, it can develop into self-interest and violence. An ideological Utopia stopped in its tracks before reaching its fruition is no less different than a Utopia already set. The latter is just a slower burn, while the former, for the most part, no longer exists, and the social institutions they fear are just safe aspects of that theory.
None of this gets understood because of a conspiracy class that plays both sides through Hegelian Sorcery. For example, both sides of the political spectrum are pandemic slaves [in a Covid enterprise] to their neo-feudal overlords. In earlier scenarios that imparted the dictum: “knowledge is power”, it evolved into this commonly shared mess – it was brought about by the badges of the scientific community – where their utterance must be believed at all costs. It paved the way for them to participate in a cultural war against religion among their rivals. Nietzsche once said: ‘You don’t know what you’ve done when you’ve killed God’ – a quote aimed at the atheists. In counter-argument: ‘You don’t know what you’ve done when you’ve killed reason‘. The kinds of reason that’s gone through rigorous debate where the majority accepts it as truth. Their advocates quickly remind you of that, and they certainly made aware of the mistakes made by ordered-liberty-conservative-intellects.
However, most of them have a blockage in regards to any transcendental, spiritual and symbolic understanding because their base belief is entirely rational – which is compounded by a satellized worldview that is ultimately fake. And when they’re proven wrong about their scientific utterance – they are as absolute as any other fundamentalist. These blockages don’t allow light to penetrate the imagination, which is not missing among the ordered-liberty-conservatives. There is no weakness in reason there, at least for any transcendental and spiritual understanding.
Both sides are trying to live in the future and not the present. The simulated satellized worldview hinges on future ideals but often is unfulfilled claims. And religion’s promise of a promised land imparts an ordered behaviour – are all future Utopian suggestions all reasons trying to make their way through certainty? Escape reality through a promised Utopian future and escape reality in the present. Where does all this Hegelian dual nature end up? Some argue from the likes of Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian philosopher, that it’s the ‘total conception of life’ – although he got his inspiration through Alfredo Rocco, a minister of justice who created the legal fascist state. It would also be worthwhile to know that ‘Totalitarianism’ was Mussolini’s term for this rational state.
Academic Malarkey on the Triangle: So we have established some of the weaknesses in reason from both [geo] left and right politics in a philosophical [Hegelianism] and religious sense – and to also recognise myopia regarding a warp use of utilitarian reason. Among the left and proper functions of thought, how does it seemingly relate to both left and right brain functions? And that both left and right functions draw from each other. And that if it swings too much in, either way, it’s a recipe for disaster. The best position to be in is seemingly in an equilibrium state or to be a purveyor of para-politics, especially in a Raghavan sense, and certainly not from a centrist viewpoint. Comparing para-politics in a modern setting means types of covert political activity; be that as it may, it’s far from what I mean. Left and proper brain functions fulfil a triune model with the meta-control aspect, and just like the divine thought model of the Tree of Life, Keter plays that role. Both are full of mystery.
Academics who slide between contradictions impart that aspect as their ideas copy secular and religious ideologies. It often aligns with having a para-political point of view but is ultimately linear at the end. For religious academics, any notion of the spiritual divine is only for one person and no other (inverse-solipsism). For the atheists, their sole purpose is to devalue God entirely. All comes to alignment in how they view the Trinity and the Trinity symbol. Farbridge’s quote was a way to argue for a reductionist point of view, in which the triangle symbolises the human mind seeking an imminent representation of the transcendental. It puts in doubt the importance of the triangle as mere romantic seeking. Therefore, the triangle is questioned as the appropriate representation of the Trinity, and a straight line is argued to be closer to biblical imagery.
While this argument can argue against the importance of a spiritual way, it can also argue against the linear biblical academic approach. It is not about the triangle, but the representation of Christ as a symbol, and often, Christ is depicted with an all-seeing triangle over his head. Enough to conclude that Christ has meaningful associations with the triangle – and that Christ himself is a symbol. There is strong evidence to conclude that Christ didn’t exist and is just a reconstruction of Joseph. And people are just giving form to a highly probable abstract idea.
A straight line cannot hold itself as a container because the inner-eternal mind is left in the infinite and cannot hold any plutonic solids in which spirits must manifest into matter. The straight line, on the other hand, can be a way to symbolise the entropy of time [death and rebirth of existence]. How can something as infinite as the Phi ratio exist within a finite notion of straight-line entropy? The straight line represents entropy, and the Phi ratio is infinite and often described as a source. The Fibonacci sequence always seeks to perfect the Phi. Being infinite, it can only get close to it but never reach it. Therefore, in all life – it’s trying to reach Phi and always moves in a circular motion (or spiral) or the potentiality of it – towards the sky.
Trinitarianism and the Cold War Do-Over The Trinity, as understood, is a Christian doctrine that outlines God’s existence as three persons: God the Father, God the Son (incarnate as Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. It corresponds to an older Gnostic cosmos of the upper Pleroma of the One-Parent [the Father – mind, The Mother – Barbelo, the Son – thought itself, Christ]. This cosmos map is also associated with the Tree of Life. And the first three Sefirot of the Tree of Life have a Trinitarian significance.
The Mother – Barbelo | The Father – mind | The Son – thought itself Christ |
God the Son (incarnate as Jesus Christ) | God the Father | God the Holy Spirit |
Chokhmah – Wisdom – Zodiac | Keter – Crown – Ayn Sof | Binah – Intuition, understanding – Saturn |
Left-Brain – Logic | Meta-Control-Centre | Right-Brain – Intuition |
Left-politics | Hegelianism | Right- politics |
The Triad or Three has always been considered sacred. And like oneness or dualism, these attributes are manifested in its three-fold nature. It is the expression of a principle and an archetypal fact. And that solidifies a series and representation of ideas and energies. And materialize in a magical, mysterious fashion while obeying precise universal laws, which the numerical codes and their geometrical correspondences symbolize. Attempts by academics to rid the importance of Trinity to some linear straight-line or [any other utilitarian reason] won’t work. Politicians and think tanks use the same approach of deformed rationality.
Just examine the latest geopolitical war between Russia and Ukraine, and you can witness plainly how this deformed rationality is being used to propagandise a narrative. Previously, having said that there was no more major revelation on the horrors of Stalinism beyond the 50s – this is true. However, in the restraint and catharsis post [in part 10] regarding memory and reason, we may not have a significant war like World War II again. On the other hand, it is almost inevitable that its fragments will ensue on occasion. Some have described it as infinite regress.
Russia’s history with Ukraine is complex, given that Russia’s whole identity as a country or what it is to be Russian began in the city of Kyiv in Ukraine. Before Russia became a democratic republic, it encompassed a vast region [USSR] territory that included Ukraine – they were entwined as a culture. Russia’s long ideological history with communism and the president of Russia with his romantic ideal for a once united Russia with Ukraine is apparent. But more obviously, he wants to be the hero of heroic models he created for himself [the romantic hero is often emotionally dysregulated]. He is a man without imagination because to have it would require seeking and understanding uncertainty. You can surmise that his unregulated emotion is coerced and regulated by the needs of corporatism [given that he is a billionaire and oligarch himself, his needs are self-interested]. And his romantic slurs [or propaganda] are juxtaposed with a romantic-rational methodology that embodies the same concepts of dictatorships.
The Russia and Ukraine issue is mixed given its history and when you grasp an age where a conspiracy class determines these actions. Asserted by conspiracy-truther-researchers on the notion that all wars are banker wars alongside corporate [and Military Complex needs] and government interests – it gets all too murky. And upon Gunter Grass’s remark on an age where socialism has lost its strength and capitalism rages on unimpeded towards megalomania and often mirrors socialism’s error. Capitalism doesn’t take sides but assimilates both. This apparent confusion that democratic Russia is trying to take over a democratic Ukraine invokes a thought or question: is Russia a democratic country, or is it just democracy on the surface? It just shows you how non-black and white it all is.
BYERS: Mulder, listen to this. Vladmir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Russian Social Democrats? He’s being put into power by the most heinous and evil force of the 20th century. MULDER: Barney? (Scully smiles, Langly chuckles. Byers seems unamused.) BYERS: The C.I.A. SCULLY: Hmm. LANGLY: Is this your skeptical partner? (Frohike takes another picture.) FROHIKE: She’s hot. BYERS: You don’t believe that the C.I.A., threatened by a loss of power and funding because of the collapse of the cold war, wouldn’t dream of having the old enemy back |
In the past, the right-wing has always been associated with wars, and the left wing was for the people. What seems to be common knowledge is a far cry from today. This means terms like left-wing and right-wing, with their past associated ideologies, are mutable in modern times. As you will find, the right side of politics shows caution for the intrusion of war over another country [the Ukraine & Russia conflict], – while left-liberal parties favour any war-type corporate needs. Fragment signs of restraint are by no means an ethical sticker for morality, considering what we understand of past ideologies among both political polarities has essentially merged into one liberal-progressive-democratic government.
Conservatives have an inherent function to be reactionary, and neoliberalism gave them more reason to be that way. Neoliberalism sits outside political parties and so functions like a centrist. In the past forty years, it became evident that Neoliberals created tremendous widening inequality everywhere it was embraced – a concentrated wealth at the top to radical poverty at the bottom. In this disappointment, the US and the UK blamed it on the immigrants and racial minorities. Given Australia’s strong economic base and mining infrastructure, it’s unclear whether Australia was affected. It certainly likes to play its part in fan service to the kind of racial prejudices – by the same liberals [Australia’s Conservative right] who are upholding freedom against any encroaching totalitarian agenda. They straddle the line between their inherent affiliations with the ‘right’ [reactionary ideologies] and what they know to be true. Coalescing one liberal-progressive-democratic government can be more problematic than dual political polarities. Its function type is essentially one-sided, linear, straight line, and it is a Lucifer effect in some ways.
Lucifer’s effect refers to a New Age idea that indicates a disconnection from nature and its interconnectedness. This disconnection is not limited to the natural world; it can also impact other aspects of life, such as the mind, spirit, economy, and politics.
Concerning academics on, their linear approach to the Trinity, they cut themselves off from the mind and spirit and regulated it to intellectualism. And so unknowingly set themselves up for the Lucifer effect to take hold. Their attempt to voice their opinion on the corruption of the symbol [the Trinity] without the polarity or mystical understanding only reinforces the shadow of the established order; it furthers the symbol’s magic instead of rendering it powerless, this parallel to fundamentalism.
The overall point I am trying to make here is that when you seek oneness, you also seek the Trinity. One must move beyond propaganda and Hegelianism because its goal is to keep you divided in a tribalist mindset. You have to deconstruct everything you hear semantically. Otherwise, it becomes too simple, and the truth is never that simple. What is understood as partisan politics has little quality of difference when a selection of secret groups makes the decisions.
In part nine of this thesis collection, I mentioned the left and right brain functions, in which McGilchrist outlines that the brain’s right hemisphere is the more dominant, which he calls ‘the master.’ The right hemisphere is more reliable, sees better, and understands more than the left hemisphere, which he describes as a high-functioning bureaucrat (the emissary). The master and the emissary assert that the master cannot do everything and so delegates it to the emissary. Its natural function is that it must not get involved with particular points of view; otherwise, it loses what was captured. The common contention would arise if it were out of balance. Where one of either becomes dominant, a collapse of all things ensues.
This is common in how we function as a society [politics] and as a civilisation, given the mind [left-brain & right-brain], the mechanisms through which our dreams are made. And those dreams seemingly connected the collective unconscious, which finds itself connected through synchronicities of things and symbols, alongside the understanding that our cosmological universe has a co-creating aspect – and this partnership [that imbues all aspects of mind and spirit] is the key for our present and future outcome. And there are also outside forces [watchers, Archons, etc.] beyond a secret elite class that is also transforming reality.
A Triangular Shape in the Skies of Russia days Before the Ukrainian Invasion |
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (28):
The God of the Machine will come Down to Save Us:
God Help us; He May not; so, save Your Self [Collectively] [Posted initially on 18th November 2021]: Continuing from the previous post, we discussed the Christian’s detrimental use of utilitarian mysticism and hero worship. This can be recognised in many ways, from the slow birth of social movements to the takeover of ‘words’ to impose new meanings. Taking the word ‘leftist’ together with scapegoating and blame leaves little for the flexibility of truth. To be left has lost all its meaning because it’s been redefined or is a product of linguistic takeover. Essentially by right-wing-crypto-fascist groups, this has been in long development way before Trump. The fascism of the Christian right embodies Christian values that have been upheld.
In the beginning, it was about the acquisition of material wealth and power sacralising the worst aspect of imperialism and capitalism alongside a [subtle but] growing white-supremacy movement. The notion that America exclusively is anointed to bring about the Kingdom of God and that the white race is lifted above all other races. Here it parallels the Christian Church that the Nazis created in Germany during the war era on the worship and sacred quality of state power. In the 80s, the Christian right was a marginal group, but even back then, one could determine or estimate a possible future where their ascendancy could have weight on policymakers. Today’s many conservative Christian gatherings fill stadiums.
Even amongst this populace group, there are dispossessed people, poverty-stricken, with high statistical domestic abuse, alcoholism and so on, who would garner themselves into crisis cults. They believed Jesus would take care of them and bless them with wealth. Even at their lowest, mysticism as a form of action is enough for contentment. Another linguistic takeover of the word ‘socialism’ means communism to them. Even though what holds them together in their lowest form as a lifeline is from liberal socialist programs. Incidentally, they still give loyalty [their vote] to a political paragon saviour as a replacement for their Jesus. In a blind hope … for a Jesus that will never come, to unquestioning loyalty for a political saviour on the whims of his gas-lighting. All a while abandoning their needs, especially in poverty.
