Occultism and the Living World (10)
Mystics & Artist-Prophets: . . Superpowers – Instrumental Reasoning as an Idea can Fail; the Cornelius Agrippa Effect: The wars of religion, the Reformation, and the Counter-Reformation played a more chaotic role in history than the Enlightenment period. Establishing the Enlightenment required a secular governance model that avoided the religiosityRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (09)
Mystics & Artist-Prophets: . . Superpowers – The Infinite/Finite Reality: As we continue from the previous post regarding mathematicians and reality, we conclude that math is not reality. However, Dr Dear Radin, a parapsychologist, disagrees with this truism; instead, he thinks math is reality. He believes any sufficiently complex systemRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (08)
Mystics & Artist-Prophets: . . Superpowers—Blavatsky Chooses Heaven over the Earth: Blavatsky is one of these [artist-mystics] elites who can bring spirits down to earth. She was beyond your average spiritualist of that time, especially in New York. She was a magician rather than a medium—she didn’t allow her bodyRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (07)
Mystics & Artist-Prophets: . . Superpowers – The Real Madame Web & Theosophy: The timeline of 120 years, following from the 1500s to the beginning of the 30-year war, was a constant effort in parts of Europe to change society forward into a magical revolution. Europe of the 11th andRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (06)
The Awakening: . . Magic is Real – Luna-Lunatic Age – Protect me from the Forces of Darkness: In Ptolemy’s era, Astrology was widely accepted among the courts and academics; however, by the fourth century [A.D], the Church’s forefathers strongly disliked it. They labelled the practice divinatory, and such practices wouldRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (05)
The Awakening: . . Magic is Real – Gold Will Seed Our Civilisations: Ancient astronauts claimed that advanced Alien humanoids called Anunnaki were in Africa to excavate gold and craft genetically modified humans to do the hard labour. It’s difficult to verify this assumption, but according to researchers and archaeologists,Read More…
Occultism and the Living World (04)
The Awakening: . . Magic is Real – Summary of our Magical History: The last teacher of the Mystery Cult was Pythagoras, who introduced the concept of numbers being connected with God. He explained how one becomes two; then two finds its synthesis to become three, and three breaks openRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (03)
The Awakening: . . Heroes in the Sign of Aries: The idea of an infinite cosmology of stars, a revolutionary concept introduced by Bruno, was so powerful that it left the medieval Hellenistic era behind. However, this daring notion led to Bruno’s tragic fate; he was sentenced to death atRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (02)
The Awakening: . . The Aspirations of the Solar Cultist Bruno: The 30-year war was triggered by the end of the alchemical dream, a concept initiated by Dee. This dream, which had a profound impact, was a driving force in the political dynamics of Europe during the war. Initially, theRead More…
Occultism and the Living World (01)
The Awakening: . . Man’s Divinity & Destiny: In the previous post, we discussed how McKenna’s view of spiritual practices is biased compared to a psychedelic approach. According to him, spiritual practices serve as a crucial aspect in enhancing psychedelic development. However, without the aid of these substances, it takesRead More…