Having the loyalty of this populace, Christian-right institutions like Liberty University, Patrick Lawson School, and other Christian schools would integrate some of those graduates into the Trump administration. They had the same magical thinking as them, but it was only conducive to a type of capitalism that took advantage of their voters. The policies made throughout history and economics function in the same way as mysticism, the rise of intense outcomes followed by depression, and match the cycles of fashion.
It’s impressive how adjacent the neoliberalism ideology is with the Calvinism branch of Protestantism insofar as a need to strive for success in an unhealthy manner [to climb the corporate ladder as a leader]. To prove they were the elect destined to go to heaven. Neoliberalism [a notion that societies could advance themselves by kneeling before the dictates of the marketplace] is an ideology pedalled by corporations as a reaction to rising movements. Think tanks created blueprints for corporations to slow down those movements and take control of institutions, which justified the pillage by the ruling elites. People who didn’t play frailty to neoliberal ideology were silenced, as they called neoliberalism a con. Both social and political establishments had to pay frailty to them to survive. A figure like Clinton would come and essentially transform the Democratic Party into a Republican Party. They pushed it so far to the right that it became wild, and low and behold, Biden was part of that administration. This was essentially the death of the liberal class and the rise of something else.
Their inability to process [Biblical] mythology properly, while also having a hard stance on individualism, builds walls because there, the chosen elect will always steer towards fascism. Together with a populace that has a suicidal fervour, blind submission, and loyalty to proto-fascist authority, it gives no hope for a better future. The literal [Biblical literalism] having always produced idolatry makes it hard for them to accept concepts like the ‘Christ of Faith’, which adopts a malleable model. It sometimes makes for a more fascinating story or parable, although fundamentalists have rejected this outright. They take comfort only in passages of Luke 2:41-42 as the only source because, according to them, this is all that God has determined that we need to know, as examined in the argument, which entails the lost years of Jesus. The unknown years of Jesus can be ripe with speculation; some have indicated He was in Tibet, Kashmir, India, and Egypt, learning the ways of enlightenment. Whatever the case, a process entails swapping creative reasoning with God. When you swap reason with God or value reason as the godhead, you put absolutism in the forefront, which can be impossible to argue against.
At the heart of Christian Religion, it doesn’t ask what absolute truth is because they believe they’ve found it. In Buddhism, the reply is always – ‘there is nothing absolute in the world’, but the process of thought and argument is central to our continued existence – if for no other reason than its role in making us conscious of the world. So, the absolute goes against your natural self. Although what is certain is our mortality and that it leads to death, even in this notion, death or, more precisely, health care can be hijacked by big pharma and profit.
The notion of death among hospitals and medicine, especially on the value towards the terminally ill by prolonging it. Drugs and technology may delay it, but the outcome is the same: death looms, but it’s the ability to think and the ability to illuminate disease that gives reason strength. This often has a cyclical nature. The false progenitors that act as saints for the God of the machine adopt this method to impose a [covid] vaccine as law to protect us. Although we know in practical terms, laws do not protect us, nor our systems. They protect us only through one’s individual ability to think through the situation by controlling ourselves.
A conspiracy among the so-called experts that uses our culture and ideology as a phenomenon, together with fake news media, provokes a sense of aggression and disbelief in the dictum “Scientist Say” – and we know it’s not the scientist. It’s the political relations department of the scientific community, their publicity apparatus. They’re telling what the scientist should say to the public. They should not be confused with real scientific progress in medicine, but that always starts at the micro level, often without a worldwide propagandised fake hysteria.
Here, it hints that reason is tying itself through progress; in this predicament, you limit thought by basing it on delusion. And so, it slips into a tool for self-interest and ideology. They have hacked the genuineness of ‘care’ and inverted [or corrupted] it. In the genuine form, pain is reduced so that one can think and have clarity of mind, as well as deal with their thoughts while dealing with their suffering. And remind them that death is not a disease but a part of life. At least in death, you’re liberated from truth, method, and utilitarianism’s delusions.
Metaphysical, Post-Perennial Mumbo Jumbo: What is truth anyway? Truth must also be seen in the realm of non-absolute [or in the ephemeral]; otherwise, it won’t evolve. Truth is Ayn Sof or the process of seeking Ayn Sof but never really reaching it. There are many aspects to view truth. One way can be seen through a post-Jungian analyst, James Hillman’s ‘The Dream and the Underworld’ He relates our dreaming life to the myths of the Underworld – the dark side of the soul, its images and shadows – and to the gods and figures of death. This leads to a re-visioning of dream interpretation concerning the psychology of “dying”. He concludes with a long section on specific dream images and themes as they appear in psychological praxis. He describes the value of not remembering dreams examined in the body when it processes information; something unconscious remains, and this has value, and if you can recall, it gives it objective reason.
Some have likened the process of seeking truth to a game with modalities. One way is similar to reassembling a shattered psyche following a Christ-consciousness awakening event, which represents the divine spark that needs to emerge. Reconstructing the psyche is like Kintsugi. This art form celebrates imperfections and is often connected to the recollection of dreams, which is symbolized in the myth of the underworld. Author Philip K. Dick discusses his spiritual awakening when he interacted with the wisdom goddess Sophia, who mentioned that she enjoys solving puzzles. The experience of not fully remembering dreams but catching glimpses of meaningful images is akin to working on puzzles, where the dreamer must reconstruct the visions or images together.
The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas – The Hymn of the Judas Thomas the Apostle in the Country of the Indians, also known as The Hymn of the Pearl – tells the story of a prince who is sent on a mission by his father and along the way forgets his true (secret) identity. The forgetting parallels humanity’s ignorance, and only upon the awakening that one finds ‘knowing’ [or perhaps remembering once again] and, therefore, one’s true mission. As seen in modern-day moving pictures, the gnostic parable follows the same perennial concept of ‘the one’ motif: forgetting, awakening, and saviour.
The Goddess and her puzzles equate to a game of remembering. The metaphysical or alchemical status of consciousness hinges on believing in God and vice versa. Ontology plays a part in so much as ‘reality’ comes first in the value of importance before consciousness, but still realizing there is a relationship between the two. This is a valid argument for the material, considering that outside perceptions are being given to us and that it cannot be all consciousness, the collective unconscious, or the collective dream. However, what pervades materialism or the sciences, more so towards Astro/atomic physics, is the idea that the world of matter is what matters, which is invalid. Black holes are not material objects; it’s an idea. The vacuousness of the material as a category, even at the heart of physics, is contentious. There is no sense of the material object that covers this sort of enquiry that physics is doing. Astrophysics attempts to define the universe through atomic ideas, which doesn’t work [as above; so below may not work in this case]. The same confusion arises when they mix satellite cosmos with plasma physics.
The evolution of Blackhole imagery ends with a copied similarity to Saturn imagery. And suppose you take the supposed image of Earth and blur out the edges. In that case, it’s nothing but a topographical keyhole image or a microscopic lens for a higher intelligence [a.k.a. God] on an infinitely large plain.
An unedited version of audio and video of the lunar landing outlines its disingenuous picture of Earth at a distance. As well as radio conversations between astronauts, Houston and also a third member, they outlined a script on what to say for playback later.
The Federal government would have you believe that this is an image of Earth from a distance looking out of a spacecraft through a window as it nears the moon – it is not – what they have done is placed the camera at the back of the [space] craft and ascended the lens on a circular window on the foreground – outside of which is completely filled with the Earth in low orbit – the circumference of the window would appear as the diameter of the Earth at a distance. The blackened walls of the craft appear as the blackness of space.
The concept of squaring the circle, as understood – is about drawing down the divine structure of the universe. Man’s attempt to recreate that in this lower plain is a two-dimensional project of man. At some point, they came up with the irrational number of Pi. And Pi allowed calculations to reach their nearest perfection after utilising this number that had no end extended that formula in trying to create a kingdom of God on earth. Our disconnection from the godhead made us aware of our spiritual loop, our shadows, and the underworld so that we could remember that source point again. This disconnect is perhaps instinctive as to acknowledge your surroundings as your map. Let’s say that the map is civilisation and society, but it is not perfect because it’s a system built to fail and restart. Like a mandala, it’s made only to be erased, and like in history, civilisation rises and falls because of its cyclical nature.
Pi is infinite, and the Fibonacci sequence is found in nature, particularly in flowers, where it follows a mathematical spiral. Fractals give a sense of infinity, leading to ideas like simulation theory. However, while the flower itself is complete, the notion of an infinite virtual component represents the cycle of death and rebirth. This infinite state allows for observation, contrasting with the idea of infinite satellization, which often involves myths. It is important to remember that mathematics is a paradigmatic example of a science connected to the nature of things if theoretical frameworks or beliefs are applied. This means that mathematics can potentially be incorrect if the initial assumptions are flawed.
This can be examined in cult followers of Lyndon LaRouche; his notions probably influenced the Saturn Cult. He purposed that at the centre of all reality, there is an invisible point that is a perfect sphere, and at the exterior of reality, there is an enormous sphere. Where one could hold the entire universe in one hand, a spherical object as large as the universe, scale and size are disregarded. Thus, any concept of squaring this Sphere in a four-dimensional extension is a false model or a false reality – because no matter how close you get to filling the interior space with Cubes [of innumerable sizes], there is always an infinitely large space to be filled. Therefore, the spherical reality is more accurate, and the reality inside the Cube is run by forces and agents emanating from Saturn.
This is no different to the Cube within a Cube argument, a Tesseract to which each fractal dimensional moves, implying a new world or a repeating cyclical age of collapse and revitalisation. LaRouche merely changes the Cube to a perfect Sphere. This is a tangent ideal of a satellization cosmos, a tangent idea of a galaxy but the universe itself contained in a sphere within a sphere. LaRocuche’s attempt to use passive intuition to consolidate the size of the entire universe to the palm of a hand – to express understanding of our context [to square the circle as it were] – that is our place within the whole. This follows the same idea of the Cube’s/Tesseract’s infinite loop. The perfect sphere equates to the galaxy’s centre, the Pleroma. However, being a tangent idea to a satellized cosmos makes both ideas indicative of hyperreal assertions and should be thrown out anyway. This is because fundamentalism hides itself as hyperreal-rationalism.
It isn’t easy to listen to astrophysics or take them seriously in their self-referentialism [a belief that specialization implies privileged access to truth] and their glibness and attitudes. In science, a theory is the highest level at which you can give something because it’s well supported [supposedly]. It also has room for improvement and matches the axiom notion of truth. Maybe so, but that’s not what gets practised and preached. ‘Theory’ in relative terms has no significant difference to that of ‘faith’ – science’s dogmatic [scientism] philosophical assertions like to point out that to advance scientifically, an enormous body of assumptions has to be in place. Scientism, at this point, can’t be defended. Aristotle said, “No science ever defends its first principles.” A certain amount of education or immersion into a physical theory – this kind of indifference is also found in legal theory; it tends to displace any other type of ideological affiliation, which is transmuted into a form of denial.
So, your worldview is about observing the world, which you conclude are facts versus the hyperreal facts. In that case, it’s flat – if your worldview is about plasma physics, then it’s about toroidal, magnetic fields and plasma – and if your worldview is secular atheism, then it’s about spinning balls and gas giants. The satellization cosmos, however, is dead, and they know it. It stands only as a backdrop of importance for the imagination. The imaginal is something broader than imagination; it’s akin to the force or the Dao.
We provoked the religious use of utilitarian mysticism, but how about the secular Atheistic use of it? The Big Bang theory provides a mythological framework for non-scientific theories [or pseudo-science], such as astrophysics and the satellite cosmos, spherical gas giants, etc. In this concept, it will act as a container to hold the accounts for Darwinian evolution. This development would not have happened without pure chance, a notion that defies astronomical probabilities inherent only to a satellized cosmos. These accounts and actions become the substitute for the Biblical account. God no longer created life because Darwin provided an answer. Only a fraction of the answers can address an infinitely larger question, and in that minute answer, a fraction of which can be correct. Evidence supporting the Big Bang theory—such as background radiation, light waves, gravity, and the cosmological constant—reinforces existing concepts rather than explains the causes behind retraction and contraction.
The Big Bang instigates the hyperreal assumption that the universe is moving outwards, and in this incident, explains time. And to explain away gravity’s problem of collapsing on itself, they invented the cosmological constant – in a fine-tuned universe – bought about by chance. It is a mathematical impossibility if you don’t account for God or a Supreme Intelligence. No burden of proof is required for the Big Bang Theory because that accommodation is only held for the supposition of a God, and here you see the pretentious hypocrisy of the so-called scientific world. Proofs are only really required for mathematicians anyway; big questions are in the realms of philosophical argument. Background radiation only signifies what is already there and does not account for where it began. Given that causality is a tenant of rationality. Meaning “let there be light” is as consistent with any other data.
Imagination is described as ‘imaginal’ and permeates perception, which means a dreaming universe. You have imagination [in this analogy]; let’s call it (a)ether, space, plasma, or space-plasma, which covers the world [our cosmic egg or cosmic Cube]. The imaginal falls like rain [if rain was like intuition-rain-drops] and covers our [flat] plain of existence, and we see that ‘imagination’ pertains to reality, and we have a relationship with it. Whether through magic, applied animism, or the natural adjustment of that imagination through receptivity – commonly, this is described as the ‘Theo-logos.’
Others have attached meaning and absolutism to the map to explain dogma as an inescapable need to set the criteria. Maybe so … and this is perhaps another squaring of the circle analogy. At the same time, ‘dreams’ as a form of passive intuition link us to our mortality, the immortal nature of our timelessness, the collective unconsciousness, and our relationship to the non-human. By all accounts, we are not liberated from the physical forces. Instead, we must be conscious of reality and how to live with it. Setting the criterion is not the same as making the connection. Making the connection is in the realm of intuition and, in its active quality, gives the application of the imagination. Deny it; then, you’re in the realm of utilitarian mysticism.
Such philosophical notions are examined in the spiritual loop; they start in consciousness and become a reality inside the Cube or Cosmic Egg. The Rosicrucian cross is also the unfolded Cube that stems from the idea of light, and Lucifer is the light in some ways, an attribution to Ein Sof. Such acknowledgment scares Christians because they have a dual nature. The void that is Dat separates the supernal Triad of the tree from the seven lower garments in the Sephirot – in that, you’re bringing essence to essence – Shekinah with the Zohar – a chemical wedding. Plasma physics has secularised this notion for people less inclined toward all things spiritual. They describe it as counter-space it’s a space that absorbs our entropy and converts it to order, the same kind of familiarity around zero-point energy, which is then unified with a type of force. The latter sounds better. Plasma physics seems to be an attempt to unify physics with mysticism; the result is always a mix-bag because, on the first impression, you get bad physics and lousy mysticism. Perhaps it’s about encompassing all of it for better flow.
The ultimate puzzle is seen as a Cube and is seen as a Cross. However, an [gnostic] argument can be said that inside the Cube, a.k.a Cosmic Egg, is a false one, a prison of sorts. Suffering is a factor within the spiritual loop, and examined within the loop are programmed questions that engender in the subject’s mind. In the loop – a belief that they can relieve suffering – this becomes the punishment factor of the loop. All forms of belief, in conjunction with the elevation of suffering, become future-based or mystical principles where people try to change the world and make it a better place. In doing so, create a bad one instead; the fallacy in this sort of future utopianism is a fallacy that seems to be constantly attached to civilisation and its cyclical nature.
Towers Fall; World Tree Burns: Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ is about the fall of a [galactic] empire predicated by a mathematician sage. The math here is given mystical qualities as if it were intuitive when it’s just probabilities [logic-based]. The galactic empire is symbolised through the Star-bridge, an artificial concentric circle space station connected to Earth via a tower reaching into a hyper-space, acting like a cable. It is an allegorical, symbolic parallel to the World Tree; here, man is enthralled at its technological marvel as it reaches the hyperreal heavens, a successful Babylon enterprise in complete wonder. It’s not a coincidence that the empire’s fall began with the Star-bridges destruction perpetrated by suicidal fundamentalists. Comparatively, the Twin Towers fall in New York [by so-called terrorists] would entail the symbolic start of our late imperial fall. The Star Bridge equates to Stargate, and Stargate is a conspiracy theory name given to the towers post-destruction. It may have something to do with our star’s stellar alignment, where the moon was positioned between the twin and pentagonal constellations on 2001-09-11. [It hints that the moon represents more than a hyperreal rock in space and is instead a type of bardo, the first-dimensional step for the soul].
Plato shared the story of Atlantis, a technologically advanced civilisation renowned for its navigation and nautical skills, which allowed it to maintain a vast global network of stations. He indicated that by its catastrophe, the Atlantean society was already declining due to corruption, noting that “Atlantis ceased to wear its prosperity with moderation.” Many believe Atlantis is merely a myth and not a historical reality. However, Plato asserted that it was true, claiming that Atlantis was submerged 9,000 years before the time of Solon. In 600 B.C., Solon travelled to Egypt, where priests informed him of the story of Atlantis inscribed on temple walls. This timeline corresponds to 9,600 B.C. in our calendar, or approximately 11,600 years ago. This narrative is further supported by geological findings at Göbekli Tepe, which is thought to date from around the same period. It is believed that survivors of Atlantis in that region shared their technology with local hunter-gatherer communities.
We discussed the notion of timelessness as a quality that provokes dreams, and sometimes, in its archetypal dominance, it can predict ‘prophecy’ or future events. This archetypal dominant keyframe in history is always centred on the sacred centre. In the San script, it’s described as ‘Meru’ to mean the ‘Holly Mountain’, and Meru is described as the mountain of the gods. Which parallel Greek and Roman mythology concerning Mount Olympus and pantheon gods. The pantheon gods then intermingled with the Kabbalistic myth of Stars, which evolved into the Copernicus satellized universe. However, when it comes to prophecy, that label belongs to ‘Noah,’ where, according to some researchers, he walked and talked with God and was [speculatively] an Atlantean being. His dream-prophecy was, of course, the flood.
Another prophet who is rarely mentioned is Nebuchadnezzar, particularly in the context of Simon Magus. In Acts 8:9, Simon Magus is described as a sorcerer. I suspect that fundamentalists, especially traditional fundamentalists (which I use to describe those who are predecessors of the New Fundamentalist Christians), refer to this verse as a go-to reference. This is likely because they tend to deny intuition. This is strange, considering intuition is inherent and instinctual for everyone, even among the most rational or rigid Christians.
Fundamentalist Christians focus on a transfixed reference as an authority as evidence and means of comparison. Simon Magus’s tree of life is an analogy to that of the nature of God; in this appointed heresy, it’s used as a reference point to promote other institutional beliefs that do not match their own, as modern-day witch-hunters. Simon Magus merely saw an association or synchronicity between the Tree of Life and its association with the nature of God. This was foolish of Magus as he made himself out to be a target of heresy, so much so that it made its way into Religious text. Hippolytus describes Magus paraphrasing the Law of Moses:
Could it be that Magus is describing what it might’ve been like (or imagine; imagination has a hand in the developmental aspect of intuition) to witness the Tree of Life that reached to the Heavens (in this case, the Sky) being burnt down with the super-celestial fire. Interestingly, this is no ordinary fire but something heavenly; this would make sense if one were to consider the notion of a giant tree in the centre of the earth, once located at the North Pole. This story was made more pronounced through a prophetic dream by Nebuchadnezzar –Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a great tree that shelters the whole world. Still, in his dream, an angelic “watcher” appears and decrees that the tree must be cut down and that for seven years, he, Nebuchadnezzar, will have his human mind taken away and eat grass like an ox.
Fire is the Original Principle: Simon Magus describes fire as the originating principle of the universe, and he uses the content from ‘Heraclitus The Obscure’ to apply his notion that God is not the fire but a burning consuming fire, taking Moses’s assertion of “God is a burning consuming fire” out its correct context (law of Moses), according to scholars. Instead, he describes the fire as an Indefinite Power that will be kept hidden (secret) and repose in the habitation, at the foundation of which lies the root of all things. [And he asserts that this man who is born of blood is (the aforesaid) habitation, and that in him resides an indefinite power, which he affirms to be the root of the universe – Hippolytus]
He describes this indefinite power (fire) as one of the four elements, but within the fire, it represents two folds of nature: secret and manifest. The hidden aspect is assumed by scholars as something akin to Aristotle’s “potentiality” and “energy” or Plato’s “intelligible” and “sensible”, considering the manifest portion of the fire is derived from the secret. Maybe it’s more akin to Prometheus’s fire, the powers to imagine and to intuitively create fire, therefore finding its secret as manifest, its potentiality and its energy. In the East, the Statuary of Laotian Buddha figures are shown with flames (fire) atop their heads, symbolising enlightenment.
The creation of the world and the unbegotten fire heralded new growth. The fire is said to have taken six roots, which serves as an allegory for the primary originating principle that has influenced generations. He describes these roots as pairs, naming them “Mind” and “Intelligence.” This concept aligns with the Tree of Life. In the framework of the Ten Sefirot, “Crown” represents Wisdom, while “Intelligence” corresponds to the second and third Sefirot. These are parallel emanations from the Crown or the first Sefirah. The first three Sefirot together form a triad representing the world as a manifestation of the Divine Thought.
[As a disclaimer, I’m not a theology scholar, and I will admit I’m out of my depth here; I’m just piecing together current views that pop up in front of me.] Magus describes (assumes, could he be one of the first few conspiracy theorists or gnostic) the fruit (which has seeds) of the tree being saved and deposited in a granary and laid in a storehouse, and the rest as in the stem can be burnt because the trash is not generated for its own sake but for that of the fruit. Then that would mean the fruit would be divine when fully grown and has received its form being kept in a storehouse (granary).
Fire is part of nature and is part of the ecosystem. Native aborigines would purposely burn bushland with fire because they knew that no new growth could flourish without the periodic reduction of combustibles through fire. This notion mirrors the death and rebirth concept symbolised in an allegorical story for the Tree of Life. Its seed represents the gestation into the flower of life, which promotes spiritual awareness of sacred geometry symbols and the plutonic solids that come out of it.
There is also the notion of god’s fire within the backdrop of a Mountain, that of Moses conversing with a spiritual fire. Part of the constellation of images that come up in determining a Holy Mountain would be to collect all images and stories concerning the myth. Some considerations to consider are the size of the mountain and its permanency and immovability; we move towards or ascend the mountain metaphorically to reach enlightenment and physically travel there to witness or be within the heights of the heavens. Beyond its size, there is the mountain as a symbol and its involvement in creating and recreating worlds. Many world mythologies start with prima-materia, which means that the world’s first creation was in the form of a mountain; this mirrors sensibilities towards Mother Earth’s creation and the goddess. Another term associated with the centre of the world is the naval.
Incidentally, Magus describes Paradise as a Womb and Edem as the afterbirth, “a river flowing forth from Edem, to irrigate Paradise” the Naval. God formed man in his mother’s womb – in Paradise. He states the navel is separated into four principles represented as two arteries (the channels of spirit) and two veins (the channels of blood). Magus is making allegorical similarities between the nature of gestation and birth and the physical creation of the world. When one flies on an aeroplane, we see from great height rivers that seem like veins. He describes the river that proceeds out of Edem (I suspect Edem is Eden) as divided into four principles or four channels of senses: seeing, smelling, taste, and touch, much like a child with its four senses.
There is a specific link between Magus’s notion and Jung’s theory of types. The dominant function is opposite to the inferior function. If your thinking function is the best developed, your feeling function will be the least developed. The inferior function is also the gateway to the unconscious. |
It took Jung and his Schema of types to finish Magus’s notion, which he says is the ‘Law … that Moses appointed.’ When a child is born, they’re essentially in an oceanic state; as the child grows into adulthood, often some become brainwashed (or demoralized), pragmatic, rigid, inflexible, and so on. This is a forgetting – but with some comes the fire (much in the way of the spark of divinity; some describe it as an awakening). People have become more in tune with Jung’s schema of types as a method.
Jung observed that people could be divided into four groups according to their dominant psychological functions. The thinking and intellectuality parts belong to the thinking types; those who are oriented toward emotions are feeling; the body’s sensations represent sensation. These types are not original creations of Jung – they can be traced back to the Republic of Plato; however, he did introduce Intuition to the fold. The kind of Intuition where perception cannot be traced directly to conscious sensory experience – therefore [R. Smoley & J. Kinney of Wisdom Teachings] defines sensation as “perception through conscious sensory processes, and intuition as perception by way of unconscious contents and connections.”
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (27):
Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:
Deus X-President QAnon-achina [Posted initially on 30th September 2021]: The whole QAnon phenomenon was bizarre because at the heart of it was more about unhealthy utilitarian mysticism and hero-worship. Trump was essentially held up as a heroic saviour for right-extremists, as well as a political mouthpiece for the conservative groups. We can see the shadow side of romanticism and rationale methodology running amuck. It astonishes me, given how sophisticated Middle America is with conspiracy theory along with Ufology and the paranormal. And yet, they cannot distinguish this overt psychological operation in front of them. Perhaps radio stations like Coast-to-Coast and Alex-Jones became too structured. What was once edgy is now just ordinary. This means there are no allowances for people’s intuition to grow if the structure lacks reinvention. Within that structure, it must adhere to its program and specific demographics. They have disguised themselves with a conspiracy theory/truth as their slogan. Speaking of slogans, Q’sQ’s slogan ”Trust the Plan” in its context promotes the same kind of deficiency but through a program of passivity.
Those radio stations, for decades, more than a dozen times, had guests discussing Cointelpro. And it didn’t occur to those duped in the QAnon phenomenon that Cointelpro is where it all started. Cointelpro itself had its ascendancy in the late 60s and early 70s. This may be due to the anonymous ‘Q’ figure from the 4Chan site claiming to be an insider for the intelligence agency. Coming into the scene and merely expressing what they wanted to hear. Well, at least a specific type of that demographic. Trump was no more of a saviour than a plot device for the intelligence agencies.
Conspiracy theory has a subliminal expression within it. It promotes narratives and, within those narratives, asks the people to become heroes and to follow one hero’s journey for the truth. QAnon’s religious overtones [conversion] have the same kind of expression in that it asks to take the armour of God and fight against the Satanists. Notions of spiritual warfare have always been a Christian-fundamentalist thing. Q’s rhetoric: “The world is currently experiencing a covert war of biblical proportions, literally the fight for earth, between the forces of good and the forces of evil.” So, it would seem that if you are under the umbrella of conspiratorial truth, you are immune to psychological operations. When it is, the so-called cover of truth is the operation.
I have observed conspiracy theory subjects, the paranormal, and other weird subjects for decades. And would never think of a conspiracy theory that, within its bubble, burst out to a broader consensus. Why did this program appeal so much to such groups as the far-right, conservative, republicans, fundamentalists, and religious right and with such reverence? Perhaps it was how it was promoted and delivered. Q’s video’s structure is set up like a propaganda video, hitting all the right notes for fundamentalists and conspiracy-theory-minded people. The documentary style no longer has sway, but propaganda videos akin to a war world era are the go. There are no bases to indicate followers of religion are mentally ill. Perhaps followers of religions that have fundamentalist overtones might be so.
Q’s ongoing message: – They want you divided – They want race wars – They want class wars – They want religious and political wars. I think Mulder said it best: who are ‘They’? “At some point, you’ll have to explain who they are. You keep referring to this omnipresence mysterious they – the given tensionality of random events or external explanations for psychological ones – but there is no they there.” In the context of Q, ‘They’ represent the radical left. And so, this is where one’s intuition comes to light. One should realise ‘They’ represent not a political spectrum [radical-left] but an instigator, a bunch of wizards behind the curtain playing both sides of the political spectrum.
I have mentioned the simulacrum tactic of meta-morphing opposites and argued it’s natural and biological. So perhaps it was inevitable for political spectrums to reach an inverse point. The so-called radical left is post-leftist-Rockafella-democrats acting as a pentimento to what true liberalism once was. You have to erase layers and layers of modern politics to reach it. There is the argument that true liberalism may not exist anymore, and the spectrum is one: right-wing. The debates become this weird argument against each other of the same political spectrum. Knowing those arguments very well is mere semantic theatre. And in this strange inversion, words and meaning become their opposite. Referent and reference are confused, and with it, the orders of abstraction. True liberalism no longer exists where it once stood against a police state, war, or intelligence agencies because, in a strange co-opt, liberalism favours those regimes. And those that are vocal about it are quickly labelled as alt-right or right-wing.
A possible reason for this labelling is to silence the vocal through an established referent where common knowledge is to identify the religious right as inherently violent and discriminatory. And falsely labelling those who are seemingly leftist and vocal to them is ingenious because that label has a dominant inherent state of consciousness. So, a vocal leftist is the same as a right-wing conspiracy theorist, ingenious it may be, yet these acts are false manifestations. They are intuition or intuition becoming passive. There is no counterbalance to other human qualities, especially that of actual intuition. This is indicative of a secularist need to decompile conspiracy theory through a superstitious lens. It acts as an anti-virus if the virus is the truth. Materialism operates the same way. Such an aspect that is dominant in the guise of scientism is at its most superstitious form and is a barrier to real scientific progress. Conspiracy theory, in the eyes of secular, scientific-minded, and rational people, seems to view it through a false label. In return, it opens it up for scapegoating, which makes possible truths having filtered through it useless. The other side of understanding is entirely different as it promotes passive intuition, more so, a neutered version of passive intuition, which is a distinct form of actual intuition.
Throughout history, materialism has detached us from our souls and the practice of ancestor worship. The concept of the “death of God” has replaced reverence for saints and spirits with hero worship. This may explain why some conservative groups elevate Trump as a saviour despite his origins as a Democrat. They operate under the mistaken belief that they possess exclusive access to the truth, even when their claims lack foundation. Hero worship can carry religious undertones and may often lean toward superstition. One explanation for this phenomenon, which I have mentioned previously, is a psychological need to forget, with superstition serving as a mechanism for doing so. Consider the racial violence that occurred in America between 1882 and 1968, during which Black Americans were lynched. This tragic reality was not as simple as it might appear, as entire towns, including families with children, would gather to witness these horrific rituals.
Society then depended on maintaining a view of itself as if such behaviour was normal. The key to this normalisation is through the heroic model, which is unrelated to reality. Therefore, in modern times, Trump emerges as their heroic icon in a time when the political landscape accepts conspiracy theory as part of its campaign. So, you have a group putting on the armour of God in a spiritual fight against this elite of evil Satanists who embark on ritual sacrifice and drink blood. At the same time, knowingly/unknowingly, just a half-century ago, they viewed the same kind of Satanic Barbarism as normal as a typical society. Akin to the Romans who gathered to view blood spilled in coliseums. And this is why there is an unconscious need to forget through superstition. You could argue they are not responsible for their ancestors, which is fine. The sins of the father should not be the sins of the son. However, to forget would also mean opening it back to classic racism once again. You could also argue this is a post-leftist endeavour, and they’re using a segment of the population’s inherent/unconscious guilt as a way to achieve their goal. Whatever that may be [and part of it is possibly to render passivity].
The Romans were predominately a genteel sort and most frowned sporting events that showcased nudity in which the athletes, on the other hand, could watch blood spilled for entertainment value. While this might seem shocking in today’s moral standard, it is similar to watching death and murder in today’s television and movies. However, the Romans were not offering mere entertainment, and the same could be argued for TV. It was more about the relationship with mortality and the uncertainty it brings. In some aspects, it plays on Evangelical Christianity’s stringent censorship of the secular world while having an unconditional faith in the soul. However, can it be that explicit? Since historical experiences have shown their actions as more of a struggle. These kinds of struggles often lead to the corrupt side of cult groups, where the inevitable chosen leader has the supposed light of grace.
Trump having the conspiracy theory-minded voters of Middle America would mean adhering to their mindset. The result is always divisive. Is he a product of his narcissism, or is he just playing the part those specific types of voters want from him? There is also a strange correlation between Q’s revealment and Trump’s Conspiracy rhetoric. In a reaction, certain groups would manifest themselves in the offensive as a resistance to a president who wouldn’t deliver on his promises anyway [both economically and in the conspiratorial narrative] and certainly not what Q was promising. In this offensive, they proclaimed that he was an authoritative likened to Hitler. I can equate this to Rick and Morty, in which Morty kills FDR as if he were a spider-like monster. Rick says; you just killed FDR, to which Morty replies; but he was a monster, though – then Rick says: don’t mythologise him; he was a politician. The attempt to liken Trump to Hitler is unknowingly an attempt to mythologise him. Isn’t he already a saviour by the other group? A parody entailing FDR as a monster, but didn’t he stand up against the oligarchy of his time?
Unknowingly or, it was on purpose that the counter group that would label Trump as the new Hitler by its nature is doing the same type of mythologising but as a villain as opposed to a hero. Doing this will always have a narrative-based result that combines truth and facts. The made-up Muslim villain in a post-9/11 era juxtaposes with ISIS, a mercenary army funded by the Clinton Foundation at some corporation in Israel. And to the made-up legions of white supremacists [where their alt-right leaders are CIA agents] – juxtaposed with actual white supremacist groups. Perhaps these white supremacist groups are not as overt as it was a half-century ago but are more insidious.
The Watchmen sequel series started the story by acknowledging the Tulsa massacre. In previous posts, I described guilt pride [moral self-elevation through guilt admission]. Guilt inherited from earlier generations is internalised. Paradoxically, with this admittance, they have elevated themselves morally and can be proud of accepting such enormous guilt—the acceptance of guilt but also knowing it will never pay off. Nevertheless, other leaders and their countries recognise and apologise for their past atrocities – to the original Steward of their countries. And for them to accept it is also recognised. However, problematic countries such as the United States, with its ideal structure of monolithic nation-states, can only really apologise in narrative form. And by having no honest guilt admission, it manifested itself in Woke [a combination of American individualistic liberalism and civil religion with a strong focus on identity]. It is a problem because the genuineness of guilt and pride becomes hacked or meaningless.
There is a conflict within the label and within the image, which at times is driven by a glamorisation of that image. It can be further perpetuated when it’s related to pop-culture icons regarding the depiction of the image (meta-morphing of opposites). As an example, Watchman’s notion of Minutemen, a group of hooded heroes, is a title borrowed from real-life Minutemen – an FBI-funded extreme right-wing, anti-communist paramilitary organisation. That targeted activist groups and anti-war movements with violent acts.
To advance beyond racism, one has to advance beyond race; this notion wasn’t helped by Sartre’s ‘anti-racist racism’, as with the Black Power movement and its cognates. Understandably, communities that suffer prejudice and abuse should shelter behind a protective assumed identity. Still, identities grow rigid and become a source of new pieties, new excuses to repay evil with evil – thereby indirectly entrenching the idea that lies at the root of the problem. (A.C Grayling n.d)
All you have to realise is Q is an enabler of hidden prejudices for individuals who might not know of conspiracy-theory subjects. And it’s in your best interest not to get caught up in it. Guilt and pride are not as important as one might think. All you have to remember is that our historical atrocities became entrapped in a historical Pandora’s Box because they’re part of the transfixed foundations of our psychology, both personal and societal. And what do these fearful dreams and unexpiated sin produce? Inexplicable contradictions between a society’s idea of itself and what it actually does. – J.R. Saul
Magento was Right; Trump was Wrong: Magento was Right is an internet meme that describes a fictional X-Men character, Magneto. He posits a question of whether his actions are right or wrong, his actions of counter-genocide/tyranny as opposed to Xavier’s pacifist approach. All of which is a reaction to humans wanting to wipe out mutant kind. All of this plays on the notion that Magneto is an allegory of the real-life persona of Malcolm X and Xavier as Luther King.
You could view conspiracy theory types as these mutants, but their mutation aligns more with lacking spirit and having personality disorders symptomatic of narcissism, solipsism, egoism, anti-social behaviour, etc. However, that would be an incorrect label, considering those traits should be seen more broadly. Wake groups can have these symptoms as well. Just for the sake of this analogy, the mutation is far from what true spiritual gnosis/awakening is. Even Q’s slogan, ‘the great awakening,’ is misrepresented because awakening implies a spiritual component when all it is … are old data sets becoming revealed through a new format. Q’s demographic and Trump voters become these mutant minorities together with their heroes’ narrative and mythologising to form a collective group. This is in direct opposition to the [radical-left/post-leftist/ Rockefeller-republicans], which is technocratic and controls big tech, universities and media.
Magneto is considered a mutant supremacist, a global terrorist warped by the Holocaust into an immovable hatred of the human condition. He is a product of his history and memory. X-men saga has always had the supposition of the Civil Rights Movement, which reshaped America by dismantling existing racial paradigms. And they gave their blood to do so. As a reaction to this, a Cointelpro initiated a program to disrupt the movement through assassinations. The same kind of disruptions was made apparent with Q [minus the assassinations] through propaganda, divide and rule politics that Trump was only too happy to capitulate.
Trump is no Magneto or even Xavier but is a hero figure. Regardless of Trump, any other person who would take his place and appeal to a conservative right ideal would ultimately be their hero figure. Trump became their candidate and the one to liberate God-fearing Christians from evil rulers through the absurd notion of a comic book hero arc. The last politician who tried to dip his toe against the Military-Industrial-Complex JFK was literally and figuratively shot down for it. The CIA and the Majestic12 with the Secret Service went against the president’s wishes to disclose information, not for the world, just for him. JFK’s proclamation only provoked the intelligence agencies to fear. That information of [Alien life and its technologies] leaked to the Soviet Union. Then, a conspiracy to assassinate him was initiated. Aside from Hilary’s email leaks during the Trump and Hillary elections, she made a pronouncement on UFO disclosure, which seemingly destroyed her chances of being the first female president. I mean, it’s all pre-determined anyway. Regardless, people are willing to believe in a LARP that Trump and his Administration were going to overthrow a Kakistocracy [criminal class of governance].
Q and Trump played on the hearts and minds of a group that is inherently anti-liberal or anti-left in the first place. This has been a staple of the religious/political right and their Christendom and fundamentalism in a more extreme sense. And Q’s Manichean other [and vice versa] Antifa; both groups have been set up for division. And to demonize each other if one should stray from one’s ideology. For the past two decades, most of Q’Anon’s disclosure/propaganda content had already been around the conspiratorial zeitgeist sphere. There is nothing new there, and like Christian fundamentalists, consolidation of intellects and researchers is a tactic to discredit occultism. They have adopted the same method by accumulating all types of conspiracy theories. Instead of using it to discredit those mentioned above, it is used as fuel to rally certain particular types of the masses.
In the end, this is all just a game. Trump was wrong, but so were his opponents. During his first election against the Clinton administration, evidence emerged suggesting that they were involved in the so-called “Russiagate.” Where false assumptions of orchestrated conspiracies are made but ultimately proven false. People must recognise that these groups intentionally create narratives to serve their agendas. This implies that much of what we hear can be manipulated, making it unreliable.
Worship the Fool and Play, Play: The word ‘played’ refers to play as a game. And politics can be a game. It is a feudalistic game that keeps you in a dialectic state of mind, a false sense of democracy when deep down you know ‘democracy is mob rule’ (Thomas Jefferson). Trump was a Joker in the White House because the hero can only also be a fool. He is also a snake oil salesman (an Alex Jones archetype in a Presidency suit). The purpose of the Joker or the Fool is to give the show away and to remind us that it is just a game. And yet, he keeps the show going while, at the same time, the Joker periodically hides and shows himself.
When one understands the truth, what results from such gnosis or such an awakening? In this perspective, a new dimension is made clear. And in that revelation is the awareness that you were awake all along. The same is understood when we make an awakening a prerequisite for new types of consciousness – which is always exclusive when ordinary consciousness is practical enough [even if they are unaware or demoralised]. And this has something to do with the whole scheme of things because it can fit within the whole. Perhaps a spiritual component makes for better discernment, a component more indicative of light, not faith. And without it, we were left to worship false idols.
Worship, Play, Play Play and Worship, Play, Play. [- Chino Moreno] | ||
You’re no Jesus Yeah, you’re no fucking Elvis. [-Brandon Boyd] |
An atheistic concept of religion needs to account for the non-proposition or assert [false] evidence for the proposition. Religion is more about wisdom than knowledge in the first place, and we can safely worship wisdom. Understood in the dancing and celebrating around the fire. Although, at some point, we lost the depth of celebration, it became more about entertainment in the context of right-wing Christendom and blind faith in a political idol. All their hopes and genuineness have been directed to the same kind of hopes that match their blind critique of the one true saviour and religion.
Beware Monster and Forget Your Own: Conspiracy theory reference of framing is narrow, making it difficult for the truth to reach its synthesis. It exists only to delegitimise possible truths. Secular people view conspiracy theories through bullet point procedures with the underlying premise that they are still wrong. [There is self-referentialism hiding in the assertion ‘they are still wrong’] even when the theory has been proven true, as a way to manage irrational reason. Conspiracy theory has become a loaded term and has become synonymous with irrationality, paranoia, crazy, out of touch with reality. All a while having the political baggage and the label of right-wing nuts.
These are unwarranted labels because conspiracy thinking is more extensive and aligns itself more with searching/knowing/finding the truth. It’s not that people are drawn to conspiracy theories because they have more facts. After all, facts are just building blocks to rationality. And also, astute enough to know reason cannot hold the truth to the cosmos. You can only grasp the potentiality of it as reason as thought. All of these can be verified when you realise that what we hold as values for empiricism [in the context of satellization and any other false propositions] are simulated. The reason is that thought has more value. And so, the non-rationale finds itself seeking the spirits that can be as reliable as pure reason. Conspiracy theory does the same thing; non-rational attitudes can be good. Seeking the spirits is akin to opening your intuition and codifying it with your imagination.
Conspiracy theory groups are often obligated to religion, and some more so towards fundamentalism. They are outspoken about kakistocracy or an oligarchy. They are trying to engage with something so gigantic that they have detached themselves from a problem closer to home. This detachment or forgetfulness allowed something else to come up and show them how lacking it is. The Pandora’s Box of our historical psychology [racism as an example] is ever-looming and ever-present and ready to burst out at any time. A solution is to internalise such matters. If the notion of ‘get your house in order’ is to mean anything.
Why are people drawn to conspiracy theories more so for the populace of right-wing Christendom? Especially regarding hero-worship and the inherent need to idolatrise a saviour figure into a political paragon. Such a notion is incongruent with their fundamental stance not to idolise graven images or idols. It could have something to do with how they process mythology, especially concerning Biblical literature. In the last post, we discussed the Christ of Faith. The claim is that there has never been textual evidence for a personal Jesus and that creedal documents don’t count. A demoralising assertion to those who identify with their Christ of Faith, and the immutable view on magic, usually through a fundamentalist understanding of the occult concerning curious arts, is narrow. It doesn’t allow or encompass the nature of spirit.
Historically, a belief in a moral Supreme Being preceded the development of magic. At one point in history, man turned away from the Supreme Being for the practice of magic. That’s one way of looking at it, but it could also be the practice of magic reinforced a belief in the Supreme Being, which is a way of knowing or communicating with that higher power. And once it was acknowledged, there was a race to harness, hide and control that power. To suggest man sidelined that Higher Power for its reverence is more in tune with man’s psychological profile to impose a deluded messiah complex. This is inherent among secret societal elites with their psychopathic nature. And in tangent can be found in fundamentalism.
It’s difficult to see the hypocrisy when you hide behind the notion of the absolute; it’s not that the New Age is attempting to change the image of Jesus because the Church has already done that. It’s closer to finding an understanding of the Christ of Faith. Changing the image of Jesus implies that the New Age uses creative reasoning to see the inner self through the character of Jesus, but it has more to do with creative intuition. It is by a conspiratorial notion the one many tentacle heads that want to separate fiction and fact. This creation of barriers destroys any inclusive idea of civilisation. This destroys the concept of civilisation as an integral part of the physical world. That would result in the marginalisation of our qualities. Usually, people understand ‘fiction’ as something that is not factual and therefore not true but is ‘imagined’ and consequently separated from reality. By defining reality this way, you pigeonhole imagination and deny intuition.
Non-fiction sees itself as the herald of facts, including the expression of reality and, consequently, the truth. However, it’s followed by a short shelf life because truth, like the Christ of faith, is malleable, for we are always learning. Therefore, its expression of reality is an illusion. In other words, ‘non-fiction’ becomes unfashionable within a specific time, a decade or so. While fiction remains fresh because it adapts to the place and period, it conveys our principal source of understanding and lasts for centuries. The expression of the Bible follows a fictional aspect, often called ‘myth.’ We can assume the Gospel writers understood this; therefore, the stories that came out of them became timeless. In other words, great fiction can be true for its time, as well as true for our time.
The Bible is timeless and ordinarily does not function like regular fictional stories, which makes it unique and challenging to define. Or the people who use it as an absolute authority for how we should live our lives define it. Or they have simply taken the opposite qualities of fiction, that of linear argument and fact, and pasted it on as evidence even though it’s not written that way. Ironically, the Gospels are timeless stories used by people who generally deny intuition and are most likely demoralised. Maybe they realise that intuition is the only way to deliver truth timelessly. And so, they use those qualities that don’t exist within them to force interpretation in one way, making it a tool for totalitarianism. Northrop Frye describes literalism as “literal projection into the external world.” This quote defines literalism as when non-fiction became more specialised in a way vulnerable to idolatry. Simply put, the literal has always produced idolatry while the imaginative does not.
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (26):
The God of the Machine will come Down to Save Us:
A God of the Galaxy or a Magician [Posted initially on 01st September 2021]: The last post discussed artist-prophets’ spiritual seekers of imagination and light. And that these people are only a few [an elite privilege]; we also touched upon the antithetical relationship between those with imagination and those without imagination. Those who do not have it can be equated to Schopenhauer’s ‘rock’ – the rock acts as its other who is related or fastened to them. Often, they are regulated to a managerial big bad. Although some are related to them out of necessity, and though they might not be prophetic, they are skilled in their own right. Kirby’s prophetic insights would have been too perplexing if it weren’t for Stan Lee [comic book writer], someone who fully realised or cohered to Kirby’s stories to make sense for public consumption.
T.S. Eliot once described, “The progress of an artist is… a continual extinction of personality,” this is true to an extent. Throughout history, people gifted with genius have moulded and shaped culture. Often from childhood, the likes of Mozart, Van Gough, Edward Munch, Michael Angelo and Francisco Goya all had mental and personality decay. Louis Wain’s anthropomorphic representation of cats can best illustrate his schizophrenic descent. Schopenhauer was right about those with imagination who can indeed call up spirits. However, they often become solitary, and the greater the talent, the more solitary they become – this is the aggressive nature of the imagination. These guys are the ones in the mountains, the Sharmans. From a less extreme point of view, they’re mostly unable to function in society typically, often due to their spiritual transformations through external and internal means.
The artist represents the mortal being as a human and the individual, and with divine prophetic transformations, conjures up mystical anointment as spiritual agents or avatars for the unnameable, the greater intelligence, or the divine. However, Christ [Logos] is different due to its mythological drive of prophecy and expectation of the ‘one’ [messiah]. We have already covered its Astrological association with the stars and its common theme of repeating resurrection mythology alongside other avatar figures. And have mentioned that the Christ-return is more akin to Christ-consciousness return in the self. We also covered the false idolatry image of Jesus used as a paragon or a symbolic representation for hero worship. Ironically, in this fallacy, they cannot see it but can, however, consolidate all intellects from the New Age to Esotericism as occult heretics because they’ve implied in some way [that the personal] Jesus was more of a magician than anything else.
The Flat Earth movement came about like a new rebellion, spreading through various groups that opposed each other. Now, a decade later, it seems the subject has fizzled out. Their scepticism opened a variety of other possible notions, notably by secular groups as opposed to a Christian one. Opinions like whether the possibility of Jesus Christ can ever really exist.
A heliocentric worldview stems from a deceptive experiment that serves as a certainty for the speculation of an absolute. Ultimately, fundamentalists use the same idea to undermine the New Age’s saviours or spiritual teachers. (Like Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Saint Germain, etc.) by advocating that there is only one saviour or one messenger. That one messenger is Jesus Christ, who reconciled the world to Himself by his sacrifice of the Cross (2 Cor. 5:19). A heliocentric worldview is also a false absolute. Therefore, one question is whether an exclusive saviour is true, considering that many spiritual teachers existed before Jesus. Anti-cultural trends like the iconoclasts, Biblical literalism and anti-liturgical movements started to develop. Alongside the Protestant movement – all of which was a precursor to atheism. Possibly, during this period of separation, these groups came about.
It would seem contemporary atheism adheres to Western modern liberalism secularist worldview, meaning a belief in Darwinian evolution and a heliocentric universe. The trick lies in believing that fundamentalists and secularists are separate from one another; in this particular case, they’re the same. Fundamentalist groups, mostly traditionalists, believe in a hyperreal-space universe to argue the merit of God, who has dominion over the Galaxy.
The earth is God’s creation, and we live in God’s universe. Man breathes His air by God’s mercy. Man perches precariously on a burned-out cinder with a hot core of nickel, 93 million miles from a large solar furnace that is held in place by a force known as gravity, a force no one really understands. Man spins on the earth at a speed of approximately twenty-five thousand miles per hour in space, and there is no guarantee he will be here in the next microsecond. Christians, however, may feel quite secure. The Scripture says our Father answers our calls to heaven; He never puts us on hold or takes the receiver off the hook. We can face tomorrow because we know He lives. The universe is held together not by esoteric avatars but by the God of the galaxies and the Creator of all things. |
The only correct statement in this distinct merging of secularist and fundamentalist worldviews is God’s creation of Earth. The rest is malarkey. With the quote: “The Scripture says our Father answers our calls to heaven; He never puts us on hold or takes the receiver off the hook.” What we have here is an ambiguous statement. Does this mean that the Father waits for our spirit to reach heaven? Or is it more about the intuition that He is ever-present as we grow spiritually and consciously? Intuition may be denied when viewed from a strict fundamentalist perspective, leading to an ambiguous interpretation of the statement. We continue believing that He is there, yet we may struggle to grow spiritually because there is only one path to God. Additionally, esoteric avatars need to be considered non-creators—does this include the Incarnate Christ Logos? This is the role of the God of the Galaxy. Esoteric avatars do not hold the universe together, which is not part of their job description. This perspective could be seen as a clever way to instruct other spiritual teachers while excluding their insights and glorifying a God of the Galaxy.
Fundamentalists’ notion of a saviour exists only through its notion of futurism while also being myopic about any other truth that surrounds the saviour myth; it gives the historical Jesus a way out of reasoning. Even if it had a chance to tell its truth, it’s dealt with many blockages because the truth surrounding the Son of God is so amorphic and buried under the weight of history and propaganda. What is left is a character of a myth that serves as an icon for pardoning people’s misdeeds while projecting other human qualities onto him.
Another potential for futurist notions is the end of days, and according to John, the end of days has been around for two thousand years. These are uncertain times supposedly (as man turns towards the Tree of Death). Mathew 28:20 states: “I will be with you even to the end of the world.” This is a mistranslation of the word ‘world,’ whose precise meaning is Aeon or Age. This misinterpreted astrological allegory has resulted in paranoid doomsday cults and fundamentalism. The end of days and the appearance of Messiah god are no different to the hopeful suggestion of a human mission to Mars. Only to be thwarted by unknown reasons, thereby pushing the date of the planned mission back indefinitely. The same can be said for the supposed end of days: no particular date can be confirmed or determined due to probabilities and a transient future. A hitchhiker’s guide to a fictional restaurant at the end of the universe seems more fitting for the end of days.
Fundamentalists and their close association with Evangelicalism believe themselves to be a unique institution that manifested itself to reality without its history. They have a mindset eerily similar to Calvinists, which they believe to be the chosen elect comes standard. And for the rest of the people outside their cult are sinners and exist only to serve as an example for them not to do. This gives them a reason to condemn people by announcing everyone is going to hell except them. This construct is Narcissistic, and by a deliberate design to put a system of psychological defects to be the spokespersons of the Church while embodying the notion of ego states. Fundamentalist groups wear the title of saints, but in reality, it is diabolical because it’s ideologically driven.
There is no denying the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and his story; this is by no means a way to rob his life of its central and eternal meaning. To do so would mean putting him and his religion in the same league as Buddha, Confucius, etc. Students must identify the fundamental difference between other spiritual teachers so that theory does not become something that takes away spiritual insight. If one is to accept that there is only one saviour, “Jesus Christ is the Son of God in a sense which no other is.” [Jesus was, as he claimed to be, the Son of God, but for that reason, he was and is God himself. Infinity can never be divided. How, then, can God, who is infinite, bestow part of his infinity upon another Being? To think this is to hold the illogical and anti-Scriptural idea of two gods–to step back, as Mohammedans say the Christians have, from monotheism to polytheism. – E.M. Lawrence Gould]
Jesus Christ, as a deity, is something that logic cannot prove or disprove; millions find comfort in him, and he appears in them spiritually via dreams and other spiritual means. Therefore, something outside the collective consciousness is always making itself known. In our current modernity, however, truth is replaced by dialecticism. There needs to be a separation from the deity archetype to the historical deity archetype; both have a commonality of transience, meaning history and memory can become fictional.
The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith: Reza Aslan, author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, refers to the separation from the Jesus of History versus the Christ of Faith, that the Christ of Faith is far more malleable for the global perspective. The Christ of faith implores a Gnostic idea. That is about building the Christ mythos for more meaningful interpretations of the Gospels and Jesus. [The Logos] becomes a hero and is forever reinterpreted as a heroic story throughout history. It implores the same idea but focuses on the difference between the history of Jesus and Christ of faith, which is different. However, one could go deeper and say that the history of Jesus is, in some ways, inspired by the history of Mithras.
It seems it’s distinguishing the false image of Jesus [commonly seen as androgynous, white-skinned and blue-eyed] as idolatry and hero-worship, which in turn leads towards the dangers of romanticism. So, the Jesus of history starts to morph into this false image of Jesus, which is different from the Christ of faith. This means that if you are white, then your Jesus is white, and if you have more melanin in your skin, your Jesus is of that.
While Reza Aslan’s notion of the Christ of Faith versus the Jesus of History makes a lot of sense, the malleability of the ‘Christ of Faith’ allows other countries and their nationality to have an inclusive quality for their understanding of Jesus, as opposed to an exclusive fundamentalist approach. This malleability, however, is open to all the facets and criteria for political correctness and is accessible to corruptness by woke-isim. Philo identified the same sort of thing by using logos as beings acting as agents or intermediaries to bridge the gap between God and the material world. To this, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Logos, the supreme Logos. You have to realise there is a difference between Jesus and Christ [Logos]. And it’s the Christ Logos that is malleable.
The Jesus of history is frozen or transfixed in place. And there are very few people who know about him. These are the facts. Take away the Gospels and Christian writings. The total of textual evidence is minimal. Christian writings do not count as evidence. They are documents of faith or creedal formulas. They are testimonials of faith, not historical biographies. What we do know is that Jesus was a Jew preaching Judaism to other Jews. The different historical footnote is that Jesus launched a popular apocalyptic messianic movement, one out of dozens. This movement signified the Kingdom of God, an idea adopted by John the Baptist, Jesus’s mentor. As a result of this movement, he was arrested for the crime of sedation by Rome. And ultimately was crucified; that is the total of Jesus of history.
Describing oneself as a Messiah during Jesus’s time was against the law. Being a messiah meant you were the descendant of King David, and we’re here to re-establish David’s Kingdom on Earth, ushering in the rule of God (and reconstituting the 12 tribes of Israel). If you claimed this at that time, it meant treason because you advocated for the dismantling of Caesar. The punishment was death through crucifixion, which was an exclusive Roman punishment for crimes against the state.
The crucifixion of Jesus was also about punishment for the practice of magic. Both Roman and Jewish people opposed any use of magic at the time. The mystery cult groups teach the work of Mark, which was kept hidden. It describes Jesus as a magician. This notion separated Christianity from Judaism. Before the crucifixion, Jesus and Mary were possibly taken in by John the Baptist and his wife. And this is where [speculating] Jesus was educated by (John) the Baptist – then he went to Egypt to work as a labourer and studied while being influenced by Heraclitus. Jesus left Egypt and, through his works, began a type of growth and understanding that one must go through levels of spiritual grades, which get categorized through different steps of Maguss.
Simon Magus was the first to claim that every human being has a shard of divinity, the divine fire. Some of these are mentioned through the work of the oldest Jesus material. Works that preceded the Gospel or even Paul, and what is there is a consolidation of material of the Eucharist. The study entails different variations that go back to Aramaic and Hebraic traditions. These are not Jewish but Egyptian; notions of ingesting the blood of a god played a role in the deep mystical religious traditions. It also indicates Jesus’s and Magdalene’s magical initiations by utilizing magical techniques to heal. Magdalene was the first key disciple and witness to the resurrection. Simon Magus was a disciple of John the Baptist with no mention of Jesus. Jesus, the name comes from Yahushua – the original being Joshua (saviour). Spiritual teachers at that time were referred to as saviours.
Simon Magus, the Samaritan, and his group practised mystery religion, a fusion of esoterica, Judaism, and Greek mystical thought. They hid this work in allegory through the character of Jesus, which was then taken up by more orthodox groups. The history of Christianity and what it is now would only be so astute with acknowledging Simon Magus’s work. There is even the notion among esoteric researchers that Magus and Jesus are the same.
Most of the Samaritan’s influences came from the Greeks, and they also had the original idea that Yahweh had a wife and a kid. This merging of influences and ideas resulted in a movement. And a way of thinking known as ‘Gnosis,’ further inspired by the Nag-Hammadi text ‘Gnosis the Blessed.’ This old document comments on the divinized God the Father, Adam and Seth (the divine man and saviour); the son of Man means Adam, the Son of Man being Seth.
Four canonized Gnostic Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) were inherently distinct. Mathew and Luke were writing the Gospels with no knowledge of each other. Other than having Mark’s work with them, they were trying to expand on Mark’s work, which is incomplete. What they added was the infancy narrative and the concept of resurrection. Mathew, Mark and Luke are known as Synoptics. The Gospel of John came about when it was no longer a Jewish Movement. It’s now Christianity, a Roman movement that has divorced itself from Judaism – the Jews are seen as the enemy. Seventy years ago, in a cave in a village called Nag-Hammadi in Upper Egypt. Numerous documents were found known as the Gnostic Gospels. These Gospels didn’t cut, including the works of Thomas, Phillip, Egyptians, and Magdalen. These writings represent diverse beliefs about early Christianity and who Jesus was. The work encapsulates the notion of inner divinity, the fire or shards of light. Information for a non-Biblical Jesus, however, is limited or doesn’t exist at all.
Alchemist-this-Jesus: In some of the previous posts, I described magic as a natural quality of our cosmos. Or precisely an observer cosmos that puts man at the centre, and according to psychedelic studies, this cosmos is language-based. And that our relationship with nature is essentially a relationship with magic. Which can be engaged naturally or practically; the practical engagement of this quality is what traditional and fundamentalist Christians view as occult practice, witchcraft or sorcery. And this is something that they are unwilling to understand. At the same time, certain Christian groups like the Pentecostals, with their practice of speaking tongues – are not recognised within their circle – but as long as they vote Republican, they can continue with their magic. Or any other form of divination that may come naturally in dreams. Commonly in the form of Christ’s Logos, which reveals it in all its divine glory – remember, the logo is malleable and may look like any other Avatar. To remedy this, they will stamp it with the approval of being ‘born again’ and change the Logos to Jesus.
A particular form of practical quality with nature [alongside magic] became known as ‘alchemy,’ which is about understanding the process of ‘matter.’ This included astrological doctrines. Alchemy is also a religion of Osiris, which became Christianity. Most secret societies have links to alchemy. The Templar’s Red Cross represents an astrological marker for the sun, and the red and white colours represent the two colours of the two stones. And the Rosicrucian name itself is related to dew [or Ros]. It is about water circulation outside the oven to capture the light. In genesis [which, in alchemy, is the practice process of matter] is described as good. The Alchemical process of capturing ‘light’ or ‘good’ is also about capturing water vapour through the four elements [earth, water, fire and air]. For my speculation, I summarise the oven as the allegorical cosmic egg. The antithesis of Dew is Crux, and the symbolic Rose is to mean design.
Jesus’s [or Logos] symbolic function in Alchemy is to represent the obelisk, notably the triangle at the top, to signify the ideal god with the perfect shape. And the Masonic six-pointed star meant bringing the upper and lower waters together. The eye in the middle of the triangle is Horus’s eye. It is akin to the unification of Jesus with his Father and being brought back down again. And this is represented in the connection of Osiris uniting with Horus, the union of matter and the sun as perfection.
Jesus as a magician is a view that can’t be acknowledged among traditionalists and fundamentalists. Doing so would mean breaking out of a demoralised state and centuries of brainwashing mechanisms set in place by thousands of years of religious-political dominance. It would somewhat consolidate numerous aspects of doctrines and then refute them all with a single biblical quote. We know this is a type of missing information tactic. Below is an example of such consolidation. Just remember it’s without its full context.
Johannes Trithemius (1462-1516) | An esoteric occult magician and a mentor to Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. He devoted himself to writing on angelic magic and integrated Jesus into his magical invocations. |
Arbatel of Magick (1655) | “The Spiritual Wisdom of the Ancients.” Jesus Christ is presented in the opening paragraphs as one who blesses magic and magical invocations. |
Heinrich (Henry) Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535) | German philosopher, writer, and university lecturer on magic, the occult, and Cabala. He claims there was particular magic in the name of Jesus, especially the Cabalistic four letters for Jehovah that he transforms into Jesus or Jesu. |
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) | In Swedenborg’s Earths in the Universe, we read that Jesus appeared on Jupiter, “The spirits and angels who are from the earth Jupiter . . . acknowledge our Lord. . . . They were asked, whether they know that the only Lord is a Man. They replied that they all know that He is a Man, because in their world He has been seen by many as a Man.” |
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891) | Taught the existence of a Hierarchy of Ascended Masters in heaven. Jesus is one of them. They teach the law of Karma and reincarnation that they claim Jesus taught and was also subject to. Blavatsky stated that Jesus is not the Christ: “For Christ—the true esoteric Saviour—is no man but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being.” |
Levi H. Dowling (1844–1911) | Dowling taught that there are many christs and that one is sent to “every world and star and moon and sun. His book Aquarian Gospel inspired by visions to build a white city, this knowledge brought forth from the Akashic Records from the Aquarian Masters. The Aquarian Gospel states, “When we say ‘Jesus the Christ’ we refer to the man and to his office; just as we do when we say Edward, the King, or Lincoln, the President. Edward was not always king, Lincoln was not always president, and Jesus was not always Christ. |
Alice Bailey (1880–1949) | Her first revelation of the Christ came in June 1945, during “the Full Moon of the Christ, just as the Full Moon of May is that of the Buddha.” She received an invocation (prayer) that her followers recite daily, and she informed them that Jesus Christ and the Hierarchy of the Ascended Masters also recite it daily. In the Hierarchy, Buddha and Christ will be exalted together: “Buddha and the Christ will together pass before the Father . . . and eventually pass to higher service of a nature and a caliber unknown to us.” |
Freemasonry | Masons teach that they can become Christs: “It is far more important that men should strive to become Christs than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ. . . . Jesus is no less Divine because all men may reach the same Divine perfection.” |
Guy Ballard (1878–1939) and Edna Ballard (1886–1971) | Founded a movement called the I AM movement and the Saint Germain Foundation. The Ballards made Jesus Christ one of the members of the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters, which is a hierarchy of heavenly beings (much like Theosophy). The Hierarchy, as it is called, is also known as the White Lodge, the Great White Lodge, and the Brotherhood. |
Harvey Spencer Lewis (1883–1939) and Max Heindel (1865–1919) | These American groups widely popularized Rosicrucianism, but others trace its history to small followings from the fourteenth century. Lewis claimed that Jesus was not Jewish— “Jesus was born of Gentile parents through whose veins flowed Aryan blood”—and he did not die on the Cross—“Jesus was not dead. |
Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) | Cayce taught that Jesus and Christ are distinct entities: “Christ is not a man! Jesus was the man! Christ was the Messenger! . . . Christ in all ages!” Jesus was a man who had been reincarnated as “Amilius, as Adam, as Melchizedek, as Zend, as Ur, as Asaph, as Jeshuah—Joseph—(Joshua)— Jesus. |
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (b. 1929) | Director of the Servants of the Light School, a European New Age group. She interpreted Jesus’ statement in John 20:17, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father” (KJV), as meaning that he had a body of proto matter that consisted of pure energy. |
Benjamin Creme (b. 1922) | A New Age student of Theosophy, who surprised the world with the 1982 announcement placed in seventeen of the world’s largest newspapers that “the Christ Is Now Here.” When asked how he knew this, Creme revealed that he received telepathic psychic messages from a Tibetan (similar to Alice Bailey) whom he had never seen nor met. He founded the TARA Center, a New Age organization. |
Linda Goodman, born Mary Alice Kemrey (1925–1995) | Goodman claimed to be a Christian, but she wrote that Jesus was a married man and had a “Twin Soul.” Everybody can be “the Christ” as Jesus was, since “Christ is simply another term for the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, which can enter into anyone.” On Jesus and the Trinity, she wrote, “Pluto’s vibratory Zero also contains the secret mystery of Christianity’s Holy Trinity. |
Helen Schucman (1909–1981) | Author of “A Course in Miracles (1975)” channeled by an inner voice she claimed was Jesus Christ. Schucman’s book aimed to correct errors in orthodox Christianity, which resulted in redefining many aspects of Christianity. |
David Spangler (b. 1945) | Promoter of paranormal and occult experience (out-of-body experiences, channeling and UFOs) and also embrace esoteric writings. He states: “The true birth of the Christ was not the birth of Jesus. Jesus was an individual who himself had to recapitulate certain stages. He built upon the pattern the Buddha had established. . . . He himself had to become awakened. He had to, in his consciousness, touch this Christ pattern.” |
Jane Roberts (1929–1984) | Roberts wrote a series of books called The Seth Material, based on her encounters with this entity. In Roberts’s view, the Christ is not Jesus alone, but is a group of people, chiefly Jesus, John, and Paul, the last of whom she stated, “The third personality of Christ will indeed be known as a great psychic.” |
Elizabeth Clare Prophet (b. 1939) | Prophet wrote, “Jesus used mantras and he taught them to his disciples in the Upper Room, but much of this is not recorded in Scripture.” In their prayers, Prophet’s followers call for the Cosmic Christ: “I call for the great light of understanding of the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya; of Jesus Christ and Kuthumi, the World Teachers; of Gautama Buddha and all who are serving with the evolutions of the earth for the advancement of consciousness.” |
Paul Twitchell (1918–1971) | A religious organization that practices esoteric soul-travel. ECK is the Divine Spirit. As an ECK Master, the reincarnated Jesus Christ soul-traveled and helped others do the same. Christ is actually an ECK Master from 3000 BC. Years later these particular individuals found that it wasn’t Jesus at all; it was the ECK Master Gopal Das.” Gopal Das, who is identified as Jesus Christ here, is also called the founder of the mystery cults of Osiris and Isis. |
Charles Boyd Gentzel “El-Morya” (1922–1981) and Pauline Sharpe “Nada-Yolanda” (1925– 2005) | Founders of Mark-Age, Inc., an occult group that mixes UFOs with Theosophical ideas. Gentzel and Sharpe received messages from UFO aliens and “etheric teachers” via automatic writing, and they taught that Jesus was the Christ or Sananda, orbiting the earth in a UFO as the commander of a fleet of UFOs that occasionally landed to demonstrate their reality to earthlings. |
Claude Vorilhon (b.1946) (1987) | Also known as Rael, is the founder of the UFO cult the Raelian movement (1987). They surfaced in international news in 2002 by claiming to clone the first human baby. Rael claims extraterrestrial creators were misunderstood as “gods” and that they originated our main religions, namely that, “Jesus, whose father was Eloha, was given the task of spreading these messages [the Rael messages] throughout the world.” It was further stated that Jesus, Moses, Buddha, and Mohammed were alive on the extraterrestrials’ planet through an advanced cloning technique, which they claim is “the secret of eternal life.” |
William S. Sadler (1897–1969) | Founder of the Urantia Foundation (1955) and the transcribing and publishing of The Urantia Book. In The Urantia Book, the Paradise Trinity consists of “the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit.” They created “Creator Sons” called “Michaels.” The Creator Michaels created some 7 trillion inhabited planets (including earth), where “they are as Creators and Gods.” Michael of Nebadon is the creator of Urantia (earth). Jesus’ incarnation is described as follows: “The Eternal Son did come to mortal man on Urantia when the divine personality of his Son, Michael of Nebadon, incarnated into the human nature of Jesus of Nazareth. “His material or physical body was not a part of the resurrected personality. When Jesus came forth form the tomb, his body of flesh remained undisturbed in the sepulcher.” |
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (b. 1942) | Yarbro popularized the Michael Teaching groups, and subsequent authors have published more than a dozen additional books containing “Michael Teachings” from various Michael groups in America. HE states: “Greek thought had much influence upon the man Jesus; particularly Epicurius . . . Jesus was an occult master. . . . The man you call Jesus did not die on the Cross but died later.” Michael went on to reveal that Jesus was not virgin born and that he was a married man. |
Patricia Crowther (b. 1927) | A Witch high priestess and spokesperson for Witchcraft, said this about Jesus: “I believe he was a Witch. He worked miracles or what we would call magic, cured people and did most things expected from a Witch. He had his coven of thirteen.” |
Jeane Dixon (1904–1997) | A world-famous psychic and astrologer who claimed to predict the assassination of the United States president John F. Kennedy through psychic powers. Dixon claimed that her psychic gifts came from the Lord, saying, “It is an awesome and inspiring feeling to be a worker for the Lord,” and, “I have been given certain psychic gifts which I have been working to develop and use in accordance with God’s will.” |
Mary T. Browne (n.d.) | A New York–based psychic and best-selling author who has more than five thousand clients from Wall Street and other upper-class professionals dependent upon her psychic abilities for their careers. Browne said of Christ, “Jesus was psychic. He told Thomas [correction, Peter], ‘Before the cock crows, you will betray me three times.’ Tell me; is that not a psychic prediction?” |
Anton Szandor LaVey, born Howard Stanton Levey (1930–1997) | The author of The Satanic Bible (1969) and the founder of the Church of Satan (1966). The Satanic Bible says little about Jesus Christ, since that is not the subject; however, the following lines call Jesus a powerless “mad redeemer” and mock his crucifixion. |
Judy Zebra Knight (J. Z. Knight), born Judith Darlene Hampton (b. 1946) | A deep trance channeler for a thirty-five-thousand-year-old spirit named Ramtha; she is the founder of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (1987). Knight wrote that Jesus was a God, just as other humans are, which places him in the status of a brother and not a savior. She also claimed that Jesus became a Christ, just as other humans have done, and that Jesus is not responsible for our salvation, because he was saving himself through the realization that he was God. |
This tactic avoids an argument that proves their argument too weak when juxtaposed with the full context of other researchers. For example, Swedenborg was a prolific author. He was also a scientist, philosopher, and theologian, often described as a universal genius. Jesus appearing in Jupiter is akin to Christ appearing before Jehovah, and we know Jupiter is another name for Jehovah. What makes Swedenborg interesting is his claim that he had a spiritual awakening in his mid-50s. From here on, his writing would become prophetic, an artist-prophet, but his intention was not for entertainment but something else. Perhaps educating people on the knowledge of what comes after death. Therefore, one must refrain from summarising its meaning in one synopsis.
Both Traditional/new-fundamentalists identify the New Age’s endeavour to alter Jesus’ nature to something magical or otherworldly. Taking such considerations is out of the question. Approaching Jesus as an idea instead of a person is not considered either. They feel they are blending Jesus into any mixture of false doctrines. And the way to differentiate these other ideological doctrines is to understand the theological term Christology. This can then separate Christianity from the New Age, which is a magical or occult worldview; as we know, Christian theology concerning a person, nature, and the role of Christ cannot be absolute without its history. The evidence for a historical Jesus, excluding the Gospels and Christian writings, is minimal or non-existent. We know Christian writings are non-evidential Creedal formulas and not historical biographies. One can identify a manipulation tactic when the Biblical Jesus is the standard to which all others must take a back seat. This means other philosophies or principles fall into the second favour. The effect can be stifling. Never mind the non-canonized Gnostic text that didn’t make the cut or other spiritual teachers that came before Christ.
The New Age cannot be defined as one statement because it’s essentially doctrineless and an amorphous spiritual movement. The golden age of the New Age no longer exists, which once housed an eclectic amalgamation of knowledge – from esotericism to hidden history, philosophy, mysticism and so forth, due to a deliberate effort of a post-hippie neo-Theosophist subculture to undermine the movement which began after the death of Esalen co-founder Dick Rice. The handing over of the movement to corporate powers like the Rockefeller groups helped build it into a New Age empire. This resulted in numerous books that were watered-down versions of ancient teachings that have been around for thousands of years.
Furthermore, the magical notions of Jesus (now consolidated as the New Age according to a fundamentalist perspective) are all in their way identifying the magical Jesus as their ‘Christ of Faith.’ Fundamentalists will try to convince people to forget or ignore theologians’ and Unitarian’s historical observations of the gospel and the Dead Sea Scrolls. This would mean acknowledging the Gospel teaching of Mark (These teachings were canonised works anyway) but was kept hidden, and it describes Jesus being a magician. They will instead elude you to the concept of Christology and for you to ask yourself: who is Jesus of Nazareth? And if you answer He is the eternal God in human form, anything occult disintegrates. However, it has more to do with acknowledging the Christ of Faith rather than the Jesus of History because we know the Jesus of History doesn’t match historical evidence. Fundamentalists would argue, “the Jesus of the occult is not the Jesus of the Bible” It’s beside them that Jesus of the Bible is not the Jesus of History, but the Christ of Faith. They wish for Jesus of the Bible to be Jesus of history as an attempt to use literalism as a tool to invert the higher self.
Fundamentalists-Christians and their dialectic nemesis, mythicists, and esoteric authors are usually forever in contention with each other. Some outside religions exist, mainly students, bloggers, sympathisers, etc. Who argues against pessimistic people about the historical Jesus but doesn’t fully sway towards fundamentalism. There is a debate between facts and reason (evidence versus common sense). Logically, people should lean towards evidence before reason in a sane world. However, they are always on the back foot because of various stringent fundamentalist structures set in place. Essentially, fundamentalist Christians can believe in this […] without evidence because of religious faith but cannot recognise evidential facts.
The main argument stems from the lack of evidence outside Biblical reference and no historical documentation for Jesus’ existence. Believers of a historical Jesus will give unsubstantial reasons like Jesus was a political rebel, and that alone is enough to be written out of history. Furthermore, the only sources for information back then came from Jewish or Roman scribes, who would’ve had no interest in documenting a trouble-making Jew who claimed to be a Messiah, which was many at the time. As for having parallels with pagan fertility gods like Adonis and Osiris or solar saviour sun gods, it only proves Jesus as a mythological figure. While fundamentalists will argue testimony from apostles supported by archaeological findings is enough for a credible historical Jesus to exist.
Common sense as reason gives an intriguing perspective (because it pulls at the heartstrings of intuition). However, it will always come down to shared knowledge as reason that will get rational people on board. Finding that acquired evidence thereby influences the collective – although finding evidence that doesn’t exist is troublesome, they will usually counterfeit evidence anyway (Josephus comes to mind). Josephus is the evidence Christians give for a historical Jesus, but Bishops have called it a forgery. Josephus mentions Christ as the anointed one (which is a title anyway). Josephus lived around the same time as Saint Paul, and Paul was the leading Christian figure in Rome then. His works seem to be forgery, not by him but by the Church. If you separate his epistle writings from the New Testament, he clearly describes the story from the crucifixion onwards and never references Jesus. Scholars identify Paul as having parallels with Apollonius, meaning it could be the same person. In the Greek understanding of names, Apollonius (Apollos) equals Paulus (Paul).
Apostle Paul influenced the development of Christianity and Philo. Philo was a philosopher who attempted to combine Greek and Jewish philosophy. Philo discussed the incarnate word ‘Logos’ (the living word of God), an idea developed by the Greeks. Philo thought that God created and governed the world through mediators. Logos is the chief among them, the next to God, and the demiurge of the world. Logos is immaterial, an adequate image of God, his shadow, and his firstborn son. Being the mind of the Eternal, Logos is imperishable. He is neither uncreated as God is nor created as men are, but occupies a middle position. He has no autonomous power, only an entrusted one.
Philo describes the word that appears in the New Testament. Is it just a mere coincidence, or is it something manufactured and copied?
Philo: | The logos of the living God is the bond of everything holding all things together … | ||
Colossians 1:17 | And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. |
Testimony from the Apostles as evidence can be disenchanting when you are forced to take it as absolute because the four Gospels conflict with fundamental matters of Jesus Christ’s life. Due to competing schools of Christian thought, they were brought together in the New Testament because they all agreed that Jesus should be someone who lived. This is why other Gospel stories were left out of the New Testament; it outlines some of Jesus’s stories as fictional; these other Gospel stories are known as Gnostic Gospels.
Justin Martyr was one of the leading Christian writers who wanted to make Jesus a historical figure. His writings are available in original Greek, and the Catholic Church made no changes. In these original writings, Justin quotes the Old Testament over 300 hundred times and never quotes Mark, Mathew, Luke or John, but he does refer to Gnostic Gospels. In his writings, Justin continually argues with the Gnostics about whether Jesus existed. From his writings, historians can reconstruct the arguments with Gnostic Christians who knew Jesus was not originally a historical figure. These prove that the Four New Testament Gospels did not exist before Justin’s death in 165 AD. The Apostles did not write the Gospels, as evidenced by the Catholic Encyclopaedia. Therefore, with the admittance of historical documents and Christian scholars, if the Apostles didn’t write the Gospels, it meant the Apostles never existed, and neither would Jesus. Such suggestions indicate the Gospels are not analogies of history but rather comparisons of historical fiction. In another way, fictional drama added to a historical setting. So, it could very well be that Jesus was a solar deity of the Gnostic Christian sect, and like all other Pagan gods, he was a mythical figure.
The myth was the language of the ancient world, somewhat synonymous with science-fiction writers of today. It’s about documenting stories; within it, little motifs are taken from everywhere and put together in a new order, which can be transformative. That’s what myth is and what Jesus’ story is. Roman Catholic Church adopted literalist Christianity, then forced almost by its logic to turn on the ancient mysteries. In this supposition, you have the idea that one Man has come and is the son of God, and you must also believe in him to be saved. You become duty-bound to enforce it, and the spiritual tolerance that marked out the ancient world would end. As a result, mysterious groups, such as pagan and gnostic sects, were abolished. This led to the suppression of the ancient world’s intellectual foundation. Consequently, the Western world experienced a collapse that ultimately resulted in the onset of the Dark Ages.
Every culture in the ancient Mediterranean has taken this perennial myth, which probably originated in Egypt (or it could be as oldest as the Neolithic era) and made its own. What we see happening is the story of Jesus or Joshua (Joshua being the first template) started to merge with the Pagan story (dying and resurrecting). These can be accounted for in Alexandria, where 25 per cent of the population was Jewish, and all spoke Greek. This is where Jewish and Pagan mythology came from, which is made more evident by texts (known as intertestamental texts) that clearly outline the Pagan and Jewish crossover.
Consider common sense as a form of reasoning and the notion that history has separated Jesus from mythology. This is a claim with merit because it indicates that Jesus was a follower of John the Baptist. Jesus began his ministry after John’s arrest. Jesus was a mystic and a magus, preaching an explicitly spiritual message during an intensely political time. A reference in the “Jewish Mysticism and Magic: An Anthropological Perspective” indicates Jesus as a mystic and a magician. It describes scientists led by Franck Goddio of the Oxford Center for Maritime Archaeology finding a bowl dating between the late 2nd century B.C and the early 1st century A.D. What they found engraved in the bowl seems to be the first reference to Christ. The typography reads: “DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS,” which has been interpreted by the excavation team to mean either; “by Christ the magician” or “the magician by Christ.” If this is a reference to the Biblical Christ, it confirms that Christianity and paganism were intertwined. Frank Goddio said, “It could very well be a reference to Jesus Christ, in that he was once the primary exponent of white magic.”
This little declaration goes against fundamentalist ideals and their attempt to generalize notions of magic and anything else that goes against their literal Biblical ideology, which always at times comes around to contradict themselves. For fundamentalists to accept archaeological findings or evidence is wishful thinking, considering they can’t even accept Jesus as a (Jewish) Mystic. To them, scholars (and occult writers) are arbitrarily adding false attributes that fit their purpose because mysticism allows them to form Jesus in their image and not in his biblical image. It is safe to say that the Biblical image of a blue-eyed, androgynous white saviour is adopted. If you want to track the historical image of Jesus, you will come to find a dark-skinned spiritual teacher. Something fundamentalism that started as a racially radical movement would have trouble coming to terms with. A seemingly better way to rationalize a Biblical image of Jesus is through the Christ of Faith, making the image of Christ more flexible. According to them, they add false attributes to fit their purpose. As we know, no (non-Biblical) historical evidence exists for Jesus Christ. Accepting the archaeological findings would mean being flexible regarding the Biblical image. The notion of ‘Curious arts’ does not mean acts of divination but encompasses magic more in tune with the nature of spirit.
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (25):
Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:
Romanticism and the Artist Prophet(s) [Posted initially on 25th July 2021]: We discussed transcending the self with the imagination in the last post. And that if we deny the imagination in society’s central role, it’s an attempt to deny the other. Within this denial also rests self-interest, which the creative process exemplifies. All while realising imagination and ethics are not romantic, in so much as a person with talent is not inherently romantic, they’re at most to have exceptional skills. It’s a way to distinguish healthy imagination from the heroic model. The preference for self-interest takes form in this denial to which a healthy ‘imagination’ is only reticent for a few superior people. Take this quote by Schopenhauer:
The man who is endowed with imagination is able, as it were, to call up spirits, who at the right time reveal to him the truths which the naked reality of things exhibits only weakly, rarely, and then for the most part at the wrong time. Therefore, the man without imagination is related to him, as the mussel fastened to its rock… Schopenhauer, |
There are variations to this heroic model: fundamentalists follow the occult of personality. With it comes certain missing truths, insights, and context due to its simplistic framing. Or the belief that imagination is strongest only among marginal or unstable people, exemplified by pure scientists and artists. Related to this is the view of imagination as being fundamentally romantic. Viewing it this way tends to be marginal or even dangerous because seeing the imagination as something wonderful or essential can only be attained among the few. Such as it is, this opens it up to those with no [or minimal] imagination, reducing it or attempting to structure the imagination.
Therefore, the Romantic Movement in the 19th century was a reaction to the dominance of rationality. On the other hand, this conception is best not perceived as its opposite but instead its tangent appeal. The romantic hero is akin to an adolescent child full of angst, weeping, and perhaps suicidal. It was a reaction to what it opposed; during that era, it was the early industrial landscape. The greater the romantic expression – the more it defines a rational ideal. Romanticism became a way to measure the imagination, but at the same time, imagination is full of uncontrolled emotion. Therefore, has a habit of falling back into or aligning themselves with those without imagination. They are kindly controlling the imagination; they are the rock attached to those who have it. However, one must not associate artists and scientists with uncontrolled emotion because they are ultimately driven by uncertainty. Therefore, these emotions are often regulated by the need for corporatism or the romantic slur of leadership that morphs itself into dictatorships.
Awareness of these dichotomies is helpful because they can differentiate themselves from their abstract; the imagination is only attained by a few in as much as a belief that specialization implies privileged access to truth. Pure scientists don’t get attention because truthful science is pedantic and time-consuming. You can’t attach a heroic model to something essentially monotonous. And this is why the heroic mechanism is glorified through scientism. While the artist’s heroic model, in essence, is ‘the artist prophet,’ which is an elitist privilege, the artist-prophet is blessed and stands as a priest figure. Their imaginings are deemed mystical, almost religious. They can call up spirits and, therefore, reveal truths. In this assertion, the imagination belongs to the Oracle, the sage or the Sybil. They are the elite, although a marginal elite – the artist as a religious prophet.
The romantic danger only applies to how you see it – whether you’re more inclined to be romantic or tend to head towards cynicism. We depend on the artist-prophet, but we must not value the elitist privilege so much as we ignore our remarkability. The parallel is the same as being Christian without really knowing [or wanting to know] what the parables are about in the Bible. Imagining the other is denied. Or the imagination is withheld in any varied imaginable situation.
Cynical Danger: Or be it … they allow Christian conspiracy theory to do the imagining for them as they use etymology as a propaganda tool rather than for educational purposes. And there is also a need to implore false-to-fact abstractions of meaning in symbols and images. Conspiracy theorists Christians use etymology as a function through a process to build theories and propaganda. Their motivation is irrelevant here, but the reason and foundation of truth for the ‘word’ is essential. However, will it change the modern meaning of the word? Does the word Satan and its meaning revert to its original context of opposition or the iconographic image of the red beast? Is it going to discern Satan from Lucifer? Is it going to denounce the biblical names of the 12 apostles back to their Middle Eastern titles?
Christian-conspiracy-theorist’s consensus surrounding Gnosticism and esotericism has always been itemised through a fundamentalist lens, in which an Illuminati cabal is the culprit. Mystery cults were the rebels, the resistance, and the counter-culture to the autocratic state of that time. This cynical way of thinking started in an Evangelical/Conservative group that was overly vocal about their fundamentalist stance. Particularly concerning is Jack T. Chick, a Protestant comic book artist whose name has become synonymous with ‘Chick Comics.’ He used the comic book format to outline his crusade against sin, Catholicism, and rock music and was notably anti-Catholic.
This thinking pattern spread throughout evangelical groups and would be absorbed in the fundamentalist catalogue of ideologies. This thinking pattern approaches the symbol by reducing it to its historical contingency. This means any symbolic image that goes back to its historical origin and is accompanied by visual analogies is enough to explain the symbolism. It needs to be more complex and has many factors outlining a lot of fallacies.
For example, a symbol found in the Orthodox Church [whatever that may be] will inevitably be linked back to the Catholic Church. And that very same symbol from the Catholic Church falls in line historically with images from ancient Egypt. Rightly so because it’s coming from the worship of solar-god deities, but because, similarly, it must therefore prove the Catholic Church is Satanic, Pagan and evil. In doing so, separating their symbol [that originated from the Catholic Church] from the Orthodox Church and announced their version of Christianity as pure. They can identify symbolic analogies between cultures, but a fallacy is present when they decry the other as evil, which is beyond bias. That’s not to say the Catholic Church is without transgression. The most common misdeed is sexual abuse found systematically around the Churches.
Jack Kirby’s Face on Mars is a Face on Earth: Jack Kirby, a well-known comic book artist, is the opposite of Jack Chick. Chick is a clear fundamentalist who hides his materialism in ‘Prosperity Gospel’ with a coating of gas-lighting. And just like other fundamentalists that came before him, it’s all about setting up strawmen, scapegoats and, in most cases, it’s a Masonic Cabal that’s part of a vast, insidious conspiracy. It sounds more romantic than the Christian white middle class denouncing modernism, secularism, and liberalism. To which they once favoured until global corporate interests no longer favoured their interests. Although the romantic side comes from many conspiracy theories, Chick was a traditionalist. However, this is about the imagination, which Chick had none given his Evangelical filter, which often regulates the intuition to common sense. In other words, intuition is made redundant, but Jack Kirby was free from this ideological setback.
Jack Kirby, in many aspects, can be described as an artist prophet given the uniqueness of his storytelling and the imagery he portrayed on paper. And often, it was prophetic, perhaps due to his uncanny ability to predict future events. This ability became evident during his time in the war; this experience led to post-traumatic stress. To which he took psychedelic drugs as a treatment. Often, such mind trips come with it: contact with alien beings. In his storytelling, this explains his psychic-alien contact obsession, interlaced with ancient alien theory. And no one like him has come to pass afterwards.
Christian conspiracy theorists often find significance in coincidences or events appearing in media and the arts before their actual occurrence. For Jack Kirby, a prominent comic book artist, these manifestations appeared in his comic book panels. Real-life events would unfold that he had already depicted in his artwork years earlier. However, for conspiracy groups, this phenomenon is interpreted as evidence of a larger conspiratorial agenda. Additionally, some Christian truthers argue that this is part of an esoteric agenda linked to occultism and its historical context.
One must distinguish imaginative prophetic processes from orchestrated rituals and symbols for conspiracy agendas. The difference between secret symbols and images found in the United States one-dollar bill – to an aeroplane plunging itself towards two high-rise buildings as depicted in the comic-book panels, for an entirely different narrative than a 9-11 event is apparent [or rather Kirby foretold]. However, it’s the symbolic coincidence that makes it intriguing. Nevertheless, traditional Christians are stuck in a linear causality examined in the notion that Arabs are responsible for the crash of 9/11 events. For truthers, that’s not the case, but as a thought experiment, what if it was confirmed in a linear causality rather than a simulated one? What would be the reaction? Both the simulated and linear disturb the order of things, and both ways attack the principle of self. However, one is less severe than the other because it deploys employees for the simulated distribution of labour.
If 9/11 played out in a linear casualty way, it would be less fantastical because the image would not be as pronounced. And this is due to the laws of physics being predominately transfixed. Meaning buildings won’t fall, and only minor devastation exists. However, the opposite occurred; the simulated 9-11 hoax did happen. Hoaxes are similar to the complex structure revealed before and after the event. [Inscribed in the decoding and orchestration rituals of the media, anticipated in their presentation and their possible consequences. – Baudrillard, J]. Linear causality, however, would’ve had uncertainty and authenticity and become apparent. The media’s push for false idolatry and the propagation of the inflated image would be unplanned, and so become legitimate. The simulated hoax itself is more alarming. [More dangerous as it always leaves open to supposition that, above and beyond its object, law and order themselves might be nothing but a simulation. – Baudrillard, J]
In my conspiracy theory and reason post, I described Kirby’s imaginative prophetic processes through the need to acknowledge that mortality and timelessness exist and that our dreams link us to the collective unconscious. There are many access points to the unconscious, but the most common is the turn-up in dreams. To which synchronicity plays a part, especially in articulating those dreams and insights for understanding? This would also mean understanding variations of synchronicities found in art, stories, music, sounds, and myths and the personage of their actions, courage, fear, and physical nature and relationship to the non-human. Kirby applied animism creatively to reach within the synchronistic whole and inject his awareness through comic book panels.
Although there is a safe version of hero-worship, the kind that is not about unhealthy adoration of inspiration and embodiment, I tend to accept a secure version of romanticism, aside from the awareness that romanticism sits in the shadow of rational methodology. Here, it tries to be open and inclusive to others but is only thwarted by its logic and becomes exclusive and closed off. The kind of effect that produces megalomania and totalitarianism. Although Coleridge [in 1808], at the height of the Romantic Movement, argued that creative imagination was part of the ‘balance-loving nature of man’, a sentiment instantly consolidated ‘as a single unifying force within all creative acts.’ To which it would be ‘the one power of the imagination.’ There was backlash amongst intellects because this was undoubtedly an attempt to reduce the imagination to be defined as one power. The imagination is more like the unnameable Dao. Of course, this differs from denying or resisting oneness or denying the Monad. This safe version of romanticism, I’m claiming, is the kind that the New Age promotes, and that is of love and trust.
Scientism acts as a filter for the heroic model in an attempt to grasp uncertainty. Therefore, akin to believing secularism will inevitably lead to enlightenment. Of course, it will lead to its opposite, ‘materialism,’ a romantic ideal hidden in reason. In light of the scientistic institute apparatus becoming undone, so do most of its imaginative babblings. Which often parallel science-fiction storytelling – the distinctions, however, are in the authors – between the scientism’s hyper theories portrayed as facts vs. artist-prophets and their insights as entertainment?
Kirby finely moulded both or flawlessly mixed his obsession with a materialist/reductionist worldview and his obsession with aliens, UFOs and ancient astronauts. However, our new normal upholds a resistance to satellite cosmology because other simulated constructs are obligated to play along with its simulation. The difference is about the levels of fiction you’re willing to accept: NASA and ancient astronauts. Within a mythical base, ancient astronauts can fit technological Atlantean brethren whom the indigenous people recognised as a cargo cult, which bears more truth because of its myth than NASA–astronauts simulating space in an underwater pool for factual propaganda. Kirby also had an interest in paranormal phenomena, and after his death, people came to recognise he tended to predict future events in illustrative form.
Notably, his insight about a mysterious hidden planet between Mars and Jupiter, [in a Sitchin setting] this planet is Nibiru or Planet X, or [in a theosophical sense] Tiamat. However, Kirby had made this notion of a mystery planet two decades before Sitchin. Kirby’s allegorical Face on Mars [often inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs – ‘Warlord of Mars’ who himself was inspired by theosophy] depicts a team of astronauts landing on Mars and discovering a large monument equal in size to a large building but aesthetically shaped like a Face. An astronaut finds his way inside through the eye and finds himself in a breathable atmosphere and a civilised landscape home to giant humanoids. He then witnesses a briefing amongst the giants indicating a space-militant force coming from a hidden planet. To which the giant humanoids [Martians] decide to destroy it with a doomsday bomb. The hidden planet [Tiamat] was destroyed, and it later became known as the asteroid belt [our asteroid belt, as it were] between Mars and Jupiter. Mars would become barren and lifeless.
Regarding his depiction of giant heads, these stories from ‘The Face on Mars’ and ‘The Great Stone Face’ explored comic book imagery of massive stone heads. These comic-book depictions were inscribed decades before the authentic, satellized images of Cydonia’s face on Mars. During that time, people were amazed by this – although this was a time when most people believed in moon landings. We were enamoured with futurism, and space travel was just several years away. However, given the new normal, we know it is fiction. Images relating to Cydonia may be bogus and perhaps made by a NASA employee. In light of this, it doesn’t make Kirby less prophetic; it’s merely shifting semantics.
Kirby’s fascination with Giant heads signifies his fascination with historical mystery regarding ancient civilisations [and aliens]. Easter Island and its giant carved stone faces are reminiscent of this fascination. Let’s ask, what if a similar Face found itself on the hyperreal planet Mars? Hyperreal space is just an extension of Earth’s sacred Centre and its mysteries. Life’s creation and drama are centred on the Centre as a gateway to the gods. This drama takes the play in the backdrop of the Pleroma [both lower and higher Pleroma], to which hyperreal space is a symbol.
Also, Easter Island itself would be the start and end of a circular topographical sacred site journey that spans most of the ancient sites on Earth. An alignment that is equal to the equator; all seems too evident to be just incidental. Just place these historic sacred sites of credible intrigue among the backdrop of hyperreal space and other planets. [Given our hyperreal heliocentric model, the preciseness of this equation is left uncertain]. In my speculation, planets represent geometric morphing fluid states as a gateway to another bardo or dimension. And what these other planes of existence are like, I leave that to your imagination. It also marks a spot or a step further in a spiritual journey towards a higher spiritual hierarchy – to the Trinity to oneness [to God].
Michael Keefe.
[I’m going to continue with ‘occultism and post-awakening natures’, especially regarding artist-prophets because there are a lot more artists who are prophets out there to discover. However, for now, it will have to continue later. I’m trying to finish this fundamentalism section, which is almost finished.]